Author Topic: A Bounty Hunter Emerges in Yliakum  (Read 887 times)

Unar Cho-Sen

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A Bounty Hunter Emerges in Yliakum
« on: July 10, 2006, 08:18:10 am »
[Unar Cho-Sen]
[RP]The Fallen Star

Unar looks up at the eastgate of Hydlaa. A cat stands between her feet and matches her gaze. The cat is white but for one black spot it wears around its right eye and ear.

Her darkly-hooded shawl casts shadows across her face. It drapes across her shoulders and down over her arms. At her sides she wields two shields, which look as effective for attack as they may be for defence. Painted in black upon them are symbols marking her as a sword for hire.

Before she lowers her head and walks into the city, her mind runs through the events which lead her back to wander the roads under this new banner.

How much you all know of Unar so far will vary. Who was Unar? Why was she doing what she was doing? Why klyros? The reflection below tells of recent events leading to her new change, and holds many clues.

Unar strode quietly through the alleys of Sarraghi, Ojaveda. Approaching a side-alley, she stopped, sensing a presence.

“Elder Sedokan.”, she observed.

Realizing he’d been detected, the plump old Menki hobbled quickly out of the shadows, “Is the Instrument safe?!”

Unar nodded. The Elder glanced about.

“Unar”, he urged, ”Why are you not in Hydlaa? It is too dangerous for you here!”

Suddenly from above there was the crack of wings and a blast of air. In that instant Unar read the shadow falling at their feet. She caught the klyros by the throat, whirled and slammed it into the dust. A dagger spun in her free hand and plunged into its chest. There she pinned him as he hissed, writhed, and fell still. She tore an enki cub’s foot from the cord about his neck, and rose calmly to face her great uncle again. The old menki starred wide-eyed, for a moment, before throwing an arm around her back and hastening her on towards home.

She was met at the door of her sandstone house by many pairs of hugging arms. She lowered her hood and smiled into the faces of her sisters, brothers, cousins, and mother. Her mother was the first to notice the dried blood flecking Unar’s white fur.

“My dear, what happened?! Are you alright?”, her face creased with concern.

“She killed one of ‘Them’!”, panted Elder Sedokan. The eyes of her siblings and cousins turned wide and filled with questions. Her mother ushered her through the small crowd as they began to whisper all at once, and took her into the private quarters. In the quiet of the dressing room, her mother held her again.

She took Unar by the shoulders and smiled at her, “Oh Unar, you are home!”

Unar saw longing for a simple homecoming in her mother’s smile, and many doubts about what the return could mean buried in her eyes.

“We must let you get cleaned up”, her mother fussed over her, helped her to undress. She halted as she unholstered the silverweave dagger, covered in blood. She lifted a paw to her chest and seemed giddy for a moment, before she put it aside and her brittle smile returned. As Unar’s shawl was set aside and her robes peeled away from her shoulders and arms, her mother saw the scars. Some shallow, some deep, they flecked her arms, neck and torso. The motherly smile remained, but Unar could see her shaking. Unar lowered her eyes.

Her father’s voice came from the doorway, “Dear? The kits say Unar is here.”

“Yes honey! She’s just getting into the washroom.”, her mother replied with convincing cheerfulness. Unar pulled the door of the washroom shut with a clunk.

Muffled, she heard her mother’s gasping sobs, “Wh.. what have we done to her? The scars..”

Unar listened as her mother vomited. She listened to the hushed reassurances as her father held her mother. Murmurs of ‘not us, but destiny’ filtered through the door. Unar scooped the water. She let it flow over her head and trickle through her fur.

* * *

In the late of the evening, the family sat circling the open fireplace. Aromatic smoke drifted into the night sky. Panflutes and drums from nearby utlics seasoned the sounds of conversation.

Unar spoke with her older sister, “How is mother?”

“She still mourns the loss of little Tabitha, on .. that night.”, she replied, “But she stays strong for us.”

Unar nodded. Her mother entered the room and gave a sharp clap, “It is time for sleep!”

She turned to Unar, “Of course, Unar, your sister will remain up with you until the hour past midnight, I will see you in the night, and your father will rise at four, so you are not alone through the night.”

“No”, answered Unar, “You must all sleep. You will need your strength when the training begins tomorrow. And I have much to consider.”

Her father looked at her mother and nodded. Her cousin questioned her father, “Training, Elder Massecin?”

“Yes”, her father announced, “Unar has spoken with Elder Sedokan, and he with me. The way forward is clear. Now all off to sleep!”

Unar’s mother gave her a worried look. Unar reassured her, “Tami will keep me company.”

The cat padded up to Unar and jumped onto her lap. Unar smiled and turned to the fire in thought.

* * *

In the ensuing days the Cho-Sen family adjusted to a rigorous regime of physical and mental challenge. Their days were filled with new techniques, new barriers to break, and new minor injuries. Unar took them through their paces and recited much she had learned from the experienced trainers of Hydlaa. Gradually, these workers of masonry learned an unfamiliar craft; the art of death.

As time progressed, the day to test their metal came. Unar gathered two of her sisters and her brother, “Today we hunt.”

Bearing the sacred gem around her neck again, she headed into the backstreets of Dsar Sarraghi with her anxious company.

“Stay alert”, she reminded them. Before long she sensed they had a shadow. Unar subtly idled back from the group. She looked distracted, kicked a stone along the dusty path, humming to herself. The klyros swooped upon her. She rolled from its grasp, but did not retaliate. It hissed and her siblings spun about. They drew their weapons, wide-eyed. Unar leapt aside as it lunged at her again. Her older sister rushed at the klyros with a cry, and bore her short sword upon it. It threw her arms aside and struck for her ribs but she wheeled away. Her younger sister followed, summoning an arrow. The klyros yelled as her arrow struck him, and he charged at her. Wide-eyed, the youngest stood dead in its path as her next arrow charged. Unar held herself back. The oldest attacked the klyros again from the side. She engaged him for a few moments, but was struck away. The klyros bore down upon the youngest as her second arrow was released. Her ears flattened against her head as the klyros lifted his falchion. Her brother’s knives made a sick sound as they slipped through the klyros’ wrist and his neck. The klyros gargled as it fell face first at the feet of Unar’s younger sister. The youngest gaped down at it. Her brother dropped to his knees, his bloodied hands trembling. Her older sister stood staring, panting. Unar relaxed her stance. She looked at her siblings and the dead klyros.

“You are ready”, she turned and headed back towards the house.

* * *

Following a meeting with Unar, the Elders addressed the family. All of House Cho-Sen had gathered in the spacious living area of Head Elder Cho-Sen. Unar’s jet-white fur was a throw-back from her great grandfather, though his was mottled now and a little rough. His whiskers and eyebrows hung down in great wisps. The hubbub quietened as he rose from his seat at the table of Elders. He pushed forward the speaking stone, and leaned his old paws upon it.

When the last murmur was still, he spoke with a rasping voice, “We strike at dawn.”

A chorus of whispers bristled through the meeting.
”Silence..”, Elder Cho-Sen reminded them. Unar’s aunty cupped her hands in the air. The speaking stone was passed paw over paw until it reached her.

She held the stone and spoke, “The Shining will know we have become stronger. They will read it in their cards. And will they not also see our attack?”

Elder Massecin’s cupped hands rose to accept the question, and the speaking stone returned to the table.

He took up the stone, “They will also know the Fallen Star is back with us. Their own twisted ideas about it will deceive them. It’s likely they blame the strength they see on the return of the gem.”

Elder Cho-Sen raised his paws and the stone was immediately passed to him.

He cleared his throat, “Before dawn Unar will ascend my rooftop with the seeing stoneworks, as if to read the stars. She will go alone, and she will take the Final Instrument. With the gem on the roof and only one Cho-Sen to guard it.. those evil seers will have eyes only for that. The Shining’s strongest klyros will be drawn to it.”

Unar’s mother and several others in the crowd raised cupped paws at once.

Elder Cho-Sen waved them down, “The Eldership is persuaded she will be ready. Meanwhile, we will strike.”

Unar’s older sister hesitantly raised her paws. The speaking stone was placed in her hands.

She turned to Unar, “Unar.. we will need you there.”

Unar placed her palms upon the speaking stone and gave her sister a nod, “I’ll be there.”

* * *

Unar stood in the cool air upon her great grandfather’s wide, flat roof. Flecks of sparkling crystal watched her from the dark stone sky. She smiled up at her friends, the ‘stars’. Then she felt the twitch of her left ear, with its missing tip. She held her breath and listened. She counted the breath of two distinct klyros. No, three.

Nearby stood one of the great stone instruments of her family’s craft. It stood in its stand like a barrel of great dials and levers. Its measuring pins lay unaligned and idle. She was not here to scry the stars tonight. At her feet on the stone roof lay the Fallen Star on its chain; the bait.

She saw movement in the shadow on the upper tower of a nearby house. Behind her came the sound of claws scraping the stone as a klyros pulled itself quietly onto her roof. She heard ornaments smashing inside the house, then a thud on the roof trapdoor. Thud again, then crack! A sinewy klyros rose out of the trapdoor and simultaneously drew a pair of silverweave daggers. His eyes locked with mad lust on the artefact at her feet.

As the klyros behind her swiped for her leg, she brought it forward and kicked the gem towards the sinewy one’s face. His eyes followed it up and his hands rose as if to catch it. Then he was clutching his belly in pain as Unar’s daggers struck him across. She turned to face the other klyros. His full size was now heaved onto the rooftop, and his short swords drawn. She sprinted with her daggers, hoping to make use of speed. Then she was struck on the flank by the third klyros, swooping from nearby. His claws tore her armor and bit into her skin. He fought unarmed. The impact threw her onto her back. With enemies on all sides, she tossed the fallen star quickly across the rooftop. The eyes of all three klyros followed as it scraped to a halt amidst them.

Before they turned again Unar was upon the back of the large one, plunging her daggers into his neck. He dropped his short swords and groped uselessly, trying to tear her from his back. As he stumbled and fell the other klyros dove for the Fallen Star. When the unarmed klyros’ hand closed on the gem, his hand was pinned to the sandstone by a flying dagger. He hissed up at Unar in fury. While he pulled at the dagger, Unar and the sinewy klyros clashed arms. Unar took a gash from one of his silverweaves. She knew she couldn’t take another. She struggled with her inferior blades. In desperation she swung her shield off her back. She retreated as his blows clanged upon it. She tried desperately for another dagger strike. He caught her wrist. His other arm plunged towards her. She struck it aside and brought the shield’s point forward into his throat. Disbelief hung in his eyes as his blood drained from him. He collapsed onto the roof. Unar, staggering herself, looked down at her shield in a new light.


Unar seemed to be falling gently forward. She felt something like the memory of a blow to the back of her neck. A warm splash of blood met her face as her head struck the stone. Then she was somehow rolled over, staring up at the stars.

Do I see a klyros in the corner my vision?

Someone was being beaten. Again and again blows were falling. Her vision seemed to shake as the blows landed.

Who is being beaten?

Her mind swam with images. Her great grandfather’s rooftop, faces, smiles, family. There was the chatter of voices and steam from hot, spiced foods. Then more klyros.

Klyros again? Who is being beaten?

Images of people running now, and falling. Klyros’ angry voices. Blood. Her baby sister staring lifelessly up at her from the stone. Screams.

Screaming - my own screams!

A blood-curdling shriek shook Unar from within. She lunged up at the klyros and gripped his face, her thumbs in his eyes. She bit and thrashed. His throat was torn free by her teeth. She smashed his skull into the roof’s stone, again and again and again. She thumped on his chest. She stabbed until she lost count of the stabs. She shook him.

Her arms began giving way to exhaustion. She hit him limply. As the sound of her own breathing returned to her, she looked down at the pulverised form and her body slumped. Her tears mingled with his blood as she wept.

* * *

In Dsar Blikau the night vermin had retreated early to their dark corners. Footsteps of hurrying figures echoed through the alleys. Burning torches lay strewn in the streets. The flickering light of angry flames danced with the shadows.

Unar followed a pillar of smoke towards her enemy’s holding. As she neared the building she stooped to a fallen figure. Her aunty lay panting and clutching her side.

“No, Unar. You carry on”, she winced, “Go. The family needs you..”

Unar looked across the courtyard towards the lair of foul deeds. Two more bodies lay nearby; klyros. The doorway had been splintered in. Flame licked the sandstone through the window of an upper room.

The slap of amphibian feet landing on the ground sounded from nearby. Unar pulled her aunty’s arm around her neck, and heaved her towards the entrance. As Unar stepped up to the door a saber stopped inches from her breast.

“Unar!”, her brother took the weight of their aunty and pulled her inside. The short corridor opened into a sizeable lobby. The remaining able-bodied members of Cho-Sen stood in a defensive circle around their injured.

“She is here!”, one whispered. Their ears flattened against their heads as the gory visage of Unar approached. Across the floor and up the stairways was blood, dead klyros, parts of klyros and more splintered doorways.  Her brother hurried to describe the battle thus far. The upper rooms had been cleared, but some kind of summons had been issued, and more of ‘Them’ continued to heed it. The basement still remained to be cleared.

Unar strode between the shoulders of her family, and entered the stairwell descending from the rear of the room. Meanwhile, two more klyros approached the building. The sounds of steel and magic broke out behind her as she stalked down the dark stairs.

* * *

Bogul waddled about his underground den. He tampered here and there with foul-smelling potions, innards and pieces of various races. Twisted candles lit his workplace. Skulls of unfortunate creatures grinned at him from the walls. Around his neck hung a string of three enkidukai paws, and from his crest fin a row of spiny decorative bones protruded. He was far too wide to ever glide on his shrunken wings, and he appeared as if he’d sooner float than glide through any water.

He muttered to himself between black magic chants, “Jus a little longah. Jus a little longah..”

He was about to add the Diaboli entrails to his concoctions, when he noticed the figure. He peered into the darkness of the stairwell.

“Oyah! Who go there?”, he demanded.

A young enkidukai stepped out of the gloom, her robes soaked with red. Her hard eyes caught the candlelight in the shadow of her hood.

Bogul fumbled around behind him for his enkidukai pain doll, “I warnin’ you. You in the den o’ the Shining! Baaad things a happen to ya here.”

White light flared around the fenki’s feet. She raised her palm and aimed between his eyes.

* * *

Three moons later the Cho-Sen family sat in feast. There was cheer and merriment, and Elder Cho-Sen wore the celebrated Fallen Star openly around his neck.

As her family celebrated, Unar thought of all those who had aided her on her quest, many not knowing how much they did. The Protectors, House Purrty, Proglin the entertainer, Duvare of the Felicitous Fenkis, Kalyan of the Explorers, an irresponsible Diaboli and many noble strangers.

Unar’s quest was over. She should have been thrilled! She was glad the gem was restored to its rightful place with her family, that they were safe, and that the evil that could have been brought on Yliakum was averted. She smiled at the many faces who came to thank or congratulate her, but as she looked around at the men telling embellished stories of the battle, or the girls bantering and giggling about the local menkis, she saw nothing of herself.

Elder Sedokan stood and called a toast, “Good members of House Cho-Sen, fortunate we are that fate has brought us this day. We thank the stars for the gift we now hold securely, and we are more thankful still to Unar for fulfilling this destiny. Well stands the future of our family with enkidukai like her rising towards the eldership.”

He lifted his glass. Unar looked down. Elder Cho-Sen sighed knowingly as he joined her in lowering his eyes. Unar’s mother’s glance shifted between the two of them uneasily while the rest of the family tipped back their mugs and settled in to revel the night away.

* * *

Unar announced her departure quietly, leaving her immediate family to inform the rest of Cho-Sen as they saw fit. They still struggled to come to terms with her decision.

“Come mother”, she had said, watching her weep, “You will see my sisters grow wise in the high mason art. You have always known I was different.”

Finally she left with her family’s sad blessings. Unar packed only what she arrived with as she prepared to leave again; the tools of a craft which had become her way of life. This time, though, she did not leave alone.

She stooped down and picked up her cat, “Come, Tami. I have some new tricks to teach you.”
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 10:10:19 am by Unar Cho-Sen »
"I am not afraid."



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Fantastic but wrong place
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2006, 02:05:15 pm »
the story is great i havent read one so entertaining in months and i read a lot if you are going for an event and this is to atract attension you found it... i think well good luck and do write some more maybe another story maybe a continuation of this one but please do write.
  -One serious case of nuty.