Author Topic: Thekkur's roleplaying boards - rules apply here, so no chaos!  (Read 6077 times)


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4 lenric
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2002, 03:23:02 pm »
You bow your head to walk through the small door, and as you look up, you see you\'r in an inner court of about 10x10 meter. The court has a 3 meter high stone wall around it, with on the right side two large wooden doors.  In the far right end is a small barn. In the left corner is an outhouse, with a pump next to it. There\'s some barrels under the lean-to that\'s attached to the inn, and an ox-cart is parked in front of the barn. In the middle of the court is an old apple-tree, but there\'s no leaves on it.

You enter the outhouse to relieve yourself, but just as you sit down, you hear the sound of many hooves draw near. The hooves stop, and in the sistance you hear shouting. A strange terrifying feeling comes over you, and you feel something\'s wrong...


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5 kerrick/kroan
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2002, 08:09:25 pm »
(occ: Hello Firestorm welcome to the FUN :). Kerrick I will leave you to decide if we tell her the truth or concoct a story hehe ;))

Kroan rubs ruefully at a long scratch down his left arm that he got when hurriedly crawling under the floor.
He looks to Arin and then to the Eloion \"Who were they and why are you so scared Eloion?\" Kroan puts his hand on his sword hilt and scowls \"Who are they to make you hide in your own house, are they bandits?\"
Suddenly Kroan takes his hand from his sword and bows to Eloion. \"I am sorry where are my manners it must be all the strangeness of today, my name is Kroan and I thank you for hiding me and my..... associate Arin\" Kroan gestures to Arin \"As for why we are here......\".


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« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2002, 10:02:59 pm »
Lenric quickly pulls his oilcloth breeches back up and quietly as much as posible shifts the door open so he might peer out bravely pushing back the feeling of dread that overcomes him for a moment.
  His hand reflexing strays towards the pommel of his blade feeling a bit more secure .
As he peers through the crack listening standing ready to dart out if need be.


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« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2002, 05:03:32 am »
(ooc: Thank you for the welcome Kroan, this looks to be quite fun. :) )

As the sound of a raging battle filled the air, Flegran became aware of the current situation. Flegran waited for the black caped rider,  to move farther toward the tavern where the battle was taking place, before extending his wings and flying to a hight of 50 feet. As he had practiced many times, he possitioned himself in flight as to look more animal than klyros. Hopefully the men had not seen him. He landed on the opposite side of the street, behind the tavern. A voice could be heard through a small door at the back of the tavern... it said, \"Kranugel Drunarzi Death Mortolos.\" Although the language was at first un-clear to Flegran, he did know the language which had just been spoken. Having not heard it since the day his parents had died, Flegran had took a while to realise. That man spoke the secret language of the Theiven Guild. Recognizable by its strange accent, it is spoken among the guild, and is the reason than those who enter the guild may never leave it. Those who know the language remain theives until death. Mantodar could not be far, as the guild hunted treasure as a single vicious pack, carrying more stolen property than they could alone. Flegran would have his revenge.

these disciptions are \"against the rules\" and I consider them as not spoken. you just land behind the tavern, and will ahve to wait untill I give a desciption of what happens and what you see. Please obey the rules, it will make the game more fun. (you don\'t know what\'s going to happen) I will bare in mind that you are seeking for revenge, and you might have it later on, but the dicision is up to me, the GM.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2002, 11:50:05 am by Firestorm »


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5 lenric
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2002, 12:31:53 pm »
as you peek out you see Ollowin closed the small door behind you. For a few moments nothing happens, but then the door bashes open, and a man staps out. He wears a black steel helmet, and a rough beard covers the lower half of his face. A black cape is draped over his shoulders, and under it you can make out black chainmail. In his right hand is a black steel longsword. The man steps a few paces forward, and then holds still. slowly he moves his head from the left to the right, carefully examining every little detail with his eyes, he seems to be searching for something... then his eyes fall onto the slightly opened door of the outhouse, and he stares right at you. Then his body turns, and with a steady pace he strides towards your hiding place! How could this be? he could have never seen you through that crack! but then you see the heart carved out of the door... he must have seen your shoulder through that! you quickly spin around, looking for a way to escape.

You notice that the outhouse is very ramshackle. This is a matter of seconds!


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« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2002, 05:45:00 pm »
Lenric pulls open the door and strides out nonchalantly las if he owns the place nodding to the man in greeting as he turns down the towards the Tavern door warily keeping a discreat distance from the armored man .

ooc : if the man walks withen 10 feet of Lenric he hails him in greeting and Bravely says\"good morning sir\"while drawing his katana and reaching into his pouch with his other hand cupping some finely ground pepper.\"bit early for this I have only had a crust of bread for my morning meal and cannot see how i might of slighted you in any way.

ooc len will try to throw the pepper into the mans eyes and go for the mans legs or unarmored body parts when the oppurtunity presents itself defending until the man leaves an opening if not he will howl like a banshee in hopes of startling his opponent.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2002, 06:08:13 pm by Lenric »


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5 lenric
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2002, 05:50:52 pm »
ooc: edit you post. youre not in the streets, you\'re in an inner court, surrounded by 3m hight stone walls. The man appears aggresive. (he\'s wielding a sword remember). it\'s your choice, but in such an occasion i wouldn\'t say \"good day sir\" to someone... remember the strange fear coming over you...


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5 Kerrick/Kroan
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2002, 11:08:57 pm »
(ooc: Well since I don\'t KNOW the truth [I lost my memory, remember?] I\'ll have to improvise...}

  I climb out of the floor and brush some dust from my hair.
Before I can reply to the elf woman\'s question, Kroan breaks in, asking why she\'s hiding from the men, then suddenly breaking off and introducing us.
  \"As for why we\'re here...\" he trails off and looks at me.
  \"We were just passing through,\" I say. *Dobehan?* I repeat silently to myself. The name doesn\'t ring a bell...
There is a world in which I am alone.
A world which nobody can enter.
A world which nobody can know.
This is my world.

- Anonymous.


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5 Kerrick/Kroan
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2002, 12:56:42 pm »
(occ: Yep I dont remember either thats what I ment by the truth, you see? By the way sorry if I said to much to the woman :( )

Kroan looks back to Eloion \"Yes thats right we were just passing through, in fact we dident even know this place existed befor we got here\"


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5 lenric
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2002, 09:49:29 pm »
6 lenric

ooc: well, it\'s your choice...

The man responds to your greeting with a fearsome yell, and he leaps forward, striking his sword with tremendous strength. You can just duck away from the attack, and you turn around eachother for an opening. Then the man leaps forward to you once again, quickly shifting his sword to his other hand while doing so. This destracts you, and as you avoid him you feel a burning pain in your left shoulder. As you look down you see your shoulder is bleeding. You make a quick faint and place a dust of pepper in the mans eyes. He screams with pain from this unexpected movement, and for a moment he drops his defences. Just as you want to finish him you feel a sharp bash on the back of your head, and as you fall to your knees you can make out another black armored man in a blurred vision. Then everything goes black.

ooc: have a little patience for the other players actions. some events depend on their actions.  


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6 kerrick/kroan
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2002, 10:35:42 pm »
Eloion walks over to the front-shutters and peeks through a crack. \"they\'re gone.\" she says, \"but they took another victim\". she walks over to the chest and starts seeking through it\'s contents. \"just traveling through... I\'ve heard that before. It\'s a rather complicated story... and I\'ll tell you.\" she stops searching through the chest, and she gets a bread out. She closes the chest and walks over to the ladder. \"come down. you must be hungry\" You follow her to the base floor. Eloion puts the bread on the table and closes the front door, which the two visitors must have left open. The three of you sit down at the table, and Eloion starts cutting the bread. She slowly cuts thick slices from the bread, and then hands them to you.  \" it was many years ago...\" she starts, and to you notice a sad undertone in her voice. \"Dobehan was a lovely place, and we all lived in harmony. The azure sun provided us with all the energy and food sources we could ever need. Then there was the first year of terror.  The crops didn\'t want to grow, and the sky went dark, withholding us from the energy of the azure sun. None of us knew what it was that caused this disaster, untill the shadowriders came. they enslaved people of Dobehan, an none has seen them ever again alive\" she stops, and you see a tear running down her cheek \"I... I can\'t tell you abou this... I lost too many people I loved in those days... NO. I have to tell you. you have something...\" she looks up into your eyes. then she continuous: \"They settled two of their henchmen in Tavern \"the flaming troll\" to keep watch on the village. every now and again a stranger falls into the hands of the keepers... all villagers that are left are terrified, we don\'t dare leaving our houses in fear of getting captured by the shadow riders. The farmer you were talking too, Unio is his name, has finally been struck by the dark force that seems to control the shadow riders. but there\'s another one that has fallen victim to the dark hand. I saw a stranger like you entering the tavern some minutes before you wanted to enter it (looking at kerrick). If we don\'t do anything both Unio and the stanger will suffer a terrible fate...\" she stops. and as if she asks for your help, she lookes into your eyes.


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3 Flegran
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2002, 10:44:31 pm »
behind the tavern is an inner court of about 10x10 meter. The court has a 3 meter high stone wall around it, with on the right side two large wooden doors. In the far right end is a small barn. In the left corner is an outhouse, with a pump next to it. There\'s some barrels under the lean-to that\'s attached to the inn, and an ox-cart is parked in front of the barn. In the middle of the court is an old apple-tree, but there\'s no leaves on it. as you land you see two men fighting. One of them has a black steel helmet, and a rough beard covers the lower half of his face. A black cape is draped over his shoulders, and under it you can make out black chainmail. He is wielding a black steel sword, and just seems to get struck by a powder that the other man throwed at him. You see the second man charging at the man-in-black, but just at that moment you notice another man in the same black armor as the first one coming up from behind and striking him down viciously with a black mace. Then this 3rd man turns towards you, and as you look into his eyes you see these are bloodred. the second man groans and struggles to his feet, and turns around towards you. then they both charge at you.


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« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2002, 11:57:58 pm »
I ready myself, holding my Takenai blade forward and standing in a battle stance. As my feet sink into the muddy ground a feeling of chill comes over me, and It dawns upon me... I may not survive this fight...


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4 firestorm
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2002, 09:43:31 am »
and as they leap towards you, their blades pointed towards you, your mind goes black...

You find yourself lying on on your back on a cold stone floor. As you open your eyes, you notice that you still can\'t see anything. Total darkness surrounds you. You wonder if this is hell... but no,  a sharp pain in your right flank reminds you this is neither a dream or hell... but where are you then? ? Slowly you begin to remember some of the things that happened... you don\'t have anything on you, and you wonder if the dark warriors took all your possesions. Then you hear something groaning to your right...


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6 lenric
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2002, 09:56:01 am »
You find yourself lying on on your chest on a cold stone floor. As you open your eyes, you notice that you still can\'t see anything. Total darkness surrounds you. You wonder if this is hell... but no, a sharp pain in back of your reminds you this is neither a dream or hell... but where are you then? Slowly you begin to remember some of the things that happened... you don\'t have anything on you, and you wonder if the dark warriors took all your possesions. On your left side you feel a wet stone wal. groaning you lift yourself up on your hands an knees.