Author Topic: Trading Post  (Read 3196 times)


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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2008, 01:23:51 am »
Sounds like a good idea then, though if this gets implemented it will be interesting to see the discussions on the commission percentage  :P

With your second idea, how do we avoid lots of junk piling up?


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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2008, 08:41:55 am »
I don't doubt that it will be a complex thing to code, but I believe it would be very good for PS. I have filed it as a Feature Request, and it is being discussed among the devs.

The additional point I make in my Feature Requests, beyond the original wish list item here, is that things should not just disappear. All the ore that people mine and sell to Trasok, or Harnquist... where does it go? Right now you either have to commission ore to make steel, mine it yourself, or go without. I think that if Trasok/Harnquist could sell back (for a profit) all items they purchase, this would help everyone. We already have merchants why buy and sell items... this would not be too difficult to implement as it just requires some database work and some additional logic to adjust prices between buying and selling.

The other point is really centered around a specific class of NPCs beyond the current merchants. It could use most of the same dialogs, but would need a way to place an item for sale, remove an item for sale, and purchase an item for sale, and search items for sale. I know this will be non-trivial, but It would make crafting far more monetarily rewarding, and could seriously drive the price of crafted items down. There is no IC reason why a Falchion is 400 trias from Trasok, but a crafted sabe, even of modest quality, is 2000 trias or more. I believe this is in-line with what the devs desire to do long-term as they stopped having a lot of weapons sold by NPCs to encourage players to craft them instead.

[EDIT] The idea of junk piling up is a good point. I would suggest that there be a cap of (just an example) 1200 items of a particular type. If that threshold is reached, for RP sake a out of town merchant purchased 1000 of them and now there are only 200 for sale. In the case of selling weapons to a NPC instead of consignment, all weapons of "fine" "superior" "common" etc would be changed to the lowest q for that designator. This would continue to encourage player crafters to sell direct and offer consignment. Also, it would mean that you could never purchase a q300 from a NPC like Trasok or Harnquist.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 08:45:39 am by Mythryndel »


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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2008, 04:35:00 pm »
So getting back to why I orginally brought this back up with my spin. Seeing what was said are good ideas but it can be very simple.

An NPC that would hold an item for you for another player to pick up. Unless this NPC is a buddy of yours  :P They will probably want to charge a small storage/convienance fee for the service. To eliminate people from using this as a storage facility there could be a week limit for holding an item or no more than 2 or 3 items per say.

If this turns into a poster board npc for selling you might as well eliminate the auction tab and I don't think anyone would like to see that happen. It sounds like a good idea, but I think just a simple package drop off merchant would be more likely to being implemented.


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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2008, 05:17:40 pm »
If you have thoughts that are different than mine, or the Feature Requests I have submitted, you are free to post your own. What I posted on the bug tracker is, in my opinion, what is most needed in PS for the long-term in this area.

I do agree that there should be a limit of some kind so that the, to use my term, consignment merchant doesn't become a storage container. However, the way I have proposed this is that there would be a fee for simply having the item available for sale... just not refunding that fee if it doesn't sell would be at least some incentive not to do this.

What I like most about my concept of a consignment merchant is that Trasok/Harnquist could adjust their prices dynamically to be part of the economy. Instead of always being 400 trias for a falchion, he could increase or even decrease that based on the average prices listed on the various merchants. If they are individual merchants per area, instead of connected, then Trasok may sell items for a different price than Harnquist.


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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #34 on: August 27, 2008, 11:45:26 pm »
This be my first out of character post, so please forgive me lords and ladies of PS, if I have not placed this comment in the correct land-thread.

I did read the 'wish list must read' and I did do a search and I do see that variations of the idea I am about to present have existed, but they seem to be quite old, like back to 2003, before I was born. So again, please forgive my ignorance as I try to figure out the right place and the right time to pipe in with my two tria.

So, along with the trading post idea, which I think is tre's cool. It seems to me that the idea of characters being able to leave messages for other characters would very much enhance the continued building of relationships among characters who may not see each other often. Yes I am suggesting a POST OFFICE ]type of place, with branch offices in the cities. Please don't kill me!

It would be cool! For example, Roled met a very interesting fellow while mining gold one day, and had a cool discussion about the Brothers and the Ulbernaut attack and the Trials and Vileneck. Roled would like to talk with him again, but, where is he? How to find him again? yeah yeah he's on the buddy list, but hey, without him in my guild, if I were in a guild, how would I know how to find him, or anyone?

This be true of many of Roled's encounters- he's a friendly elf and would like to leave some thank you notes for folks who continue to help him out, and there be many! Thankee!

And think of the extended RP possibilities! The intrigue! :whistling: The conspiracies!  :-X The trysts!  :love: The twists! :detective: The stoolies! :sweatdrop:

So, in many trading posts, there is an area like a post office (and yes I did read the whole post office thread). Wouldn't it be cool to be able to leave a message, like, we can write in the blank books that Jayose sells, of like lots of the NPCs give us to deliver? We would have to GO to the site, write the message there, and leave it there, addressed to the character. Then the other person would have to GO to the site and check and see if s/he has any messages- like befriending the conciege in a quaint hotel. I know nothing at all of tech stuff; I'm into the role playing and solving quests and adventures with other characters. I don't really want to know any of the tech stuff. But if there's an issue with... hmmm...see I don't even know the words- space? maybe each message left could have only so many digitcharacters in it, and once a message is read, it is erased?

Now I see in the 'Must Read' an demanding injunction- DO NOT SUGGEST IN -GAME MESSAGING.... and so it makes me wonder, why not? It seems enriching to me that characters might want to start a correspondence with each other. Isn't that what folks did in medieval times? At least the ones who could write. And I have tried posting things in the Hydlaa bulletin board, but not very many seem to read, or to post there. Mostly looking for murderers, and offers of reward.

I'm thinking civic involvement in Hydlaa, and all our cities. I talked to Amidison about it and the Vigesimi thought it be a good idea.

And you did say, make your suggestions! Now's the time! So this is mine. I hope I haven't offended anyone. Thanks for creating this game, it's a total kick. The quests rock and it's very satisfying figuring things out, and getting little bits of help from strangers, and then getting goodies that you got not idea what to do with and 37 quests later, bam! you need that little thing and you still got it in your sack! /me  ;D.
And a special thanks to the weather gods or goddesses  \\o// for the snow and the rain! and that wonderful mist that left us all in a fog after the ulbernaut attack.
Thanks for listening.
Oh, I am Roled.  ::|
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala

neko kyouran

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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2008, 07:43:11 am »
Now I see in the 'Must Read' an demanding injunction- DO NOT SUGGEST IN -GAME MESSAGING.... and so it makes me wonder, why not?

The answer to that is also stated in the sticky.  It's been discussed 100 fold, so at this point, it's just waiting for some devs to get the free time and have the priority to actually create it.  Much like compasses, mounts, more char clothing choices, and the list goes on and on, all discussed many times over, it's just all waiting to actually be created at this point.  :)


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Re: Trading Post
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2008, 01:42:12 pm »
Thanks for replying. So perhaps I wasn't clear when I mentioned that was my first OOC post. So I just asked the question, and I do appreciate that there are many many things the developers are working on. Thanks for working on the many, many things.

I see your reminder that these issues of:
The answer to that is also stated in the sticky.  It's been discussed 100 fold, so at this point, it's just waiting for some devs to get the free time and have the priority to actually create it.  Much like compasses, mounts, more char clothing choices, and the list goes on and on, all discussed many times over, it's just all waiting to actually be created at this point.  :)

Having only been (trying to be) a part of the PS in-game 'community' since march or so, even reading these forums every time Roled runs out of breath and has to sit down, I don't necessarily know that ' compasses, mounts, clothing choices and the list goes on and on'  list exists. I didn't know until you said it here, for example, that 'it's just all waiting to actually be created' (btw- split infinitive, sb 'actually to be created' or even more strictly English grammar, 'it's all actually just waiting to be created'- but who's splitting their infinitives over this? :devil:) Does that mean that the idea of a post office type mechanic, is that what the process is called?, or a trading post, is actually on 'the list' waiting to be developed? Where is said list that I can look at it and become more educated?

Sorry if I'm defensive. The jargon and the insider undercurrent in many of the forum posts sometimes gets to me. Becoming familiar with a system and a history requires time, and I am neither at the beginning of that time nor so immersed in it that I would know, or frankly anyone would know, the intricacies and ins and outs. That being said, I am not a dreaded 'newbie.' Who in their right and self-assured minds would admit to such here?

I mention this because my experience of this sense of insider-ness and cynicism is exactly what has kept me from asking/posting the questions I have, and exactly what has kept me from making other forum suggestions. I'm trying to make a positive contribution to this game in my own small way.

Thanks for the work you all do.

Oh, I am Roled.
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala