Author Topic: The Killer Of Hydlaa  (Read 1366 times)


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2006, 06:40:54 pm »
you assume we are all lawful in the first place ;)

But on topic i'd say cut out the sneaking around business, noone will buy into the supposed invisibility it's too god-like. If i was you i'd rp getting caught and thnen escaping, i personally would have no issues with you escaping to further the story, it's all the super-powers you have attributed to the character, they just arent feasable. Also, if i was you i'd pay some attention to character actions, walking around harn's  saying you are chewing on a dwarfs leg isn't going to bring you the type of RP you seem to be looking for, it''s just going to get reactions from dwarves who want justice. Use alts or other players to generate the hype and lay back in hiding waiting to be found, that is more realistic an approach. How about even having your fellow murderers come and back you up if you get cornered? What i'm getting at is just more preparation, it's hard enough being a story teller and being unprepared without playing a character aswell. The idea is a good one, the execution at the moment could have some work done on it. I'd quite happily get involved in this story if you want any assistance, either contact me on the forums or in game "frak griffonsfire" and "almarian ferelai" are my characters.  As I say, just try and plan it better and incidents like the one at harn's won't happen as much, it'd be a shame to see a good idea like this one go to waste through poor preparation.
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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2006, 10:34:54 pm »
Hey Phinehas id like to see you do better!( me and phinehas have a competiton going on its not flaming)
We do? Why didn't anyone tell me?

As for doing better. Unfortunately it would be easy. If people want me to, I'll be happy to oblige. I'll be travelling for a few days, but if in three or four days people have posted here asking me to do better, no problem.


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Re: The Killer Of Hydlaa
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2006, 08:30:43 pm »
All i need is some help like extra hands to help me.
I was looking for "Sponsors" to go with the story. In life you see people supporting crinimals and terrorists thats what im going for.
Realism. The dwarf leg was a joke my friends dared me so hope it didnt offend the dwarves.... To much.
So if anyone could help id be glad to make Hydlaa more realistic. And less crowded  ;)
You dont have to actualy give me stuff to be a supporter as a matter of fact all you do is /me gives Rinasho supplies thats it.
In return Rinasho does stuff for you.
The supporter system will add alot of betrayl and realism.
1. Judge if Rinasho is caught
2. Helpers of Rinasho
3. Bounty Hunters or Vollunteers in game to hunt Rinasho
4. Guilds that will vollunteer to hunt or track down Rinasho
Story Line this far
Rinasho has wanderd the streets for several says hungry and tired he looks for scraps only to see a group of robed figures coming forward asking "We give if you help...." Several days later he is armed and has new armor a very light black robe. But his eyes are still bood-shot from all the staring for victims. He pulls out a new list a new list of victims. Day by day checking off names. He starts to love his new job killing for purpose not for sport.
Positions needed
Several hours later a group of peopel found out a crucial clue......
The kegs already had a leg in it meaning it was impossible to fit in without spilling out the beer.
Rinasho is still on the run though. Rinasho bounty is very high as a "suspect/ Assasin". Some people believe he is sponsored by several guilds as there own assasin.
Please continue the story
Helpful Hints for those who want to arrest/capture Rinasho
1. He tends to be getting drunk with his freinds
2. Last seen around Harnquist
Sources say he is around Maulus alot and Lyaph (not proven). And i doubt they will tell you where he is because i bet they never seen him  ;D.
Rinashos Journal *=Clue
 Today I was with my freinds we were at the bar obviously drunk. My friend came up to me and handed me my *note " Rinasho the masters request that you join our new branch as soon as possible*. I had no clue but oh well! as long as the pay was high I was there.
I cant belive they accused me of stuffing a dwarf in the keg Hah! What moron would do that! I bet it was the keg makers those Enkidukas are always brain dead with the beer slipping in those drinks. Well today i killed a Krylos i ripped off its wings and threw them of the bronze door cliffs! I had no clue why i had to kill him.
The journal page was found under a rock but we dont know why this may be a decoy. Or is it?

« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 02:18:12 pm by Colinb »