Author Topic: Auction rules...  (Read 1647 times)


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2006, 01:32:35 pm »
in the first place it was in the main chat=your ears
it is yelling. and has a defined range to be heard. Like /shout

Why it was moved? misuse of it.
Why not using /shout? to make trades easier by marking them in a different color.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2006, 02:37:08 pm »
Quote from: Nikodemus
It doesnt matter, its ooc. That just for a matter of fact, nothing more.

I failed to see where I posted it was IC or OOC in this thread. I have to agree with Zhai's post on this one.
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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2006, 02:41:17 pm »
Hadfael you're great  \\o//  i like the idea with BS

"selling Bull----It of Peace" ^^

But we're not here for this...let's back to the topic.
I like the idea to compare quality of items by saying it's 10 times better than regular ones (actually silverweave ss is 5 times better than regular). That won't make many question with stats. that will make many things clear. I also like the idea to look at the item and not ask for details (should be a rule if you ask me ^^) [otherwise use /tell]. Auction should be used as auction so selling from one tria. People use it only to know everybody of their wants/spares because auction is wider than any other chat. (next rule: if you're not going to sale something from one tria: use shout/say/tell )  OR please rename Auction tab for Sales/Wants. I think it ridiculous people are auctioning their wants and phrases ^^ can i auction the thing called "buying siolverweave!" of course not, there is nothing like this and people will not put their offers  lower and lower just to sale him their silverweave... Please think about it

 That's how i see it. I will be greatly appreciated if GM/DEV team will make it clear how to use Auction tab (point by point) in rules section. After making it clear i'm sure we can make the window totally IC or OOC,but if Planeshift is rpg Auction should be IC only tells OOC... Public channels IC  --- not public OOC

« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 02:43:14 pm by Edicho »


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2006, 03:33:45 pm »
I will focus on the "/" and "s." shortcuts.
No matter what rules you set, you can't make them work, ecause they will work only when everybody will agree with them. They won't agree because they will use / and s no matter what. So you are doomed on failure.
So i repeat myself:
We have two options as everything whats in-game is suposed to be IC
a) eliminate the stats values from weapons  (no stats so no / and s ever again in any channel. Problem solved)
b) accept knowing them as IC, no matter how amaizingly suprising it is that everybody know the exact numbers.

Yeah, we really can sell and buy things the same as you do in real^^ Someone sells a sword, you look at it, its steel, sharp and balanced, it must be good.
when its quality is high, its sharp, balanced when you check it and what metal it is by looking at it.
Really, there are no silverwave swords of defender. What the freak is that anyway? The only conclussion i get is: magical swords are common thing in ps and everybody have them. As players want to know which of the 10 magical swords they can choose from is the best, they want he slash value to be known to them instantly. So, bang, we have a slash value, and so we have it commonly used by the character, so furher, it must be IC! Yay!
Magical swords are mistake, they are common, but with what cost?
It's really that simple. You can know whats IC and what isn't, but even if you do, you can't have IC world as long as in the world there are people who doesnt know the difference xD The more ooc the Devs put to the IC world, the more OOC it will be There is no walkaround to it.

Why did i said all this this and not the other way? Because i didn't say anything new at all, you find the same thing by searching this forum. So writing in my style, i'm hoping that maybe at least 2/3 of this will be taken under consideration, so that people stop complaining how they can't RP because they are disrupted. A good time to look at what we have. It isn't coming from nowhere, its not the community or lack of some rules enforced by GMs, its the game which has to change.

What if you're in the middle of RP and you hear an offer and you bid but you don't leave your RP. "She's having a baby! Push!", "what's the /?", "Push!", "I'm at the tavern", "wheee-wheeee whoooo", "ok. 10k's fair...", "One more push!"... Bad RP? Well, maybe... but i think the channel itself is disruptive. Would be better to just have people shout, if that is how it is meant to work.
You are in the middle of RP in the moment you enter PS. It is not occasional. When someone is having a baby in a building near the market place, its normal that you hear what is outside the window. If someone is stupid enough to shout that he want to buy the damn thing, then character of that person is plain stupid. Furher, that person is plain stupid, when he does it and then claim it was outside rp and ooc even though that persons char did it.

I think such behaviour may be just avoided when you understand where the voice can reach and where it can't. But if the voice really reach you and you decide to do some idiotic thing and answer due to suprise of everybody around, you are just being idiot and in IC way.
So i don't now why you tell about all this like it was oocly wrong.

Akaye, you should have quoted the rest of my comment.
I wrote that its just for a matter of fact. The sense of it is that people /telling themselves some offers can't be accepted really right, especially when they do it at the final step, buing the item.

What you can failure tommorow, failure today.

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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2006, 04:27:10 pm »
Actually, the whole /tell system is OOC. Remove it, the auction channel and the guild channel and we would be closer it being all IC. Problem is, weren't these functions added because that is how people were using thing?


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2006, 04:36:45 pm »
Stating /tell *is* OOC doesn't mean you can't use it IC to whisper, hand a note, ...
Same goes for every implemented function. The function is not OOC by design, it is used OOC.

If the subject is a request to change functions, this is the wrong section and you should better use the wishlist.

Now if the point is to find a commonly agreed use of them, an evolution of the IG social rules, this is the right thread.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2006, 05:21:35 pm »
sorry but this gone too far...

i asked two simple questions... the answer would be yes/no so WTF you are trying to tell me about ooc ic. (sorry for being straight).

1. "i'm looking for blablabla" on auction channel ---- yes or no?
2. "/tell me offers, /tell me your prices" on the auction channel ---yes or no?

is is so hard to choose between two answers and type one? i assume everyone that know about the forum know about ooc and ic so don't post this for 1000th time ok?


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2006, 05:29:14 pm »
Edicho, sometimes yes-no answers are not complete, and to understand someone's answer fully requires reading a further explanation. Moreover, sometimes there are no clear yes-no answers, but rather a gray area that "depends."

I think that the answers posted here have already taken care of your first questions. Yes, anyone can use the /auction channel. They don't have to "own a business." It's the /tells that you will not see a clear answer on, because /tells are an OOC function and there are no rules against using them for auctions, but it's not realistic. So I would want people to avoid using /tells when in an auction, and other people have posted suggestions for how to handle auctions in general.
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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2006, 05:30:34 pm »
In my opinion, No and No.

That is how it should be done. Auction is ridiculously stupid in this game. Just rename it /spam and get it over with.


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2006, 05:31:35 pm »
How about no, Moon?

I don't see the problem with any "random" person auctioning something off. Yes, it should be more organized - but you should never have to be part of some business to run an auction.
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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2006, 05:44:34 pm »
Sorry, but yes you should.

Everything for everyone is a terrible way to do the system. It is unrealistic to the extreme, and more than prone to spam. You have to train to do every other aspect of the game, so why would auctioning be any different. Auctioning IS a skill that MUST be learned. In real life and in a virtual world.

God, everyone here is always so down on how bad Runescape and WoW are ooc and not RPGs, then you shove in a system that is WORSE than what they have.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 05:50:59 pm by Under the moon »


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2006, 06:07:41 pm »

I understand there are many things that excludes some situations, however if we want to make this game as RP as possible we should make rules that people will have to keep on otherwise they will get many /tells it's forbidden or "you can't do that, instead use XXX method". You now know how i see it? if you want to make this game RP you can't let them OOC as often as possible.

thank you for pointing out that tells are OOC and OOC should not be used in RP part of the game.

i don't want everyone to run a business however if there are merchants in-game then:
- they have daggers swords etc for sale
- player know merchants and ask merchants for items
- merchants are known and always buy items for players and they can shout/(even at auction) "i'm buying items blahblahblah"
- players don't need to sell via "/tell me offers" because they know merchants who will buy them for sure,
  and players don't need to post "i'm looking for a silverweave" because one of merchants will have it, they buy them from players.
- just group with some merchants to get the highest price for your item/ or lowest price for item you want to buy
- auction the item if you wish to make an auction, not get highest amounts of tria as possible.

see what i mean? better interaction with others as well as removing as much OOC as possible.

whoever who points this topic to OOC an IC should stay calm, this post is for explaining the meaning/using/rules of Auction tab


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2006, 06:13:10 pm »
Moon: I don't have to remind you that this is just the beginning of a system that will be further expanded upon, right? I think we all have understood this, so there is no reason for you to act as though this is the end and now we are all doomed to "endure."

I don't believe that auctioning should be a skill. I would love an auction house and perhaps you'd have to have an NPC auction your items off for you (meaning actually do it in an auction house, not a window) but I do not want this to be something you'd have to spend time training. You  haven't provided any argument as to why you believe a skill should be necessary, beyond "everything else is trained."

Moreover, we're not talking about the future of auctions. The questions were about today, about the now. And right now to ask "should we allow" people who are not running a full business to have an auction is rather silly.

Edicho: There are definite benefits to known player merchants who run auctions, but it's not OOC for "lone characters" to run auctions as well.
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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2006, 06:19:01 pm »
I think you misunderstood. "lone characters" can start their auctions of course. I just don't want them to post "i will BUY XXX" or "i'm looking for XXX" - let's leave that to merchants only


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Re: Auction rules...
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2006, 06:21:50 pm »
so no new merchants can start up to provide competition to the old ones?