Author Topic: an assasine's tale  (Read 3831 times)


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an assasine's tale
« on: February 20, 2003, 07:18:51 pm »
\"This will be a glorious bow\" she thought after bending the hot and wet branch she cut of a nearby tree.
She ensured herself of the fire being right below of the Cauldron and keeping the water cooking so the steam covers nearly the whole branch. There were many noises around her so she knew noone would b able to surprise her. Even the animals didn\'t smeel the fire as long as the wind keeps heading in this direction blowing the little bit of smoke exactly along the trees surface, which roots she uses as some sort of podest for the cauldron.
the branch slowly bends into the right form. it mustn\'t have the form of a bow already it just needs to... - her left hand swiftly picked one of the unpoisoned daggers out of the pocket under her skirt and started to cut little kerfs into the branch, some of them for sure later r going to hold the sinew, the others were made for some additions she had in mind for this bow...
Oh, this will last a while she thought and climbed up the nearby tree in to her hamgrock.
What\'s that kind of life for an elve she thought, living in trees instead of doing the cooking or stuff - but, well that seems to b an assasines destiny.
She was awakened by the small tounge of Naibur, her squirrel pet, wettening her nose. Naibur was welltrained in thiefing, she picked, or better to say she saved his - hmm actually she was not sure if naibur was male or female but nevermind - life when being a baby from thirst, since then he or she became a steady partner in all her business. hehe, peanuts and strawberrys, as usual it brought what it preffers itself, naibur dropped 4 of each of them right in front of her and as reward she picked it up and crawled it\'s head between the ears. But her little friend also was responsible for the task she has been given, assasinating an assasine, who\'s face was never seen... yes, it\'s good to have little helpfull friends stealing the writs needed to act honourably, even if she doesn\'t care much about the thiefs or assasines code of honor, but well better have them.
the fire was still showing little flames which fit quite well into the colorsheme of the lowering sun. above the tree\'s there must b a spectacular dawn she thought when picking a few little branches to put into the flames.
the branch hanging above the cauldron showed darker color and was totally wet because of the steam. She took it and tested it\'s resistence. \"Oh yes, this is really going to b a strong bow.\" she whisperes to herself - or naibur sitting on her shoulder. after peeling the cortex of the branch she was again watching the lines, just to ensure the branch didn\'t spin while being hang over the steam. She smiled and was pleased, her father teached her well in young age so she had became one of the best fletchers around, even if noone knows her skills. but she already sold a few of her bows, which shortly after became myth or legend because of their abilities.
and now again she is trying to build a masterpiece, this time diffrent from all the others.
7 kerbs she made into the wood and now should b the right time to insert the crystals. it took quite a while to make them fit right into the kerbs but she mustn\'t use any metal to fix their position in the wood. they need to have exact places otherwise the spell won\'t work properly.
over and over again the little dagger drilled little holes into the shaft but without hurting the woods structure. she just heated the little blade and carefully seperated the structures lines and bend them away to ensure the wood\'s spirit won\'t get hurt. after the hole was big enough she inserted the crystals one after the other and then closed the holes the same way she opened them.
the sun was already rising again when she prepared the wood, which meanwhile also turned into a long bow with more than 2 meters in size, for the final step. the first birds where already singing in the trees and she walked slowly down the little hill.
She prepared a this spell for a long time. finding the right gem for an animal as big as the eagle was also a hard job. which costed her more than two month of search.
but now all the ingredients were prepared, she just needs to kill it after casting the soultrap.
hopefully the eagle was not on the fly otherwise she would have to wait for hours untill it could come back...
she ensured the summonings where still where she placed them. catching a birds soul is still one of the difficultiest tasks for someone not careing much about the higher arcane skills. but well her summonings will multiply the power of the spell so she hopefully would b having enough time to bind the gem to the eagles soul before it will b going to attack her.
but she had luck, the eagle doesn\'t seem to b awake yet and she felt it\'s presence closing her eyes and let her spirit seek the surrounding for lifesigns.
then she whispere the holy words and made the summoned stones glimmering with the green shine that was natural for the trap cast. a quite noise made her realize that the eagle has awakend and she hurried to bring the soulgem into the right position between the 3 stones which build a triangle and their glowing raised straigth up to heaven. she doesn\'t know how many chances she will get to throw one of her knifes but she has to hit the bird in the center of the glowing to make the cast most effective.
and the bow would need as much power from it\'s soulgem as possible.
the eagle appeared quickly and headed directly for her.
\"damn it\'s is big\" she thought but there was no time for staring at it\'s beauty. swiftly she threw the knife and hit the bird exactly in the throat. the grumbling of the Gem was the noise she wanted to hear, making her sure the soul was trapped in the stone.
after she finished abolishing the traces of her doings she went back to her hideout, knowing that sooner or later naibur will bring her back the knife after it managed to pull it out of the throat. huh - that also costed her a lot of time to teach it bringing things back...
ok, now comes the easy part, the grasp was exactly made to fit for the gem so everytime she is going to use the bow she will have to hold the gem as well which will let it cast the spells for her.
7 spells at one time, she recalculates the amount of mana needed for this cast but well it was too late anyway, either the soul is going to b strong enough or the bow will just b a piece of wood throwing arrows.
\"draimur, kranarch istildas benerend... \" the gem was heating already while saying the formula.
A few hours later she reawaked from her exstacy and the bow was finished. it already started to reform being caused by the spells forcing the woods spirit. it looked evil but also  very beautyfull and thin. now she picked the sinew and tried to bend the bow to attach the sinew to it. \"huh, it is strong DAMN!\" - the gem was glowing. but finally by forcing it with the help of the weigth of some stones she managed to bring the sinew at the right position. Indeed this was a masterpiece of a recurve bow. the sinew was attached at the middle of the strechters then running to the oposite end and then connecting both ends of the bow, this way the it\'s power even withoput the spell will b going to b enourmous.
And she was right, the first arrow created a snap through at the tree she picked as aim which nearly was 30 centimeters in average, so the arrowhead just came out the other side.
\"a bow worth a king\" she thought \"but just made for one special purpose - killing harder and seeking the aims, and preventing to hit companions in battle by mistake\".

after naibur was back and she made both of them a little meal she picked her belongings and headed southeast for somewhere in this direction she assumes the gates of a city which name she wasn\'t teached to speak correctly but it was the place where she hopefully will b able to make some friends and find the target for the writ.
Shaded started singing a little song, which text she doesn\'t know because it was in a foreign language but the melody she liked well and it was also one of naiburs favorite songs. so before hitting the road naibur sat on her shoulder again and was wondering about that strange piece of wood she made and again shared a few peanuts...
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2003, 01:16:14 am »
titles been taken

\"An archmage often can react poorly to interruption. Please reconsider before it is too late.\"


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2003, 01:37:15 pm »
A misspelled title has been taken.  Nice!  Unless you are trying to make it sound like assinine, which would be funny, because no one would like to hear assinine tales.
\"All that seperates them from the shambling walk of the zombie are the quiet lies the Locust tells\" -Harlan Ellison


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« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2003, 07:32:32 am »
??don\'t get it, typo or what?
how do u call a female having the proffession of an assassin. well i picked assasine for it or perhaps better assassine. as female form in somewhat older speech...?
anyway no one wanting to continue by introducing another character?
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


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« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2003, 04:31:15 pm »
The correct spelling would be \"assassin\", whether it be male or female. The word isn\'t gender-specific.


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« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2003, 12:20:43 am »
after that is clear now, r we able to get back on track?
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


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« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2003, 02:15:32 am »
wow that was a pretty good story hope u come up with more storys i\'ll be waiting to read more


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2003, 02:58:08 am »
hey Shaded, I understand what you are talking about. And Valfaran, it\'s called artistic liscence. When you write something, you can make up words. Shakeshpeare made up assassin to begin with.
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« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2003, 09:23:16 pm »
Hmm, well, I finally read the story. Pretty good plot, you seem to know what you are doing, but there are a lot of misspellings and grammar problems.  Makes me think english probably isn\'t your native language, and if that\'s the case then it\'s pretty good. You keep switching tenses around, though. You should use past tense when you right fictional, but hey, like I said earlier, it\'s artistic license, when you\'re writing fictional you\'re allowed to twist the language a bit if you feel it will help the writing.  I\'ll start writing my own passage.
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assassine's tale... meanwhile
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2003, 09:50:03 pm »
Grunak Manrash sharpened his dirk.  They were serious this time.  If he didn?t pay off his debt, they were going to use him in one of their experiments.  Why did he ever deal with them to begin with.  Well, there?s nothing he could do about that now, short of finding a wizard who could turn back time.  He needed to find something worth as much as three guards, a legendary stick with glittery rocks in it, and all that equipment he accidentally blew to smithereens.  And he had one moon to do it, well, he had  had one moon to do it. Now he had 1 sun....
 Grunak sharpened his dirk.  Not that it needed sharpening. It was enchanted, after all.  He kept sharpening it, trying to come up with an ingenious plan to get him rich.  Nothing. Goblins aren?t the best at coming up with ingenious plans.  Well, looks like another day of waiting in ambush in hopes for some rich idiot to wander by underneath...  
 He thought a lone tree on the side of a path would be best.  People are cautious in the forest, that?s where the sane bandits hide out. Where they can hide a mob and ambush.  But out in the open you can see what you?re up against.
  Unless they?re a sole, skinny, stealthy little goblin crouched in a tree above them....
 Nine hours.  Nothing.  Grunak was almost asleep.  Then he saw something that made him nearly leap for joy. A sole wanderer.  No guards. Not well armed.  He looked closer. Was it human? Please not human, anything but human. No, elf! And female. Poor elf maiden lost with only a tree-rat to guard it... Hehe! This looked like Grunak?s lucky day.
 He guaged his attack carefully.  She?s near the tree. She?s passing under the tree. Okay, NOW!! He leaped from the tree, dirk gleaming in the sunlight.  On his way down he let out a horrific goblin warcry!
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Although you may strive to get there,
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« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2003, 05:35:35 pm »
but there are a lot of misspellings and grammar problems.

i am a native german speaker just surfed to much the english web because of information i needed.
so as years passed by (*giggles i mean i am still a tween but nevermind) i made friends at some english boards, and we  meet to do business. well, but unluckily school is over so learning it correctly gets a bit hard u know. well i for myself say to me, if someone is more intrested in how it is spelled he/she wasn\'t worth getting it\'s sense anyway, understand?
i mean, i can just hope u r still able to enjoy the story itself when looking a bit over the typo\'s and stuff... on the other hand i don\'t blame my english speaking businesspartners for not knowing some technical detail so it think this is a quite fair deal, or?

honestly she doesn\'t really know why Naibur keeps staying with her, but besides she was his only source for ale which naibur obviously would die for taking a bath in it, she sometimes had the feeling that naibur was more than friend and squirel something like a patron, but on the other hand these could also just b the dreams of a lonely female, with kissing frogs and stuff, - uargh! - no never, and on naibur kisses didn\'t work so nevermind.
Anyway, he loves the forest and he always knew where to find water when being close to a forest, and he was so cute always collecting this little food for her so she just loved him. the air was fresh and so she started wandering the till afternoon and then made the first rest. Naibur just had his berrys and some water and seemed somewhat being tired. well she picked her little small hammer and a few stones and started to search for ore. not that she would need it in any way, but it was like a game, her bigger brother prefered maces and swords instead of daggers and a bow. so he teached her to smell ore and well ore is good cash, even if useless in elven areas or the woods, where steel or metal just made the wood shudder. but metal was good for being sold and she just likes knowing her reflexes and abilities did not decline so it was some sort of training. and every few years when meeting her brother they both compare themselfes and one of these comparisons always was how many ores to find in one hour... strange it feels for her to search for something that normally is dwarven business but well last time she came up with her record still being lower than his of course he smiled and honored her record with a little present a mixture between dagger and a short sword small it was but with a long curved blade on both sides it had now real grasp, instead there were just an hole in the blade at one end  and there the balde was not sharpend so a small hand would b able to grab through it. the metal was dark and never reflected light not even sunlight.
when holding it the blade was looking somewhat like a curved triangle with the outer edge somewhat above the line of the arm and a bit more to the front than the blade at the grasp. which covers the fingers holding it. at the buttom there was a little weight to balance the blade her brother told her that this blade was able to fly but she never tried throwing it, because well this blade was something strange to her and she started liking it\'s cruel look it was not elvish work it doesn\'t fit anywhere and her brother also didn\'t told her where it came from, all he said was, don\'t ask yourself from where, better ask yourself from what, perhaps u will find out somewhen and don\'t feed it with poison, it eats the poison. anyway minig ore means u need to have a spare pickaxe or something else to seperate the metal from the stone, if there is no such dagger around...
with it all u need to do is spitting on the stone and then holding the blade on it then there is a short noise a bit of  steam some dust and the metal falls down like scared out of the rock. the bad thing is the blade seems eating a part of it and so after such a mining action it gets heavier for a few days and shimers at night with a somewhat red bloody color. after picking up some nickels she returned to the tree where naibur still was sleeping on her sack.
she wante to pick it up and start going when she noticed the bow was warm. she inspected this closer and the 4th crystal nearly glew (sure it can\'t because this would disturb the woods spirit, but well a getting warmer was one of the whished effects for the dangersense, detection of enchantments, magical traps and magical lifeforms.
but what the hell was causeing it to act that strangely? this was not as she expected it to happen.
- The Blade - and yes it was glewing with a dark nearly black red that actually also was visible in the lightest sun. so what is going on with u both she was wondering. well obviously the blade was some kind of lifeform, keeping itself sharp interacting with organic and metallic substances and definitly having some spirit in it. but what the hell was it. all she thought was well i mined some ore so it awaked again but why then is the bow reacting to it?
it is not enchantet and it also is no life - lifeform sure it still could b some real kind of lifeform, a magical one but the lifeform detection should act diffrent she looked at the bow to the ends of it but the thornes were not present actually.
hmm anyway i think u both should b carried seperated because obviously the blade was angry so she just rearrange her package and carried the bow with the left hand.
Naibur was missing. She blew her little odesignal but no Naibur was jumping towards her.
alright so then i gonna seek for squirrel ladies perhaps i gonna find him there... she just wanted to drop of the package as she saw his small eyes looking from behind the treeroots. she opened her hand as always when offering him to lift him up to her shoulder. but then she noticed he was frightend.
hmm, alright so what now? she thought. then her package dropped over and hided the blade and Naibur just jumped towards her.
- Hide it, good idea, i should really, latest when entering the city. -
allright so to hide it she would have to unwrap her package to use the cloak, but without the cloak there also was no package because the cloak was holding everything togeher.
as usual her heart made a little jump when unwrapping the elvish armour, light but hard thin metal but robust because of its shape and with lots of mystified carvings. the light green shimmering of the metal was somewhat unique for the armour of her region...

... Damn pauldrons, come on but then with the pull on the right leather stripe she heard the wanted clang sound and the pauldrons now where attached to the cuirass and the gauntlets. now there where these two small thorns for the cloak on each shoulder which exactly fitted with the two holes in the cloak, and she again felt like being naked and free in her movement... sure she felt the weight of the armour even it was very light but it was excliusivly made for her so if it fits once then she is able to move in it like wearing nothing. she also told the smith about her idea of a good armour suit so it had some little changes to normal armour, the paildron for example where not huge, so ushe was able to pull the cloak over them so nobody could c the armour at all besides her greaves and boots when running or moving them out of the cloak.
allright Naibur again sat on her sholder and she was wandering down the road the bow in her left hand and the right free to pick up apples or berrys have a snack while walking. everything was stored at its place, all the daggers and knifes hidden in the armour, and the strange black blade just kept glewing below the cloak.
she just picked up a berry and walked back to the road and gave naibur his piece looking at him when she noticed that while walking the end of the bow on the shoulder where naibur sat grew little thorns not large but growing with every step in that direction. either a lifeform or an enchantment. hmm the bow was still warm because of the blade so if it would have been cool it would have been an enchantment if hot a magical life form and well the dangersense also doesn\'t work because of the blade.
anyway she thought where is an enchantment there probably also may b it\'s owner... let\'s c whom we r going to meet then. she walked towards the next bigger tree and felt the bow sine singing - so the dangersense is working, good to know - she just stopped in the right moment and just in front of her a goblin fell off the tree or had tried to jump from it, with some strange noise that if a bit more trained could have been a warcry. stinky creature, but killing without a writ was not her business and i fact she honored life very. so instead of taking any action against her possible attacker she decided to hide well for an assassin of her kin no big deal at all the cloak turned to the color of the wood and she just snuggled with the tree the light. and this spell will do the rest she thought. looked down at herself and noticed that the cloak was not able to cover the blade which was shining through it. the goblin coughed, poor creature next time i grab him before it falls on the floor she grinned into herself. but the goblin again was on his feet and turned around seeking for her.
- he will notice the blade, shall i uncover and attack or shall i just keep hiding?
Then there was something surprising the Goblin started to dance somewhat wired throwing the arms in his neck and stuff. and shaded just was not able to figure out what was going on there for a moment...

Then an enlightend grin came over her face, Naibur wouldn\'t do that with everyone this is not just any goblin this is a
 member of one of the rash clans. sure she didn\'t knew all of them but the kryrash she once helped to recover some relics which had been stolen. well normally she doesn\'t work for goblins but this job came by a courier from the guild and she was told in the name of the guild master to help these people and kill the thiefs to end what was going on there for years already. but there she learned only the rash clan goblins have this kind of fur or hair at on their neck that naibur loves to snuggle with. alright the goblin tried to get rid of her little friend so he perhaps won\'t consider being picked as place to sleep on from her little friend. anyway she has to end this, now!.

kzzzz the blade swifted through the air and just stopped about two fingers in front of the goblins nose - looks like he thought making a good deal trying to kill her - she thought -, and now is somewhat amazed looking at a firey shining blade pointing directly to it\'s nose, at the end of an arm that seems to end as part of the tree.

silence not even a breath or the wind made noise at this moment when she slowly uncovered her head...
\"greetings, fumbler, tried to rob a well guarded elf?\" she can\'t hold a little giggle but that huge goblin just was too cute looking at the blade with his big eyes and both arms still up in his neck. Naibur, a bit confused about that unwilling sleeping place just headed for the next tree...
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


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« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2003, 10:58:30 pm »
Realizing his plan did not work, Grunak tried to look pathetic.
\"Pleeese not hurta Grunak. Me not know you gud elf, me thinkses you was da bad orkses.  Thems orksses killsed Grunak\'s fambly. Pleese no hurta da poor goblin wit bad eyessite! Me so sorry, poor elfsie!\"
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« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2003, 04:14:55 am »
\"a rash clan goblin with an extremely sight problem - not even able to differ between an ork and an elf -... and a pretty good story.\"  -she doesn\'t know what to believe but this change from possible fierce attacker to a poorly victim of fate - \"-shouldn\'t try to attack anybody it might b his best friend... well, anyway i think, you could be of some use. so i wonder if i should cast a spell to change you into something harmless...\" - just hoping the goblin really would b afraid of that idea, it is always good to seed fear to a possible enemy she thought and goblins naturally don\'t understand witchcraft, so that may suit well- \"... to tell me the full family story. or how would Grunak suggest we solve this situation \" -pointing to her dagger- \" for making sure u won\'t change your mind after? \"

i hope it was okay giving your character a bit more background the last post?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2003, 04:22:11 am by Shaded »
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


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« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2003, 05:51:34 pm »
\"No! Pleesa no turnin pooor Grunak inta a frog er a li\'le lizerd. Me so sorry, me not meenta mess with nice elf witch lady.  Me helpsa you. Meesa thiever.  Pleese no aturnin me inta sumptin das not a gobbo. Me\'s likin bein the gobbo.  nice elf lady and nice li\'le tree rat kan sit in me neck too. Wesa be nice frens!?\"
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Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
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« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2003, 07:33:26 am »
\"that -\'tree rats\'- name is naibur and he likes ya,\" swiftly the dagger was put back to it\'s old place and shaded turned twice around to unstealth in front of the obviously dumbfounded goblin. \"alright so, let\'s b friends, but please tell me, u like thiefing people? i mean sorry but goblins naturally are some kind of strong proud warriors, so what made u become a thief?\" she blew the sign for naibur to come and lifted him to her shoulder for he still was afraid... and she also was not really sure about that new friend.
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.