Author Topic: an assasine's tale  (Read 3824 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2003, 12:50:31 pm »
Grunak looked a little hesitant, then he said, \"Uh, well ya seez. Uh, mee\'z inna bad spot. Ayotta peeples is wantin ta kill me. Iza workin for em rite now cuz I brokended summa deya stuffses. So nowz I gotsta find sumptin dats worthalots.\" He looked up at Shaded pleadingly. Then he said, \"And meesa gots til tanite ta gets it.  Pleesa you helpses me?\"
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« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2003, 02:02:40 pm »
-oh, he is cute- she thought \"hmmmm, \" there she made a long pause \"so u r in danger and need a lot of cash fast and that\'s why u attack passangers?\" another pause \"yes sure i would like to help my friend but would u perhaps first tell me how much time is left or when exactly is tonight and how much money u need and who the dangerous guys are?\" - \"and u don\'t have any friends who could help u out?\"

btw. if someone wants to introduce another character just go ahead if not we will need to invent a few i think...
« Last Edit: March 19, 2003, 02:04:45 pm by Shaded »
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« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2003, 03:03:36 pm »
\"Frenses? Meesa no gotses frenses.\" At that moment, Grunak thought of something. (Something he doesn\'t do very often.) \"Yusa a migiicker right? Themses guys is magickers too and Grunak\'s is feared a magickers. But if Grunak\'s gotsa powerful magicker what can turnsa gobbos inta frogs on his team, yusa can turn dem other magickers inta frogs right? Then meesa no gotsta pay em back cuz frogs no is be needin any gold or stuffs right?  Yusa helps me? Pleeeese yusa helpses me little gobbolin?\"
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« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2003, 04:59:44 pm »
\"hmm, what about just killing them? i mean turning someone into a frog or killing him seem somewhat the fair same thing or? why don\'t u just first tell me how big your debt is, perhaps we could find way to make u regain your status without needing to b rude. i mean i am able to kill them sure u r as well but why going into riscs if there may b other ways? look,\" -shaded reminded the ore she mined that morning and gave Grunak the small bag with the metal in it-
\"u think that is worth money here?\" -shaded definitly does not know much about metal but it looked nice for not being wooden- \"perhaps if we could get a soulgem we also could enchant one of these pieces to make it look like something else but i am not very good in illusive magic so think of something simple please\" -shaded just hopes the goblin would b able to think of something she wouldn\'t need a real big soul for it.- and she hopes it could b something simple

--btw r u wearing armour?
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« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2003, 05:10:39 pm »
Grunak looked into the bag. \"Thesa some rockses? Is the magickse...\" at that moment, a large stone golem  walked through the tree he had previously been hiding in and continued walking, completely undaunted.  The two (well, three if you include Naibur) watched the the as it trekked along in a completely straight line, until it was out of sight. Grunak, completely confused, forgot about what he was talking about.  \"Lessa getsta town.  Meesa da hungry nots eatin all day an issa gettin darkly night.\"

--no, Grunak is almost completly naked. He just has a leather loincloth that\'s comes up the back like a daiper.  It has a small shieth for his dirk on the back.
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« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2003, 06:24:58 am »
\"yes but in the town there r also waiting these people for u.\" - silence - \"do u like meat with some berries? then we could go and hunt something while discussing what to do next...\" she also still was confused by the golem but her new friend seems to forget really fast... \"or do u know a safe place to stay in the town? tell me what value would these stones of metal have in that town? and whats the towns name? and how big is it?\"
« Last Edit: March 20, 2003, 06:26:11 am by Shaded »
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« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2003, 12:47:36 pm »
\"Can weesa goin huntin? We mita go an bein killin sumtin and den we is no bein very much very hungry?  I thinkses if I bein stayin with you, the bad magicksers is not gonna bein wantin ta hurtin me, right?\"  Grunak looked very happy.  He picked up Naibur and placed the little \'tree-rat\' on the back of his neck.  He then drew his dirk and prepared to hunt.  Looking around, he spotted a large rodent in the distance.  He ran after it and was nearly upon it before it even noticed him.  With a single jab to the face, the animal squeeled and collapsed.  Grunak gleefully picked it up and took a chomp out of its stomach.  He then placed his bloody dirk back in its shieth and dragged the bloody corpse back to Shaded, with a look of pride on his face and a bit of entrails hanging from his mouth.  Shaded realized he must have been lying about thinking she was an orc and having bad eyes...  He offered a chunk of raw meet to his guardian elf.
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« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2003, 02:36:11 pm »
shaded was blewing a wolf whistle and then showed Grunak what she was hiding in her right hand on her back. first the arrowhead came in sight then some bloody part of an arrow and than a crow with the arrow directly through the breast.
\"er well, why hunting long distances if this sat in the tree over there...\" *grinning
then shaded came closer and whispered a few strange word Grunak could not understand, but naibur seems understanding them and jump off his back into the brush-wood...
\"i think it would b a good idea to stay way from the city as long as we had not found a way to pay your debts or have a plan to get rid of these people...\" she was thinking loudly to Grunak while collecting small pieces of dry wood. \"tell me what folk lives in the town... must human, goblins, orc or what?\" she babbled something obviously to herself in thoughts while looking at the near trees... \" u r good in climbing are u? i would like to stay the night in the trees and also having our meal there...\" she picked a bigger stone and then climed one of the bigger nearby trees. this moment Naibur reappeared holding some berries and placing them on the ground near the tree and immideatly ran away again...
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


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« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2003, 03:53:57 pm »
\"Yess, meza goodly climbiner. Mekan climin the topest mountains and slippriest treeses.  Thasa no problem.  Uh. In da town ther\'s alotsa \'Umies. Themses no likin gobbos, but them Umins they likeses elfsis, right?  An they\'s gotsa da bar. Mm-mm Thems\'s gotsa good dwarfy beer an some orcisk stuffs too. Orcs\'s beers, theys kills elvfsis, but theysa good fo gobbos an orcsis.  Us greenskins weeza likin da worstest an strongest a da beerses. Dems magickers no livin in da town. They\'s a livin out in da wildryness. One time I comes an sees aa cave an me thinkses. Hmm, maybe thersa sumtin in dere.  An I goes in an there\'s all this stuffses. Magickas stuffses an sciency stuffses. An no one\'s thear. An me seesa dis magicka stick an its gotsa lotsa glittery gemses on it an me thinkses. Nobody\'s hea, meesa wansit. So I goes an issa stuck on lots wiry stuffses. SO I breakses da wires an lotsa noises go woo-woo an meesa jump back an sumtin fallses over an startsa big firy. An then I goes an hides on the ceiling cuz I hereses some guards comin...\" he stops for a second. He stands up straight and looks around, worried and alert. \"Somtin\'s comin. Me hears it.\"
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« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2003, 05:23:42 pm »
soory was no good, still editing...

couldn\'t this goblin just shut his mouth she thought, cover his mouth and pulled him into the shadows of the tree and cloaked him before casting the dimensionswift and then all the colors faded into the grey timeless world where ditances seem to b a product of random events which had taken place somewhere in history. the \"ssshhh\" she wanted to whisper to her friend was like coming from far distance with a deformed voice that just remembered of her own... she doesn\'t like this feeling it was cold but the effect was astounding everytime looking through the own hands and through the bow they hold gave her some peace.
it is one thing to hide from the eyes of flesh by using some illusive spell in combination with the magical cloak she wears, but it is another thing to hide form something that was not part of this world. how the hell was that firetemperior able to exist in that world as far as the stories of her childhood told her, these beings were once banned into the caves and mines of the dwarfs by three legendary wizards which build their prison to exist through all the coming ages...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2003, 06:19:52 pm by Shaded »
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« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2003, 05:40:38 pm »
what? I was just writing a response...

for anyone who isn\'t Shaded or I, skip the next three posts. They will not make any sense because they refer to things that were edited out. Also, if anyone else is reading this, PLEASE ADD A CHARACTER. You don\'t need to add the character into the immediate events, but you could just have a little \"meanwhile\" thing going on and jump your character into our story when it\'s convinient.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2003, 07:40:16 pm by Ravenmaster »
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« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2003, 06:21:11 pm »
yeah but sorry i don\'t want to write for your characters view this wouldn\'t b fair so... i just rethought and rewrote the first part perhaps u still have my thoughts in mind :)
sorry again...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2003, 06:22:57 pm by Shaded »
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« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2003, 06:33:23 pm »
well, in any event, you should put up the part about the monster and it\'s rider.  And you can have the bow cast a spell on me.  I can take it from there.  I wish someone else would add a character.  I wonder if anyone else even reads this besides us...
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« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2003, 06:41:56 pm »
hey why could u not bring that part with that creature and it\'s rider my imagination about it u read already, all i didn\'t wanted was to interrupt your characters movements because u also would not tell me how my character reacted to something... well not really... so hey if u found it good just describe it with your own speech i will support u in it.. but yeas we should get a few more people contributing no matter where they start their story and if we just meet them later but just introducing and then we will c where the imagination of all of us drives us in creating the most compolex and fierce enemys fantasy ever invented... perhaps we should start a post and animate others to join...
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« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2003, 07:14:32 pm »
From out of the sky, a huge flaming foot came down, only meters from where the two were standing, cloaked in shadow and a veil of magic.  The foot was attached to an enormous leg, whcih in turn was attached to a gigantic torso.  The torso, presumably was attached to a head somewhere way up there, but Grunak could not see it. Grunak tried to scream in terror, but Shaded slapped her hand and cloak over his mouth, silencing him.  Grunak stood slightly still for a couple seconds, trembling.  The humongous beast walked past them and Grunak caught a glimpse of a harness on the creature\'s back. It was actually more like a carriage attached to a harness. Inside the carriage was a dark figure whose sillhouette was hazy.  Grunak screamed and bit Shaded\'s hand.  He wriggled agily from her grasp and sprinted away from the beast and its passenger, screaming, \"Theysa comened for me! THeysa gonna kill me!\"  The beast shifted facing and turned towards Grunak, even though it could not see him.  
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