Author Topic: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia  (Read 1312 times)

Socius Rockus

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[GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« on: January 14, 2007, 10:00:39 am »
[all the IC stuff is put on a poster in Kada el's]
Guildname: Aletheia (means ā€œTruthā€  in old Greeks, read belong for explanation)

We are truth, everybody is truth.
We and everybody are society.
We donā€™t like the way society is.
We donā€™t like the way everybody is.
We want to change it all.
We therefore give truth a new name.
We carry on that name.
We are Aletheia!

Poverty, violence, greed and discrimination were the four things Midisa disgusted. As she tried on her own and some times with friends to help people who became victim of those four, she soon realized she couldnā€™t do it on her own and started planning to form a group of people who all wanted to better Yliakum. With some financial help of a friend she managed to make the 20,000 trias needed to found her organization. Now all she needed were members to join her in her 'fight'ā€¦
[As you can see we donā€™t have a real history yet, because we donā€™t exist yet, that is until we make some by bettering Yliakum. This can include our projects started ect. (would be like some sort of diary) See the forum for Midisaā€™s History in how she got the trias and how she got the Idea]

We stand for help, nothing more and nothing less. We try to help EVERYBODY in need, from people who are lost to warriors wounded in combat. With Everybody we do mean EVERY person, also if that certain person is considered ā€˜evilā€™ (or whatever you want call it).
We can offer tria help, material help, psychological help (like being the listing ear).
We want  people to understand that respect for life is needed, therefore we are against any violence to other people**, unless of course the other one started and there isnā€™t ANY other way out (these kind of situations if accrued would be discussed with the guild in what to do next) . In the end we want everybody to be treated the same, everyone respects the people, races and such.
All this we try to accomplish by starting little, maybe later even big, projects to help the people.  An example of what a project is like is Midisaā€™s little shop where she sells everything for one tria. But we can also think like a ā€œtalking-homeā€ where people can come to talk about problems or just for the times when they need a listening ear or even a health care facility.
Let your creativity loose ;) !
**people = any players, and respectable NPCs. Nothing is said about Ulbers, Rogues, tefusangs ect.

- Try to stick as close as you can to our goals.
- Do not think you are more superior then another guild member and/or player because of your Specialization or any other reason.
- With giving help do not discriminate upon race, gender, strength,  appearance, thinking of that person, rumors, actions of that certain person who needs help. This also includes the judging about the amount of trias a person got. We always try to help people as good as needed.
- Try to look for yourself who needs help, do not wait until people come to you.
- Do not invoke in anyway a fight and/or a war between people, races, guilds and genders.
- Do not harm people on purpose in any way.
- Only fight in DEFENCE. (against people)

ā€œRanksā€ aka ā€œSpecializationsā€:
In Aletheia everyone is as much as equal. Everyone has the same rights and her/his vote will count as much as the other votes (with some small exceptions as you will see). We therefore donā€™t call it ā€˜Ranksā€™ but ā€˜Specializationsā€™. But being in a certain Specialization does not mean at all that you canā€™t do anything else, for example: ā€˜A Information-raiser may bring in funds ect.ā€™ The Specializations are here because when you need (for example) some trias for a project it would be wise to ask one of the fund-raisers for some trias or tipsā€¦

9. Leader
8. Council
6. Comitis
5. Fund-raiser
4. Information-raiser
3. Material-raiser
2. Question mark

The ā€˜numberingā€™ of the Specializations 3-7 is done in a Alphabetical order, in Basis there are all the same. 
The Specializations 3-9 all have the same voting-rights (a vote of the leader counts as much as a vote of a Material-raiser)

Explanations of the Specializations:
Leader and Council:
The Leader (Midisa) can not always be around, also in case of urgent matters*. Therefore she has elected 1-5 persons to lead and/or guide and/or help the guild/guild members. Also in hard decisions about urgent matters are made by the Council if needed and when the Leader isnā€™t present. The Council and the Leader (of course) are the only specializations which can ā€˜promoteā€™ members (This can mean to give some one a Specialization he/she asked for, or in the worst case make a member the ā€˜Question markā€™).

*Under urgent matter when see:
- Violation of the PS rules (more a OOC thingy, but still!)
- Violation of the guild rules (With this we mean BIG time violations, normal ones can always be discussed and donā€™t deserve drastic measures)
- Doing anything what would obviously be bad for us as guild

Awareness bringer:
The awareness-bringers try to give the message of our guild spread, they try to reason with people, trying to make them do good. But is a subtle manner, donā€™t run around screaming for peace, love and unity, because that scare people away. When you talk to people try to subtle point out there faults and always try to give tense situations a positive turn, and of course try to stop a fight when you see one, but again subtle.
Awareness-bringers are considered smooth talkers, people to whom people listen and fine diplomats.

These members have not, will not or can not choose a Specialization. They are considered to be ā€˜all-roundā€™  persons, and of course like the rest of the guild they stand up for the guild, its goals and its rules.

Fund-raiser are good and finding trias, it doesnā€™t matter how they get it (unless it is against the guild its rules or goals), the point is they get it. These trias they bring in the guild is used only for guild purposes and /or guild projects (which are a bit the sameā€¦ hmm ^^)
{NOTE: a fund-raiser or any other raiser and member can have their own items and trias, the guild wonā€™t ask of any of the member for trias and/or materials}

The Information-raisers main task is getting information about things concerning the guild like: How are the people doing? Who is in need? Is there a war coming? Yes, then why? ect.
A good Information-raiser can get information without letting it notice youā€™re interested in that information, they are good in ears dropping and probably would have some reliable sources.

Material-raisers are good at finding items and/or materials, it doesnā€™t matter how they get it (unless it is against the guild its rules or goals), the point is again they get it.

A specialization which you would never want to be inā€¦ If you are considered a Question-mark all your guild-rights are gone (every permission, also the Guildchat function!!) this state you will be in until you are kicked or if you have a VERY VERY VERY (yes VERY) convincing explanation to offer to explain you deeds which have made you a Question-mark.

Obvious this is the beginning Specialization, to see if you fit in the guild and the guild fits with you. You canā€™t do everything like a normal member, but at least more then a Question-mark ;)

Every member wears a little wooden logo of the guild, so anyone in need can recognize us.

How to Join:
Because we donā€™t really exist yet we need first of all five persons to found the guild, after that itā€™s just looking for any member ask, say why you would join and give your motivations.
Or post your why you want to join and motivations in this thread. (first check in PS with the ā€˜/who Aletheiaā€™ command and see if there is any member around ;) )
Iā€™ll post it here when we are founded, so all you know where to come if you need help, just look for the wooden logo!
Members or wannabe members can join our forum at:  (main page, click on the ulber banner to enter the Aletheia section) (forum)

(read the ā€˜home, Welcome to, Welcome on PSSā€™ for more info how to join Aletheiaā€™s forum)
Forum and Site available Thanks to Eletiy!

Opinions on this guild also welcome ;)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 03:42:25 pm by Socius Rockus »


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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 01:47:20 am »
Read all of it and got to make one remark, The guild's name doesnt mean truth in Yliakum, cause we do not know of this place called Greece. It's an OOC guildname therefor. We had some queries in the past over guilds that used languages in their guildname other then English ones, or made-up ones. Either provide a different name, or a well based RP reason for your guild.
yours, the entertainer

Socius Rockus

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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 11:55:02 am »
Read all of it
But did you understand? :P
Guildname: Aletheia (means ā€œTruthā€  in old Greeks, read belong for explanation)

We are truth, everybody is truth.
We and everybody are society.
We donā€™t like the way society is.
We donā€™t like the way everybody is.
We want to change it all.
We therefore give truth a new name.
We carry on that name.
We are Aletheia!

I have to say, I got the name from the old Greeks because i was looking for a sweet word for truth.
I didn't say it meant truth in Yliakum, or any 'historycal-langues' that may have been in Yliakum.
"We therefore give truth a new name."
new, see? Midisa 'made up' a new name for truth, So IC it's a made-up name.
I put the "means ā€œTruthā€  in old Greeks" just for a reference on how I got to the name OOC, but IC it's still a made-up name ;)


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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 12:15:33 pm »
My character invented the motorcycle. I may have gotten the idea for the way it works OOC but I'm going to make it IC because I can.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(

Socius Rockus

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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 12:20:21 pm »
My character invented the motorcycle. I may have gotten the idea for the way it works OOC but I'm going to make it IC because I can.
Nope, cause that would mean that your char suddely knows how to make a motorcycle.... we are here talking about a name for something, like that name of your your char.
Like the name Socius, Socius is a old latin word that means companion/friend, but in PS it's used as a name  ;)


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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 12:58:07 pm »
But Knowledge Seekers are ok?
This guild name means Truth. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe i would be disturbed if i saw a guild named Truth running around. And maybe i would be also disturbed if i was a Greek. But As far as i got it, it is ancient greek. So it isn't commonly used anymore. It is a common thing, that some words often become symbols and so names for something else, than it was before.
Remember the movie "Dances with Wolves" ? AFAIR it was a name. It was normal to call the main character like this. But here people would bug someone around for an invalid name.
There are loads of ways for naming people/organizations/locations and more. And to tell the truth, I enjoy a lot more a name like "Dances with Wolves" over some Danwo name.
For example, i would be a lot happier if i could give my enkidukai similiar (like the Indians did) name, rather than simple made up from nothing surname.

I don't want to start another discussion about names, but i say short, if you don't agree with me and you like random or common names, over these with story (like the example i gave), there is someting wrong with you and you are just narrow-minded.

On a side note towards the guild: The little poem you did with the truth words, doesn't really explain why the guild is caled so, ad why you ae the truth. It must make some sense and it may be somewhat challangeful, for now it is just plain or I'm missing something very meaningful within. You might also want to fix the gramatical errors, like 'are' instead of 'is' in few parts.

Your goals: Why the heck every new guild want to help people?? Why is it your only goal? This is another thing which sound plain. I mean, there are so many people already doing it, so this doesn't make your guild anywhere near special. And the reason why everybody help others, is because if you help a newbie, he might join your guild. So it is a common goal for every guild. But it may not be the only goal.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 01:00:59 pm by Nikodemus »

What you can failure tommorow, failure today.

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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 01:19:18 pm »

We stand for help, nothing more and nothing less. We try to help EVERYBODY in need, from people who are lost to warriors wounded in combat. With Everybody we do mean EVERY person, also if that certain person is considered ā€˜evilā€™ (or whatever you want call it).

Thats the good bit. But i want to check, say narure was to murder someone, then a murderous horde came after him... Would you save him from the murderous horde?

Socius Rockus

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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 01:53:03 pm »
@ Nikodemus
On a side note towards the guild: The little poem you did with the truth words, doesn't really explain why the guild is caled so, ad why you ae the truth. It must make some sense and it may be somewhat challangeful, for now it is just plain or I'm missing something very meaningful within. You might also want to fix the gramatical errors, like 'are' instead of 'is' in few parts.

 ::) I might have give that some more explanation: Maybe, or maybe not, you have heard about the philosophical question "What is truth?"
There is an endless discussion going on there and blablabla, one Thought of an answer is "Everything you see, smell, hear ect. ect. is true
Following that thought "we" (the guild)  and everybody else is true (cause you can see, smell, hear ect. ect. them)
With that in mind read the poem ( :flowers: Thank you for calling it that) again
So basically we want to change the truth (which is everybody who are the society)
So 'we' changed the truth Symbolically to Aletheia to show what we want to do (like some sort of example)
as for the grammar faults, I'll look right into that after i posted this and had something to drink  ;)

Your goals: Why the heck every new guild want to help people?? Why is it your only goal? This is another thing which sound plain. I mean, there are so many people already doing it, so this doesn't make your guild anywhere near special. And the reason why everybody help others, is because if you help a newbie, he might join your guild. So it is a common goal for every guild. But it may not be the only goal.

*smiley face who looks a little annoyed while smacking himself to the head*
I wonder if you read the goals and rules....
Nothing is said about helping newbies as first goal! It's about helping people in general, So we are NOT a guild that goes around asking : "hey are you new in this region? you look like you could use some help, try brado for a quest" members may do so of course but it's NO rule and or goal.
And in my view we offer an other kind of help then only "Hey, here are some trias, go get yourself a sword"
We offer (like in the example of Midisa's little store) all kinds of things for a low price, their are Idea's coming of psychological help, health care and like I said Let your creativity lose ;)
So yes, I hoped it didn't have to say this and people would get it ontheirselves but:
"Yes we are going to be a much more IC guild, I mean in a way that we don't strive to be the best in anything, we just want Yliakum to get better"
And seriously {sorry if I offend any newbies here} what 'true' (true in the contents of not even reading the player guide)  newbie would care about psychological help/health care/ Midisa's shop where you can buy carp fish for one tria ect. if they get free weapons and trias if the annoy just enough a certain person to get it and not get struck down by laanx?

 :sweatdrop: and i don't know If I got it right, if not it would only make me look stupid so:  :flowers: thanks for accepting the name

@ Narure

We stand for help, nothing more and nothing less. We try to help EVERYBODY in need, from people who are lost to warriors wounded in combat. With Everybody we do mean EVERY person, also if that certain person is considered ā€˜evilā€™ (or whatever you want call it).

Thats the good bit. But i want to check, say narure was to murder someone, then a murderous horde came after him... Would you save him from the murderous horde?
Well, in first place yes, if the horde wants to murder you yes. If they want to bring you to justice (without killing you :P ) probably not.
And of course it depends, if the horde is right behind you, nobody can really help you, we won't fight the horde for you ;)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 02:07:48 pm by Socius Rockus »


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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 03:23:12 pm »
It was a great guild post, and hey i had to comment lol, you used the word truth ;)  :D

Datruth, thinks this is a great post, as well as a good idea.

But as narure mentioned, i wouldn't be to quick to help evil people, i mean you could, if you like.
It's just you don't want that same person whom you helped... to come back and.... stab you... as some characters actually would.

Give us an update on how the guild is doing in a month, the first month is always the hardest, and alot of guilds fall to the wayside then.
Good luck socius  :D

Truth To Disbelief

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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 06:46:25 pm »
It was a great guild post, and hey i had to comment lol, you used the word truth ;)  :D

Datruth, thinks this is a great post, as well as a good idea.

But as narure mentioned, i wouldn't be to quick to help evil people, i mean you could, if you like.
It's just you don't want that same person whom you helped... to come back and.... stab you... as some characters actually would.

Give us an update on how the guild is doing in a month, the first month is always the hardest, and alot of guilds fall to the wayside then.
Good luck socius  :D


Yes... first month is really tough, specially when you plan on making a whole organization.

We donā€™t like the way society is.
We donā€™t like the way everybody is.
We want to change it all.

Depending on the meaning of "change it all" the Y.R.M. would be glad to give some support, but if it is just an exhalted form of the simple goal of just helping people as it seems to be right now, then it will depend on several factors such support.

I hope this guild will not be smashed down in a rain of hellfire criticism because of its name, there is a large difference between "Hell Dwarves" and "Aletheia".

But in my opinion just "helping others" is already a goal shared by dozens of guilds, perhaps giving it a more deeper, wider and future-oriented goal related to fighting against "Poverty, violence, greed and discrimination" would make it more interesting.


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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2007, 02:32:23 am »
Nice worked out guild .. this is the way how it should be done.

*whispers* psh .. just delete the part after your guild name where it says it's old greek for truth and nobody will know anything. :P

Seriously, I mean, before I read that part I had no idea what Aletheia meant and I'm certain it's that way for the large majority of players. I find this name not disturbing my RP in the least.
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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2007, 06:53:32 pm »
Socius Rockus!

Is Aletheia still the guild you run?

We have something in common.

Let's meet sometime.


Socius Rockus

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Re: [GUILD_Promo] Aletheia
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2007, 09:57:31 am »
 :lol: It's not Socks Guild, If it is anyones it's Midisa's ;)

Midisa's guild Aletheia Never came further then this thread and the "Aletheia" Ideal she now spreads (or tries to) with help of some individuals, Mostly Irri and Fizzi  ;)
About the meeting, I hpoe you mean in game, Midisa would be glad to talk to one who appreciates Aletheia.
She usually walks around in Hydlaa, sometimes (tries to) Sale her stuff for "Aletheia" at Harnquist ;)
As long as you don
't approach her with weapons or behave like a Badmen/women, she won't run away  ;)