Author Topic: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!  (Read 2202 times)


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2007, 08:41:57 pm »
I...really don't see any of this any time.


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2007, 09:05:34 pm »
Karyuu:  The reason why I asked all to answer they thought by not quoting others is: i don't want to have mess here only concrete posts. No i'm not going to force. why do you see it like that? don't you know the word 'please' i'm using? Ok Quote others let them say what they think about themselves and their ideas and we'll finally lose in totally offtopic..

why the team are agaist the changes idea... i don't know.... but ok seems that' the law.

I want everybody to let us know their thoughts about it. I want a better so say what you want

"I think higher fees for the creation of guilds is a poor solution. I would much prefer quests, for example. Anyway, good guild leaders already make sure their recruits are familiar with PS rules and guidelines. Your suggestion for guild members not to use OOC chat anywhere is also very iron-fisted. Are you here to play, or are you here to police each other for every minor offense? Please don't give our GMs more to do than absolutely necessary. Asking them to come after someone who used a single line in brackets during RP is worthy of an eye-roll.

You sound like you need to relax a bit and take on a bit more of a live-and-let-live attitude. I don't mean relax completely into "anything goes," but I wouldn't want to play a game with the suggestions you have made."

- Karyuu again...again so angry.... but i'll ask anyway. If you prefer quests, where are they? if good guild leaders are making sure about what you've said why do we still have many guilds that give a s.... to the rules? It seems you haven't read my posts correctly if there was anything about "if he uses brackets he should be punished?" Please read and make deep breath few times before posting a reply. by the way telling me to relax is so wrong. I'm cool. I'm very disappointed you took it all wrong.

Indygo: yes i miss the Vespers at this point....

now.... everybody say what they want


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2007, 09:21:53 pm »
"Again so angry"? If you can show anger in my first post, I will give you a cookie :) Moreover, I thought I explained my thoughts.

I do prefer quests, but what kind of question is "where are they"? Where are the missing character models? Where are more items? Where are new areas? They all must be made by our team members, and that takes time and internal discussion.

if good guild leaders are making sure about what you've said why do we still have many guilds that give a s.... to the rules?

I said "good guild leaders," not "all guild leaders" :) If someone is being a nuisance during roleplay and they're not taking your hints, try to catch a GM. What are you trying to achieve with this thread?

It seems you haven't read my posts correctly if there was anything about "if he uses brackets he should be punished?" Please read and make deep breath few times before posting a reply.


Guilded members - Those who are guildmembers/leaders are not allowed to use OOC on main tab (even with brackets), doing so allows any player to petition guildleader to kick member for breaking the rules.

Is that not punishment?

I see your suggestions as tight-reined and unnecessary. We do want to have a smooth RP atmosphere, but not with these rules where you constantly have to watch yourself for fear of people being tattletales if you drop a sentence in brackets. I see people very eager to make rules, but not so many people willing to take their time to actually help newcomers understand roleplay. Now that's disappointing.
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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2007, 09:49:59 pm »
Karyuu: there are not rules these are ideas of solving the problem. If i ask them about their thoughts i don't say: "say yes or you'd be killed". They may have better ideas instead of leaving it like it is now. That's why i'm counting on them now...

Verspers were good but.... we've missing such guild in Ojaveda. so that's why i want to make a global action for teaching everyone RP. Cannot point Enki to the vespers when (s)he doesn't know when the freakin hydlaa is.

Cookie was tasty.... and now the essence

"What are you trying to achieve with this thread?" - We are trying to find the way of taking care of stupid guilds/ unexperienced guildleaders and a way to not let them crete a guild too quickly. got it or it's too complicated?

"Is that not punishment?

I see your suggestions as tight-reined and unnecessary. We do want to have a smooth RP atmosphere, but not with these rules where you constantly have to watch yourself for fear of people being tattletales if you drop a sentence in brackets. " - No it's not it's encouraging leaders to tell their members to not talk about non rp stuff - not really to kick the member out i mean physical kick rather.

"I see people very eager to make rules, but not so many people willing to take their time to actually help newcomers understand roleplay. Now that's disappointing." - you haven't been in Yliakum lately have you? :)


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2007, 09:51:53 pm »
So... here are some things that we discussed on IRC and i want you all to read it. Let me know your opinion but please do NOT offtopic, i want to hear your yes or no. (if no, give me the reason). Do NOT reply to others posts, only mine please. So...Here we go...:

Guilds creation fee 200k-500k - (will need newbies to be in game for some time before creating a guild and know each other, or let them find guild that suits them)

How does that help RP?  If anything it encourages powerleveling which is, for the most part, OOC (Scholars don't mine/fight for instance)

those are too lazy to use "/tell playername message" - use "/invite playername" instead for free temporary group

[] are fine, as far as most people are concerned.  It's just doing it too much

Guild leaders - Are restricted to take care of their members, should learn them roleplay, using OOC and IC, and tell them to not using OOC on main tab. forced to learn recruited ones so he knows what ooc and ic is and how to use them. Should point to the forums to read (carefully and with understanding). Teach members about everything but quest solutions.

That's pretty obvious.  I agree completely but, it's not something that should be enforced.  If the guild leader lets bad RPers in without teaching them, his guild will end up ridiculed and ignored.

Guilded members - Those who are guildmembers/leaders are not allowed to use OOC on main tab (even with brackets), doing so allows any player to petition guildleader to kick member for breaking the rules. Guild members are allowed to ask their guildmates only (will force guilds to be experienced, and leaders to be responsible for members).

You're being a bit strict here.  Main tab OOC with brackets is frowned upon, but it shouldn't be punished unless used too much.

OOC and brackets - only not guilded people are allowed to use it [in brackets of course] until they know what's going on, if anyone wants to help him/her and teach him/her, use "/invite playername"

Same as above.

Guilds - Each guildleader have a month to clarify rules, ranks, and eventually some story for his guild. Take a serious name which will properly describe your guild (do not choose warriors, fighters if any of your member will not fight if challanged). Guild which haven't managed to create rules etc. are deleted. Similiar guilds are merged if needed [will need GM help on that if possible]

There shouldn't be any such restriction.  It's putting more work on the already overworked GMs.  Again, if a guild doesn't act seriously, it'll just end up ignored.

I'm getting annoyed with how many people quote "Tester first, Player second" and then go ahead and complain about RP while ignoring the testing part completely.  A powerleveler who tests frequently is better than an RPer who never does, in my opinion.  But, that's just me ;)


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2007, 10:04:25 pm »
Verspers were good but.... we've missing such guild in Ojaveda. so that's why i want to make a global action for teaching everyone RP. Cannot point Enki to the vespers when (s)he doesn't know when the freakin hydlaa is.

You teach people to RP by restricting their usage of OOC? I didn't see anything in your list of suggestions that would be actively educating new PlaneShifters about roleplay, except for telling guildleaders to do it. You didn't earn your cookie, Edicho. Nowhere close even.

We are trying to find the way of taking care of stupid guilds/ unexperienced guildleaders and a way to not let them crete a guild too quickly. got it or it's too complicated?

I'm not in the mood to play insult-games with anyone, so I would advise you to avoid coming off as cheeky. How many stupid guilds do you see in the game? Give me a number that proves more action needs to be taken. A bad guild is its own undoing - always was, always will be. They may not falter immediately, but guilds without RP and good structure will find themselves ostracized by everyone else in the community rather quickly.

"I see people very eager to make rules, but not so many people willing to take their time to actually help newcomers understand roleplay. Now that's disappointing." - you haven't been in Yliakum lately have you? :)

So if there are people already doing this job... why are you complaining? :]
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Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2007, 10:48:57 pm »
Guilds creation fee 200k-500k
No.  This will mean that only "powerlevellers" will be able to start guilds.

Your rules for guilds are unnecessary.  Your rules for OOC chat are also unnecessary - OOC does not belong in public chat, and guild chats are always OOC.

I'm so bored by "role playing" talibans!
Go back to runescape or counterstrike then.

You can't enforce roleplay. You can but encourage it, and not with excess rules.
Yes.  More rules are not always a good thing.

In my obsvervation it has been since the absence of the Vespers of Laanx that OOC has become more prevalent.
I'm not sure if you're complimenting me or blaming me. :)  Though when Xillix was around, there were a lot of OOC things happening.  The Vespers would make a lot of shouts, always had OOC portions of their dialogue, and they would talk about visiting the website etc.  They even had quests where you would have to go offline, read the website, then get back to them with the answer to a question about the settings.

To my mind, the major problem is that there is a sub culture in the game of people who encourage OOC interaction, encourage others to copy them, who resent and pick on roleplayers, who do nothing to stop OOC chat and who pick on anyone who speaks up against OOC chat and actions.  I also think that the way to get rid of this lot is to remove duels.  But we've had that conversation before...

Edit:  The alternative to getting rid of duels is to have the Game Masters be more proactive in protecting the integrity of the game.  However, I've found that GMs are almost always unwilling to step in and do something when there's a problem.  Despite their flaws, there used to be Game Masters like Platnya and Zayek who were really zealous about the quality of roleplaying in the game, but they're gone now and I haven't seen anyone step up to fill their shoes.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 10:58:18 pm by zanzibar »
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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2007, 11:04:31 pm »
I agree with Karyuu and Zanzibar. And I actually don't see where Kary was angry in her first posts... but well, no cookie for me :-(

No.  This will mean that only "powerlevellers" will be able to start guilds.
No.  Guild leaders should be able to do what they feel like.  If people like it, the guilds will be successfull.  If not, the guild will die.  People should be free to be IC 100% of the time.
No.  This policy is fascist and unnecessary.  People should be allowed to interact with eachother in ways which are human and appropriate to their situation.
Right. And I won't ask my fellow GMs to nitpick on every single OOC message they catch. What was and still is punished with a /mute and eventually a /kick (and if someone doesn't listen to a GM even a ban) are long OOC conversations in any open chat (/say and /auction) - and furthermost /shout.
No.  OOC chat doesn't belong in open chat period.  Guild chats are OOC.
Right and wrong. OOC chat doesn't belong in open chat. Guild chat CAN be OOC, but also can be used for IC stuff.. noone can and will watch that (as long as it isn't /reported).
Guilds - Each guildleader have a month to clarify rules, ranks, and eventually some story for his guild. Take a serious name which will properly describe your guild (do not choose warriors, fighters if any of your member will not fight if challanged). Guild which haven't managed to create rules etc. are deleted. Similiar guilds are merged if needed [will need GM help on that if possible]
This is unnecessary.
Not completely unnecessary, but not completely the right way to go either.

We aim for a concept that encourages more RP concentrated guilds. Also we work on better tools and concepts to educate newbies and general help.

retired GM leader

Under the moon

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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2007, 11:55:36 pm »
* Under the moon stumbles around the thread, trying to figure out exactly what is being asked for.

Ehem. I will be the first one to admit that I can not stand how guilds are as they are now, but as known, that has more to do with the title 'guild' and its usage than the actual function of the guilds. But, reading your suggestions makes me shudder, as well as being confused as to how this would help.

First, the 200- 300 tria limit. A big no on that, and I will list the reasons.

a) what is the in-character reason for spending a vast fortune on starting a guild? Now, you may think that is a small sum to get from power-mining, power-looting, or power-smithing, which it is, but that limits the guilds to three kinds. Mining, killing, and smithing. What if I wished to start a farming guild on my paltry 250 tria per week (or was that month?)? Maybe I can in about two years. In many books I have read, there have been guilds for just about anything, even beggars. Even the 20,000 limit cuts out many of those.

b) Only those who have power-whatevered will be able to start a guild easily. PLing is not, and will never be a prerequisite to good roleplaying. Upping the cost of starting a guild only cuts out more good RPers from starting a guild.

c) not letting newbies create a guild right away is built into the cost, though it is flawed. If one wishes to create a guild, and sees the cost is so high, they will spend all their time leveling up and making money, not learning how to roleplay well.
those are too lazy to use "/tell playername message" - use "/invite playername" instead for free temporary group

I do not understand what is being asked for here. A new rule? A solution to a problem I do not see? Add onto that the fact that many players are already in groups. What would work better is a MSN type list of people who have sent you tells, and those you have sent tells to, and make conversations out of them. Click on a name in the list to see what has been said to just that one person, and respond to them. That would save a lot of scrolling. Call them two person groups if you will.

Guild leaders - Are restricted to take care of their members, should learn them roleplay, using OOC and IC, and tell them to not using OOC on main tab. forced to learn recruited ones so he knows what ooc and ic is and how to use them. Should point to the forums to read (carefully and with understanding). Teach members about everything but quest solutions.

Ok...I do not see what you are asking for. That is done by choice ingame now. A guild with bad members gets ignored by the good guilds. You can not enforce this kind of thing, unless you have one GM for every player. If you are asking players to do this, then that is fine, and it is an ongoing thing by all good RPers, guildmaster or not. But you can not force for the following reasons:

a) Unrealistic in-character. In a true guild, masters do not know ever single apprentice of the other masters in the guild. You should not expect them to do so IC in the game.

b) Forcing someone to learn all the members of their guild is not only unrealistic IC, it is impossible OOC. Timezones will never let ALL guildmembers be on at the same time.

c) any rank can invite new members if allowed. All of the guildmaster's time would be spent trying to arrange meeting with someone one of his underlings invited.

Guilded members - Those who are guildmembers/leaders are not allowed to use OOC on main tab (even with brackets), doing so allows any player to petition guildleader to kick member for breaking the rules. Guild members are allowed to ask their guildmates only (will force guilds to be experienced, and leaders to be responsible for members).

Now this is getting into silly territory. I use OOC asides all the time, either to say I have to step out for a bit, or to explain something to the entire group of people I am RPing with. How this forces guilds to be experienced baffles me. As it is, you can ask members of a guild to kick one of their own for bad RP. No new rule is needed.

OOC and brackets - only not guilded people are allowed to use it [in brackets of course] until they know what's going on, if anyone wants to help him/her and teach him/her, use "/invite playername"

Sorry, but this is never going to happen, is unenforceable, and will promote hostility between players. Bad all around. If someone is going to extremes with OOC, then a GM can be called.

Guilds - Each guildleader have a month to clarify rules, ranks, and eventually some story for his guild. Take a serious name which will properly describe your guild (do not choose warriors, fighters if any of your member will not fight if challanged). Guild which haven't managed to create rules etc. are deleted. Similiar guilds are merged if needed [will need GM help on that if possible]

Oh hell no on most counts. Besides the non-silly names and the guild rules (which again is unenforceable to force to make rules), horrid ideas all around. Your fighters/warriors example makes me cringe. True fighting guilds will not fight any random Joe on the street. They fight for profit in matches against other fighters. Deleting guilds for not making rules is not going to do anything, as "stupid" guildleaders will just slop on the standard set of rules, then ignore them. Finally, merging similar guilds is... well, bad in both IC and OOC ways. IC, it is unrealistic. OOC, you are just going to piss off a bunch of folks, myself included.

On the whole, good ideas for a guild you want to do for yourself, but horribly wrong for the rules of the game, and detrimental to the welfare of the community.

Guilds -are- clubs right now, and shall remain as such. I have talked over more realistic and advanced Trade Guilds with the Devs, where the rules are stricter, and you have to start the guild with more than one master of your craft, but that will have no effect on the way the less powerful 'club' guilds are created and run.
As to teaching newbies how to RP, that should be the job of all players in a gentle manner. It should also be the job of NPCs who teach the basics of the game in an easy to understand manner (soon (TM)).
* Under the moon bakes his own cookies and shares them.



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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2007, 02:26:30 am »
The idea of   Much larger guild creation fee's I lie. I also  think that  guild name tags and such would be best viewed in a characters description.

But I think that your trying to force role play to happen. Face it. it wont. People play games to play games, planeshift will alwys have its shae of role play, more than many other games, but in the end your always going to have players who dont want to take part in that.
Let it be.


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2007, 05:17:17 am »
I agree with a lot of that, especially the reasons and intent... but I think there could be some problems and ironically, make it easier for non-RPers (power-levellers for instance) to create a guild!


For one thing.. I don't think you need to be too strict on the bracketed OOC as long as the OOC dialog relates to the game mechanics, etc. and isn't a long dialog.

For instance, if I was trying to sell something to a large audience and knew some of them were new, I'd probably use..

"I'll buy it for 16 circles [4k tria]"

It's when it's excessive ... or used to discuss things entirely unrelated to Planeshift that it gets on my nerves.

I think many guilds have no-OOC-in-public as a basic rule in general (with the exception of that which is in brackets), but I know I've been guilty of not explaining clearly that OOC dialog, in-brackets, in-public should still be strictly PS related when explaining the rules to new people.

I think the majority who do annoy me with that kinda thing, usually aren't in guilds anyway.  :)


Also if 'guilds' covers 'gangs' too, which it seems to, the tria shouldn't be so high. -- I think for any guild that is to claim official links specifically to a town, etc. this would be more understandable... but a gang or a mystic cult not seeking 'official' recognition wouldn't really need to pay money to establish themselves.

Maybe the PS player guide could give more focus on this issue, or even an in-game simple roleplay guide.  I know it'd just be bloat for most of us, but it would mean the new players have an instant in-game guide covering how they should interact with everyone else. - Perhaps just a window with some text that could be launched with "/rpguide" or something?? -- Then we could just /tell noobs to type /rpguide and read it!!

You could also make it so that when a guild is created, all members have to have been online for a total of X hours and the proposed guild leader.. have been online for a total of Y hours. - Ensuring the leader and initial members all have a certain level of experience (but that's still no guarantee they'd be a good roleplayers!)

Ultimately, good roleplaying is hard to enforce even with game mechanics... as referral/recommendation/etc systems can be cheated ... and all stats/tria/etc based limitations on guild-creation still won't guarantee good roleplayers.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2007, 05:34:23 am by drah »


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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2007, 06:51:47 am »
It's not uncommon, nor a very terrible thing, for someone to forget brackets occasionally.  Hopefully this only happens infrequently.  People flagrantly using copious OOC, whether marked or unmarked, in public channels is unacceptable for a roleplaying game, however.  Any rules to enforce roleplay should thus be designed to prevent OOC from becoming the norm, not designed to punish slight uses of it.

With that in mind, entirely precluding people from using bracketed OOC, in any channel, is the wrong way to go; it could alienate decent roleplayers who unwittingly send a bracketed OOC message and then get ostracised for it.  And sometimes you just need to convey OOC information, like "[afk, my house is on fire]."  ;)

People who are unwilling to accept that this game focuses on roleplaying, and/or who are just here to powerlevel in a free game, are simply more suited to other games and shouldn't really be here IMHO.  It's okay for a game to focus on a limited range of playstyles when there isn't publisher and profit pressure involved.
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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2007, 07:45:06 am »
Most people in Planeshift seem to be polite about remindnig others to stay IC, and to use brackets for OOC; and most people in Planeshift are polite about doing so once they are reminded -- guild or non-guild. I don't think anyone was recommending that guild leaders start babysitting members, or that large scale 'tattling" is in order. Little snippets of OOC are not a problem in game, nor should they be. It's long OOC conversations that are a problem in game, and new players are not always the culprits. Quality guild leaders can help take some of the workload off the shoulders of GM's by monitoring their own members. Guilds should always be "newb" friendly, and all guild members should help their newer players learn how to play PS regards communication tabs and what they're used for, OOC/IC, commands, etc.

The money amount currently required to create a guild is appropriate. I agree with Drah that players should be required to have a minimum amount of time in game before being permitted to create a guild. However, I disagree that all players wishing to join a guild should have a minimum amount of time in game since guilds are one of the best ways for new players to learn how to play PS.

The idea of having a /rpguide is a great idea! A guide that includes brief summaries of the rules, commands, the use of chat tabs, etc would be invauable in game.
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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2007, 08:35:16 am »
But I think that your trying to force role play to happen. Face it. it wont... Let it be.
Once we start muting and banning anyone who goes OOC in public chat, things will shape up around here.:)

I will destroy you.

It's not uncommon, nor a very terrible thing, for someone to forget brackets occasionally.
But OOC chat doesn't belong in public chat period.
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Re: Let's make some changes and be more RP for Laanx sake!
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2007, 08:53:59 am »
The idea of having a /rpguide is a great idea! A guide that includes brief summaries of the rules, commands, the use of chat tabs, etc would be invauable in game.
Actually that is one of my sideprojects :)
The plan is to upgrade the ingame help (the thing you get by clicking on the "?" button) with an improved design and including much more play-related content (right now it's more a reference on commands). If you are up to give a hand in improving the content, try take a look at and join the IRC channel on #planeshift-wiki.
Editing this page isn't really trivial as it needs to be in a certain xml format afterwards. So, if you like to work on it, try to leave out mediawiki specific formatting and [[wikilinks]].
Thanks in advance.

retired GM leader