Author Topic: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning  (Read 11237 times)


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2007, 11:48:06 am »

I cannot get enough. Simply riveting. Keep up the great work!


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2007, 04:08:26 pm » went from part 9, to part 12, to part 11...might wanna check that, Arka.

Thanks for that - edited

Einnol! Great to see you back - I need to check some stuff out with you, please PM me

Leama - you are too kind (but please don't stop!)



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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2007, 02:30:41 am »
Part 12 Letters

Arka returned to her room with a small package of meat and fish. It was barely enough, but would have to do. Now for the letters. She opened a drawer in her desk and took out a portfolio. She was saving this parchment for her final manuscript, but that would not now be written, at least not by her. She took the first sheet and laid it in front of her. Dipping the quill in the ink, she began to write in a small neat hand:

Her Royal Highness
Queen Lolitra
High Royal House of Purrty

Your Highness,

I am immensely grateful for your help in recovering me to my current state. I wish I could say I was back to my old self, but I fear that may take a good time and plenty of rest to achieve. I am also sorry that I left your household in such a hurry, without a word of my destination. I hope you did not take this as discourteous or ungrateful; one day, I will be able to reveal to you the reason for my sudden departure. Suffice it to say; I had good intentions.

I shall be forever in your debt, for without the care and potions that were lavished on me, I doubt I would have survived the crisis of my illness. Now that I am recovering, I can reveal that the illness, as such it was, was indeed beyond the reach of the healing cures. However, the potions did keep me alive long enough to fight it. When I am stronger I shall write of what became of me after I left your household, but for now I must rest and take stock.

If there is anything I can do or give you, name it and it shall be done.

Your grateful servant

Arka Garam

Arka felt slightly ashamed of the pretence, but did not want Lolitra to worry about her. Least of all she did not want her trying to find her. She would only bring her back to Hydlaa. The letter was vague enough to give her the impression she had gone away to recover. Satisfied, Arka dusted the parchment with silver sand, folded it carefully and sealed it with a drop of wax, meted in the spluttering candle flame.

Now for Erelenga. Putting the Queen’s letter to one side, she started on another sheet of parchment.

Erelenga Karal
Dean of Stalactite Studies
University of Yliakum

From the Office of the Praesidior

Dear Dean Karal,

I find myself much recovered, thanks to your timely intervention. I have much to thank you for your quick thinking and care. I have decided to go away for a little time to recover fully, before taking up my duties again at the University. While I am away, I would like you to take charge here, call the staff and students together and make the arrangements for the new semester.

You will find also a letter for the Queen. I would be very grateful if you could see this gets to her. Please make sure she receives it in person.

Rest assured that you have my full confidence and authority.

Arka Garam
Praesidior of the University

Arka dropped wax at the foot of the letter and endorsed it with the University Seal. Again, she felt a little uneasy about misleading Erelenga, but the University must come first, and she did not want him chasing after her.

She waited for the wax to cool then wrapped both letters together in a third sheet of parchment, tying the bundle with string and sealing it with wax. She wrote Erelega’s name on the outside.

Now the difficult letter. She had to take care with this one.

She smiled to herself. That should slow them down a little! Of all people, Arka felt the most regret at leading Sarine on, but she knew she could trust her. She wouldn’t tell anyone else about this, she was sure.

She read this letter again, to make sure she hadn’t given anything away. Moving across to her jacket hanging on the back of the door, she took a leather purse from its pocket. Back at her desk, she emptied its contents onto her desk and picked up a scrap of parchment. She looked at this for a brief moment, remembering the trouble it had caused, before carefully folding Sarine’s letter around it.

She looked at the trias on the desk and another thought struck her. What if she died before she got to her destination? Another letter was needed.

She hastily jotted down a note ‘To Whom it may concern’ promising a reward if the person finding her body would carry out her wishes. Then she left specific instructions about where they should leave her body and the package of papers, and from whom the reward could be claimed. She sealed this, together with the coins and placed it inside her shirt.

Was that all? Arka was almost reluctant to leave, but knew that the longer she waited, the less was the chance of her making it alive to her final destination. She buckled herself into her armour, tied her precious axes round her belt, hoisted  the knapsack onto her shoulders, buckled the precious satchel round her waist and fastened the cloak with the brooch she had rescued from her family home all those years ago.

She gauged the weight and decided that she could manage, if she travelled slowly. She would leave by the North Gate before the dawn. The guards were used to people setting off early on hunting trips; they would not question her. She would deliver Sarine’s letter on her way. Taking a last look around the room that had been her home for such a long time, she closed the door and set off on her final journey.

As the door closed, a light draft stirred the papers on her desk and Arka did not see her list of tasks fall to the floor.


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2007, 11:12:30 pm »
Theirah waits in suspense on the cliffhanger

w00t!  :thumbup: Love it!


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2007, 12:29:00 pm »
Arka, oh Arka, I am so worried for you! Please give us word of your condition soon.

(keep up the great work) I wish you could write an installment everyday. You are the best!!


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2007, 05:40:00 pm »
Part 13 The Bakery

It was five o’clock, not yet light, and Sarine Arquet was lighting her ovens. The business had been doing well of late. She was finally making enough money to give her boys the life they deserved. They had had a hard life, no father and a cold damp home in the cave. But all that had changed now, thanks to Arka.

She remembered the day they had met in the Tavern and Arka had suggested she became a student. Her! A student! At first it seemed laughable, but Arka had persisted. Soon after, Arka had found space at the University and helped Sarine and her family move in. She even sent a couple of Krans to move her belongings.

She had heard that Arka had been ill and that she was being cared for by the Queen. The boys had pestered her to visit, but Sarine was too afraid to approach the Royal Household. She was sure they wouldn’t want her visiting. Not with the Queen being there, and everything. She would wait until Arka came home again. Then she would bake her a nice pie.

She heard the boys getting up and frowned. This was far too early for them; they got so tired in the afternoons and then they would start arguing. She would put them back to bed and hope they managed to sleep a little longer. She left the kitchen to find Joana in the hallway, with a letter in his hand.

“This is for you, mom. It says ‘Sarine’ on it.” Joana was proud of his reading skills and never wasted an opportunity to show them off.

Sarine took the letter and immediately recognised Arka’s neat, round handwriting. “It’s from Aunty Arka, Joana, “ she said, smiling. “Now you go and get Declan back into bed. It’s far too early for you all to be up.”

Joana  looked like he might argue with his mother, but thought better of it. “Can we visit Arka now, mummy? It’s been a long time since we saw her.”

“We will,” said Sarine, opening the letter, “But not today. You need your sleep. Go back to bed.”

Joana pulled a face and made his way back towards the bedroom, but not before picking up a small piece of paper that had fallen on the floor. It was made of very old paper, and he thought to add it to his collection of curios.

Sarine read the letter again and frowned. Why was Arka in such a hurry? And what did she mean by ‘legacy’? Surely a legacy was something you left after you died? A feeling of panic started to well up inside her. Arka had gone and left her to do something important for her. And she could not understand what she was supposed to do.

She read the letter a third time and saw the words again, ‘Give him the scrap of paper I have enclosed here with this letter.’ What scrap of paper? Had Arka forgotten to enclose it? Maybe it had fallen out. Sarine took the candle from the wall and searched the floor on her knees. There was nothing to be seen.

She went back into the kitchen and sat on the bench. Smoothing the letter out on the table she read it again to be sure. There should be a scrap of paper. She had no idea what the strange symbol meant, although she guessed it might be the initial of someone’s name.

This was terrible! Why had Arka trusted her with this? She had failed at the first step. She couldn’t show the letter to anyone; Arka had made this clear. But she needed to find out what the symbol meant. She searched in the table drawer until she found a piece of paper. Taking a piece of charcoal from the fireplace, she copied the symbol as best she could. When it was light, she would ask the other students if they knew what it meant.

Sighing, she went back to baking the day’s first batch of bread.

[EDIT: Oops! I got Sarine's boys in the wrong order!]
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 06:28:38 pm by Arka »


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2007, 10:39:08 am »
Hehe, was about to say Arka, Declan's only 3! Sarine would have been bowled over if she had seen him reading at all! Can't wait to read more though!


Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2007, 11:08:37 am »
This is gripping.. hurry up and write more... now.. now now... hehehe
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2007, 02:25:31 am »
Well you'll be happy to know the story is nearly complete in draft, so once I have ironed out the inconsistencies I should be able to start posting more frequently. Maybe not every day, but at least four times a week.



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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2007, 02:55:39 am »
Arka, Arka ... how much do your friends not yet know about you?! :D

Gag Harmond
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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2007, 06:03:41 am »
You have such a talent for writing, Arka. Can't wait for the next chapter!  \\o//
Confusion is always the most honest response


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #41 on: October 27, 2007, 09:45:44 am »
Part 14 On the Road

Arka had no problems with the guard. It was Finara, and she knew her well. After many questions about the state of her health and warnings about ‘needing to take better care at our age’ Finara had waved her off down the Forest Road.

The Crystal was just lighting and threw hazy shadows onto the path. There was a chill in the air and a light mist hung over the treetops. Arka pulled her cloak around her and hurried on. She would walk three or four hours, then rest an hour, she thought. That way she would not tire herself too easily. Erelenga would no doubt deliver the Queen’s letter early today; that would put her mind at rest. Sarine would take her time deciphering the rune in the letter; that should delay her from taking the next step. Everything would be fine, she could take her time. The road ahead was empty, and there was little chance of her meeting anyone she knew. She was glad to be out in the open again, and it felt like a hunting trip. Arka almost forgot herself as she paced along the road, until a sharp twinge of pain made her wince and drove the air from her lungs, a prompt reminder of the real purpose of her journey. She pressed on, but at a slightly slower pace. She knew a good place to stop, just off the track, but it was a long way further on. She didn’t want to stop on the road, just in case.

Erelenga arrived at his office at the University at eight o’clock and immediately saw the letter on his desk. He smiled as he read it, pleased at Arka’s comments. So, she wanted him to call a convocation? It was true, the semester was about to start and it would be useful to get everyone together. He was a little irritated that she did not stay long enough to do this herself. But he could see to this.

He picked up the Queen’s letter. He’d better deal with this first, he thought. He would deliver it straight away. Putting his coat on against the morning mists, Erelenga slipped both letters in his pocket and set out towards the Royal Household.

Sarine’s bread was now stacked up in wicker baskets, ready for collection. It was a good batch, the yeast she had been cultivating had worked well and the new consignment from the miller had been top quality. She was gaining a good reputation as a baker, and deservedly so.

Now she could wake the boys. They had been good to go straight back to sleep. She woke Valiki first and asked him to get breakfast ready while she dressed Declan. Valiki went off to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He ladled some Tefusang milk into a saucepan and put it by the fire to warm. Then from the cupboard he took four oatmeal cakes and placed one each in bowls, setting them out on the table. When he got to his mother’s place, he saw the letter from Arka. He was curious, but knew it was impolite to read other people’s letters. His eye was drawn to the symbol Sarine had drawn in charcoal.

Just then his mother appeared and rescued the milk before it boiled over. “Valiki! Pay more attention!”

“Sorry mummy,” he replied, still fixated with the piece of paper. “Are you learning runes too?”


Valiki held up the paper. “This one,” he said proudly, “Is Eiwas.”

“Eiwas?” She looked astounded.

“It stands for the letters E and I. Together.”

“How do you know this?” asked Sarine.

“Aunty Arka told me. She taught Joana and me the Stonebreaker’s alphabet: Feku, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz…”

Sarine listed intently as Valiki continued in a sing-song voice, “Raido, Kanaz, Gebo Wunjo… Wunjo is for Valiki… Haglaz, Naudhiz, Isa, Jera – that’s for Joana…”

He continued through the whole alphabet until he reached the end, “Laguz, Ingwaz, Daguz – that’s D for Declan – Othala.”

He smiled as his mother patted him on the head, “Well done Valiki. You will be a student one day.”

“I am a student mummy, Arka says Joana and I are her youngest students. Can we visit her today? Please?”

“Arka has had to go away, dear. When she comes back, we will see her.”

Sarine poured the hot milk over the oatcakes and the boys joined her at the table. After saying thank you to Laanx for another day and their food, they attacked the meagre breakfast with their spoons.

So, the person in Arka’s letter was Ei…, Sarine thought. She was sure she didn’t know anyone whose name started with Ei. Maybe one of Arka's students. Who would know? Erelenga maybe. He was an important person at the University. What would she tell him though? She could not show him the letter. And he would be curious to know why she was asking. She would have to think of a convincing story.

Andoryn Thaakor

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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2007, 06:01:55 pm »
Gosh, I'm so hooked.  :thumbup:

Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2007, 05:55:38 am »
hooked... me, I am already in the landing net!
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]


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Re: Arka's Return 3: The Reckoning
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2007, 06:32:21 am »
landing net? I'm in the frying pan! Go Valiki!!! *swells with pride*

Great stuff Arka!  :love: