Author Topic: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.  (Read 13343 times)


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #60 on: November 02, 2007, 07:54:57 pm »
 Sitting at a table bare
She twirls a finger through her hair
 A glance around the room reveals
Few diners picking at their meals
 A vagrant sits in corner's shade
Counting money deceit made
 A fenki grooms her glowing fur
Removing leaf and seed and burr

 The largest man shes ever seen
Licks his plate entirely clean
 His tiny wife sits thin and proper
Distainful with her perfect posture

 The diner sighs and turns her gaze
Upon the bar, it's smokey haze
 Three dwarves they talk in whispered hush
And tap their picks, while sipping mush

 By this time, the diner is quite bored
She casts a glance back at the door
 Her face lights up in a broad grin
A handsome man, he marches in

 He bows and gently takes her arm
They exit with all grace and charm
 Yet when they pass the line of view
He kisses her a sad adieu

« Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 11:36:54 pm by Anumesa »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2007, 06:32:33 pm »
Jaycol buys Anumesa An ale.  Then lowering his head  he pauses, then he looks looks up. His eyes lost in thought as he shares a soldier's lament.

Kindred of War

Ghostly visions haunt my dreams
Many faces I never knew
The fallen foes of battles past
Drifting endlessly, reminding me
Of my future's peril due

I do not shed the tears of sorrow
Unconsious of my deeds of horror
For I have only been spared thier fate
Allowed one more tommorrow
By a meer width of a sword

Still I know them all
These gastly images looming
They are my brothers and sisters
Sibling's of a battle's patronage
We were born of one blood in arms

We shared the honor of challenge
We shared the fears of life
We danced in the ballroom of death
We shared before each battle
The long endless, sleepless nights

We laughed together to hide our fears
And cherished the thoughts of pleasant memories
enjoying the company of our brethren
Though we have never met
We shared the things most precious to us
The things we wanted remembered

I awaken to a murky dawning
wondering if this is to be my day
To become one of the forgotten faces
Within someone else's dreams
Will my torments finally be released
As I dress to join my family in battle
The Kindred of war

« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 11:59:34 am by jaycol »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2008, 06:01:42 pm »
In the end
We all begin
To wish to change
An" start again
The things we lost
The things we knew
Of what we missed
An' start anew
But life's unkind
As years fly by
So, if you missed it
Don't ask why


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2008, 06:25:04 pm »
A friendly menki marches on
With shining fur by light of dawn
A solid club held in his paw
A song echoing from his maw

He dreams of lands beyond his reach
Roads untravelled by his feet
Of towers stretching to the sky
A world seen through his inner eye

One day his feet will march anew
He will go far, each step so true
Who knows just what he may find
Before his feet, the world unwinds..


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #64 on: January 13, 2008, 11:07:53 pm »
I sit and stare up at this wall
Ive built it brick by brick until
The barrier built inbetween
A castle growing taller still

There are no doors, and few windows
And 'twixt its walls I do resign
The endless halls and twisted stairs..
yet NEVER will I be confined.

To some it seems a lonely place
Yet those who speak have never seen
The Tefu sitting in the hall
Feed him well and he 'aint mean.

The stairwell is a mountain peak
Shouded in a shaggy coat
Yet near the top, hikers beware!
Of monsters hidden in the snow

The laundry is a secret lake
With secrets hidden in its depths
Mysterious glowing waters pale
Only the brave dare cross its breadth
I could tell you 'bout the other stuff
Fanatics in the dining room
Gobbles swinging from the lights
Ulbers snacking on some brooms

Yes twixt these walls all life resides
Safely kept from others harm
If you cant enter, thats too bad
You're missing out on all its charm


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #65 on: January 14, 2008, 05:14:52 pm »
*Amarthame buys Anumesa an ale.

Whistl'in' a tune and tappin' her feet,
Keeps herself movin' to her steady beat,
Listens t'the music of some drunken wail:
"Come on, Allelia, jus' one more ale!"

She'll smile and watch some Ynnwn chat,
Boastin' 'bout how he killed some rat.
She'll listen to an elf talk t'some lass,
An' watch him spill much ale from his glass.

But is that all she must endure?
There's more t'bartendin', t'be sure.
She has t'do more than just serve ale,
And listen t'some old tavern tales.

For what of the outlaws and of the crooks?
And what of the trouble that they all cook?
Trouble'll start and trouble'll end
Right in that haven the tavern does lend.

There'll be laughter at others' pain,
And harsh words, they'll be exchanged,
Fights'll take place an' people will die,
For Allelia t'witness with her own eyes.

There's so much that she's heard and seen,
With her smilin' eyes and ears so keen.
And yet she stands there without fail,
Hummin' her tune, servin' her ale.


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #66 on: March 09, 2008, 09:52:05 am »
I'm Guessing it's my turn to buy.

      The wind howls as the door opens to Kada El's. Patrons turn from their conversations to glance at the source of the disruption. A lone, dusty figure of an aging dwarf enters, shutting the door behind him. The wind whining as it is sealed again from the comforts of the tavern's inner haven. Jaycol sighs. Releasing the straps from his pack dropping it carelessly by the door. The weariness of his face disappears quickly as he turns to face the bar. He eyes twinkle with a glow of mischief,  a boyish grin crosses his face.
"Ahhhh!" He replies.
      His hands coming together producing a loud clap that again draws attention from those within the room. Giving his trousers a tug, he crosses the floor with a renewed vigor. His hand glides within his vest as he nears the bar. With a heavy clunk, a bag of coin slams  heavily upon the the wooden surface.
"Drinks are on me!" Jaycol calls out. "Serve 'em till it's dry."
      With a familiar smile, Allelia places a mug of ale on the bar near Jaycol.  He eagerly grasps the mug with both hands, raising it up to drink from it. He pauses to stare at the contents,  lost in thought for a moment. He lowers his face, slowly inhaling the scent of the liquid. He sighs. His face goes blank as if lost in a dream. Then, with a shrug he looks  up at the serving maid in all seriousness.
"I'll take another, If ye don't mind," He says to her.
      With a sudden tilt of his head and wrist he empties the contents of the mug. Placing the empty container back on the bar.
"I'm a bit thirsty" Jaycol says with a smile of innocence.

Trickling water

Listening to the Trickling water
I found the burdens I bore
Soothed by it's repetitive rhythm
Flowing gently past the stones
Placed out randomly within it's path
Caressesing them as it pasted
Like the hands of a master
Upon the instrument of his life
Moving in loving, caring motions
Offering only the finest of melodies
I lost myself
Within the tender caresses it offered
My troubles forgoten as I listened
Relaxing to it's song of nature
I closed my eyes
And found my thoughts drifting
Into that, what once was
Pictures of more pleasant memories
Portraited themselves to me
My spirit dancing
On the edge of reality
As I enjoyed the moment
Time was lost to me
So soon the day pasted by
I raised to leave
With a heavy sigh
Marveling at the simplicity of peace

« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 12:00:50 pm by jaycol »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #67 on: March 09, 2008, 11:38:48 am »
The Spy

In the quiet pleasantness of the night
Under the new moon's sleeping face
Disturbing the depths of the murky shadows
A lone figure stalks the under brush
His motions noticed only by the dwelling inhabitants
As they watch this intruder within their world
The slight rustle of fabric betrays his movement
He stops suddenly waiting in the silence
Until the nights livelihood resumes around him
Stealth commands his inner reason
His bearing is one of caution
No malice proceeds his movement
Seeking his way through the darkness
Dramatically intent of purpose

He approaches the thickets end
The waves from the lake splash on the shores edge
He observes the new scenery
The clearing looms threatening
Even on this most dark of nights
He wonders as he stands upon the shore
The outcome of his stealthy chore
Knowing that he too must wait
The end of that future date
When his deed that had gone unseen
Becomes the fate of another's destiny
With trained focus he returns his thoughts
Listening to the sounds of night
For that one which does not belong
That one sound which isn't right

From the waters darkened gloom
The sound of metal and wood scraps
Though tended with care
It betrays it's makers skills
It thunders across the vast blackness
He frowns at the carelessness
As he listens to the waters broken pattern
The oars slapping across the surface
Fighting against the motion of the waves
Closing his eyes
He channels out the man made echoes
Listening again to the familiar fabric of night
That he has long been a part of
For something new
Something missing

A boat scraps upon the rocks
As it reaches an abandoned shore
Its captain alone in the darkness
Settles it's oars to rest
Raising he steps onto the rocky landfall
The boat squealing as he tugs it forward
Securing it from the motion of the waves
He waits
Searching against the darkness
Waiting for his unknown passenger
His heart beats in it's uneasiness
Echoing within his ears
It is all he hears
Until the rush of footsteps
And the gentle slide of polished metal
Interrupt his thoughts of fear

From the cover of the underbrush
He listens to the scuffle of bodies
Patiently he waits
Almost as quickly as it came
The noise subsides
Men gather in the darkness
Their voices plain and loud
Untarnished by the quietness of the night
Soon they leave
Bearing the body of the ferryman
As it struggles helpless against it's bonds
The careless sounds of man subside
Save for one
Posted near the shore
Mumbling into the darkness
Of his own misfortune
He mumbles to his death
As a skilled hand
Guides a well worn dagger
To his end

He hears the gurgle from the shoreline
As his boat drifts out upon darkened water
He sits motionless
Letting his initial push carry him out
Out, far from the lakes edge
Soon the tides will take him further
Where it is safe
And he can redirect his journey
Across the water
To the shore of his choosing
He closes his eyes to the darkness
And he listens
Relaxing to the quiet pleasantness of the night
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 12:02:25 pm by jaycol »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #68 on: March 09, 2008, 12:31:55 pm »
Ach! One for the ale

If Drinkin' were Riches

If drinkin' were riches
I'd be a rich one today
I'd bless the gods were it true
'cause I put enough away
An' I know all that digging
Had not gone to waste
As the trails of me swallows
Would be gold on me face

If Drinkin' were riches
I be well worth me worth
As I could size up me teasures
By the the size of me gerth
An' each drink that I took
Would only fatten me purse
I'd drink and be greedy
'till the day that I burst

If drinkin' were riches
I think a tavern I'd own
I'd lock the doors at all hours
An' I drink alone
It'd be a better occupation
then digging that stone
That be if drinkin' were riches
I'd be right at home
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 12:03:12 pm by jaycol »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #69 on: March 18, 2008, 07:03:21 pm »

In the Morning Mists

In the morning mists
You shall see me wait

In the Morning mists
I shall stand alone

I shall stand here as the new sun breaks
And heals the darkness of the world

Merrily joy shall sing upon the earth
As the flighting birds tell the tale
Sharing witness to the dawns new birth
And the new stir of life spreads the word

You shall see me there
As the fog's gray curtain parts
Surrounded by the cresting sun's glow
With the warmth of you in my heart

Rejoice with me here
The coming of day in infancy
This fresh new moment of our life
Opened for all who will see

Let the wind carry our dreams forth
To seed the fertile ground we seek
Sharing always the promise of harvest
The children of our thoughts

Come stand with me here
As the the morning mist slowly wanes
Bask with me in the warmth of tomorrow
Ablaze of yesterdays dreams

Smile for me
Let me see for myself
The beauty of the rising dawn
With my own eyes
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 12:15:44 pm by jaycol »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2008, 04:17:28 pm »
Rolling Hills

The rolling hills go on forever
Hinting of vast emptiness
Only the quiet breeze
Betrays their gloom
Whispering secrets from the Ages
Among their multitude

Yet they stand together
Foreboding on the horizon
Challenging all who dare upon them
A journey of solitude
Of wonder and dread
Hard as their ragged edges

Woe, to all who travel there
Among the thieves of the sky
Seeking the treasured valleys
So coveted by them
That lay hidden with such care
Among the folds of gathered doom

Walk among their shadows with care
As you are swallowed by their ranks
Let them not devour your being
To add to the dance of ghosts
Given by the passing clouds
As they cast out the light

Sleep not among the dead
In the gathering of souls
That have lost their way in passing
Rest with the breath of life
Strong within your breast
As you lay among the giants of the past

Strength be in your heart
May hope guide you well
With each days journey
As you walk further
Far beyond the boundaries
Of the world you know

They have stood forever
There against the rages of time
Forever on the horizon
A monument of nature
Set against change
At the edge of dreams
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 12:16:29 pm by jaycol »


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #71 on: June 11, 2008, 08:37:05 am »
*Beniel applauds and buys Jaycol 5 ales, one for each of the fine verses he had just shared

A young Ylian stands up to share a short verse. "I'm afraid mine doesn't quite compare with your fine efforts but..."

There was a young Ylian from Farix
Who liked to compose limericks
But he failed at the sport
'Cos he wrote them to short


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #72 on: June 11, 2008, 04:48:45 pm »
* Anumesa giggles and passes Beniel an ale. Still grinning, she begins to sing in a high clear Soprano..

  Oh I've been walkin' in these shoes
Near forty days or more
  My toes are pinchin' quite a bit
An' both my heels are sore

  Ya see, they never fit quite right
But Momma said they did
  "I paid good tria for those shoes!"
My Momma always said.

  So now im walkin' 'round this town
With achin' heels an' toes
  I get so many compliments
But no one knows my woes

  The spot behind the massive bow
It chafes me quite a bit
  That scratchy lacy detail there...
My skin's about to split!

  The pointy toes and raised heels
Are quite a source of sorrow
  Maybe ill try somethin' new
And wear some socks tomorrow...

« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 12:48:45 pm by Anumesa »

Nalain Tarek

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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #73 on: June 12, 2008, 12:13:19 pm »
     A wind-blown figure walks into the the door. Books and scrolls hang from his pack. a pencil is stuck behind his long ear.  He staggers up to the bar, and orders something strong.  after a long drink from the dirty mug he puts it down and pulls out a book...

I've seen mountains...
towns with fountains,
but the land I love is home

I've known many,
who'd spare a penny
but I care for not but my own

now I am home
no longer alone
home with the ones I hold near.

The dermorian puts his book down and takes another long draught from his mug, he wipes away the drink left on his face and smiles faintly.
Poet, Scholar, Traveler, average guy.
Iers, Strathus, Devitus, me.


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Re: "Ale for Tales" Tavern Tales and songs.
« Reply #74 on: June 12, 2008, 09:22:22 pm »
Jaycol calls out for ales for Beniel, Anumesa, and Nalain.

Jaycol clears his throat and begins to sing a quickly paced song

A Livin' Hell

I left behind me wife and kids
and cold

Never forgiven for what I did
and loathed

I searched a life of fortune and fame
for gold

My troubles earned, meself ta blame
and old

I live me life, a livin' hell
An' dug meself, an endless well
Thar ist no fortune, dat I could tell
ta fill this void, of an empty shell

In dis hole , I shall stay
To toil again, yet another day
While me soul, it wastes away
Until me body, is left ta lay

I often find I dream of home
and warm

Wishing now I never had gone
I mourn

Oh ta live da life dat I once had
and more

Knowin' dat I can never go back
and torn

I live me life, a livin' hell
An' dug meself, an endless well
Thar ist no fortune, dat I could tell
ta fill this void, of an empty shell

In dis hole , I shall stay
To toil again, yet another day
While me soul, it wastes away
Until me body, is left ta lay

Good ta see yah again Anumesa, missed yah.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 12:17:35 pm by jaycol »