Author Topic: Demon of the Diaboli  (Read 3696 times)


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2007, 07:05:05 pm »
Part Four


Nalkorash opened his eyes, noticing small puddles in various places on the ground. Others places were dry, but the rest were covered in snow. Eliura awakened from Nalkorash's motion, as he still couldn't remember she was leaning on him and shook when he awoke. She looked around, noticing what he did, then looked back up at him.

"How long were we asleep?" she asked.

"I don't know." Nalkorash replied.

"Oh well, not like it matters. It's a new world! We're free of responsibility; free to start over," she said with a smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nalkorash asked, now looking down at her.

"Oh, nothing! Don't worry about it," she said with a sheepish grin.

Nalkorash sighed, "You tricked me into doing this..."

"Come on, it wasn't that bad was it? Most of the snow disappeared, and we're not frozen."

"It's not that," Nalkorash said, trying to stand up with Eliura clinging to his arm, "I just don't want you to think we're closer or anything."

"Admit it, you loved it," she giggled.

Nalkorash lifted his arm into mid-air, Eliura dangling on it, her feet a few inches off the ground. She giggled louder, tightening her grip, not wanting to let go.

"Do I have to drag you?" Nalkorash asked, annoyed.

"I'm never letting go, no matter what you do!" Eliura cheered.

Nalkorash sighed again, "Why is it so hard to kill you...?" he said in a whisper.

Nalkorash began to walk, lowering his arm with Eliura walking a little faster trying to keep her balance. She shifted her hands higher up on his arm so that she could walk normally while still clinging to him. As they walked, Nalkorash occasionally looked down at her in thought, a strange new feeling arising in him. He shook his head and looked straight in the direction they were walking, not able to remember where they were originally walking.

Their footprints in the snow were melted away, and they'd been asleep so long that it was hard to keep track anymore. Eliura looked around, recognizing the area as a place near the old man's former home. She looked up at Nalkorash, who had already gotten the same feeling. However, it looked strange. Part of the ground was a different color than where they were before, different shades of brown. This new color seemed to form a shape, and outside of that pattern was the normal colored ground that they were walking on before.

Nalkorash squinted, "Do you hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" Eliura asked back, looking around.

Faint sounds of bubbling and clanging were being made, but the direction of where it was coming from could not be found, even after the many minutes they spent looking around.

"Hey," Eliura spoke up, "where's the old man's house?"

"What do you mean? It was -" Nalkorash took a quick breath. "'s gone. The rubble disappeared...along with -" Nalkorash looked around fiercely, "all of the corpses..."
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 08:52:13 am by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2007, 07:35:16 pm »
New Foe

Suddenly, something shot out of the dirt. It appeared to be the figure of a Diabolian man with his face masked, only his horns apperant. His arms were covered by thick leather sleeves, and from those sleeves protruded dark blades that looked almost like a demon weapon. The man landed, and without hesitation charged at Nalkorash and Eliura. Eliura let go of Nalkorash, jumping back out of the way as he raised his scythe with his other hand, quickly connecting it with the hand Eliura was clinging to. The strange man raised his right arm in the air, ready to impale Nalkorash with the blade, but Nalkorash ducked and punched the man, forgetting about the second blade. The man didn't even flinch from the punch, and shot his second arm right through Nalkorash's chest, the blade soaking in the blood that it gathered in its short time inside of him. The man retracted his arm, Nalkorash falling on the ground gagging with the sudden but fatal injury.

The man turned to Eliura. At that moment, two identical men, both having their faces masked, charged at Eliura from the same hole made in the ground, grabbing onto her arms and restraining her. One of the men had a halberd strapped to his back, the other didn't appear to have a weapon. She thrashed around wildly while screaming, looking at Nalkorash in horror as the two men had to try and avoid getting cut by the sword dangling freely on her back as she moved around. The man that stabbed Nalkorash sprinted up to Eliura, stopping right before running into her, hitting her firmly in the stomach with his elbow, as the other two men pulled her arms in a cross behind her back, having a better grip on her now. She was bent over now, unable to move with her arms being held, not even able to stand up straight without nearly falling to her knees. She looked back at Nalkorash, who showed faint signs of life. She sighed with relief, but then looked back up at the man who hit her. All of the men removed their masks, and Eliura's eyes widened as she noticed something familiar about these Diaboli. She recognized that one of them was a person that was slain by Nalkorash back in the Diaboli home world. The other two were from the army that he fought off a while ago.

However, they looked different than before. They all had demonic traits, including the eyes and veins. They also had stone-cold expressions that almost looked artificial. They didn't even breathe, they just stood there lifelessly holding her down. The only movement visible was the blood flowing through their veins.

"What are you!?" she asked fiercely.

They didn't respond, but instead tightened their grip on her and began to walk her toward the hole in the ground. She thrashed around once more, only to be smacked again to keep her still. As they walked, she looked back at Nalkorash, who was now looking up at her, a small tear forming in his eye as he raised his arm in her direction, soon collapsing lifelessly. She screamed out his name, unable to do much else as her body was now so tight in their grips that the only part of her she could move was her head and toes. Eliura closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks, opening them again once standing right next to the hole. It wasn't a hole at all...more of an extremely wide tube.

This tube was buried until the men shot out of it, and it seemed as though part of it was still buried, as the ground around it created a jagged border that could've been brushed away to widen the tube a little more. All of the men worked together to send Eliura down this tube, and while doing so she used all of her strength to try and break free of their grip, but to no avail. They dropped her, and before her feet were completely inside of the tube, one of the men ripped her sword away from the tethering on her back, since it was too wide to fit. The tube was wide enough around that it could fit two people at once, and that was still while it wasn't completely uncovered.

Eliura smacked the ground down below hard, laying flat on her back. She looked up, and her eyes widened with amazement once more, as what she saw was otherworldly...
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 06:19:36 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2008, 12:51:57 am »
Artificial Demons

The walls were made of a strange material, similar to that of Diaboli horns, and along those walls were many large green tubes. On the right, there were comatose Diaboli floating in a strange liquid. The Diaboli looked familiar...they were all people that Nalkorash had slain in the past! She quickly looked to the left, and saw that there were parts of demons contained in the other tubes. They weren't in a liquid, but instead they had large wires circulating their blood into the Diaboli tubes via some sort of flexible tube attached to the ceiling of the strange room. She looked back at the Diaboli tubes, and quickly realized that the liquid they were floating in was demon blood.

She watched for a while, as the wounds that Nalkorash caused to their bodies were recovering rapidly, and their physical appearances were changing to that of her and Nalkorash. Deep black eyes, purple veins stretched across their skin, and other such features. They had been dead for some time, though...could they possibly come back to life? She wondered this, as she slowly turned her attention straight ahead and noticed a very large tube, where a strangely familiar man was being contained. All of the demon tubes were circulating blood to this one man's tube, while all of the rest of the Diaboli only had one demon circulating blood into them. She squinted, her eyesight being a little bad from the poor lighting in the room, and realized that this was the old man from before...this was the secret he was keeping!

She began to crawl back, and she had good timing, as the three men that dropped her into that room fell through the same tube she did. They came in an orderly fashion, and they all began to walk toward empty tubes along the right wall. They all opened a door next to the tube they were about to crawl inside, and a few seconds later, an opening slid from behind the tube, where the men walked inside. Upon sliding that door shut again, demon blood began to pump from the other side of the room into their tubes as they slipped into unconsciousness.

Eliura stood up straight now and looked around desperately for her sword. She walked a few steps forward, and looked up the tube she dropped down from, seeing that her sword was stuck in the wall of the tube, unable to fall all the way through. One of the men must have stuck it there upon coming down. She jumped up a few times but was unable to reach it. After seven tries, she managed to jump high enough to grab the handle, but instead of pulling it down, she hung there. The sword wouldn't budge from her putting her weight on it, so she pushed her back against one side of the tube, pressing her foot on the other side, and she managed to pull the sword out, falling flat on her bottom again once freeing it from the wall.

She stood up again and sighed, then looked around for some way to destroy this strange operation. She walked closer to the tube the old man was in, noticing that he wasn't so old anymore. The only familiar part about him was his beard. His skin lost its wrinkles, and he looked much younger now than before. The only problem was, that along with those features, he had so much of a mix of demon blood that he was losing his Diabolian appearance. She stepped closer to the glass cylinder, placing her palm on it, and she looked up at the man floating in the liquid. Immediately upon touching the glass, his eyes shot wide open, almost forming perfect circles. She jumped back scared, noticing that one of his eyes was black, and the other was red. His arm lifted up slowly, and in an instant he punched the glass with a force so great that the demon blood shot out of the tube along with most of the glass. He stepped foot onto the metallic flooring, his claw grabbing what was left of the tube to help stand up without falling over. He looked up at Eliura and laughed wickedly.

"This is it, dear," he said in a heavy voice that didn't sound anything like him, "this is how I gained my knowledge of demons..."

"You -" Eliura stuttered.

The demonic man put his other foot onto the ground and let go of the tube, now able to stand straight.

"Nalkorash has helped me so much...I can't think of a proper way to thank him," he said as a wicked grin sprouted across his face.

"You used him!" she screamed, holding her sword up, ready to fight.

"Yes...I suppose I did," he said more calmly now. "He was just so willing to do it for me. All I had to do was inform a few people that their enemy was here, and all of this started."

Eliura bursted into tears, "He's dead! That isn't any way to thank him, he -"

"Fool, he isn't going to die!" the man shouted. "He has demon you think he would die so easily? He's just passed out...don't underestimate him."

Eliura fell to the floor, relieved. She was still crying, but she was much calmer now, taking breaths to keep from getting overworked.

"Now, it's time to figure out what I'm going to do with you." he pondered.

Eliura looked up at him, getting a much clearer view now that the green tube isn't blocking her vision. His skin was a dark red color, and his horns were very large and black. There were spikes protruding from his arms and his back, seeming to be made of the same material as his horns. His body was much buffer than before, and he towered over his previous height now. He had large fangs, and had trouble keeping them hidden. He tried to remain calm, but would oftentimes burst into growls and vicious expressions. He was very unstable.

"Why are you doing all of this?" she asked.

The demonic man hesitated, apparently having trouble speaking in this form, "I reached the end of my life. I've lived long, and with so much knowledge, I couldn't let it go to waste. From seeing Nalkorash, I knew that my theories were correct about demons and Diaboli mixing their blood. I'd been researching for a while now...and I'm glad it only took me one try to perfect myself and this facility. He killed the Diaboli, you killed the both helped me make this wondrous dream a reality!"

"We wouldn't have done it if we'd known!" she screamed.

"I'm aware of that. That's why I didn't tell you," he said, baring his fangs in a wicked grin. "I can rule Yliakum now...challenge the Gods themselves! I have demonic minions and the blood of so many different kinds of demons flowing through me. The holiness of this place has no effect anymore. We've overpowered it and there's nothing that can stop us at this point. I have to thank Nalkorash for being merciless in his killings. Being dead already, their soul has left them, and I can control these people as I please. All it takes is this..."

The man walked back to the tube he emerged from, ripping it from the wall. From there, he stuck his claws in the wall, and ripped it apart, revealing something behind them that looked like a normal Diabolian man in a tube that had a soft gum-like substance holding him in place inside of it.

"This man has amazing empathy. He can communicate to demons without even talking to them. He uses his mind, which is a gift that came at birth, and he's the reason I know as much about demons as I do. Overpowering him and forcing him here was easy. He sees my thoughts and transmits them to the demon minions. If he doesn't, then I kill him. It's a pretty nice deal..."

"You're insane!" Eliura screamed again.

The man smiled, "I'd already had demon blood in my system when Nalkorash met me, I just hadn't had a chance to test it."

"What do you hope to accomplish by taking power from the Gods?"

"My curiosity of Yliakum has been at its pique for such a long time...this is my best chance to see what the life of a God is like. Even if I have to take it by force, the effort is worth it."

"I won't let you do this!" Eliura charged at the man, her sword raised, rushing to her death...
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 10:18:42 am by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2008, 06:38:09 pm »
Close to the end. ;)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 12:58:50 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2008, 01:28:28 pm »
 :'( :'( :'( Wow, good story, but the end? "rushing to her death..." Meh. C'mon! You can do better! Eliura dies!? Ok, fair enough, but rushing to her death doesn't work as good as a heroic stand and the a dark ending. :P :P :P You pick up a scroll entitled Ilirion. It marks the progress of 4 eggs.
Please click on View for each of the eggs. At least the first one. He's going to die if you don't.


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2008, 03:13:50 pm »
That's not the ending. :P

There's a lot more, trust me.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 12:59:09 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2008, 12:06:58 pm »
 :oops: :-X :-[ :P \\o// \\o// \\o//
GREAT! I new you would do it| :sweatdrop: :whistling: You pick up a scroll entitled Ilirion. It marks the progress of 4 eggs.
Please click on View for each of the eggs. At least the first one. He's going to die if you don't.


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2008, 06:27:31 pm »

Nalkorash's eyes shot open, awakening to find that he was once again borrowing the power of the demon blood, the veins that normally stay dormant inside of his horns now pumping blood to his brain. He slowly stood up, the wound in his chest bleeding heavily. This wasn't demon blood though, it was his own blood, which was why he'd been forced to rely on the demon blood to awaken from the heavy wound. It started to recover itself, as do most wounds demon attain, but the skin that returned to him felt strange. It was slightly leathery, and a lighter color than his normal skin. He payed no attention to it and took a few steps forward, looking around and trying to remember what had happened. The image of Eliura being carried away came to his mind, and he fiercely looked in all directions, trying to find where she'd gone. He wasn't awake when she'd been cast down into the strange room, but he could remember that the men that'd attacked them had shot out of the ground. He ran to the hole, looking down inside to hear the clanging and bubbling sounds much more loudly than before. He quickly jumped down, holding his scythe above his head so that it wouldn't get stuck while making his descent.

Landing on the floor below, he looked up to see a bald demon covered in blood, standing over the unconscious body of his new lover. Without saying anything, he screamed in anger, charging at the demon with an extraordinary speed, hardly giving him time to move out of the way before Nalkorash's scythe came down upon him. The demon stuck his wide palm out, letting the scythe stick in his hand as Nalkorash drew in some of the blood that the scythe found digging around in his arm. Nalkorash lifted his feet to grab hold of the demon's arm as he pulled his scythe out and jumped back down to the ground. As Nalkorash's scythe grew in size, he stuck it inside of the cloth sheath on his waist Eliura had made for him, and his arms began to circulate electricity that made the tubes hanging near the ceiling wave back and fourth, and he charged at the demon once more, his tightened fist aiming straight for the demon's head as he threw a quick punch. The demon looked more concerned with protecting the man in the tube behind him rather than his own life, and he swayed to the side, grabbing Nalkorash's arm as it flew past him, throwing him across the room into the wall near the tube he fell down through, the material cracking slightly with Nalkorash's body slamming against it.

"Awake and feisty as ever!" the demon said with a deep laugh.

Nalkorash picked himself back up after falling off the wall, charging once more, his arms circulating an even heavier amount of electricity. The once-old man quickly picked up Eliura's body and held it in front of him to block the attack, Nalkorash recoiling his attack and jumping back as to not harm her. The demon threw her body to the side and his arm began to emit a green aura, attacking Nalkorash's senses as the air grew thicker with it. He closed his eyes and began to growl, his nose pickering and his body thrashing around wildly as he was being subdued by basic demon magic. The air subsided, and before Nalkorash could even notice, he was thrown back into the wall by the demon's fist. He coughed as he looked up at the demon, recognizing him as the old man he'd seen before, but with a severely changed physical appearance. Borrowing the power of his demon entity, he was unable to think very well, and being that he never liked the old man much to begin with, he decided to keep his attacks coming, then giving up his thoughts completely as the blood pumped harder to his brain.

He jumped to his feet and threw another electrified punch at the demon, his attack coming faster than before. Unable to dodge, the demon got punched hard in his bare chest, an explosion causing him to slide across the room on his feet. Quickly he tried to regain his balance as Nalkorash sprinted at him, his body almost fading away as light as he ran, his hair being the only way to track his movements. Nalkorash threw another punch, the demon unable to see where it was coming from as it'd hit him almost instantly, knocking him off his feet this time and mid-way into the air. His body hit the ground hard, and Nalkorash jumped on top of him, punching at his face brutishly. The demon managed to dodge the four punches that came at him, and as Nalkorash threw his fifth punch, his fist was grabbed and thrown to the side as the demon rolled over and stood, Nalkorash jumping at him to try and disorient him. The demon grabbed both of Nalkorash's arms as he leaped and threw him into one of the tubes behind him.

Before impact, Nalkorash spun around and kicked his feet off of the tube, flying at the demon with another incredible speed, his arms circulating even more electricity now. However, his arms were grabbed once again as he was thrown back into the wall beside the opening in the ground he'd fallen through. Instead of smashing against the wall this time, he slowed his movement backwards with his feet, managing to bump into it instead of slam into it as before. He raised his foot up and kicked off of the wall after coming to a stop, sprinting at the demon once again with an even faster speed. Suddenly, Nalkorash disappeared, and the demon searched frantically to find him. Just then, he felt a sharp pain in his back, and was then kicked into the ground a second after. The demon quickly spun around to see another demon standing over, this was Nalkorash. Nalkorash raised his scythe and slammed it down on the demon once more, but he spun out of the way to avoid it and stood to his legs.

"I understand now! You're not strong because you acquired the blood of a strong demon...your body was already devolving into one before you came into contact! I had no idea it would have this much affect!" the demon yelled, fright showing in his heavy voice. "Now I know I need your blood to rule this world! You've shown you can help me even more..."

Nalkorash had actually changed into a demon. His skin was lighter than it was before, being tough and leathery. His arms had two spikes protruding from them, his back had four. His fangs showed even with his mouth closed, and his hair was much longer than before, adding to the frightening look as it fell in front of his face. His knees had spikes protruding from them as well, and his body overall was much larger. Even his scythe looked different, being larger with a dark, purple-tinted blade. Nalkorash growled as he charged at the other demon once again, disappearing and reappearing behind the demon as his torso shot to the ground. Nalkorash returned his scythe to the cloth sheath, and stood over the corpse of the demon as the demon blood it carried spilled out, making him slowly revert back to his normal form as the old man. Only, his beard didn't grow back, and he looked quite sickly.

Nalkorash stepped on the skull with his large demon foot and looked over to Eliura, who's eyes were wide open staring at him...


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2008, 11:50:24 am »

Nalkorash looked over to see the man that was controlling the demons in the tubes. As the man opened his eyes, Nalkorash sprinted up to him and impaled his neck with his claw, keeping him from calling the men in the tubes for aid. Nalkorash pulled his claw out of the tube, the gum-like substance covering his arm. He brushed it off with his left claw as it seemed to dissolve when it hit the ground. The artificial demons inside of the tubes fell forward, unable to completely fall down with the tubes holding them up. Nalkorash walked by and looked at all of the men, snorting as he saw one who was slightly taller and different-colored than the rest. He was wearing a strange red suit that had multiple weapons attached to it, seeming to be created from demons, but before Nalkorash examined any further, he killed that man the same as he did the other, impaling his neck with his claw as the tube broke and the blood poured out onto the floor of the room. Nalkorash went around the room and broke all of the tubes, the bodies smacking against the floor and the demon blood pouring out of the tube and soaking into the strange substance making up the room. He then walked over to Eliura and slung her over his shoulder. She was completely lost in thought, thinking of Fang, and how Nalkorash closely resembled him.

Nalkorash walked toward the entrance to the room, throwing Eliura up through the tube, making her do a roll as she hit the ground outside. She looked down as Nalkorash raised his claws straight at the other side of the room, his arms circulating a great amount of electricity as it began to form into a large electric ball in his palms. He slowly drew his two palms together as the electricity intertwined, and Nalkorash sent the ball flying across the room as it curved and hit the dead-center of the floor. Nalkorash quickly jumped back through the entrance of the room as a shockwave completely destroyed the contents of the room and shot up through the tube after Nalkorash hit the ground outside. He took a few heavy, grinding breaths as he looked up at Eliura, who was still staring at him.

Unable to speak, or even think clearly, Nalkorash began to wander off somewhere. Eliura followed him as his body dragged wearily across the ground, the Azure Sun's energy beginning to take its toll on him being that he was now a demon. They seemed to walk for miles, until finally Nalkorash collapsed behind a rock, unable to move. Eliura's eyes widened as she ran up to him and kneeled down to see what was wrong. His body started to circulate electricity, and it seemed as though it was hurting him.

"Nalkorash!" she screamed, tears forming in her eyes.

The electricity started to die down, and then completely disappear, but Nalkorash's body sat on the ground lifeless.

"No! Not you too!" Eliura screamed again, fitting herself around Nalkorash's various body spikes to embrace him. She buried her face in his leathery skin, tears streaming from her eyes and down Nalkorash's chest. She didn't know what was going on, and she couldn't do anything to help him. Nalkorash's body began to change, and Eliura pushed herself away to see that he was reverting back to the form of a Diaboli. His armor was completely scrapped from his body expanding and the spikes protruding from it. Eliura went back into an embrace and kissed his lips, thinking Nalkorash was going to wake up, but she was wrong. Nalkorash still sat lifeless, apparently dead...
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 01:58:22 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2008, 12:28:04 pm »

Eliura walked off into the woods, coming back later holding a perfectly carved ring of stone. It had the words 'remember me' carved into it, and she knelt beside Nalkorash's body as she slipped the ring onto his finger.

"Oh haven't even aged a day. What's going on...? Are you really dead, or are you asleep? Please wake up..." she said, tears forming in her eyes as she walked away, her body wrinkled and weary; her time had come. She stopped at a rock nearby Nalkorash, and layed down next to it as her age took its toll. Her eyes widened, her body shook, and then...nothing. Her head touched the ground and her eyes closed...she was now dead.

Over time her body decayed, and the wind carried her remains with it, nothing left of her but the ring she had made for Nalkorash. He was still asleep after nearly thirty years, but his body didn't age a day. It may have been because he was an unawakened demon, or that some sort of outside force was keeping him alive. However, all he could do was sit there and rest, the Azure Sun keeping him from moving.

Nalkorash cried as his mother embraced him, the scrape on his leg starting to bleed. She picked him up and sat him down on the table, then walked into the other room, returning a minute later with a few cloth bandages and an ointment. She rubbed the ointment into the wound to clean it out, and then sealed it with the bandages as he winced in pain. He opened his eyes and looked at her after she was done, and looked at his leg, trying to move it around but feeling more pain.

"Take it easy," she said. "Rest a while, it'll feel better soon."

She carried him over to the bed and sat him down in it, covering him up as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you," he said, falling asleep a few minutes later.

Nalkorash hauled the last load of wood to his family's home. He layed the axe on the ground, then dumped the wood out of the wheel barrel. He pushed it over next to the shed, and then walked over to one of the many pieces of wood on the ground, picking it up and placing it flat on the tree stump. He picked up his axe and walked back over to the wood, starting to split it. He proceeded to do this many times, and after splitting the wood he would throw it back into the wheel barrel and dump it into the shed. He got chips of wood in his eyes a few times, and would stick the axe into the wood he was chopping to try and wipe the chips out of his eyes with his sleeves. He loaded the last three loads into the wheel barrel and carried it around to the house, dumping it next to the fireplace.

"Get it done?" his father said, walking into the room.

"Yep!" Nalkorash chanted, slipping around his father through the doorway to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Rumors spread throughout the village. The Diaboli were going to be able to escape this land, and go to a better place. Nalkorash's family heard of these rumors as well, and they had already started packing their things into a wagon to take to the new world. Nalkorash's mother and little brother sat in the wagon in front of the supplies, as he and his father hauled the wagon. Nalkorash's body shook slightly as he dreamt of the pain of losing his family, and being tossed into the river of blood. Then, he dreamt of the excitement he had hunting down innocent people, and meeting Eliura. He couldn't change the events, no matter how hard he wanted to...


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2008, 12:50:27 pm »

A dark light slowly covered the Azure Sun in an eclipse. Nalkorash's his eyes opened slowly, and he saw a little pale-skinned girl standing over him. His head hurt, and he couldn't recall anything that had happened, not even his own dreams. He looked up at her, thinking she was some sort of creature, since he'd never seen someone of another race before. He slowly backed away with his hands and legs, still laying flat on the ground. She giggled and followed him, not scared by Nalkorash's void-like eyes or his scythe. He stopped moving, realizing that she wasn't a threat, and slowly sat up, putting his hand on his head as he winced in pain.

"Come on," she said, "let's go back to the village!"

Nalkorash looked at her again, and shrugged as he followed, his scythe hanging back in the cloth wrapped around his belt. She lured him to her village, where people were holed up in their homes in fear of the eclipse.

Strange creatures began to march toward the village, not appearing to be demons, but instead overgrown animals. Nalkorash shook his head as he watched them approach, something seeming to come back to his memory. As they drew closer, Nalkorash removed his scythe from its makeshift sheath, and charged at the mob. He leaped up and impaled his scythe in the egg sac of a large yellow creature, and leaped off of its back as he spun around and cut another large creature down the middle, its large claws sticking into the ground upon falling.

Nalkorash looked around, seeing many more creatures surrounding him. Another like he'd just slain raised its massive claw to smash down upon him, but Nalkorash side-stepped out of the way and impaled the creature in the back, then ripped his scythe out of it as he kicked the head of another one of the yellow creatures to keep it from progressing toward him. He used his footing to crawl up on the creature, his arm starting to circulate electricity, and he fit his hand around the egg sac as it soon exploded, sending the contents flying onto him and a few nearby creatures. He walked off of the creature's lifeless body, and then proceeded to slay the rest of the creatures.

People watched him from their homes and applauded to his prowess. He walked back into the village, covered in the blood of the creatures he'd slain, and returned his scythe to its sheath. A few of his memories of fighting returned to him, but not clearly since he was fighting creatures instead of people. He looked down at the little girl who skipped up to him and hugged his leg, raising a brow.

"Thank you!" she said with a loud voice.

Other villagers began to walk out of their homes, all being pale-skinned like the girl, and formed a circle around him to cheer. Nalkorash had a problem, though. In his time of being in the village, which wasn't very long, he noticed that he couldn't understand anything that anyone was saying; they appeared to speak a different language. He tried to talk back to them, but they obviously couldn't understand what he was saying either.

With a few day's time, he began to pick up their language. It was like he was a newborn, not being able to understand anything they were saying, and having to repeat their words to find out what each one meant and did. He spent many months there, and in his time he helped the farmers with their work, his scythe making a nice tool. He also played with the little girl, and seemed to be having fun while doing so, even though he still couldn't recall his memories. He had been in a coma for hundreds of years apparently, since this village wasn't here when he had last been awake.

One day while he was with her, she had just gotten done picking flowers, and when she walked over to the village, Nalkorash turned around to follow her and his scythe slipped from its sheath and slit her neck, instantly killing her. His eyes widened, and he looked down at her corpse, trying to come up with the words to say. Before he could, his head started to pulsate, and he started to remember his history of killing. He fell to one knee, taking in all of the images of blood and corpses. He looked back at the girl, a strange grin creeping across his face.

Nalkorash was back...

He walked away from the village, not killing all of them as thanks for taking him in, but proceeded to follow the road to another town...

About a year later, Nalkorash looked up into the sky. The eclipse ended shortly after he awakened so long ago, and the Azure Sun proceeded to take its toll on him once more, but he ignored the pain he felt. His memories of Eliura had returned, and he looked at the ring on his finger, barely making out the words that were carved on it. The ring had decayed since it was first made, and seemed like it could break in half at any minute.

"Goodbye, Eliura..."

A tear fell from his eye as he walked back into the town of Hydlaa to live out the rest of his life.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 02:08:29 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Demon of the Diaboli
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2008, 02:16:55 pm »
 \\o// \\o// \\o// Woo-hoo! Great stuff! You pick up a scroll entitled Ilirion. It marks the progress of 4 eggs.
Please click on View for each of the eggs. At least the first one. He's going to die if you don't.