Author Topic: /ignore  (Read 1763 times)


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Re: /ignore
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2008, 12:08:51 pm »
Aw don't worry about it too much Zorbels, Phinehas is a godmodder from way back. He is the awesomest and most powerful wizard of the ages able to shrivel anti-magical Kran with the slightest effort and never once needed training -- well his training was all in his back-story, not in game. His very signature casts failure upon all others.
Me, I'm just a lawn mower...
What goes around, comes around and to each their own -- ad nauseum.


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Re: /ignore
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2008, 12:43:09 pm »
Aw don't worry about it too much Zorbels, Phinehas is a godmodder from way back. He is the awesomest and most powerful wizard of the ages able to shrivel anti-magical Kran with the slightest effort and never once needed training -- well his training was all in his back-story, not in game. His very signature casts failure upon all others.
Me, I'm just a lawn mower...
What goes around, comes around and to each their own -- ad nauseum.
Very amusing, Bilbous. Despite the stories I've written for fun, any power Phinehas has(and you've never seen me roleplay an inordinate amount of power) has been carefully built up over the four years I've played this game. Compared to most of the rest of you, Phinehas has actually been in Yliakum long enough to have gained his power without the complete use of a backstory.

Zorbels for your part, I was careful to point out that I didn't necessarily think that your way of treating the situation was a bad one, simply that I don't want people to get the idea that there's only one way of treating bad RP that is right for all situations. When you post an extreme example like that on the forums experienced RPers, and those that know you, would of course know that there was a little more to it, and that you wouldn't do that in every situation, but young RPers may see it as you showing them how to deal with a situation in which there is bad RP. For the rest, if you feel the need to get defensive about your behavior, or answer to me for it, or be crushed because you imagine that you have now been labeled as a godmodder... feel free. It makes it all the more amusing for myself.


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Re: /ignore
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2008, 01:28:43 pm »
Quote from: Phinehas
if you feel the need to get defensive about your behavior, or answer to me for it, or be crushed because you imagine that you have now been labeled as a godmodder... feel free.

 :whistling: You have got me alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll wrong. *Sighs* Am am not either of those things. Trying looking into the positive light Phinehas. You may then see and understand my posts. Besides it takes me looking up to you as a Rper for me to have those sorts of feelings. This is something in which I don't. Why? because the one and only time I saw you in game you spent a half hour criticizing my roleplaying in /tells well I was in the middle of a RP you weren't involved in.
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!

Under the moon

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Re: /ignore
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2008, 02:00:30 pm »
* Under the moon chuckles.

I have actually never used /ignore.

If someone is being disruptive to me in an unrealistic way, thus forcing my character into an ignore or RP-along-to-a-stupid-situation, I don't put them on ignore. Instead, I kindly tell them why their RP is out of bounds. If that fails, some of you know what I resort to. Godmode?
* Under the moon grins.

You could call it that. I like to call it bringing the situation back to realistic bounds. A good roleplayer will not try to incorporate foolhardy actions into their roleplay, in my opinion.

There are many features of the game that cannot be directly roleplayed. Spawns, PP, floating names, etc. We are asked to glaze those over and trudge on. I see nothing wrong with doing the same to a disruptive player (not to be confused with a well-played disruptive character.)


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Re: /ignore
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2008, 05:47:19 pm »
Quote from: Phinehas
if you feel the need to get defensive about your behavior, or answer to me for it, or be crushed because you imagine that you have now been labeled as a godmodder... feel free.

 :whistling: You have got me alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll wrong. *Sighs* Am am not either of those things. Trying looking into the positive light Phinehas. You may then see and understand my posts. Besides it takes me looking up to you as a Rper for me to have those sorts of feelings. This is something in which I don't. Why? because the one and only time I saw you in game you spent a half hour criticizing my roleplaying in /tells well I was in the middle of a RP you weren't involved in.
Yes, I'm sure you I have you all wrong...

Strange, isn't it, how different memories can be? I have a rather... different remembrance of that episode... supported by pm's that followed it, but no need to hash it out in public. If you desire to represent my actions to the rest of the world in a negative light, feel free. But I will not do the same to you.

For the record, I usually correct people in /tells and only do it in general chat when I think more than one individual can benefit from my suggestions.

As for Mooney, I admit to disagreeing slightly with the way you handle some RP situations, but I respect your experience, intelligence, and ability in RP enough to not attempt to persuade you away from something I know I couldn't anyway.

neko kyouran

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Re: /ignore
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2008, 06:06:41 pm »

neko kyouran

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Re: /ignore
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2008, 06:45:01 pm »
earl,  you're something else.



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Re: /ignore
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2008, 09:27:23 pm »
Well...I personally dont use ignore because i hate the fact that the person you are ignoring never really knows that you ignored them until someone else tells them. I always get nervous that they will try to RP with me and everyone else will wonder why im completely oblivious to them.

That said..I have used it once, though i ended up taking the person off my list later. I found it quite nice..i only had to listen to them when i felt like reading the chat bubble over their head :thumbup:


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Re: /ignore
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2008, 10:49:09 pm »
Just for you Neko
kind of of topic though.