Author Topic: Monthly Market  (Read 3570 times)


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2008, 11:47:58 pm »
ok, now this post is going to be totaly ooc, so skip it if you want...

actually the main idea was to have a regulary roleplay event that everyone can take part who want to.
this seems not possible for everyone on the plaza. a lot of people complained about lag and other problems,
do you want them to be ignored and kept from taking part in that event? as i already told in my other posts i
dont care about gaining tria, so i give a damn about the platinum mine. if you think that is the point then you
totaly got the wrong idea of the market.

the tavern was selected cuz it's a place that provides a lot of space and the environment provides a lot of
possibilitys for players to create their markedstands (tables etc). the octarch guildhouse in hydlaa was also
a possible location, but we discussed that and decided against it for space reasons. (even if it provides some
nice features like the collision detection in guildhouses).

so if you want to take part in that event, you're welcome. if you dont... your loss.


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2008, 12:01:56 am »
[Actually, the suggestion of doing it outside the East Gates sounded much better. Lag is not that bad in that area and it makes absolute sense IC. Having the market in the tavern or the Octarchal residency, however, does not simply because the spaces have nothing to do with a market. Especially the Octarchal residency!

Note that the suggestions posted here, even though some of them took a blunt turn, did not stop from being constructive so take in as much as you want but ignoring them might make you miss out on some good ideas that will make your event more successful. Again, the best of luck with this.]


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2008, 12:19:48 am »
dont get me wrong, i'm thankfull for every constructive idea/critic i get. my last post was refering to
Donari Tyndale, wich seems to get the whole thing wrong. the change of location was definately not for
money reasons (or what do you think how much money i made with my fish?! ;)) it was only for reasons
to make it easyer and more enjoyable for many people to take part in that event.

of course it is possible to make the market in a different location next month. maybe oja, maybe east
hydlaa or somewhere else (i for myself would like the bd fortress, cuz it's one of the most beautiful spots
in the game, but i think noone would go there for a market). that is still open for debate. but the octarch
house is simply too small to provide enough room, in that case we had to limit the ammount of merchants
or it would be crowded like hell... and how to control how many merchants will be there?

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2008, 06:24:48 am »
[What would you say to a guildhouse in Hydlaa? I might be able to arrange something for you ;)]


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2008, 12:31:22 pm »
@ Dajoji and Donari and... :

I would not be satisfied if Gugrontid will always be know as "boring place because there are all day only miners, nothing else". Hail to Ileresa and Yadili who chose to sell their apples just there, and to bring life in the ignored town. And hail to everyone who builds a contra to the boredom of "only mining and nothing else" in Gugrontid.


Compromise: Let the market rotate through different places?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 12:34:07 pm by LigH »

Gag Harmond
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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2008, 12:58:55 pm »
[I'm not against having a market in Gugrontid or any other city for that matter. It's doing it there to make it easier for the miners that I find OOC. The lag reason is valid but it does not have to exclude Hydlaa completely. East Hydlaa is less laggy and so are some other areas in North Hydlaa. Now wherever the market takes place next time, let it be in a place that makes sense IC, not only OOC. That will enhance the event a great deal. That the Octarchal residence is too small should not be the reason not to do it there. It should be because it makes little sense that an Octarch would lend his house for a commoners' market. Would you lend your house for a market? Perhaps as a favor if the organizers are your friends but would you do it if you were the city's most important person? That's a big favor to ask. In any case, hopefully we can have more events like this and more public spaces will be designed to host them.]

Velh Krome

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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2008, 01:08:50 pm »
What I currently see is, Oja being the place to cook (and craft perhaps), it has a feature with that special kitchen. It has many rogues and may appear a bit shady, wild. A quarantined area (is it still?). Its more of a town than of a city or even a metropolis, even a bit filthy, with its muddy or sandy paths, not even roads.

Gugrontid has its mine, and a smithie. After all ores and crystals should sort of have some rather special meaning to that place, no? Although my own several attempts to spice that place up with some chars and rp, which success was more than doubtful since lack of any replies, I am not aiming at that problem now. The more I mean it like even with all the miners and crafters being interestingly rped there, that place just seems to be a rocky and a bit dusty dirty working place. Selling apples there? I am tending to picture it like selling refreshment to some of the few miners, since most inhabitants should be Kran who arent very interested in apples, no?

The eagles region.. since its meant to be roamed by dire creatures, a frontline.. I dont think setting up a market there would be attractive to people offering precious wares.

Hydlaa.. well, whats with Hydlaa? It appears to be a melting pot of all races. A central spot. But recently there isnt anything special happending there, although the smithie gets frequented a little more as of late, the pub as well. With Hydlaa's winch region though, a quarter of noble merchants that it is, and its connection to other levels - I imagine merchants coming from a lower level, about to sell their wares without having to cross dangerous wilderness: arriving within a well guarded, walled and safe city (not to say metropolis) and right into that living and blooming place.

 Sure, other places should have markets as well, but first of all by far Hydlaa should have one!


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2008, 02:07:44 pm »
This entire thread learnt me a huge portion for respect for XilliX. Last time the market was help at Plaza and players who took part send me tells complaining about lag and that another spot might be better. Several proposals where made and the gug tavern was proposed by far most often to me.

Lag is an ooc issue, but a real good one.The reason why gugrontid tavern was choosen is, that its deserted (read the desc) and no owner can throw us out, it has tables where people can lay their offerings on and has less lag. From an ic point of view: money comes from there and people are there. Anyone who would make a market ic'ly would make it near to people and where the tria is. There is no economy like in real life and tria is earned by crafters and miners. But if you think we move there to sell or fishes or beer mugs for a higher price because we are greedy ooc powerlevelers please think again. If tria would be the reason we wouldn't do this at all, we would go to the platinum mine and mine there. The idea is to bring rp to the game.

What happens then? People who did not participate in the first market come here and start a thread off complaining and bitching about an event they never wanted to participate and I get wrong reasons shoved down my throat  >:( Thanks people for reminding me, how vommit tastes.

Every location has its pros can cons and the idea was to test out different locations.Many had suggested gugrontid for reasons like having an oven near or having tables. Is having an oven near and having a table to display your wares ooc? Believe it or not, the platinum mine was never a point in the considerations oocly, it was where are people, where is little lag and what place might deliver a good atmosphere.

Now about oocishness of tavern: I have seen markets taking place in gymns, streets and many other public places. Its really nice to see that people can held flea markets and other kind of markets on places without being critizised for beeing ooc. Sometimes rl is a beatifull place compared to this flame pit.

About other locations:
octarchial residency: agreed, icly a bad place.
And guild house: bad place for a guild independend market.
Ojaveda: was a hot competitor, but from an ic and ooc point one contra argument was: there are little people and its a long way there and hard to setup a both.

OOC: Many thanks for the change in place, i tried to get into the last market and lagged out :(

IC: I just hope that Platinum won't be the only thing on sale ;)
I hope you like this location better. Less lag. And I think (OOC) the only item you can't buy there will be ores ;) But beware, some over zealous rpers might rip you into pieces for being an ooc acting tria greedy pl'er.

[Wasn't it the point of the market to make Hydlaa a more lively place? Catering to powerminers who can't be bothered to change maps just because then need to keep mining is a poor and very OOC reason to do this, but that's just me. If the hydlaa_plaza map is too laggy, why not move it to East Hydlaa? Anyway, these are just my own personal impressions, I really like the market idea and I hope it doesn't disappear after a few weeks/months. Best of luck.]
That was the point, but many players have some trouble with the plaza with lag and hardly beeing able to participate due to lag. We can't rp against lag, but don't want to exclude people with a slower machine. Settings wise the gugrontid is a wealthy place and there are many people around. ICly thats a good environment for a market. Those are the ic reasons. The ooc reasons is that there are ovens and tables. If you look at the initial post by aturon in an ooc way it seems to be ooc, but if you had been at the first market and look on the goods offered you see that the platinum mine is just used as an (maybe weak) icish reason to move outside of hydlaa.

[I refuse to participate in this market in any way. It is a shame that roleplayers care about powerminers that spend their time in Gugrontid for the sake of platinum. I am deeply disappointed that such a nice idea is used in this way.]
You also refused to the first market. Compaint notized and moved to /dev/null. Thanks for misinterpreting the intentions and wasting my time.

[What's wrong with Akkaio?]

Its far away and little people there. Besides that it has some huge advantages as it offers a great atmosphere. There are many proposed locations and we can only be on one place. This time we used gugrontid. Sorry for that.

[ I can't but agree with Dajoji and Donari here. What is the point on bringing the Market to the players? We keep complaining about how empty Hydlaa is most often and this approach seems to actually support the fact of everybody should stay at the mine and do nothing else.]
We had our first market in hydlaa and i received many complaints. Now we move elsewhere and again i receive compalints. Kudos to Xillix for taking this a long time.

[I myself never cared about the monetary profit of such meetings but about the roleplay they can bring up, also considering new players (often dedicated miners) may be forced to roleplay their purchases as neither I or other traders will allow OOC sales, thus that may help to slowly get them into roleplaying as well..]
Oh yeah. We will get rich because we can sell our foods and drinks for 1 tria more because we moved to gugrontid.

[Besides, I can't see how a tavern is a good place for a market. If I was the owner I'd probably grab a club and kick the butts of the merchants out of there.]
Read the description of that tavern. There is no owner.
[ If the market is going to happen in Gugrontid I'd use the streets and have the tavern host the cultural/entertainment events. But no wonder, you won't find me there.
If the plaza is really a problem for most people then please reconsider it and take East Hydlaa as location. That will benefit the players and the game... ]
Well, as we had in in hydlaa far more people asked me to move to gug then east hydlaa. And sorry for hurting the game because we have choosen to bring rp into pl contested theory. Oh and off course serving food and ale in tavern is ooc crap. Taverns are for cultural/entertainment events. No wonder, i don't miss you there >:(

Why kicking off the butts? Just have a profit .. say, plus 20% on each sale?;)
Seriously though, that idea feels to me pretty much like having it a trading thing, for the only reason to sell items, not to roleplay. Hence, no one of my chars will be around there.
Woot, really +20%. Then I can sell my ales for 6 tria instead of 5. Sure thing, thats why we moved  ;)

[I am against the market tour idea. In fact, some have been gaining money by buying in Ojaveda and selling in Hydlaa at the market. That was a nice approach towards a real economy. Now, to constructive criticism. Why don't you use a guildhall in Hydlaa for your market? That'd reduce the lag and keep the market in Hydlaa.]
You refused to the first market, will ignore the second market and you dont like the idea of a moving market. Compaint notized and moved to /dev/null. Thanks wasting my time. Why do I get the feeling you will never stop complaining unless all markets take place in your guild house?

[I'm not against having a market in Gugrontid or any other city for that matter. It's doing it there to make it easier for the miners that I find OOC. The lag reason is valid but it does not have to exclude Hydlaa completely. East Hydlaa is less laggy and so are some other areas in North Hydlaa. Now wherever the market takes place next time, let it be in a place that makes sense IC, not only OOC. That will enhance the event a great deal. That the Octarchal residence is too small should not be the reason not to do it there. It should be because it makes little sense that an Octarch would lend his house for a commoners' market. Would you lend your house for a market? Perhaps as a favor if the organizers are your friends but would you do it if you were the city's most important person? That's a big favor to ask. In any case, hopefully we can have more events like this and more public spaces will be designed to host them.]
Think about it icly: Gugrontid is a wealthy area where many workers are near that have a loose tria in the pockets. Merchants are intrested in getting custoemrs and not reviving some plazes like the plaza. This location is more ic then the plaza if you think that a char wants to sell goods.

Then think about a plaze in the gugrontid. A street to prepare foods and drinks or a deserted unguarded tavern?

Heck, people complain that this tavern is unused and now we wanna use it and people complain we use it. WHAT?

Gugrontid has its mine, and a smithie. After all ores and crystals should sort of have some rather special meaning to that place, no? Although my own several attempts to spice that place up with some chars and rp, which success was more than doubtful since lack of any replies, I am not aiming at that problem now. The more I mean it like even with all the miners and crafters being interestingly rped there, that place just seems to be a rocky and a bit dusty dirty working place. Selling apples there? I am tending to picture it like selling refreshment to some of the few miners, since most inhabitants should be Kran who arent very interested in apples, no?
There is a tavern there too with an oven. But I got it and i never will try to make something for more then 2 players as i get slapped all over the forums by people who dont take part in it but think they know everything better and tell me how when and why i have to do it.

Octarchs are supposed to be a dictator ship. Looks at the power rpers, compared to those the octarchs look like some peaceloving hippies. Really, you guys complain there is to less rp going on in PS all the time. I can tell you why. Every time someone tries to do something besides training and leveling he receives nit picking critics from all sides. Sorry for trying to do something else and new, I seriously consider to stop that in future  >:(


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2008, 02:24:32 pm »
I can tell you why. Every time someone tries to do something besides training and leveling he receives nit picking critics from all sides. Sorry for trying to do something else and new, I seriously consider to stop that in future  >:(

amen brother zwenze.

noone cared about where to hold the market this month except a few of us. we came to
an decission and the whining started right away.

and that's why i (after thinking a while about it) closed down my marketstand right now.
if you want a market next month, do it yourself whereever you want. i dont give a **it
about it anymore, cuz it's pointless to try to bring something to this community. all you
get is whining and complaining in dolby surround, instead of bringing ideas or make it
a better event by taking part with your own RP.

screw the whole thing.

good night

Velh Krome

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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2008, 02:41:23 pm »
Er.. wow, nice mood there o/

Seriously though, I already spoke my compliments in the first thread.
The part of mine you quoted, Zwenze, whats it complaining about? I spoke my mind about how I see things, no? Am I now supposed to take your reply on it as "Hell, what a foolish point of view"?

make it
a better event by taking part with your own RP.
I just was at the Plaza, playing some deal with a nice guy Edellin, next to a member of the Way of the Hammer..

Being bawled at for trying to suggest and discuss things is the reason for why I am not around often in these forums. And after all thats what I was about, discuss the setting, or does it look like "All you plan is crap"?
Next time just add to your initial post "No critics accepted" - and yes, thats a suggestion.


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2008, 02:42:48 pm »
[With every big event there will be complaints as well as suggestions. Some will be fair, others not so much and others will be mere nitpicking. That GMs know very well, I can tell you, so don't take it personally. However, I think most comments in this thread were constructive and you could use them to further improve your event. Wasn't the point for this market to be a community effort? If so, discussions like this are for the better. Don't take the comments as attacks because they were not intended as such. This event has a lot of potential, don't let it go to waste.]

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2008, 02:44:09 pm »

Do it without them, nevermind the haters, yes you will get torn down.

But if no one does anything then the players complaint to ME.

I would much rather have you arguing with each other!


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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2008, 02:51:38 pm »
Free market anyone?

I say go set up your shop where you want, the nature of competition will ensure that someone else will set their shop up where you choose not to do it. Unless they can go under your price, then they mightl come sell things next to you.
Zan Drithor, Member of the Vaalnor Council
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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2008, 05:29:24 pm »
Um... I don't know if we are all reading the same forum here. I didn't see many constructive criticisms posted. I saw several forum regulars (status determined by number of posts) tearing the idea apart because it didn't fit their idea of what should be happening in-game. I see this all over the forums. I have been on the receiving end of this a couple of times as well. How exactly is there supposed to be player initiated RP, if every time it conflicts with others view of RP they get roasted on the forums?

I personally love the idea of a traveling merchant. I normally stay around Akkaio and Ojaveda. I travel to Hydlaa only when I am in need of items or trainers that are not available closer to home. I travel beyond hydlaa even less frequently. I finally stumbled across a very nice merchant that set up a stand in Akkaio and was able to purchase some nice items. The biggest complaint i have had with this game is the fact that I cannot frequently buy or sell items from other players. Threads like this do little to fix this problem.

I truly wish that there were more people willing to sit around and tediously mine, refine, craft and sell for the benefit of those that can't or don't want to do the same in order to progress their characters. Treating the rare ones we have now in this manner simply because they didn't hold their bazaar in the place you deem the most worthy is almost unforgivable. I remember reading in a book somewhere that Pride goes before a fall. Egos seem to be the biggest barrier to in-game RP that i have seen to date.

I am RPing my character. I have a place that I call home. I venture from there only when necessary. Am I supposed to live in Hydlaa because it is becoming less populated? Am I supposed to be traveling from BD to Akkaio all the time just because that is the only REAL way to RP?  It takes 20 minutes of REAL time to go from Akkaio to BD... 20 minutes I could be interacting with others or building my character. That is nothing compared to how many in-game DAYS it takes. Am I really supposed to RP my character, or RP what is deemed appropriate by those that have been here the longest?

I love PS. I will continue to play PS as long as I don't get run over by the RP nazis. This is a wonderful game, and I sincerely appreciate the amount of time and effort that have gone into it. I am just starting to get tired of the ceaseless criticism of RP and the lack thereof in the forums. Take a moment or two to reflect on just how vicious the responses are when people cross those gods of RP. Please also don't dismiss the attacks as just constructive criticism, because most I read are failing miserably, especially when taken IN the context of their other posts around the forums.

Velh Krome

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Re: Monthly Market
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2008, 06:07:26 pm »
Except for my first post, which was lacking an reasons, all others of mine contained suggestions on where would I set it up, and why I would do so.
While this post is in this section, I presumed it was there to as well discuss it, and not only to announce it. Perhaps the Gugrontid-Board would have been a much more proper location for a mere announcement?

RP nazis
The latter comment may be one of the most unconsidered and mindlessly shot terms found within these forums.

Guys, you know how to smooth out things, huh?  ::)