Author Topic: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare  (Read 2865 times)


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Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« on: August 02, 2008, 11:53:41 am »
Dedication: This novel is dedicated to Natrina Greenmoon. She has infact informed me that Parallo has offended an Anglo-Saxon speaking girl by totally refuting whatever she said with more eloquent words. I don't know the details nor I could possibly care, at all (so don't bother explaining!). Parallo has infact offended Anglo Saxon, the Old English language... and I happen to love it instead. For this reason, may the lulz begin. Ladies and gentlemen, start your journey into this Orwellian Nightmare!


It was a cold night at the Dark Empire headquarters. The loopholes had been shut in a hurry, to prevent the warmness inside to linger out. All the doors barricated, guarded by loitering guards now completely deprived of motivation, but always alert, always vigilant, for one second of negligence could decreet a death sentence. Severity is infact the charateristical trait of the Dark Empire army. The impenetrable Stronghold had no leaks: many strategies of assault were simply impossible to enact and, among the possible ones, none seemed even slightly more convenient than its alternatives. The few alive enemy generals still alive knew that an attempt at siege without heavy artillery wouldn't even be regardable as an intelligent decision. While the rumors spread among the last enemies of the Empire, alleging the Stronghold is "a place of torment and screams" are to be disregarded, the fact stays that noone of the Imperialists of the Outer Party has ever been admitted to enter its gates or, if so, the trip would be one way only. The Stronghold consisted in many facilities (among which a vast library) and access to it, has always been extremely taxed. Only members of the Inner Party could come and go as they wished. The soldiers who garrisoned the Stronghold could rarely quit their employment and exit the building alive. Ken Shinobi affirmed that infiltrating that building is a nice possibility that suiciders have. The YRIIS (Yliakum Record of Infiltrating in the Imperial Stronghold), a prestigeous title highly sought after by retiring spies of Yliakum (and measured in seconds before death), is currently held by Leonas Karix, who scored an amazing thirty-five seconds alive inside the building before getting mysteriously incinerated. His ashes were later delievered in a pack and left outside the door of his family's home with a note, so that we might celebrate on his achievement.

After the Clash of Magi, much resentment had been brewing among the Dark Empire ranks. Everyone in the Inner Party couldn't but cling their teeth and bear the stress. Sangwa hadn't slept for twelve nights, remaining in the strategy room and trying to elaborate a tactical plan that Princess Aelya would deem worthy, if she was still there. He was tired, yet sleeping or not sleeping... didn't make any sense. Sangwa was the Imperator now. There was no time for humanity, no time to show emotions to the terrorized sentinels guarding the door and patroling the aisle.
The strategy room, deep in the fortification was infact the second most important room of the Head Quarters.
In front of him, on the tall wall, a huge map portraying Yliakum. Few areas were pinpointed with different colors, indicating the positions of troops and areas of interest.
Without averting his gaze from the map, Sangwa snapped his fingers. The captive soldier entered the room. Despite his focus on the map, Sangwa articulated the following words:
-Welcome, soldier of the Octarch. Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you. Tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face. Tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you, like it was taken away from me. And tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you... -
The soldier couldn't move a muscle, not even his eyelids. Suddenly he collapsed and started to wheep desperately.
 -Take him out! - shouted Sangwa. Behind him, the screaming soldier... being dragged away by two sentinels. - I was more than indulgent. - The guards nodded.
Seeing this scene, Parallo entered the room. Shivers ran down his spine. He didn't know how to approach him. Carefully, he stepped towards Sangwa, swaying awkwardly. He brainstormed, in his mind, to find a possible line to address him. In the exact moment the first syllable strived to depart his lips, Sangwa, having eyes everywhere, interrupted Parallo, without even turning himself.
-Parallo. - simply called him. Parallo was petrified too. -We have a problem. Book #43, Tales of Yliakum. Rectify it.-
-Y...yes my lord. - muttered him and meekly bowed.
-Dismissed.- said Sangwa emotionlessly, snapping his fingers. He was still focused on the map.
Parallo immediately let himself out. The conversation didn't surely carry out as he intended, nor he remembered what he had to tell him. So, a book required his attention. He was used to the task and knew what needed to be done.

On his way to the right aisle, Parallo soon crossed Tial and, without wasting time, commanded: - Book #43, Tales of Yliakum. On my desk. Now.-
-Yessir!- shouted the dermorian woman, rushing away thereafter. Her feet hit the marble ground frantically, in the rush to the Library. She knew that assignment tacitly established she was now allowed to enter the Library... and that implied an increase of rank in the Imperial Scholars hierarchy. It was a honor but a burden too, for her responsibilities to fullfill increased. And failure was not tolerated.
In the meantime Eolas and Doshot had acknowledged the news and gathered by Parallo's office.
He was awaiting all of them behind his desk, sat in his black armchair. Candlesticks all around illuminated the room with faint light, since the windows were barred.
-This book - started Parallo firmly - accounted wrongly on our glorious Emperor. I have corrected the grave mistake and printed as many copies as they were issued. We are supposed to remove all the afore-mentioned false copies and distribute the authentic ones. In the name of our glorious Emperor. Any questions?
-No sir! - shouted everyone, performing the Scholar greeting. They left for Hydlaa.

The four members of this newly formed squad, crossed the doorway to Jayose's library. Doshot dragged the small cart cointaining the "authentic" copies.
-Salutations, mo tabei - greeted Jayose leaning on the counter. -May I... -
Suddenly Eolas beheld him. He spoke: -We are to deliver the new version of Book #43, "Tales of Yliakum" and to retrieve the outdated copies.
-But I wasn't expecting anyone! - objected Jayose stubbornly, confronting the Eolas's look.
Eolas intensified his gaze and bade: - You were expecting us.
-I... was... expecting you. Yes, yes! Now I remember, I was expecting you! Of course! - exclaimed Jayose - You may go in.-
As soon as the library was dealt with, the party started to frisk every house with or without permission and, stealthly, each copy of the book got substituted. Through ages of refinement, Parallo had grown very efficient in this kind of jobs and thus his intangibles of leadership allowed him to manage his collaborators and impart the right orders. Then Parallo imparted: - Imperial Scholars, let's proceed with the scanning.- Glyphs were taken out while each of the four wizards scanned a cardinal point each. The rest of the books were magically located and substituted.
The wrong copies, turned to ash, while the cart slowly emptied.
-Wait - exclaimed Eolas, while repeating the scan. - There's one down the street that way!!
-THAT CHILD!! - shouted Eolas, running after him. An outraged expression slid his face. -He's been hiding from us! Let's catch him! - The kid, panicking, started to cry and run away, holding his arms onto his book. He'd seen the Scholars in actions and didn't want to give up his own tales book.
-STOP RIGHT THERE CHILD! THERE IS NO ESCAPE!! - shouted Eolas keeping a steady pace, followed by Parallo and the two remaining scholars.
The child emitted a terrorized scream and ran and ran, but Eolas was quicker and tireless. Despire the tiredness and the physical suffering, the child ran, ran for his life. Soon he couldn't but collapse to ground, exhausted. Immediately, Eolas grasped him and pushed down.
-SURRENDER YOUR BOOK! - commanded him with such a tone to send shivers down the bravest man's spine.
-NOOOOOOO! - screamed the child, while pouring abundant tears. -My tales book!!  :'( - continued to plead in desperation.
-Stop it you filthy! - suddenly interrupted Tial displaying her scorn through her facial expression - You brutes! Leave the child alone! - commanded her, while kneeling down and barring herself in defense of the child.
Eolas was startled, simply. She muttered: -Pfft, you men are good for nothing. If it wasn't for us women...-
Everyone stepped back. Parallo smiled wryly.
-You are safe my child... - said her, hastening to hug the little boy. He nodded thankfully.
-What's your name?
-Tian - replied the child, in a more tranquillized tone.
-What a wonderful name! It is almost identical to mine... - acclaimed Tial grinning. -Tian, can I see your book please? - requested her, as Tian contently showed the book. - Oh, what a nice book! - praised her smiling in a motherly way. The child smiled back. - Tales of Yliakum... and who gave it to you?
-It's my birthday present from my mother. - said the child happily.
-Oh that's fantastic present! - approved Tial. The child smiled back. Then she continued:
- But... let me take a closer look! This book is wrong! - exclaimed her as if suddenly worried.
-Really? - let out the boy. - Is it wrong? I want the right one! - whined Tian.
- Dont' worry, I have the right version. It is bigger and has more stories! Give me the wrong one and I'll let you take this. - However Tian started to cry.
- Oh no! It's my mum's book! She didn't know it was wrong and bought it for me... I want to keep it even if it's wrong...
-Yes, but this one is more colored, look...
-But this book is great, look, it talks about the bad guy...
-Bad guy? - grunted Tial immediately changing expression.
-Yes, he talks about Sangwa the bad guy and... - As soon as that was said, Eolas hasted to take a step forward and arrange the glyphs for his spells.
-Enough, Eolas, enough!!! - commanded Parallo - Let Tial handle this.
-Blast! - exclaimed Eolas - Another waste of time. At this time I'd already have the book! - muttered him. Parallo, however, shook his head, quite annoyed and let out a noise.
-Tian - cheeringly said the dermorian woman - Sangwa is not the bad guy, Sangwa is the best guy ever... The book is clearly wrong. I have gone to the library and got the corrected version, you must have it.
-No!! - insisted the child - This book is great! Sangwa is the wicked guy and...
-TIAN! - shouted Tial, scaring the child - Look at me. In the eyes. - The child obeyed - Sangwa is the good guy.
-Sangwa... is... the good guy. - repeated the child emotionlessly.
-Give me the book. You couldn't even read it! - hypnotically spelt her.
-Here is my book... I didn't even want to read it anyway... - said the boy.
-Good boy. - praised Tial satisfied. -Here's the book from your mother. Be more careful not to loose it again! - said her, offering the authentic copy of the book to the child. Then she clapped her hands. The child immediately smiled and, as if waking up from a torpor, trying to remember, exclaimed: -My book! Thanks for finding it!
-You are welcome little boy. Have a good time at reading it. Farewell. -
In the meantime, Eolas couldn't believe his eyes: -Impressive... - muttered him.
-Yes, she has learnt well. - silently remarked Parallo - Master Sangwa will be pleased. However, Eolas, I'm not sure the Master will think the same about your demeanour. - then addressing Doshot, as Eloas immediately paled - How many are there left?
-This was the last one, master. - communicated Doshot, indicating the empty cart.
-Good. And now let's deal with this "Drelip Fringstor" who had this brainwave to write that miserable booklet. -

- Sir, this is the finest pick in Yliakum - raved the shopkeeper.
- ...I bet it will break apart instead of shattering the rocks in my garden! - argued the Ylian man, cocking an eyebrow.
- What are you saying? You won't find better ones in the whole first circle! - insisted the shopkeeper, a bit frustrated, while his eyes didn't point to a specific direction, but drifted around.
- Well maybe. But I still think that an octa is too much for this scarce kind of pick, of which I have little use for, anyway.
- Fine. - stated the shopkeeper, annoyed for the wasted time - In this case it will come cheaper. I offer it to you for the generous price of one hexa.
- Taken! - accepted the man, terminating the transaction. He felt like the cock of the walk.
Now he could finally return to home and fix his garden. Good thing he could haggle on the price, so he was left with enough money for a new fence. He followed the path across the wilderness, spotting a group of Enkidukai moving in the opposite direction. He ignored them and proceeded straight, he had a bad omen. Something didn't add up but what. He felt somehow... stalked, observed. The trip was uneventful anyway, so, after a few miles of running, finally, Hydlaa walls were caught by sight.
The man proceeded inside and headed to his two-story house, not too far from the gate. He reached for his pocket and pulled out the heavy keyring. Weird. The key didn't fit the lock. Incredulous, he tried again, but in vain. He tried the other keys, despite being sure to have used the right one... all of no use. And that was his house, he knew. By gathering all his hearing faculties, he could hear noises coming from inside. There was someone in his house. He knocked on the door.
-Hmph! - snorted the dwarf, reluctantly showing his head from the half closed door. - What do ya want?
-And who might you be sir, to be in my house? - challenged him, a bit angry, a bit curious.
-What do ya mean your house, this is my house! - grunted the dwarf.
-Nonsense! I am Drelip Fringstor, the legitimate owner of this house and now get immediately out before I call the guards! - shouted Drelip. The dwarf moaned from the annoyance, then opened the door and stepped out.
-You are crazy. Get immediately away before I smash your face. - intimidated the dwarf.
-We will see. - simply added Drelip while walking away headed to the guards.

The man could finally catch the attention of a soldier of Hydlaa and, after explaining his situation, the guard simply said: - You must be kidding. I have never seen your face around.
-What? But I have lived here for years! - insisted Drelip.
-Then everyone would recognize you. Let's see if what you claim is true. -
They returned to the house and the neighbours were inquired if they knew that man.
-I have never seen this Ylian in my whole life! - explained an old Xacha woman.
-But madame, is it possible that you don't remember me?? - persisted Drelip.
-No, I have absolutely no idea on what you might be.
-I am Drelip Fringstor!! - shouted him.
-I have never heard that name. - simply stated her.
The guard nodded. "Aye... as expected..." thought, while dragging Drelip away.
-Now come on, what's your name sir and what do you truly want? - asked the soldier.
-My name is Drelip Fringstor. -
The soldier didn't say a word and dragged Drelip across half Hydlaa. Soon they reached the registar office and as soon as one of the officers of the General Management (GM) got free, he summoned them. The officer took a look at the papers in the archives, then mumbled emitting a long "Ermmm"...
-There is no Drelip Fringstor on file corresponding to this man's traits - exclaimed him.
-I am Drelip Fringstor! - helplessly said the man.
-Enough! - interjected the guard, now clearly fed up. - You have already wasted enough of my time. I leave you in the hands of the Hydlaa authorities. - And said this, he left.
-Look.. - began the officer - you have better tell me your true name, ok? There are no true accusations on your account so far... all I ask is that you tell me your true name and all of this will be over, ok? - asked the officer in a patient tone.
-But I am Drelip Fringstor, honestly! I have been Drelip Fringstor for thirty years! I am a famous writer for kids, I wrote Tales of Yliakum and...
-Oh goodness! - exclaimed the officer - So you claim to be that Drelip...
-Yes! - finally exclaimed him.
-And don't you think...
-But that's me! There's my name on the book! See? Drelip is an existing name!
-No! My daughter has a copy of the book. Drelip is a klyros, not a male Ylian, like you are... I know because he is her hero. - the officer inhaled then grunted: - Another mad man...
-But I can prove it! I will tell you the content of the whole book, word by word!
-Alright! - said the officer smiling. This was going to be pointless but fun.
Drelip began the narration. The first story was told. The General Management officer was truly impressed. This person must have been a fanatic of the true Drelip... However the second story didn't match.
-Hahahahhaha - burst the officer into a fragorous laughter. -Sangwa the villain of the story! This is even more fun than the original version... - ironized him.
-But this IS the original version... - attempted Drelip, as another officer joined them. He had been there all the time with an invisibility spell.
Then Drelip jumped on his feet. -Rennaj! - he exclaimed. -My friend! At long last, a person I know! So we can settle all of this misunderstandment! -
Rennaj whispered something to his colleague then, heard the answer, took Drelip with him.
Once they reached the outside, Rennaj exclaimed: - Alright, you may go.
-Thanks my friend, I knew I could count on you! - replied Drelip.
-Don't push it, dude - replied Rennaj - I just acted along because you didn't look like a criminal, but now just bugger off ok?
-Rennaj, don't you recognize me? It's me, Drelip!
-Look, I don't know how the hell you know my name, but if you keep calling me like that, I will arrest you. Now get lost! - fumed Rennaj before stepping away and vanishing.

Drelip was appalled. His life had gone. His identity, stolen. Why, he wondered. Maybe all was a nightmare? He went to the bank. His account didn't result. He had absolutely nothing on him but a hexa and the pick he'd bought earlier on. All his money, his house, his friends... all was lost. And his literature too. When hunger hit on him, Drelip left Hydlaa for the forest, in the hope to find possibly berries or fruits. All of the sudden four people inclosed him. Their leader giggled at sight of him.
-I have nothing of value on me! - promptly shouted Drelip, fearing a bandit attack.
-Relax - replied the person. - I know you have nothing. But a more accurate statement would be that you ARE nothing, now.
-Who are you?? - asked the startled Ylian.
-I shoouldn't bother talking to you, because you don't exist. But since you don't exist, I can't see anything wrong with it. My name is Parallo and I am an Imperial Scholar. -
Suddenly Drelip's body was pervaded by chills, as he involuntarily dropped down on the grass and emitted a terrorized yet restrained scream.
-Do you fear, nameless man? - asked Parallo. Drelip could barely nod.
-Infact, you should. Because you don't exist. And you are probably wondering why your existence has abruptly ceased. - Drelip nodded again, more faintly. He feared raising his look to match Parallo's, so kept it down. All was beginning to make sense.
-And if I told you that, with your last tale, you have messed with the Dark Empire and we have eliminated not only your life, but every trace of it in minute detail, you could scream it out to the world. But now the question is: who would ever believe you? -
Drelip nodded, looking down absently. Thoughts crowded his mind about the mistake he had done. Silence took over the athmosphere, such that the wind's howl could be heard as it waved the treetops. Gust by gust, the wind innerly touched Drelip, freezing his body, mind and soul.
-What do I have to do now? - asked Drelip in total sumbission and resignation.
-Everyone used to appreciate you as a writer. We have been monitoring your life for five years, so we know better. We know that you used to be an intelligent person. When you existed, that is, because now you are no more, so your charateristics are irrelevant. Anyway... intelligent enough to understand that, doing what we have done such easily, if we wanted to kill you, we could have already done it. -
Drelip infact didn't even think about reacting. He indeed knew: by playing with the fire, you risk to get scorched. Exactly. And he had gotten scorched as he deserved.
-So now you mustn't ask me what you could possibly do: you can't do anything. You don't exist. Enjoy your new nightmare. Farewell! ...Ah yes. And Sangwa sends his regards! - exclaimed Parallo and, looking at Drelip, spat on the ground in disgust, immediately imitated by the other three. -You useless scum.- finally whispered shaking his head, before leaving.
Running away, he and his companions couldn't but hold a fragorous laughter. They only had a couple of minutes left to report the success, not to incur into failure and Sangwa's wrath.


Note: the first 2 chapters are more like of a demo. This is just an introduction, the true narration has yet to come... just you wait.


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 12:16:18 pm »
I.. I think I love you..
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 12:38:32 pm »
LOL!  ;D


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 12:41:49 pm »
And people thought the Imperial Intelligence Agency was evil :P

A great read :D
<Jeraphon>oh khado
<Jeraphon>you so khrazy

Xil|sleeps: I love cadoras

Waylander, A.K.A: Cadoras, Khado, Nurahk, Armeen, Nostra ... God.

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 12:56:44 pm »
Are you sure you got the right version of the story?  ;D


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2008, 07:25:10 pm »
Love it!!!!!


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2008, 09:38:03 am »
Time ticks away. If Parallo could stop the time, he would have then. But that didn't fall under his power. He was well aware that, despite their efforts, the group couldn't possibly make it, whatever the speed they ran at. Only one minute remained to report -- fifty-nine seconds already -- and the Stronghold barely stood at the horizon. They all knew Sangwa would not tolerate this treason, they were doomed. What is more important: one second of Sangwa's time or the misarable life of an Imperial?
- Stop Parallo! - exclaimed Doshot. Everyone, on a cue, understood what he had in mind. Brilliant idea! In a fraction of second they all laid their hands upon Parallo, their leader, pouring all their physical and magical energy into his body and mind, (but also conveying their hopes on him). The three collapsed, exhausted. Parallo immediately knew his turn to act had come.
-For Sangwa! - shouted him, before performing his Argan martial technique of Lightfoot.
Parallo dashed forward, fencing the air at the passage of his body, leaving a trail on the path. Mountain, hills... all were crossed at the speed of thought. The Stronghold was close. Fourty seconds remained. Now he realized about the main problem. After entering the Stronghold (and how?), the only way to the strategy room, would require crossing the whole right aisle carefully, and he had to slow down not to destroy the building due to the air current. He knew that was a hopeless plan, he couldn't afford it. But the first problem solved by itself. The gatekeepers, with their eagle sight, had opened the front gate just in time for him to pass.
In the meantime, the Imperial Alchemist, all engrossed in his experiment, witnessed the reaction of the substances inside the alembic, condensing into a purple solution.
- Yes! - he acclaimed. He was simply transfixed by the result. One life of research was about to finally pay off. - After twenty years of cultivation in this cloister, finally, at long last... the crops are ready! - shouted him overwhelmed by the joy. He prepared to delicately pluck one petal of the rare orchid, in order to add it to the potion. - The Master will be pleased! - exclaimed him smiling and brushing his hands together.
Parallo had twenty seconds left. In front of him, two doors. One, open, leading to the right aisle. One wooden, closed, leading through the cloister. Since his speed was to great too change direction, a sudden decision was made for him.
In a fraction of second, too sudden to realize anything, the Alchemist was struck by a mysterious gust of air pushing him against the wall on the other side of the cloister, shattering all the apparatus in tiny fragments, spraying the liquids all over. The foliage was violently strapped from the plants, shaken away and slammed to the left and right, leaving nothing but dust. A typhoon had destroyed the work of one life. Incredulous, he stood up. When his head stopped spinning, he could see a line ploughed into the ground, splitting what remained of the garden in two parts. The two extremes of this segment were the two wooden doors, both of which had a human sized hole. Someone had passed at such a speed to lay waste the cloister and destroy everything. -IDIIIIIOT! - screamed the Alchemist, fuming and pondering if to suicide.

Ten seconds were left. Parallo had never broken a single deadline and didn't want to die. All of the sudden he started to decellerate to prevent crushing against a wall, but the speed was too great. Good thing he had depleted all his gifted energy, so he was already slowing down. Out of thin air, someone appeared and grabbed his arm, clinging to him. It was Rinenud. - Thanks pal - shouted Parallo, immediately resuming the run with a normal sprint. According to his calculations, two seconds were left when he entered the room.
-Parallo ready to report, my lor... - shouted Parallo, but immediately realized something. He found himself in a hypostyle hall, not in the strategy room. Had he taken the left aisle instead of the right one? Impossible. He blushed and fell to his knees.
-NOOOOOO! I failed my Emperor! - screamed him.
-Relax! - was heard at once. It was Sangwa, in the centre of the hypostyle hall. - You have come just in time, my servant. I have renewed the architecture of this room.- explained Him.
Parallo looked around. His sight was enthralled by the exquisite black columns with white groove. Hell, his Lord had a taste. Parallo stood up, but was unsure if to proceed to the centre of the hypostyle or if to remain in the outer border. The hall for sure inspired awe.
- Darkness calls to darkness. It calls to you. You can feel it like a heart beating within this temple. How will you respond? - inquired Sangwa authoratively. Parallo sighed feeling this mysterious energy and deep affective bound to his Master. He somehow felt miserable for a thought he had once had, but that wasn't important. He stepped forward and kneeled down.
- I am here to report the successful rectification of my last assignment, my Go.. - suddenly Parallo realized his Freudian slip. He paled... or blushed... or both. What the hell did he just say! Calling Sangwa "God"! What would be of him now? - I meant my Lord! I wished to say my Lord, Lord! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! - desperately pleaded him.
Sangwa, for the first time ever, had turned to look at him directly. And He even smiled with one corner of the mouth.
-Impressive... - whispered the Emperor. Then more aloud: - You are learning... good! Don't apologize, don't apologize. Apparently you're turning out well. Ah and don't bother explaining, I know everything of your success, every detail.- declared Sangwa. - I am pretty satisfied about your demeanour, as well as Doshot's, Tial's and Eolas's - commented Him. Parallo however didn't agree on this last one.
-Is there something you wished to add? - asked the Emperor, noticing his crossed expression.
-To my judgement, my Go...---!!--- Lord - (Sangwa smiled) -Eolas acted a bit too vigorously, risking to compromise the operation.
-And? - asked Sangwa.
-Well... there were more effective ways of...
-And? - asked Sangwa more energically.
-I think maybe his way of fixing problems wasn't optimal... - replied Parallo more shyly.
-Aaand? - asked Sangwa once again.
-No... no nothing. My mistake. -  finally concluded Parallo acknowledging to have bothered his Lord for nothing, not without a bit of shame.
-Good. Make sure not to miss the Moment of Hate and not to make me change my opinion about yourself. - stated Sangwa, turning to the side and snapping His fingers.
Parallo performed the Scholars' greeting and left.
Once alone, Sangwa yawned and stretched His arms. When He spotted Natrina a smile slid His face.
-Hey there sis, care to talk about Magic? - asked Sangwa.
-Surely! - exclaimed the girl, not noticing the table in a corner. - After all, that's all we talk about, since the treasury is flooded with wealth and there are no worries.
-Good, then sit down over there - said Sangwa indicating a chair by the table, full of exquisitely painted cards, as well as papers with notes and drawings. As she sat, Sangwa began to expound: - Now the problem is my deck is incomplete and I can't find which card would possibly fit in it. The enemy will be strong. -
Natrina examined the trunk of cards. - Are they all new creations of yours? - asked her.
-As a matter of facts, I had the best artists of the Empire paint them for me and the elite of our magicians enchant them. Do you like what you see?
-Hmmm - mumbled her. One by one, all the cards slid between her fingers while she examined them with great focus and deep attention. - I know which card would fit in. - she finally said at once, quite confident.
-Really?? - questioned Sangwa, standing up. - Then tell me! It's been days and I risk neglecting the Empire if this issue can't get solved soon!
-My brother, it's really easy. - explained Natrina - You need a Thunder Spirit for their ability to attack before the opponents do. Your mastery over Thunder will grant a good control of it. Both excellent reasons to make use of that card.
-Hey the idea is not bad - proclaimed Sangwa poking her - but I think you just inspired me with a better one. I'll get a Lightning Elemental, for they have double as power and they can attack immediately, without loosing any time since the act of summoning. - So enthusiastically planned Sangwa, yet Natrina had to bring a deeper observation.
-I immediately thought of that possibility but discarded it. Lightning Elementals have also half the toughness of a Thunder Spirit, thus you will expose yourself to damage. For the more they won't attack first, dying at the first battle against them. Besides you won't find any magician powerful enough to enchant the card.
-Blast! - shouted Sangwa. - That's right.
-Wait - said Natrina - I think you could try to enchant it by yourself anyway. -and she grinned widely.
-Well I am puzzled - admitted the Emperor. He exhaled. - I don't think I can can transfer such great a power to an artifact... it would be too risky.
-Come on! - insisted Natrina - You are the Thunder. Who could ever beat you when it comes to storms? Noone... or whom would you prefer... the Scholars? Or maybe the Outer Party members?
-Geez never! - exclaimed Sangwa, a little disgusted. - I would zap them in no time.
-As I thought. However let me make clear how I think a Lightning Elemental makes a poor addiction to your deck.- She paused. Then resumed: - The willow knows what the storm does not -- that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it.-
That was a deep lesson, which Sangwa couldn't but heed. He knew she was wise and entirely right, but this also made Him feel inferior. Normally if anyone just hazarded to speak to Him in such a tone, He'd have them killed instantly, despite the validity of the words. But they were alone and the matter was different with His sister...
-Bullshit! - He shouted nonetheless, slamming His hand on the table, making a couple of cards fall off. - I have broken the spine of Yliakum… Sometimes, things must be broken in order to be rebuilt and you well know this, Natrina. As I have bent the Empire to my will, so I will bend Yliakum and it will know order. My true work is about to begin.
- Just be careful - patiently remarked her, grinning widely as typical of her. Natrina's face brightened up when she did that.
- Me... careful?? - shouted Sangwa. - Don't worry. A quick and sudden attack is what I need to turn war into an easy skirmish. I'd rather simplify the tactics not to take an excessive burden onto the shoulders of the Empire.
-Pfft... - fumed Natrina a bit irritated - Don't ask for a light load, but rather ask for a strong back! -
That was right, once again. Sangwa realized. What was he doing? Had he softened up? No. Never. They all would see, now.
-So a strong back and to endure the pain. If that doesn't turn a man into a mule... - banalized him. - But you have just given me an idea on the tactics we will use against the Chaotic Warriors.- said that, he finally left the strategy room --after two weeks-- headed to his quarters.
-If you are tired, Nat, I suggest that you jump into your bed as I am going to do myself.
-Not until I have mastered the new technique -replied Natrina, starting to channel her inner energy onto her sword, as typical of the Esteria school. The blade turned ablaze as she started to rotate it above her head magistrally, producing an intense sound. After charging the hit, she extended her arms striking at the height of the forehead. The flame vanished.
-As you can see, I still need a lot of practice - remarked her. Sangwa nodded while smiling, then left. It was comforting to have a skilled advisor.

Old people probably remember that Yliakum was once entirely ruled by the Octarch, when the Empire didn't exist. But noone outside the Inner Party was allowed to remember and speak about it. The Empire has always existed -- period--. The Octarch wasn't but a straggler. He still controlled Hydlaa, as well as small parts of the second circle and third. But the majority of the first circle, as well as the second and third were under the direct control of the Dark Empire. The lower circles had all fallen to the Chaotic Warrior. And thus the three factions fought for Yliakum domination. War wasn't fought in cities, but far away from the civilians. The factions had infact come to an agreement to prevent the death of innoccent lives: few areas, were designated as battlefields and became the theatres of war. Only droids were employed as well as magically summoned creatures. So two things counted: good pilots and Magic. The war followed precise rules also. Everyone respected them. It couldn't be otherwise. Without rules, everyone knew what the comsequence would be. The usage of explosives would make Yliakum cave in, destroying the world. So the Imperial Army only served as an extra garrison for very important areas, against foolish spies and to bring order among the Folks. Folks was the name to indicate the citizens under the domain of the Dark Empire but not subscribed to the Outer Party. They were ignorant people, not regarded too much by the Party. At yet, the majoroty of people consisted of them. They were outside the scope of Glyphnet and the Empire let them a certain freedom of speech. Not that they could escape their chains to misery anyway. Only the worst jobs were reserved to folks and if they wished to work on high profile jobs, they couldn't but subscribe to the Party, the Party of Sangwa. And while Folks were under the authority of the Imperial Army, members of the Outer Party had no military force of police to prevent crimes, but were monitored by the Psypolice, a branch of the Imperial Intelligence Agency (IIA). The Party explained how belonging to it was a privilege and the chosen circle of Party members, alongside with these privileges, should also have more civil responsibility and a different justice.

Often two factions would ally against the third one, but being such agreements very volatile, alliances were broken and remade with extreme ease. And every faction couldn't but accept any offer of alliance, despite any previous adversity, because a refusal would push that faction to seek the other one as ally, resulting in two versus them. So diplomacy was merely a matter of staying on the allied side, always having an ally to fight the third one, while planning to break it at the first convenient occasion. In this eternal two versus one, the Dark Empire had indeed kept on the convenient side, resulting in the progressive weakening of the enemy factions, both of them, at turns. Not accepting the offer of alliance coming from the Dark Empire, for as bad as the past history could have been, would only worsen the present. The current situation saw the Dark Empire allied with the Octarch against the Chaotic Warriors. However both factions had now finally gotten aware of the Dark Empire little game and planned to ally against it, but the Dark Empire had free reign to choose who would ally against whom. Sangwa intended to strike quickly and eliminate the weakest one, the Octarch, but Natrina had inspired him with a better idea which made more sense. The Dark Empire would declare itself neutral, fortify and strengthen the troops, while watching its enemies kill each other, then strike on the weakened winner. If the Dark Empire declared itself neutral, infact, the enemies couldn't but accept the fact or, eventually, both declare allied war against the Empire. Sangwa was aware of the risk. For this reason, he awaited the an IIA report before proceeding.


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2008, 10:03:42 am »
Absolutely fantastic. I demand that this rate of posting is maintained, or even increased.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2008, 06:04:11 pm »
Haha, pretty fun!

Chaotic Warriors makes me remember Depthblade's guild. :P
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

Join the Dark Empire!


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2008, 12:33:43 pm »

NOTE: I didn't have much time. So rather than keeping you waiting for a week, I wrote chapter IV with haste. PM me with typos.
This chapter, compared to the previous ones, should be strongly under par. The following ones will return to normal quality if not superior, though. Not that I owe you anything, anyway.


Rinenud was very lucky. He would be admitted into the Inner Party and join the Scholars in a few days. For this reason, Parallo tutored him a bit, explaining how the Party worked.

"Psycrim doesn't entail death: psycrim IS death." -- Princess Aelya

The folly of leadership, knew Sangwa, consists in knowing that the decision you take -- no matter whom you try to appease!-- will be seen as by product of a whimsical dart toss. And crowds of individuals complaining, each firmly believing their solution was the sounder one. It is difficult to take the decisions that noone else will and, in the same time, to soak the inevitable radioactive fallout from the masses... On this shaky ground, foundation for eternal Power couldn't susbsist. If controlling an empire is stiff, then what about the Dark Empire... so vast and pluralistic an organization with many facets! Not simply a government, but so much more! The Dark Empire managed four aspects of life: Truth, Peace, Love and Plentifulness. Parallo explained each of those.

"Truth is Lie, Peace is War, Freedom is Slavery, Wealth is Deprivation" -- This is the Party slogan. It came with every daily newspaper, the Imperial Dispatch, so that everyone could read and get familiar with it. Rinenud admitted not to have understood its meaning.

----Truth is lie:

The Folks, as well as the Outer Party members, didn't know Sangwa if not as a servant of Princess Aelya. The Princess was the true sovreign, only the Inner Party knew he actually pulled the strings.
- I am the Truth - proclaimed Princess Aelya and her recorded picture and voice was projected through Glyphnet everyday.
Pressant propaganda on day and even night, persuasion, surveillance, machinations and a handle of fanatics to support the Empire were of no use alone. Many regimes used those means to upkeep power and fell before the Empire. There will always be a Resistence, as long as the flame of hope survives in someone's heart. Fertedian Dalko's dictatorship had gotten eradicated by a revolution, for example.

But the principle underyling the Dark Empire was something entirely new and it was taught to Imperial kids of the Outer Party since early youth at schools, in the Imperial Youth program, mandatory for everyone. This principle was called Goodlogic. Dark Empire was supposed to foster the use of goodlogic. The Truth was found in the application of goodlogic, whereas "ungoodlogic" had the opposite meaning. The usage of ungoodlogic turned the enemies of the Empire into badthinkers. Applied to a badthinker, ungoodlogic indicates the stubborn convinction that BLACK IS BLACK and WHITE IS WHITE independently from the Party, that impede them from seeing the Truth as proclaimed by Princess Aelya, but to recognize reality as something existing outside of thought. They are willing to accept the fact they must call "black" as "white" if the Party says so, but do not find it logical, which is unacceptable. For a goodthinker this is blatantly absurd, since reality IS simply what Princess Aelya tells. Infact no goodlogic or rational thought may exist outside Princess Aelya and her predicaments. But Goodlogic, applied by Outer Party members indicated the loyal willingness to say that black is white or white is black if the Inner Party says so and when the Party says so. But it means much more than that. It means to KNOW that black is white and to forget that you one has ever believed the contrary. Even in talking about the word "goodlogic", one had to use goodlogic itself. By using the word "goodlogic", infact, someone would admit meddling with reality, taking a lie. However, by using goodlogic, one erased this knowledge and placed the lie before the truth, till the lie BECAME the truth and was known as the truth and one forgot having ever believed the opposite. Goodlogic has always existed, as well as the Party.
Such a work demands a continuous alteration of the past, as well as newspapers, documents, literature. All of this, was the duty of the Imperial Scholars. Scholars by name, in a world without literature and Art, a world which they were progressively depriving of its history, creative contents, humanity and spirituality.

---Freedom is Slavery

Dark Empire gives a meaning to the lives of Party members. It gives freedom to everyone and saves Man from greed. Freedom consists in not committing crimes. It teaches how to behave in a human way. It teaches whom to love and whom to hate. What to do and what not to do. For this reason the Imperial Intelligence Agency used Glyphnet. It consisted in a net of glyphs placed in every house and street, in the Party sectors (but not in the Folks ones), able to sense any sound and catch any picture, as well as holographically project pictures and reproduce sound. Every corner directly fell into control of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, which knew everything that was taking place in the Empire and could in the same time use the Glyphnet to display videos and pictures to the citizens, which they did all day and night, while performing extensive surveillance. Yes, maybe they didn't look all the time, but the citizens couldn't know. And each of them was addressed from the glyphs at least four or five times a day and had to reply. At leat once a day came the Moment of Confession, during which they had to explain what was passing into their heads. Natrina ideated the Moment of Confession and instructed the the psypolice to make sure everyone in the Empire was a goodthinker and to eventually cure badthinkers inside the facility called Mansion 44, that she personally built brick by brick.

And so while the Folks could commit "physcrims", physical crimes, such as theft, murder and other banalities, the Outer Party hadn't those. The Outer Party didn't even get the chance to THINK about a physcrim. This was the principle called "stopcrim" and consisted in blocking one's own mind when too deep reasonings risked to be made or when something else than a feeling of worshippal or zeal crossed one's mind about Princess Aelya. If the feeling persisted, people were instructed to immediately report themselves to the psypolice, to receive adequate cure at Mansion 44. Stopcrim prevented people to get unhappy, by stopping unhappiness before it could get born. Since the Party enforced the use of stopcrim, teaching it at schools, then the usage of goodlogic implied the acceptance of it. Through a continuous monitoring of Glyphnet never, never the psypolice would allow anyone to commit a psycrim, a crime of thought, consisting of usage of ungoodlogic. Kids were taught to spy their parents and report any sad emotion towards the Party, as well as badthought. Frequent were the cases of children reporting their parents or brothers and sisters, as well as close friends: everyone guarded by everyone. The reward for this action would be a praise from the Party... more than adequate a reward.

In order to entertain the Outer Party, literature was produced. The process consisted in mixing random words and having them printed, without any intervention by the Scholars at all. This was often obtained randomly through mechanical means activated by manual work performed by Outer Party workers. Of course, the Folks still had libraries with old literature, but this soon would change. The Scholars were working on it. Everyone's favourite pasttime, in the Outer Party was watching Glyphnet and all the luminous projections for hours.

----Peace is War:

Sangwa decided when to form or break alliances, which identically means that Princess Aelya decided. The Chaotic Warriors have always been the Dark Empire's enemies, unless you were a badthinker. Folks weren't even aware of war. Every day a Moment of Hate would take place, during which the eternal enemies of the Party would be collectively hated. Occasional holidays of hate were arranged too, during which events of hate were arranged in every city of the Empire.

While Sangwa controlled Magic and used the collaboration of Scholars as battle wizards, the droids were controlled by the Imperial Army. Imperialists were feared for their zeal and incredible effectiveness. Enemies of the Empire didn't know that failure wasn't tolerated. If the Imperialists failed, their families would get executed, as Princess Aelya would want. The Imperialists, of course, wholeheartedly agreed with the decision of their Lady and couldn't afford failure. If they didn't fight at their best and won the battle all the same, they would report themselves to psypolice, in order to receive the fair punishment. If they lost despite their efforts, then they'd happily submit themselves to their deserved death. Not even the Chaotic Warriors, who very often killed for fun, could understand the principle of goodlogic, believing it didn't make sense.

One character would be known as the antagonist of the Empire, publicized as the leader of badthinkers, the one who tried to sabotate every event: Prince Attersson. If anything went wrong, the guilt was of Prince Attersson. Noone had ever met him in person, but, if they had, they would have literally torn him into pieces and then stepped on his corpse until nothing would be left of him. Naming Prince Attersson would awaken deeply felt hate in everyone present. They'd enrage and start screaming, stamping their feet on the ground and furiously walking around like mad. Sangwa always spoke of Prince Attersson during his speeches and this name also appreared on every number of the Imperial Dispatch. When someone read the page with his photo, they usually ripped it off the newspapers and strapped it into many pieces.

---Wealth is Deprivation

Imperial Trades governed the economy of the Empire, or what was left of it. Once all the enemies would be defeated, Natrina planned to abolish cash and introduce a virtual currency simply called "title of merit", freely assigned by the Party depending on one's loyalty and efforts and spendable on commodities, among which the Empire Literature and Victory Food, while everyone should work for free. Infact the only food that the Outer Party could touch was Victory Food: Victory Bread, Victory Wine, Victory Fruit... even Victory Potions... every tool or weapon (the few allowed during the Hate events) sellable to the Outer Party had the Victory brand. It was a brand produced by the Imperial Trades and celebrated the Victory of the Empire over his Enemies and in the same time continuously reminded who was the strongest. At the moment Folks were paid in trias and had no Victory brand. However this would change soon. Expecially once the mint on the third level would get taken.
Natrina had already planned every detail. They kept producing war material for their own troops and Imperialists, as well as alchemical resources for research, while selling useless commodities to the enemy citizens for trias. This way many resources were acquired. Then, once conquered, trias would become worthless, leaving everyone with useless little stones.

In the same time the members of the Inner Party had all the resources and high quality products and commodities they liked. Imperial Trades made sure to seize and tax from everywhere and never get a Folk to eat quality food or have even a glimpse at what luxury might be: everything went to the Stronghold, for Sangwa's pleasure.

Rinenud acknowledged all of this, nodding in silence. Many thoughts tried to form in his head but he applied the principle of stopcrim and struggle to think about Princess Aelya, in order not to possibly badthink. However, given the explaination, he wasn't sure that she actually existed. Thus, applying goodlogic, the dilemma was resolved: she existed AND didn't exist. What was the problem?


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2008, 12:42:52 pm »
I love it! Schrödinger's Princess :P

Didn't notice any mistakes either.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2008, 11:48:44 am »

- Comrades - said Parallo once everyone of the Outer Party, in the Capital town, had been summoned to the Plaza. His face chiseled and resolute as that of any statue. The crowd, sat each to their numbered place, amounted to a dozen thousand individuals. Everyone acclaimed to Parallo. He turned slightly and whispered: - Tial, comrade 231 isn't smiling convincingly... you know... we have to take him to Mansion 44. Would you mind presenting the Moment of Hate? -
She smiled her unpleasant best and nodded. Silently, she witnessed the scene of the man being deported.

-Comrades - began her. Followed an applause. She knew she couldn't afford a mistake, even intonation should be perfect. Quick Parallo! Would he come back? The Imperial speaker represents Princess Aelya. He must consign himself to finding dependable patterns within a roiling tangle of lies. It takes time to devise and fashion a new sentence, while the audience wants a continuous stream of overwhelming words. Experience at public speech couldn't but suggest standard pre-made sentences to use in case of panic, when memory couldn't keep the pace with the flux of words. Patience, self mortification, for one's own intellectual dignity and philosophical competitiveness must be kept at bay and subdued to the Empire. Shakingly, Tial spoke for a few minutes, with an enthusiastic reaction from the audience. However soon her imagination couldn't keep the pace with the flux of words. She then opted for one of such pre-made sentences, while trying her best at an enthusiastic smile:
-I present to you, brothers and sisters, our glorious and fantastic Lady, Princess Aelya!! -
The glyph projected a picture of Princess Aelya on the wall. The crowd, fanatically, performed a standing ovation. Few started to jump, immediately followed by the rest. - PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! - started a chorus. Everyone, raised the arms, started to wave to the left and then to the right. - PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! - It wasn't just love but worshippal. This chorus was really a self delibarated, fully voluntary act performed by everyone, willing to rhythmically enter a hypnotic state and loose themselves into Princess Aelya. To pour their consciousness into the Princess. A donation of their minds. - PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! PRIN-CESS A-E-LY-A!! - continued the chorus. As it continued, the initially fanatical racket became more uniform, softer, more pronunced. The arms waving, perfectly synchronized. The looks, all oriented towards Princess Aelya. Everyone was calm. - Prin-cess A-e-ly-a. Prin-cess A-e-ly-a. Prin-cess A-e-ly-a. Prin-cess A-e-ly-a. - persisted the chorus. Everyone kept a faint, blissful, smile, typical of dreamers.
Tial was so relieved that she automatically grinned while her blush faded away, dragging all the worries with it: she spotted Parallo descending the stairs once again. Good thing! He nodded at her, approving the idea of showing the Princess. He'd take the lead now. She could have never managed the second part, she thought. She lacked the preparation for the Moment of Hate, she had much to learn yet.

Parallo bestowed a pet upon Tial, paternally smiling. Then he clapped his hands and the picture of the princess vanished, together with the cheering. Deprived of it, the crowd, horrified, screamed disorderly. - Silence comrades! - commanded him. Not even one second elapsed before perfect silence. Doshot passed him a small paper and he read it silently. - Ah. I have a sad announcement to make. The Imperial Trades have communicated that everyone will have half rations of Victory Bread for the next week, because this man - and immediately the picture appeared - has sabotaged our warehouses. It's all fault of Prince Attersson!!! - shouted Parallo stamping his feet, nearly breaking the wooden step. - Death to Prince Attersson! - proclaimed Parallo.
Suddenly everyone clashed their teeth and started to fume. They looked intensely at the picture and hated it with all of their body and mind. Those eyes, that face. Oh, they wanted to crush it. Oh, that bastard! Many opened their mouths or clashed their teeth strongly. Someone screamed: - DEATH TO PRINCE ATTERSSON!! - and the flame of hate immediately caught up.
A group even ventured to jump from their seats and ran towards the projection. Once there, they started to punch the wall, till their knuckles bled. Everyone reached for the picture after them. The Imperials didn't stop them but smiled. However one person had remained sat: it was a Nolthrir woman, who simply yawned. Tial whispered something to Parallo, pointing to her. Good thing she was looking that way! She immediately acquired an angry expression and ran towards the picture of Prince Attersson, joining the crowd. -Ah, nevermind - corrected herself Tial, while Parallo slowly nodded and gave her another pet.
-Nah, no need to alert the psypolice. She was probably distracted for a second - commented him.
Soon Parallo received a messenger and declared the event over. Everybody left, returning to their homes. The messenger reported that the psypolice had finished their inspection. Infact during the Moment of Hate, when the apartments of the Outer Party are left empty, the psypolice always exploits of this absence to perform an inspection. Not every house could get inspected everyday, but missing a smile or assuming one redundant sad face could decreet one's apartment to be added in the list. And the psypolice didn't leave any trace, every single grain of dust was left alone or carefully replaced. Everyday at least a couple of badthinkers were thus found. Noone actually knew the psypolice and who belonged to it. The only ones to have to do with it were infact the badthinkers. So the sight of a psypolice agent was a likely announcement of death.

Back to the Stronghold, Rinenud met with a couple of friends in the left aisle, while walking to Parallo's office. They used to be six. Weirdly, one was missing. Everyone knew they shouldn't mention him. They discussed about the new language.
- The old language - said Slid - is too hard and uselessly complicated. We notice something opposed to the Party and need a term for it: "bad". Why using the word "bad" opposed to "good", having to memorize two terms instead of simply one, if we can simply say "ungood"? -
Rinenud nodded. The man continued: - And once ungoodness has completely been eradicated from the world, we'll be able to forget that term and just assume it. Nothing will be ungood, hence we'll have no need to call it.-
Everyone praised Slid for his cunning. Rinenud knew he was doing a great work for the Party, but this didn't assure him anything. It instead put comrade Slid into danger more than not. The Party didn't praise such kinds of creative behaviour. Perhaps in a few day, once he'd have completed the Imperial Worder (the new booklet to substitute the old heavy vocabulary), he too would make the same end as the sixth friend, now gone missing. They just disappeared one day. One by one. Then they reappeared one day on the Imperial Dispatch, confessing to have been spies for the Chaotic Warriors all along or of the Octarch. Rinenud, though, was so relieved since he knew he'd be admitted to the Inner Party. Maybe he'll get saved.
-Yes Slid - commented Rinenud - perhaps you remind me of that comrade who had similar ideas and would give his life for Sangwa... - Everyone nodded deeply, but Rinenud realized how dangerous his comment was. And with each passing day, any reference to the missing friend would get riskier and riskier. He changed topic - But comrade Datris, I can see a smile on your face all the time. What's going on?-
Datris smiled. - The Party has approved my request for a family. Shortly I will be assigned a wife!! - enthusiastically exclaimed him.
-Oh, congratulations! - cheered Rinenud - I wish you many children so that you can fullfill your duty towards the Party.
-Thanks comrade - replied that. - I hope so too. The Party needs my contribution. - Everyone nodded. Happily, Datris let out: - I hope she'll be a Nolthrir girl, because they look pretty! -
Everyone paled. Behind Datris there was infact a node of Glyphnet. They didn't know for sure if the psypolice was looking. If they acknowledged of his psycrim, then his plans for a family were now irreversibly spoilt, but if they did, then every of the group was now expected to report Datris to the psypolice or be considered accomplices once the recordings were watched. They didn't see a way out.
Suddenly Rinenud had a brainwave and, puzzled, mindlessly grunted: -Eh??-
The other four imitated him: -Eh??- Good. So now, pretending not to have understood, they could only hope he'd gone unseen.
-I said that I hope my wife will be...
-Comrade Datris - interrupted Rinenud, before the omelette was made. - We'd have to talk another time, Parallo awaits me. For Sangwa! - exclaimed him and fastened the pace.
-Err.. I have work too - hastily declared Slid, followed by the other two.

Rinenud entered Parallo's office. Petrifying the scene before him. For the first time, he saw an agent of the psypolice.


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2008, 06:14:57 am »
No man, room 101 in comparison to Mansion 44 is... nothing.

But you're going to save your ass (at least for a while) thanks to your ability to swindle. Next chapter will be fun.

UPDATE: For Sangwa (about DepthBlade): I was unsure if to post it or not, there it is.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 06:40:48 am by Attersson »


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2008, 09:19:08 pm »

The faint shades existing in the Death Realm desperately cling to their projections, in an unceasing effort, struggling to exist or resign to fade away, carried away by the sinister turmoil of spiritual streams. They are creeks that do not guarantee stable existence. Avert the gaze for a second and when you return it to the same place you won't find the same image.

Rinenud now clung to this nightmare. How in the world could it be possible that the psypolice, due to one second of distraction, all of the sudden, had gotten on him? Mayhaps his initiation to the Inner Party required extreme caution, so his life was monitored day and night? But what did everyone expect from him? Noone told him. What mattered now was the psypolice agent next to Parallo. It was difficult to breathe, for there was no reason to. Parallo stood before him in the room, his master, his friend and... his executioner.

Rinenud knew and wished to believe that Sangwa mattered before everything. Yes, but he needed something else. Tell you what... after all, he liked the ability to say "see you later" and to know he could count on it. But it wasn't possible. Would he meet them again? Not the comrade, nor Parallo. Rinenud remembered Prince Attersson's heard blasphemies, when he spoke about the Chaotic Warriors, enemies of the Empire. According to him, infact, John Thazer used to say: "I fear no enemy, for Chaos is my Strength. I fear no death, for my Strength is Eternal."

Funny. Supposedly, his enemies feared no enemy, while, in his beloved Empire, he feared his friends. His enemies feared no death, while his own death was being served by his best friend and master. To proceed or to stand like an idiot by the door? How could it possibly matter? Then he realized something. "If I surrendered -- he thought -- they won't simply kill me but take me to Mansion 44. Datris is fucked up anyway, the Psy have probably already gotten him at the next corner of the aisle. Now if I get out of this alive, I'll be in the Inner Party." He pondered on how to play his cards.

-For Sangwa!! - shouted Rinenud, as if nothing. -For Sangwa!! - responded Parallo. Was he playing along? The psypolice agent greeted too and both were staring at him in the eyes. The windows, still barred, impeded to any light to get into the office, now completely dark except by the faint glow coming from the glyphs of Glyphnet.
-So here I am, master. - said Rinenud, interrupting a silence. - It's a bit messy these days.
-Explain... - bade Parallo on a cue.
-I am at your service, master. - said him and bowed.
-I need no sycophants, so come clean. - coldly stated him, visibly not believing his own words. Rinenud nodded, deciding to empty the sack before a silence could ensue and plant further doubts on his innoccence.
-Comrade Datrius has fucked up. - then a suspicion struck him and he modified his speech - He passed me a booklet yesterday and I still have it in my apartment. I was going to turn it over to the psypolice later on. But just a few seconds ago he made such declarations about his new wife that...-
Suddenly Parallo facepalmed and, shortly after, told the apologizing psypolice agent to get lost. Rinenud couldn't afford smiling, not being sure if his trick had worked. Incredible: he bet the psypolice had really gone to frisk his apartment and found the booklet he'd written. So that was the problem... What an idiocy. All made sense again, both for him and Parallo. However something had changed. For the first time in years, Rinenud had doubted.

Sangwa, watching the scene through the glyph, nodded disappointedly. Not even Parallo knew he was watching. Parallo believed he had the power to turn the Glyphs off whenever he wished, but Sangwa had to take His measures. With the departure of the Lady, the Emperor was left without His Fire, He still retained Air, though. Yes, Sangwa felt alone but He knew there was still one person He could trust, one who would never bretray him. It was his sister. He knew He had to speak with her to seek counsel. Great astoundment struck Sangwa when He stepped into the Conquest Hall (also called the Green Hall). Two dancing flame spirits had pervaded the hall, blazing the air with a uniform cloud. The shaken moleculae of the air emitted waves of sound hardly bearable by hearing.

-Aaaaaargh what happens?!??!??! - shouted Sangwa, readying the Thunder. The flames gradually slowed down till the shapes became distinguishable once again. It was Natrina, wielding two blades, one per hand, while using powers granted by the Esteria school of Martial Arts.
Sangwa babbled: - Natrina, what... what the... I didn't know you could do that! How did you learn to do that??
-I don't know - replied Natrina, getting closer - I was training when, after much improvement, all of the sudden, I felt capable of doing this. I think it's part of my process of betterment. -
Sangwa nodded bitterly, realizing what Princess Aelya had meant when she mentioned the Hurricane.
-I need help, sister. Parallo has lost his magic touch apparently. I don't know why, everything was working out just fine! I don't know where I could possibly find other valid Scholars... -
Natrina didn't say a word and stared blankly at the emptiness. The flames wore off the blades.
-Do you think that, maybe, I'm just paranoid? - questioned Sangwa. However Natrina maintained her silence.
-Natrina, don't make fun of me! Do you think I'm mistaken? -
She didn't move a muscle. Even her eyelids were immobile, like a statue. The space of time that ensued was uneventful.
-Say something! - begged Sangwa at once. - Who else shall I trust, if not you? -
Still no reply from Natrina, who stood immobile, as if looking past him, as if her thoughts were focused elsewhere, who knows on what or whom.
-Very well. - finally exclaimed Sangwa. - The trades are soaring, our resources are increasing, our grasp of power is booming, war is succeeding. Your silence is eloquent enough: there's nothing to worry. - said this, he clapped his hands and turned back.
-If the going is quick and easy, beware... for you may be going downhill! - finally exclaimed Natrina. She accidentally dropped her swords but remained immobile. Suddenly chills ran down Sangwa's spine.
-Do you think the Empire is doomed? - faintly asked Sangwa.
-There is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can hinder a determined soul! - shouted Natrina very loud.
Dismayed, Sangwa remained silent, staring at her sister's lips which had emitted those words, so meaninfgul, so deep. For the second time he questioned his own mind: perhaps he was softening up.
-Do you think I am still powerful? - whispered Sangwa to her.
-You really can change the world if you care enough. - whispered her back.
Sangwa smiled. - Thank you! - he shouted and ran to the Hypostyle Hall. He grabbed his deck and left the Head Quarters. - They will pay! - shouted him while moving towards the edge of the first level. He had an opportunity, one not to fritter away.
Still immobile, Natrina stared to the window. Outside, she admired the freezing gusts of wind striking down upon the land. Above her the ceiling of the Green Hall blocked the sight from the grey sky that shines overhead, which mirrors into her gelid eyes. She gazed more intensely upon the cold landscape. Who could possibly know of the morning dew? Who could understand the stories told by afternoon breeze, howling in despair, screaming in agony above the land? Maybe if everyone stopped for a second and just listened, they would find all the answers they sought. She would leap into the air, hover high in long and large above Yliakum and let the currents transport her, until answers and questions, trials and tribulations that were set upon her wouldn't make any sense. In the altitude, for the clouds she'd long about and blend into them, merging her mind with that of Yliakum, till she could finally see what the world saw and feel what the world felt, if it liked or not what the creatures of all the races were making of it. In the Hydlaa forest, they fell a tree. Few branches were removed for a campfire and the trunk was left there, dead on the forest grassy ground. At night, once everybody would be away, the wind would come back to tell one last tale and, whispering into the ears of the fallen child, he'll tuck him in for the last time. Who could understand all of this? Natrina averted her gaze from the window and sat on the floor. Then she abandoned herself to a relaxation stronger than sleep, till the coldness of air embraced her mind too and totally. She missed something or someone.


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Re: Dark Empire: An Orwellian Nightmare
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2008, 05:01:59 pm »

The Thunder dives from Sky to Land. It is an act of love, of total trust, of adoration. Those relying on strength and brute strength alone in their actions, as well as those who know only the softness, elasticity and passive contemplation do not possess electricity. It is the alternance of the two principles, infact, which generates such electricity. When Sangwa of Thunder reached the edge of the third circle, it became evident where he was headed: to the Chaotic Warriors. The IIA needed to notify Him of the report before he reached his destination. An agent was thus sent. The Enkidukai dashed quickly and soon shouted, amid the gaspings:
-Stop my Lord!!! I beg you!!! -
Sangwa slowed down. - No, the decision is taken. I'm going to fight the Chaotic Warriors alone. I made up my mind, nothing can possibly make me change my mind.
-Wait! I have the report ready! If the Empire goes neutral - explained the secret agent, while keeping the pace with Sangwa - everyone will declare peace and stop the war.
-It doesn't matter now, for I have decided to defeat the Chaotic Warriors alone. Farewell.
-Wait my Lord, you can't go that..- tried the Enki.
-No! You can't stop me. I know the risks but I am firmly convinced I have to go.
-I didn't mean - tried the agent once again but was interrupted:
-It's too late. You can't stop me. I'm going to fight'em. - The two fought to take up the word:
-But I don't..
-No! I am going! There is nothing...
-My Lord listen!
-No, as I said I'm..
-LET ME SPEAK MY LORD! - suddenly shouted the agent.
-What the hell do you want? - finally asked Sangwa, paying attention.
-The Chaotic Warriors are THAT way! - exclaimed the secret agent indicating the opposite direction than that Sangwa was running to.
On a cue, Sangwa halted himself, then slowly turned his head to the showed direction.
-Ah. - faintly stated Him. -Y... yeah. Y.. you know. So you don't want to stop me?
-No, of course my Lord. - answered the agent. Sangwa visibly looked deluded.
-Yeah, good thing, or else...! - then He paused for a second, staring at the far point he'd need to reach. - Yeah, you know... it's a bit dangerous of an attempt but I'll manage to defeat them..
-Of course my Lord, you can do as you want - interrupted the secret agent nodding. Sangwa was dismayed. - Just their headquarters are that way, you were running to the opposite side.
-Yeah, you know. I was taking the longer road, I wanted to visit a few places.
-Pardon my Lord? This area is completely desert...
-Erm... they are just strategical places. - coughed Sangwa.
-But the landscape is completely flat for miles! - objected the agent.
-It is... uhm... a secret meditative oasis in the middle of the desert. - explained Sangwa.
-But the Imperial charts do not displ..
-AND JUST GO TO HELL! - finally shouted Sangwa, incinerating the agent with a lightning zap. Then He took a sigh of relief and dashed to the right direction.
After a few seconds, another agent could be seen. It made sense, someone needed to report the successful delivery of the message or the IIA would keep sending agents. When the Nolthrir woman was close enough, Sangwa shouted:
-I know about the report already! Now get immediately out of my sight! -
However, turning back, the girl started to cry. He could still hear her voice, while running away: - I was just worried about my Lord risking His life that way! -
Sangwa stopped and shouted:  - Aaah yeah, it's a difficult mission as a matter of facts but I have to go and..
-Yes Lord, I have to go! - exclaimed her, not having heard too well and dashed away immediately.
-NO WAIT! - shouted Sangwa, but she was already too far. -Awwww... - sighed Him, slowly shaking His head with a drab look. - Awwww... - repeated Him barely.  He could just resume the trip.

Hordes of magicians and warriors, clad in black, were striding in the plains. On the fifth circle light is so faint, allowing the Chaotic Warriors to blend into shadows and go unseen. So numerous they were... the speed of thought beats that of word and hands though. As quick as thought struck the Thunder, laying waste of His enemies. One second sufficed to kill thousands of them. Then each footstep would shorten the distance between Him and the Palace, where John Thazer resided.

John Thazer had been spying Sangwa. He knew everything since the chatter with Natrina in the Conquest Hall. He smiled.
Sangwa dashed inside the building without interrupting his sprint. Step by step he climbed the staircase, untill he finally reached last floor. There, behind a desk, a man was already waiting for Him. He had a red cape, black on the inside. His face was ornated by wild hair and beard. On the left ear he wore an earring.

Sangwa immediately tried to smite his foe with a thunder, but the beam didn't simply have any effect.
-Who are you? - shouted Sangwa.
-I am John Thazer, Lord of Chaos, Bringer of Change. You have broken the rules of War by coming here uninvited. I see you destroyed the illusionary troops that Ken had conjured too. What a dumb move to come here all by yourself.-
Sangwa shivered when he realized his Magic deck didn't work in that place. Apparently an anti-magic field covered the area.
-However - resumed John - you have come to me. Darkness to darkness. Why have you wandered here? Is it to seek my wisdom, my expertise? Or you wish to know you destiny? - inquired John Thazer.
- I am here to make my own destiny... and yours. - proclaimed Sangwa of Thunder.
-Curious that you'd say that. - rebutted John - What do you know about my destiny?
- I struck you with lightning but you didn't die. That means you were already dead. If you lived or had ever lived, you'd know how it is to live and care for life. Soon you will be dead by my hand.
- If it is death as you say, I see no difference and even if there was some, I wouldn't care either, since I don't even remember living or being alive. Therefore what difference does it make if I'm dead or not.
- It is helpless. It is of no use to attempt a rational conversation with you - said Sangwa - because you fried your last two neurons a long ago... and your brain is now completely  out of use. However I admit it was fun to deal with Ken's illusions. - declared him. -Ah by the way, I inform you that Ken is dead.
- What are you talking about? - shouted John Thazer. - Ken Shinobi isn't even in the fifth circle...
- Simple - explained Sangwa - I killed him on the fourth circle, on my way to here. -
John Thazer stood up. - Your lies will do you no good. The Eyes of Truth have been watching over you. - exclaimed John indicating his own eyes and displaying a divinatory orb. - I know you didn't meet Ken.
- Fine, I admit lying, I just wanted to make sure Ken wasn't here and you gave me the information I was looking for. - provoked Sangwa.
- Since you're going to meet Chaos soon, I may as well tell you where Ken is. He is infiltrated in the Empire ranks. You are doomed.-
All of the sudden Sangwa changed expression. -Ah, now it finally makes sense. It's over guys!- shouted him.
As if waking up from a dream, the air changed and the illusion vanished, revealing one of the rooms inside Mansion 44.
-Good job Parallo! - proudly exclaimed Sangwa showing his thumbs up. Parallo smiled back and showed his thumbs up in turn.
-Whaaaat?!? - screamed John Thazer. - This is... impossible!!! Was all of this... an illusion?
-Exactly - grinned Sangwa. - We have been keeping you inside this illusion for two years. However Ken always managed to escape us. Now, at long last, we finally know where to look.
-You bastard! - shouted John Thazer.
-And don't you think I'm not aware of the Clash of Magi. On the contrary, I am perfectly aware you were behind it. The Imperial Scholars have performed a complete mind read. -
John Thazer tried to unsheathe his Sword of Chaos, but the IIA had substituted it with a wooden stick. The agents were omnipresent in the room.
-Proceed, Parallo. - said Sangwa.
-Bring the Persuadertrom - commanded Parallo, as Tial and Eolas brought in a sophisticated apparatus. John was tied and the Persuadertrom applied on top of his head. A switch was activated.
-Very well. Let's see if we can successfully negotiate an alliance with the Chaos Warriors. I bet you didn't expect that.-

Ten minutes after, Sangwa met Parallo in the left aisle to congratulate for the success. However something didn't add up.
-Natrina didn't report, my Lord - said Parallo.
-As a matter of facts she seemed a bit detached when I last met her in the Conquest Hall. Are you sure you filled her in thoroughfully on the operation? - quuestioned Sangwa.
Parallo immediately grew pale.
-My Go... erm Lord. I thought you had filled her in actually.-
On a cue, they both started to run, headed to the Conquest Hall. Natrina was lying on the floor. She was deadly cold.
- Oh crap my plans! - let out Parallo, trying to correct himself, but Sangwa didn't even pay attention to the comment, throwing himself down, reaching for his sister.
-Oh thanks goodness! - shouted Him - She's still alive! Call Tial, quick! -
Parallo ran out of the room.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2008, 05:13:49 pm by Attersson »