Author Topic: In Closing  (Read 1878 times)

neko kyouran

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In Closing
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:35:43 pm »
[WoW's servers are down for Tuesday's maint. window.... bored.... you get the below because of this.... note: I'm not a writer, but it was time the story was rightfully closed out.  Oh, and the theme of this story is based off a classic: ]

Chapter 1, Initial meeting at the bar.

"Hello everyone!", a young male Enkidukai exclaims bearing a large grin as he and his love walk through the doors into Kada El's.  Met by a warm welcome from some of the patrons, the couple makes their way to the bar.  Approaching the young female Ylian working behind the bar, the young make enki yells out, "Missy, me and my lovely new fiancĂ©e need a few of your best tasting drinks to celebrate!" 

She nods at them and then with a smile, " Congratulations to you both! Two drinks coming right up."  The young couple takes their seat at the counter while they wait for the bartender to prepare the drinks.  The young male grins at his love as she smiles back and holds his hand in hers.  They get lost in each others eyes as the bartender returns with their drinks to snap them out of the trance they put each other in. 

He pays for the drinks and give the bartender a simple thank you, and the young happy couple sits quietly at the bar, sipping away and just taking in their surroundings.  The place is warm and lively.  A group of Hammerwielders sit at a table by the big fireplace, retelling to their buddies the days events while taking swig after swig from their large beer steins.   Still more of the bar's patrons play cards and simple dice games around the place, all drinking and having a good time.  Clamoring footsteps can be heard as people run down the halls to their rooms in the second floor above.  Over all the place is filled with an atmosphere of pleasant happiness, the patrons enjoying themselves as they unwind from another hard days work.   

The happy couple finishes surveying the room and look back at one another and simply nod to each other, letting each of them know that they are quite happy.  They sit happily at the bar, watching the bartender as she goes about her duties serving drinks the the others as they request them, and just talking small talk that new young and in love couples do. 

They finish their first round of drinks after a little awhile and call the bartender back over for a second round.  She nods as she says, "Sure thing.  I just got to go deliver this drink to our oldest and most steady patron over there and I'll be right back to get you your drinks."   She points to  what seems the only dimly lit corner of the bar, as the couple turns to look they at first don't see anything.  With a puzzled expression on the young menki's face, he watches the bartender as she walks over and sets the drink down on the dimply lit corner table.   As she walks away he then sees movement and watches as the hand of a Clamod Enkidukai takes up the drink.  He stares longer and as the lights from the candles flicker and a patron adds another log to the fire, the lighting increases and he is then able to make out the rest of the enki.  Dressed head to toes in black, with a dark cloak and hood hiding most of him. 

His love pokes him gently and he turns back towards her as she states in a soft voice, "It's not nice to stare dear.", as she motions back towards the dark corner.  He nods back at her, "You're right of course, as always."  He lets out a little chuckle after this, as the bartender serves them their second round.  He again thanks her for the drinks, and asks her, "That patron over there in the corner.  The one you just severed that drink to.  Does he always like to sit by himself in the dark?"

The bartender looks back towards the corner for a moment and then tells the couple, "Oh him?  Yes, that's his corner.  No one sits there but him.  He's been coming here for ages now.  Every night.  Just sits there by himself.  Never talks to anyone.  Hardly ever moves too.  Heck, most people don't ever notice he's even there."

The young male enki nods at this, " Yessssss, it took me quite some time to even realize someone was there.  For a moment I thought you were just putting a drink down on an empty table."

The bartender nods back.  "He's a quiet one.  But he comes here nightly, tips well, and always pays off his tab.  Doesn't cause any trouble and doesn't leave a mess to clean up after he leaves unlike those others.", as she points towards the now rather loud group of Hammerwielders.  "He just drinks alone I guess.  He's been coming here before I even stated working here.  I guess he must be friends of the owner or something.  Don't think he ever says much to anyone.  Three drinks, one every other hour on the hour I deliver to him.", she tells the couple. 

The menki looks at his love and states, "What an odd fellow he is.  This place seems to be so lively, you'd think he's want to join in on it all." The bartender nods in agreement, "Yeah, I guess he just enjoys being by himself really.  I often tried to get him to talk a bit in the past when i deliver him the drinks, but he just nods and says thank you for the drink and goes about sipping it in silence. I don't know, perhaps he's always thinking about something."  Another patron down at the end of the bar calls for her, "Oh, look at me, carrying on like this.  You two new love birds enjoy your drinks, I got to be getting back to serving these customers."

The couple takes in their conversation they had with the bartender as they look at each other with small puzzled look as they sip their drinks.  They return to their small talk and as they finish their second round, they look at each other and decide that it's getting late and it's about time to be getting back to their place.  As they get up, the young menki looks back over to the darkened corner once again, seeing that he's still there.  He looks back over to his love, "Honey, lets go pay that man a visit before we leave.  Maybe he's just shy or something.  He should be rejoicing like all the other patrons are after all."  She looks at him with a bit of a worried expression, "Oh I don't know dear.  What if he just likes to be alone?   I won't want to cause a scene."  He looks back at her and states in a reassuring tone, "I think it'll be alright.  You heard the bartender after all.  He's harmless.  Lets go see if we can cheer him up."

She looks at him for a little while and then after thinking things over agrees to it.  The couple walks back to the bartender and asks her if they can deliver that menki's drink to him this time around.  She looks back at them for a moment with a questionable look in her eye, as if to try and decipher what they are up to.  The couple smiles back at her, and as she concludes they mean no harm in it, she agrees to it.  The bartender hands the couple the drink to be delivered, and the two love birds slowly make their way to the corner where the menki quietly sits.

[to be continued at a later date and time.]
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:44:08 pm by neko kyouran »

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 09:51:34 pm »
Chapter 2: The confrontation

The couple travels with the large stein to the darkened corner where the old menki resides.  Last call has set upon the place, the rowdy dwarves by the fire are noticeably starting to feel the full effects of their nights fun.  Many others have long since retired to their rooms upstairs or have paid off their tabs and started their journeys home.

The young menki sets the drink upon the corner table and holds out his arm in greetings, "Howdy there mista.  I hope you don't mind and all, but we felt you could use a little company, seeing as this is a place of happiness and merriment.  Yet, here you are, all by your lonesome.  So's I asked the nice lady if she didn't mind to letting us bring you your drink.  You know, as an ice breaker; in case you're shy an' all." 

He stands waiting for an acknowledgement from the old menki, with a big grin across his face, and his love grasping onto his side, only to be greeted with silence in return.  Unperturbed by the lack of greeting from the old man, the young menki looks to his wonderful bride to be, and motions to her to have a seat at the table. She hesitates and gives him a worried look, whispering to his ear, " Honey, no.  He doesn't want to be bothered.  Let's just go on our way."

In defiance or stuborness or ignorance or confidence or drunkenness, but mostly drunkenness, the young menki takes a seat across from the old one and says, " Dearest, will you go ask the nice lady behind the bar if she will get me one last drink as well?  I will be giving our friend here company whilst he finishes his.  No one should have to drink alone.  Especially in this wonderful place."

A few moments pass and she slowly nods to him, still unsure about it all.  Knowing that trusting is the foundation to a happy marriage, she eventually starts to move slowly towards the bar to fulfill her loves request.  The young menki watches her as she makes her way, grinning at the beautiful sight before him, and chuckling when he notices that her tail keeps twitching.  "Oh, I've gone and done it now," he exclaims, turning back toward the menki in the shadows, "her tail goes all twitchy when she gets nervous.  It's so cute and fits her to a tee.  One of the many reasons why I'm marrying her!"

Still not a word from the shadows. A cool breeze starts to work its way into the tavern as the late night air sets in.  The young menki still grins happily away, arms in his lap, legs crossed casually, waiting for the time that the shadows will return the conversation.  "I met her about a year ago," he starts up again, toward the direction to where the old menki resides, "best thing that's ever happened to me.  I don't know what I'd do without 'er now.  I don't have much tria to go by now you see, but she means the world to me, so I'ma make it out there adventuring and I'ma going to make sure she gets the have the life she deserves, you know?"

"We're going to be wed a week from yesterday, and after our honeymoon, I'ma setting off to make our fortune while she tends to the little place we got just outside the city walls."  He leans toward the shadows and lowers his voice a bit, "she always gets worried whenever I talk about this stuff.  Afraid I'll get hurt out there, but my Pa raised me good.  I know how to defend good enough fer the both of us.  I'll take down an ulber or two and we can sell the bits to the local traders for coin and live happily together."

As the young male is finishing up his latest speech, the same hand as before reaches out from the shadows towards the frosty stein. Picking it up slowly and taking it back towards the shadowy figure.  "Drink my friend!" The grinning menki exclaims, "perhaps it will wet that throat of yours and you shall be able to return my conversation."

Still no further response from the other side of the table.  However, the young fenki returns to them both with two drinks in hand; one large mug, nearly overflowing with a deep dark ale, and the other, a quite smaller one, with what appears to be a fruity beverage of some sort. "I got myself one as well, dear. I hope you don't mind. It seemed the only proper thing to do.  How have you and our new friend here been getting along?  All acquainted now I hope?  She sits down beside him, tail still nervously twitching. Leaning over to rest against him she tries to be strong and not let the uneasiness of the situation get to her.

"Oh, sure!" He responds, "him and I were just getting into a good conversation about life, the meaning of, and how to be forever happy with the ones you love!" As he finishes, he quickly pulls her against him tightly and tickles her belly.

"Don't you dare!", she exclaims, pushing away.  "You know I'm ticklish.  And besides, you also know how much I know you.  We both know that all you two have been doing over here is you clamoring on about every little thing which comes to your mind, while this poor old gentleman has had to sit here in silence and listen to it all.  Why I bet he hasn't even had time to get a single word in edge wise."

"Ah honey, you got it all wrong," the young menki retorts, "I was merely giving our friend here the opportunity to jump in his two tria on any subject he felt confident in participatin'.  Though, he ain't done much of that yet, I'm sure we'll find something he wants to talk about."

Sitting there proudly with confidence in what he said, he takes a swig from his glass and motions to his love to do the same.  She eyes him over, trying to read at what he is trying to pull over here.  She shrugs her shoulders after a few moments, sighs, and grabs her glass, "sometimes, I don't know what I'm going to do with your silly little country-bumpkin butt." 

She joins them in drink and scoots back closer to the young menki, who by now is glowing from the affection he is receiving and from the alcohol he has been consuming.  The couple goes on with their little antics while they finish their drinks; somewhat forgetting that they are actually in the company of a third. 

It wasn't until the bar maid comes over to let them know she'll be closing up shop soon, that they realize how late it has truly gotten.  The same hand as twice seen before appears from the shadows, empty stein in grasp.  A soft, but deep sounding voice travels out from the shadows from where the hand had appeared from, "Thank you for the drinks, as always. Kada would be pleased."

The maid nods her head in response and takes the empty glasses away.

"Oh my!," as the young fenki exclaims jumping up from her seat, turning toward where she heard the voice originate from, "We are SO sorry!  We, ... I ... completely forgot you were over there!"  She quickly starts tugging on her lovers arm to get up in a hurry.  "We kept you here for far too long, and we didn't even let you have a chance to join in on the conversations!  We are so sorry for being so rude to you and bothering you all night long."  Still rapidly trying to get her, now mostly inebriated lover to his feet, she finally replies, "Please, let me know if we can repay you for our intrusion and of our ruining of your peaceful evening."

The young menki struggling to his feet protests, "Aww honey... (hic) ... I'ma ... I'ma ssshure he had a wonderful time tu' night... (hic) .... Why... what's the russsh? .. Give, give me a moment.  I .. I can still w..walk y'know."  The young fenki shoots him a deep glare, "Bengala Kyouran, you sir are drunk and you know it and you caused this poor old menki a lot of trouble tonight with your antics and now it is time to go home!"

Even in his stupor Ben still could tell when he has awoken the beast, so to say, and knew that there wasn't any way he was going to be able fight, let alone win, this one.  He lowers his head as he finishes struggling to his paws, "I'm ... I'ma sorry for being ta bother to yeah tu 'night Mr. ... uh ..uhh.. sorry yer name escapes me at the moment.  Guess I really did have more tha'  shoulda."

Her stare turns into an approving smile and knowing that she has been able to get her point across to her love, she slowly calms down some.  "Come dear, it's time to leave for the house.  We've got big plans to get worked out if we want to make sure that wedding happens on time you know." 

With that, the two young lovers start to make their way towards the tavern door.  Before reaching it however, the voice from the shadows is heard once more, "Walk home with me."

They both stop and turn back towards the shadows, to each other, and then back to the shadows once more, before Ben hollers out, "Wha .. what did yea' say Mr.?"

The same, calm, deep voice repeats its self once more, "Walk home with me. ....   You stated earlier, that you live outside of town.  My place is just around the bend.  It'll be quicker and safer for you both if you rest at my place."

After a few moments pass, "And you said to tell you how you can repay me.  This will cover your debt." 

The couple turns and looks at each other, without a word, nodding to each other in agreement.  The young fenki responds to the shadow, "I .. I did say that yes." she states, looking down at the floor, visibly shaking, tail twitching every which way. "But.. but.. I didn't expect, something like that type of request... We won't be a further bother?"

A moment passes with silence.  Then a chair can be heard moving from the shadows; slowly, floorboards creak as some foot steps can be heard.  A hint of a faint bell ringing in time with every step.  The old menki makes his appearance from his shadowy corner.  Average height for an Enkidukai.  Not many other features can really be discerned.  The beaten and worn all black cloak and garb he wears hides most everything about him.

He makes his way towards the door and pauses, motions the two to follow and then opens the door.  They look at each other once more, not knowing what to do.  Why would this old menki suddenly tell them to travel to his house with him when for the entirety of the night, he had pretty much ignored them while he sat motionless in his corner?  Or was that completely the opposite?  He did repeat back to them words they had spoke.  Perhaps he did care for their company after all?  Some time passes and Ben finally turns to his wife-to-be, "Co.. Come on honeey.  Let's .. take him up on his ... offer (hic) .... I'm... I'ma no means able to travel ... far."

She looks deep into his somewhat glazed over eyes, and then smiles, sighs, and works up the courage, "You're right, I suppose.  Let's get you going now."

The two make their way to the door.  The old menki quietly and patiently waiting for them outside.  As he sees them appear, he simply motions for them to follow.  The three start their journey down the dimly lit streets to the old menki's place.

[to be continued.. quicker than the last time .. don't worry  :P ]
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 03:45:44 pm by Rirenil Masdo »
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: In Closing
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 04:45:26 am »
* LigH wibbles neko \\o//

Gag Harmond
Knight and Ambassador
The Royal House of Purrty

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 08:48:33 am »
Chapter 3: Morning comes

A streak of light shines through a crack in the wood wall of the small, run-down shack, hitting it's target upon the sleeping enkidukai.  Ben grumbles in his still half sleep state and flips over to face away from it.  The sudden commotion rouses the young fenki from her sleep, first swatting at the beam, thinking it to be a bug of some sort.  Upon it not leaving, however, she slowly opens her eyes to see them both laying in a foreign bed.  She contemplates the previous night's events before finally recalling all that took place.

The bar... the drinks....Ben having far more than he should...they stayed out far to long...THE OLD MAN!  She quickly sits up upon the bed, still a little sleepish, looking around for the old menki that brought them here for the night.  A few moments pass as she adjusts to the lowly lit room, no other sole is around but herself and her still sleeping, and somewhat hungover lover.  "Curious," she says softly, turning towards Ben, "I wonder where he has gone off to?"

Her question is met with a few more grumbles from the other side of the bed, "Five more minutes, ma. ... I don't want to go to schooooool today."  The sleeping lump on the bed pulls the rug sheets up over his head to hide the now ever increasing sunlight peering in through the cracks in the small shack.

She chuckles to herself while leaning over to the lump she has decided to give her world to and starts to go through her head all the wonderful reasons why she made this choice.  Young, like herself, and innocent. Simple minded sure, but caring.  She knows she will never be unloved, never be left alone to fend by herself in the cruel world they live in. 

"So what if he's not of the same clan as I am," she thinks to herself while gently cuddling her love, "He loves me, as much as I do for him.  What does it matter if he is the son of a simple farming family, and I of one of the prominent merchant families?  Can our clans not see that we are perfect for each other?  That we cherish each other?  Isn't that better than the old way of thinking?  It has been ages since their people came to this world through the portal.  The old ways have already changed so much as they have met all these other races.  We've already adopted so many of their ideals, why could her family and fellow clan members not see that this is just another example of needed change?"

Ben slowly comes out of his stupor to be greeted by his lover holding him close, very evident she has gone off into one of her deep thought episodes he knows she frequently comes under.  A slow grin comes across his face, "Ren, you're thinkin' too hard again.  How many times musta' I tells yeah, don't go worrying so much.  We'll be fine.  We don't need our clans blessings to be happy, we justa need each other."

He slowly reaches up and puts his forehead to hers, grasping her closely in the process, "It'll be alright dearest. I'ma never gonna give you up; never gonna let you down..."

She quickly snaps out of her deep trance, and with a grin of her own across her face, "... never going to run around and desert me. Never going to make me cry, and never going to say goodbye.  Finally, you won't ever lie lie or hurt me."

They both hold each other close, taking in the moment, before Ren chuckles and whispers to her Ben, "You silly menki and your funny little cliche poems.  Your charms won't work on me so easily.  I'm in love with a man of action!"

Ben's grin widens, "AHA, it is a good thing that I am such a man then!  Here, let me show you," as he quickly grabs to sheets and completely covers them both, "I'm going prove to you that I'm not all bark and without some bite.

Realizing what can she's opened, her eyes widen and she lets out a worried little scream as she becomes covered under the sheets, "No honey! We cant here, this isn't our bed, what if he comes back!?"

Ben simply pulls her close to him, rubbing his cheek to hers while whispering into her ear, "Aw come-on-now Ren, you said you wanted a man of action!" He continues with a devilsh grin across his face, "and besides, I'm sure the old guy won't mind.  He left us here alone ta sleep in and all anyways.  Why-an' we don't take 'im up on his offer, an' have a little fun at the same time?"

"Oh you diaboli, you," she states with a now devilish grin of her own, "well, come on then.  Give me another reason why I'm going to marry you...."


"Grandpa!," Rirenil yells to her lover, who is sitting across from her and their grandchildren, "you can skip that part of the story.  There are young cubs in the room!"

"Yes... yes dear," he replies, with a frown forming, "An' that'an was the good part too. ... Perhaps I fill yea'all in on that when you kids are older m'kay."

"Oh no you will not, you old coot," she retorts, "That part of the story is just for you and me.  ... Now then, skip ahead to breakfast."

Ben nods his head, knowing he has been defeated once again, "Yes dear." 

"Now, let's see, where an' where we? Ah yes, breakfast." He states, turning back to his encapsulated audience.

[do i really need to say to be continued at the end of every post?]
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 10:26:08 am by Rirenil Masdo »
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 08:10:09 pm »
Chapter 4: The Good with the Bad

Rirenil opens the rickety shack door to be greeted by the full blown morning that has set upon the city.  The light causes her to squint and look away while she readjusts to going outside after being in the dimly lit shack.  She surveys her surroundings: small shack, tucked away in an arena, what she can summize to be a back area to where many of some larger buildings meet up. A little cubby hole, with a long, winding, narrow path formed from multiple large buildings butting up side by side, leading away towards the open city streets; worn and tattered posters, most promoting the old area fights, old boxes, crates, and barrels left laying around and long forgotten about.  She chuckles to herself while thinking, "Why am I not surprised?  Of course that old menki would live in such a secluded place as this one."

A small fire pit with a cooking apparatus over it, glows from recent use, embers still giving off the signs that a fire was recently there.  A few old chairs are positioned near the pit, two plates of what appears to be freshly made kikiri scrambled eggs and toasted bread sitting on the small and worn down table standing beside them.  Ren moves towards the food, smelling the wonderful aroma, "I wonder if he made us breakfast before he went off to wherever he has gone to."

On the table, a small piece of scrap paper, from one of the discarded posters, with just one simple word, "Eat" scrawled on it.  She shakes her and smiles after reading it.  "Again, I shouldn't be surprised.  He truly is a man of few words after all," as she thinks to herself before tasting the food.

Her eyes widen, "That old guy can really cook!"  Turning back towards the shack where Ben still holes himself up in, "Ben, get out here, dearest.  That old menki has made us breakfast... and it's really amazing!" she exclaims. 

She turns back to the plates before her and grabs one, digging in.  A few moments pass and the door to the shack opens once more, pouring out a menki grasping his head with one hand while holding onto the door frame with the other.  "You don't have ta yell Ren.  These walls aren't exactly made out of stone ya know," he states while knocking on the door frame.  Mumbling to himself under his breath, "owww my head hurts... blasted light is so bright this morning too..."

"Oh Ben, get over here and eat your breakfast before it gets any colder and quit complaining about your hangover.  Serves you right for over doing yourself last night anyways," as she states while looking up at him from her spot by the fire pit.  "Hurry up and eat; we have lots to prepare for if this wedding is to take place and we're running behind thanks to your decisions last night. ... It's not like we have our families or clans to help us ...." she says trailing off without finishing her thoughts.

He detects the swing in your mood and slowly makes his way to her, putting his hand on her head and giving it a little reassuring pat, "Now now dearest, what have I told you, hmm?  There'll be none of that.  We don't need no one but ourselves to be happy because we love each other, regardless of what our friends and families think about it."

She looks up at him, meeting his grinning face with her own, half trying to smile, "I ... I suppose you are right. It's .. it's just this would all be easier, you know? If we could have just convinced them."

"I know honey, I know," nodding his head in agreement, "But they are stuck to the old way of thinking.  And so we have left them and come to live here and make it on our own.  I will make you have a happy life, without any of their help.  Just you wait and see."  He picks up the plate of food and takes a bite, "Ya'know? This ain't half bad, just like yeah said."

Ren smiles, taking in his words and starts to chuckle to herself, while watching him dive into the plate of food.  Chewing with his mouth open like normal, using his hands instead of utensils, getting bits in his fur, "You sure are a simpleton, you silly menki, you.  What have I told you about at least eating with your mouth closed like a proper person would?"

Ben looks up from his plate and grins, bits of egg sticking in between his teeth, "Aww come'on honey, don't yeah start on me with that silliness now.  Besides, I promised you I'd be better AFTER we twer married.  I still gots a few days to be my ole normal self."

"I suppose you are right in that regard." she states while nodding, "But after next week you get to start your classes in 'Rirenil's school of etiquette'."

"And you get to start your classes in 'Bengala's school for fenkis that need to learn to live more and not be so proper all the darn time'," he immediately retorts.  Finishing up his plate, contemplating what he just finished saying while nodding to himself, "... The name is still a work in progress."

Ren rolls her eyes at him and responds, "Yes-yes dear, I'm well aware of our 'bargain'.  Now, since you're finished and all, how about we clean these dishes for that nice old man and set out.  We have lots to get done."

The two love birds clean off the plates and make the bed inside the shack before setting off down the dim lit alley, which they can only assume leads out to the main part of the city, close to where the tavern resides.  They begin their journey down the alleyway back to the main part of town, only to be greeted by a few overturned crates and barrels, now blocking the way.

"It's too bad he left before we could thank him properly," she states while helping her lover move one of the barrels blocking their route.

"Yeah," Ben replies, "I like that old menki, too bad I couldna thanked him in person for helpin' us out, yeah know?" 

He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to clearing the path before them, "I wonder how'd we get back to his place last night with all these crates and barrels n' things in the way? Are you sure this was the way to go, honey?"

After a moment passes and Ren not responding, Ben looks up from the mess before him and back towards his love, "I said, are you sure this was the right way ...", as his voice trails off when he notices Ren standing their, a little awkward like, motionless, with a weird look on her face: eyes wide open, like she has seen a ghost.

Ben slowly approaches her holding out his hand, "What's ... what's wrong honey? Why do you have such a weird look on that beautiful face of yours?  You see ghost or something fly out one o' these old barrels I was moving?"

A faint bell rings as a hooded figure in worn black garb and cloak steps out from behind Ren, making himself shown to the other menki in the alleyway.  A chill runs up Ben's spine as he realizes what is transpiring before his eyes.  His mouth opens, but no words escape.  He becomes frozen in shock at the situation, unable to move, unsure what to do, not wanting to cause any alarm that would get his love injured or worse, should he try something and fail.

His mind races as he tries to think of the right thing to do, eventually letting some words escape, "Now ... we don't want no trouble mister... mam... whoever you are...  just tell me want you want from us and we'll be outta yer way.  I promise, I'm not gonna try no funny stuffs.  Just don't hurt her, ok?"

As he slowly motions his hands above his head to show that he is unarmed, he can see a few tears starting to form from his loves eyes as she still stands motionless.  The shadowy figure stands close behind her, a sharp point of one of his daggers to her back; while his other arm lay motionless to his side, gripping a second weapon.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 07:55:13 pm by Rirenil Masdo »
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: In Closing
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2013, 05:30:42 am »
Nice work Neko.

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2013, 08:05:32 pm »
eh, it's ok at best.  every time i reread a section i find more and more spelling, grammar issues or what have you than i did the last time.  i don't mind if you all just ignore this silly little story.  i'm just completing it because i made a promise to someone very special that I would, and I mean to keep it, albeit the long delay and all.

i'm thinking maybe a few more chapters and it'll wrap up.  course, i thought it'd been done by now, but the general plan i originally had for the story only grew as it fleshed itself out.  I also figured you'd all stay away after you got rick-rolled while reading chapter three.  I will have to try harder.

i left it on a cliffhanger i know, so maybe i'll have time tomorrow to write out what happens next.
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: In Closing
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2013, 10:05:48 pm »

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2013, 08:26:40 pm »
Chapter 5: Story-ception


The three figures in the small alleyway remain motionless.  Ben waits for a response, a sign, anything from the shadow currently making him regretting ever taking his eyes off his love.  What ifs race through his mind; what if he lunges? Would he be able to at least save Ren? She couldn't escape though.  The debris still blocks the path. What if he can at least struggle with the assailant long enough to allow her to escape somehow.  Maybe she run back toward the old menkis place and maybe find help somehow.  What if they screamed for help? Would anyone be able to get to them in time to help?  ...

So many options lay before him.  But what was the right one!?  His mind continues to race as he starts to feel overwhelmed.  He can no longer look Ren in her eyes anymore; he knows she is crying.  She's hurting inside; scared of everything.  How could he have let this person got the drop on them?  Isn't he supposed to be her protector?


"I'm .... I'm sorry," Ben finally lets out after agonizing moments, which felt like a life time has passed them by now.  "Please, whoever you are, please I beg you, please don't hurt her... she's all I have.  ... we left everythin' behind ta come here. Ta start fresh, you know.  We gave up our clans, our family, even our old names to try and escape them all.  Please, tell us what you want and it's yours.  We're ... we're sorry to have tah fallen into your area and bother you."

Ben falls to his knees, the confrontation bearing too strong a weight on him to keep him standing any longer.  He waits for a response, anything from the shadowy figure.  What are they after?  Why are they doing this to him and his love?


A slow, small fire begins to burn inside Ben.  "I've pleaded, I've begged.  I've given them everything I can. Why won't they say anything? what are they after?," as he thinks to himself, his hands start to clench up.  "If they don't make their move, I'm going to make my move. I'll end this one way or another, I'll protect her somehow."


Rirenil stands motionless, holding her breath while the events unfold around her. "Who is this cloaked figure? Where did they even come from? I know that this can be the only way leading out from the old menki's place.  I would have seen someone else sooner wouldn't I?  What if this person did something to the old menki!?  Is that why he wasn't around this morning?  What if this person is removing all the witnesses? ..."


Her tears begin to boil over and flow forward as her realizations of just how dire their hopes for escape are becoming. She hears her love pleading his heart out to to the assailant behind her.  She can't bare to look at him like this. 

"I'm sorry my love, I'm so sorry." The words escape her lips at last, as she slowly turns her head sideways toward the person standing behind her,  "Please, please, I'm sorry for interrupting you and whatever you may have been doing back here.  Let us go and I promise we won't tell a sole we ever saw you to begin with.  If that is not enough, at least let my love go.  He's a simple menki, he won't do you any harm.  Leave him be and do whatever you may with me."


Thoughts begin to race through her mind once again.  "My beggings were not even acknowledged? Does this mean they aim to end us no matter what we do? But if that be the case, why are they hesitating? Are they waiting for backup?  If that is the case, then I could at least die in a way that maybe Ben will be able to escape, somehow."


The two lovers meet eye to eye, Ren looking down at Ben from his position on the ground.  They share a deep look into each others eyes, both showing the guilt they are carrying, the sorriness they are sharing for allowing themselves to put the other in danger's way.

Ben's hands clenched, he starts to bare his teeth.  Ren immediately gets the signal and knows what he's about to do.  Her eyes widen, still continuing to stare down at him. "Don't do it," she thinks to herself, "Please, don't risk it, my love."

Ben sees her eyes widen, he knows she knows of what he is planning. He tries his best to give her a reassuring look while thinking to himself, "Don't worry, my love. Somehow I will make you safe."

Still silence.


A figure approaches down the dimly lit alleyway to where the two unsuspecting enkis are; small, worn daggers in hand.  The only sound that is made is that of an old bell strapped to their waist belt: beaten, worn, old, it barely makes any sound anymore.  They approach their target, still unnoticed.  Ben is in front, clearing the way.  The barrels have done their job; they have been delayed enough and have fallen into the trap. 

The figure makes his way quickly up to Ren.  They grasp the daggers tightly and puts one to her back while whispering softly into her ear, "Don't move."  They wait to see what events will now unfold before them.  How will these two react in this situation?


They see Ren tighten up, becoming stiff as a board.  No sounds escape her mouth at first.  Ben has now turned back and noticed her standing there funny.  The figure moves out from behind her to make himself known.  He watches Ben slowly become to understand what is happening before him and awaits to see the reaction.

The figure remains motionless, observing the pair before him, watching for the little signs of what they may be thinking of doing to solve their dilemma.  Ben has gotten down on his knees.  Ren has started to weep. The pressure has gotten to them both.  They are pleading with the figure now, each trying to convince this person to let the other one go in exchange for whatever they may want from them.  The cloaked individual remains silent, observing; continuing to patiently watch before deciding their next course of actions.

They are now staring at each other. They look to be trying to tell each other something.  Ben's hands are clenched.  The silent, shadowy figure lets out a subtle grin.


"GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE," Ben yells out as he lunges toward the silent assailant.

Rirenil lets out a scream as the two collide behind her.  She hears the sound of metal hitting the ground, but is too afraid to look behind her to see what has happened.

For a moment, silence returns to the alleyway.
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2013, 08:16:36 pm »
Chapter 6: Shama-llama ish

"What are you doing!? Get out of here while you still can!"

Ren snaps out of her immobilized state upon hearing Ben's words shatter the silence.  She bolts towards the debris blocking the path to potential freedom.  She quickly surveys the status: still far too many crates and other discarded junk to move in any quick fashion. Can she try to climb over it?  She starts to hoist herself up the pile, glancing back towards where she heard her loves words emanate forth.

Her undoing, as it only causes her to freeze once more in shock as she sees the two outlines struggling for the upper hand: one holding a dagger in one of their hands, their other arm bobbing about as they move around, like it has become unusable; the other figure looks to be losing ground, unarmed fists swinging widely through the air, but never really hitting their target.

"He's going to get himself killed at this rate," she exclaims to herself as she takes in the scuffle before her eyes, "He's getting every attack dodged.  The other one isn't even trying to counter attack.  He's being toyed with!"

Ren lets out a quick scream and quickly covers her mouth as she watches the cloaked figure dodge Ben's attempts once more and then quickly counters, tripping him up.  With great speed, they have kneeled down upon Ben, pinning him down, arm raised in the air, dagger poised to strike a mortal blow.  She quickly looks around for anything usable in which to save her love before it's too late.


The lunging knocks both Ben and the assailant back.  The dagger the assailant carried in the arm to his side is knocked loose from his hands grasp and falls to the cobble-stoned ground, producing a clinking noise as it hits.  While both of them quickly struggle to regain their footing, Ben calls out to his love, "What are you doing!? Get out of here while you still can!" as he quickly notices she seems still frozen in her state of shock.

"I will make you pay," he exclaims, turning back to face his opponent, "you will regret ever thinking of trying to hurt my dear Ren."

He lets out a deep snarl and bears his teeth, arms held low and extended outward towards his target. "I don't need weapons to beat you.  I have mah fists!" he shouts, while clenching his hands together, tail whipping back and forth.

The shadowy figure stands firm, single arm extended outward, dagger in hand, while the other lay limp at their side.  They motion towards Ben, in a gesture for them to come at them.  Ben readies his attack, unnerved that it seems the cloaked figure is laughing at or at least chuckling at him.  "I'll make you see here that this ain't nothin' ta be thinking funny thoughts about!" he yells forth, charging towards the assailant.

The two begin their scuffle.  The assailant simply starts to dodge each attack only infuriating Ben further.  "Fight back will you!" he growls out, "I'll ... I'll make you take me seriously yet!"

Ben has started to breath heavier, his wild swings at his foe beginning to take their toll on his stamina. "I just ... I just have to delay him until .... until she can escape," he thinks to himself between every deep breath, "but ... this fellas good.  He's .... He's dodging everything I throw at 'im.  I must .... I must hold out.  For ... for her sake.  I can't ... can't fail her now."

In the middle of their scuffle Ben glances back toward his love, trying to see if she has been able to get away somehow.  He sees her trying to climb over the pile of rubbish, apparently given up on trying to move it out of the way. "I don't have much left in me," he thinks to himself, "I ... hafta try and end this soon."

Ben musters his final assault and lunges toward the assailant.  As if time slows down, he watches as his attack is dodged, near effortlessly. As he feels his feet become tripped out form under him, he catches a glimpse of his assailants head as they pass close by to each other.  "Was he ... was he grinning?" Ben thinks to himself as he lands hard upon the ground. 

Before he has any chance to get back up he is flipped over, the assailant now perched upon him, dagger raised to the air.  Breathing deeply, completely defeated, all Ben is able to do is to close his eyes and wait for what he knows will soon follow. "I'm sorry, my love. I have failed you," he thinks, giving in while awaiting his end.


Rirenil charges at the cloaked figure, screaming at the top of her lungs to release her love.  The assailant quickly drops the dagger they were holding, it falling to the ground barely missing Ben's face, and blocks Ren's attack, grabbing ahold of the board she had wielded.  With the force of the impact throwing her off balance, she falls to the ground as well, next to her love.

She looks at Ben: his eyes closed, breathing heavily, unable to continue to fight any longer.  "He gave it his all for me," she thinks to herself, "at least we will die together."

The assailant towers over the both of them.  The two enki's lay grasped in each others embrace, awaiting their fate.

"I love you Ben," she states. 

"I .... I lo .. love you more," he states back, trying to show her a smile in between his panting.  Ben looks back up towards the figure above them, "Well... what are yeah waiting for?" 

The assailant nods and swings the board upwards.  The two lovers close their eyes and grasp each others hands in loving embrace.  The sound of wood hitting other crates, barrels and what not rings out.

After a moment, Ben open's his eyes to find a hand extended out towards him coming from the attacker.  A voice Ben is sure he has heard somewhere before emulates forth from the assailant, "Congratulations.  ...  You both have passed." he states, while giving a hearty laugh.
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2013, 09:12:28 pm »
Chapter 7: Lucky!

"But...but.. you're..." Ren tries to reply after recognizing the voice that came from their attacker, still trying to comprehend why the old menki they met would nearly take their lives.

The cloaked assailant nods his head, "Yes, young cub, you know who I am." He motions with his hand once more in a sign to help the couple to their paws.

"But... but... why?"  She continues, still unable to find reason why what she thought was a nice, friendly, individual, would do such a thing to them.

The old menki lets out another chuckle, "Do not fear, all will be explained in good time.  But for now, we should go back.  Your man needs something to regain his strength. He gave it his all." 

Ren's tail twitches a few times, while she thinks over her options and if she can really trust anything this old man is saying.  After a moment, she decides to accept his offer and reaches out her hand to his.  She looks back towards Ben with a worried and confused look on her face.

Ben still lays on the cold cobblestones, heavily panting, now looking up towards his love.  Trying to smile in between deep breaths to reassure her, "Hon .... Honey, .... If he would ....  woulda meant tad do us.... do us in, he'd ... he'd just gone an' done it. .... He's hella good at fightin'.  I ... I couldn't lay a finger on 'im."

"You fought well for a cub," the old menki replies, once again offering his hand to Ben, "but besting me in combat wasn't your test."

"Yeah!  What, .. what do yeah mean, we passed your test?" Ben replies while slowly regaining his footing.

The old menki chuckles once more and states, "I needed to know if it was true or not."  A moment of silence between the three occurs before he continues, "I see you do not understand.  Come, let us right you up with some food and drink.  I will answer all your questions."

Ben and Ren turn to look at each other, without saying a word, they slowly nod in agreement and start to follow the old menki back to the shack.


As they approach the opening, mid day has set upon the city. The old menki steps out into the bright daylight, revealing to the couple for the first time in detail his characteristics:  A clamod enkidukai, fur mostly greyed more so than black.  Body mostly hidden under a very torn and tattered cloak and garb, dirty and in need of repair, still patches here and there indicating its former glory; the attire of those that walk in the shadows.

While Ren pauses to reflect on the sight before her, the old menki turns and faces the couple, "Do not be alarmed," he simply states.

The couple watch as the old menki slowly raises his hand to his hood, grasping at it and slowly sliding it back from his head, revealing his face to them.

Rirenil lets out a quick and startled scream before quickly covering her mouth with her hands.  Ben instinctively puts his arm around her waist in comfort.

"It's alright, young one." the old menki acknowledges, "I am used to it.  If you don't mind, help me with the rest of the garb, would you?"

Ben steps forward into the daylight from the alleyway and offers a hand.  Ren stays somewhat frozen, taking in the menki's appearance:  Scars.  So many wounds evident of many battles past.  Residual marks left from blades and magic sources alike.  One of his green eyes mostly hazed over in white, one of his ears mostly gone, the other with a few notches missing.  Bite marks on his arms; a very nasty one on his arm she now can see very clearly that he has no real control over.  Large patches of fur missing, bare skin shown.  She realizes this man has seen his share of battles.  "It's amazing he even still stands," she thinks to herself.

As Ben finishes up helping the old menki take off his over attire, he notices something seems to be amiss about him, but doesn't quite figure it out at first.  "My tail," The old menki states, looking at Ben, "I had it cut off, since you wondering." He half turns and shows Ben his backside, where his tail should be, there is only a little stub sticking through the tail hole in his shorts he is wearing.

"This is the price," he continues on, staring into Ben's eyes in the process, "The price you may pay for being an adventurer.  I hope you fair better than I." 

Ben immediately takes his words to heart; realizing the old man had been paying attention to every word he'd said to him last night, even though it hadn't as seen as such.  He nods slowly in acknowledgement.  The old menki notices Ren finally approaching them, and quickly drops his serious tone and grins, "Thanks for the help young man," patting Ben on the shoulder as he speaks.

Ren has gotten over her state of initial shock and has approached the two menkis, hand cautiously held out towards the eldest one, "does .. do you hurt?" she asks, motioning towards his limp arm.

The old menki sighs, "Not anymore, no, young one.  I have stopped feeling pain long ago.  Stopped feeling anything really...." He words trail off, it's very evident he is in deep thought about something or someone from his past.

"I .. I'm sorry...," Ren replies, quickly noticing her question has cause him uneasiness, "I didn't mean in intrude."

"Nonsense," the old menki responds, snapping out of thoughts and turning back towards the couple, "I should be saying sorry to the both of you, if anyone is saying sorry.  I was the one that laid the trap and assaulted you after all."  He grins and chuckles at them, revealing a mouth that matches the rest of his body; a few teeth chipped, some completely missing.  "Let me go inside and fetch a bottle, and we can continue our discussion by the fire.  I have not talked this much in ages ... not since she went off and disappeared on me ... "

His voice trails off as he walks into his shack. The young couple takes a seat and waits for his return.

" ... and thank you for doing the dishes.  I knew I saw something special in you," the old menki continues on, evident that he hadn't stopped talking while he was inside fetching the drinks.  "Here you are, my friends.  I got out the good stuff for this momentous occasion." 

He opens the bottle and pours the deep red liquid into three large glasses, giving one to Ben and Ren before taking the final glass and sitting across from them.  "Well," he states while grinning, "Ask away young cubs.  I've lived far longer than I should, seen far more than I should, and somehow I'm still here to tell about it.  Do you want to hear about the great event when ulbernaughts tried to invade the city?  Or how about when the townsfolk ran around collecting these silly crystals that kept sprouting up all over the place?  Or perhaps the time when there was a rat problem so bad that they started to eat anything and everything.  When we went down in the sewers to take care of them, we found silver and golden scimitars in their guts!  Or perhaps you want to know about the time that great mage ..."

"That's..." Ren interrupts, turning to Ben and then back to their host, "that's quite alright. .... How about we start with the reasons on why you decided to attack us in the alley way?

The old menki gives out a great sigh, taking a sip of his drink, "They don't make this stuff like they used to you know?  Perhaps it is because it has aged well with time, unlike myself."  He looks up at the couple, making sure he has their full attention, "You remind me of her.  You remind me of myself," he states, nodding to each of them as he does so. 

The tone of his voice has changed. No longer care free as it was just a moment prior.  "I loved her.  She was my world.  But I was careless.  I failed to be there for her for only a moment.  I have spent the rest of my life paying for that mistake.  I won't let the same fate become reality once more."
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2013, 08:24:15 pm »
Chapter 8: Still feeling great

"Tell me, young ones," the old menki asks the lovers in a somber tone, "do you have the time to grant an old mans wish?  Stay here for the day and listen to my tale.  It has been countless ages since I had last spoken to anyone in great length, let alone told them my words of wisdom.  In return, I shall reward you both.  I will be the first to congratulate you on your marriage, and give you a little present as well."

They turn towards each other after hearing his words.  Ren fidgets a little in her seat as she mulls the proposition over. "Well, we have so much to do before the wedding.  Especially since we need to figure out how to work deals out so that we can pay for it. ...."

Ben reaches over and puts a reassuring hand on her lap, "We'll be fine, dearest.  Besides, ..." he states as begins to chuckle, "its not like we're going nowheres. Them barrels still block the path, and the old guy could just capture us again if he really wanted to."

"I suppose you're right with that one." she states, giving out a smile of her own as she thinks about it.  Turning back to the old menki, "yes, we will give you company.  Tell us your tale like the elders of the great clans do.  Pass on your wisdom to us as our ancestors have done.  And in turn, we will carry on your message as tradition dictates."

A small twinkle in the old menki's eye radiates outward while he grins at hearing Ren's words, "You are something special.  You put me on the same level as them do you? An honor no one has bestowed upon a simple man like me.  At least, not since I lost her so many ages ago.  But I get ahead of myself.  Let us start at the beginning, shall we?

Do you remember the time when the great walls of our city were all but closed, save for just one or two districts?  I was born into that trying time.  Our small clan fled to this city in refuge, like many others.  Life was hard.  We scraped by, day by day.  I learned to defend myself from the dangers of the world at an early age.  You had to if you wanted to survive.  The wilds were not a kind place, but someone had to protect the workers at the mines.  I followed in my fathers footsteps and like him, took my place in protecting the workers when I came of age to do so.

It was there, we first met, simply by chance.  She was of one of the wealthy clans; her family on trip to check out how their trade shipments were doing.  Sat, my closest friend and right hand man, and I were on break when they approached the camp.  She was a little shy, hiding behind her parents.  I was young and proud of my work.  I was quite good at what I did, you see.  We introduced ourselves to her parents, who in turn thanked us for our diligence in protecting their investments, and then had her introduce herself to us as well.

Such a sweet voice.  Like one of the goddesses.  We intermediately locked eyes. Such wonderful eyes; full of life, wonder, happiness.  How I long to be able to stare into those eyes, if only for a moment more.  I introduced myself to her.  And I shall never forget this next part. She giggled! She giggled at my name, told me it was "cute"."

"Not ta interrupt ..." Ben pipes up, "but that is something I don't believe we ever got from yeah."  Ren quickly gives him an elbow to the side, "shh, let him continue, honey."

"My name?" the old menki pauses from retelling his tale, "I suppose you are correct.  No one has ever cared to ask what it be in ages, I just stopped giving it out.  It's Nicken."

The two lovers turn to each other with a confused look on their face.  "That is certainly not a traditional name for one of the clamod clan, let alone enkidukai," Ren states out loud.

"Rirenil and Bengala aren't exactly typical names either!" Nick quickly retorts.

A quick feeling of guilt sweeps over her as she immediately regrets her misspoken words.  "I'm, .. I'm sorry, I didn't .. I didn't mean to ..." she fumbles out trying to quickly make up for her previous comment.

Nick gives out a hearty laugh, "oh don't worry about it young one!  I'm only teasing.  What is a name anyways?  Just a word to one which we go by.  It is our sole that defines us.  Don't let your elders fool you.  Stick with your new names once you are married. I think they are .... cute."

He grins while watching the two take in his words.  Ben glows from his seat with pride, "I picked em out myself!  New names for a new life!"

"Here, here!" Nick exclaims, "let us drink to that!"  The three raise their glasses high before taking a large swig.

"Man that hits the spot!" Nicken exclaims, "now then, where were we?"  A moment passes while he retells the tale to himself in his mind, "Oh yes, my name."

"Well, after hearing her call me cute, well, all I could do was turn to my right hand man, who simply was trying to hold back a laugh of his own.  I think I may have frightened her some when I yelled over at him to introduce himself as well; I guess I was a bit embarrassed at the time. A proud enki such as myself, being called cute. it's funny thinking about it all these later.

But I digress.  After our brief meetings at the mines, we really didn't run into each other for quite some time.  We continued to be proud and fearless protectors. She led the better life; gained an education; learned about the world. But, her parents raised her proper. She never forgot about the lower classes.  She was wise, but generous.  She would meet with us common folk and help everyone with their troubles as best she could.  Don't let me fool you either with this talk.  She wasn't no frail little thing.  She knew how to protect herself if need be.  My, that woman was a hell of a fighter when backed into a corner.  One of a few that could go toe to toe with Sat or myself in a sparring match. 

Sat and I would run into her and her family occasionally.  They appreciated our hard work and success rate when we were in charge.  The three of us would casually talk, and over time we all grew close.  I never thought much of it really.  She was always out of my league.

But one day, my world changed.  I was off work at the local tavern where you came across me last night.  She approached me and I could tell she had a worried look on her face.  I knew something was bothering her, so we went and sat in the corner of the place to be alone and I asked her what was the matter.

She admitted her fondness for me and Sat, ever since our first meeting at the mines.  But, as she stated, she didn't know what to do.  She wanted to get to know us, to date, to become close, but she couldn't decide which one of us to ask.  Interested in us both for different reasons.  Sat was your typical play hard to get personality.  Something about that bad-boy persona I'll never understand why women folk fall for them.  I was softer, caring, someone you could confide your troubles in and be there to give you comfort.

She told me, she didn't care about traditions, nor was she worried about what her parents may say if she told them she was dating commons.  I believed her.  I knew her folks, they were kind and supportive of her.  She was loved by all, common and wealthy alike, so I knew it would be fine.

We talked into the wee hours of the morning.  That night was one of the happiest moments of my life.  We were left alone and we enjoyed each others company.  In the end, I gave her up.  I told her to follow her heart and ask Sat out first.  I won't lie, I had always had feelings for her.  It was just something about her that fascinated me.  But Sat was my friend from when we were young cubs.  We grew up together.  I knew she'd be happy with him.  I told her I would be happy just knowing she was happy. If it worked out, then my blessings to them, otherwise we would try to date.

I had the opportunity that night.  I held my destiny in my own hands. I chose to make her and my best friend happy over my own personal feelings.  It is a decision I still think about to this day.  But hindsight is twenty twenty.  Who would have guessed what the future was to bring us?"
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2013, 07:26:31 pm »
Chapter 9: Feeling Fine

"Time for our midday lunch!" Nicken exclaims.

Startled by the very sudden transition, Ren jumps a little in her seat, which in turn causes Ben to snap his head towards her to see what happened. "Eh heh, sorry, dear.  I guess I was really getting into it.  He just startled me is all." Rirenil states noticing Ben's look of concern.

He nods, satisfied with her explanation, and returns his attention to their host, "Lunch, eh?  What yeah got in mind?"

A large smile forms on Nickens face, which quickly turns into a full blown grin of excitement, "Well, its been ages since I cooked for anyone but myeslf, so I think I will make us some stew.  I'll go get the ingredients together.  You two relax for a bit.  I'll be right back."

With that, he quickly gets up and heads inside his shack.  The lovers turn and look at each other with a look on their faces, desperately trying to hold back laughter.  "Stew, stew, going to make stew ..." They hear the old menki loudly singing to himself from inside the shack.

Giggling, Ren talks in a low voice to Ben, trying to hold back her laughter " *snicker* I ... I don't know if I love him or am terrified by him.  He's such a weird old coot.  First its like he completely ignores us when we're right by him, then he's having us sleep at his place and making us breakfast.  After that he's trying to kill us as part of some test I still haven't figured out, and now we're his guests of honor or something!"

Ben nods his head in agreement, "He sure is a strange one, ain't he?  An' just look at him.  All beat up like that and all.  You'd think he'd have sought out one of the priests at the temple to seek healing.  I know some of the elders in our old clans shunned away from the other races magic, but he don't seem tah be one of tradition."

"Oh my god yes!" she returns, letting out a laugh in the process, "Did you see when he got up just now?  His tail was just a stub!  Such a weird sight to see. An enki with a stub for a tail.  And why do you suppose he keeps wearing those old ratty clothes?  Surely he'd have gotten them repaired or simply replaced by now.  And his drop of a coin mood swings ....."

Ben quickly motions to Ren to quiet down as he notices the door opening once more.  "All to be explained in good time, my dear." Nicken states as he exists his house.

Her eyes grow in size as she begins to fumble for words, "You, you heard us?"

Nicken nods his head and after setting the ingredients down by the cooking pot next to the fire he uses his one working arm to point to what is left of his ears, "They may be beaten like the rest of me, but they ain't out of it yet. Don't you worry though.  It is good to curious.  I knew I liked you two as soon as you walked into that tavern.  Good to see you are living up to my hopes.  It has been such a long time ...."

His voice trails off again as he turns around and begins to work on preparing the meal.  Ren turns to Ben once more with a puzzled look on her face, "See, there he goes again. I don't understand any of his riddles."

"If you are to make it out there as a protector," Nicken speaks up once more, "You'll learn real quick that you must be aware of your surroundings at all times.  You must hone all your senses."  His voice changes once more, back into his serious tone, "Especially if you plan on being an adventurer."

He goes back to chopping the vegetables while a sudden look of guilt spreads over Ben's face.  Ren immediately notices it and stares at him for a moment before squinting her eyes at him and asking, " were talking about that to him last night when I went to fetch drinks weren't you?  You know how I feel about your plans.  There is no need for you to have to do that.  We will make enough money to live by without your crazy schemes. You know how worried I get when you talk about that...."

Ben puts out his arms to try to calm his lover down and reassure her, "Now listen here honey, I know what you said.  An before you get all worked up like, I simply mentioned I thought about it.  Never said I was gonna go through with it.  It's mah backup plan in case we really need it, you here?  I already said I'd try it your way first didn't I?"

As she returns to a calmed stated, she thinks about what he has said, looking him in the eyes for a moment before finally shrugging, "I believe you, you silly man.  I just don't want to lose you, you know?"

Ben reaches out to her to give her a deep hug, "I know honey.  I don't want to ever lose you either."

The heavy lid of the pot rings out as Nicken places the prepared stew over the fire to cook. "Well now, we'll just let that simmer and get back to the tale shall we?"  The two notice his tone has changed back to his care-free state once more.  "Ah yes, I had given her my thoughts...."

He takes his seat once more across from the two and continues on, "You see, I'll spare you both the boring bits.  To summarize, well, Sat and her, they hit it off like I thought they would.  The longer they dated, the less and less we all hung out together, and the more they spent together, with her coming to me at the tavern every so often to share drinks and stories of how it was going.  They were happy, and really, so was I.  Those nights spent with her were more than enough.

She did most the talking.  I simply just sat there, taking it all in, getting lost in those beautiful eyes over and over again. And then one day, she came to me to tell me that he had proposed to her.  You should have seen how happy she was.  So filled with joy, she shined brighter than the great crystal above. What could I say, other than to congratulate her.  I knew then and there that there would never be any hope for something between us more than just friend and protector of her families caravans, but for every bit of me that was saddened, there was more that was happy for her.  My cherished love had found someone that was going to make her happy.  In the end, what more could I have asked for?

As you could imagine, news quickly spread amongst the townsfolk.  For awhile the rumors were flying around them.  One of the best known names in the city always hanging around with a single guy and all.  It was only a matter of time and shortly after the official announcement they quickly became the talk of the town.  Seemed everyone came out to wish them the best.  It was a sight to see, seemed like they connected with nearly all the different factions.  And when that day came and the wedding was held, I truly think I could see every guild and clan and sect represented at the ceremony; even the not so law abiding ones.

Somehow on that day, everyone got along.  The outlaws with the city guards.  The wealthy with the common.  They all celebrated in their marriage.  I, however, could not force myself to make a proper appearance.  I was there sure, but it was the first instance of what would turn into a lifetime of always watching over them, from a distance.

You see, try as I might, I never got over those feelings for her.  When I turned down Sat's offer to be the best man, he was a little upset at first, but he quickly forgave me.  He knew how I felt inside and understood.  That was unfortunately the last real time we ever spoke together.  That meeting put a rift in our friendship we never repaired.  As those two blossomed, ours wilted.  I regret that to this day.  Losing your best friend should be something no one has to endure."

The bubbling pot breaks the mood and like before Nicken quickly swings back to his carefree tone, "Looks like stews ready! Let's eat, shall we!?"

The two lovers roll their eyes at each other and grab a bowl.
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2013, 09:40:19 pm »
Chapter 10: A big fat ... kikiri ;-)

Ben and Ren slump backwards in their seats.  Over indulging in the great meal their host had made for them, they recline with a smile on their face and a happy full belly.  For a brief moment, their worries about income, the angering of their respective clans, the running away to try and start a new life, all of it fades to the back of their minds.  There is simply peace here.  The rest of the city no doubt churns forward in the busy day to day doings it's citizens routinely practice in, but here in this little walled off area, they are left to relax and take in their host's tale uninterrupted.  The two lovers have begun to understand why the old menki chose this little corner of the world to call home and a little bit on why he is the way he is.

"I think I outdid myself with that one," Nicken says while finishing the last of the stew, "and don't you worry about doing the dishes this time.  I'll take care of them later.  For now, let us continue."

"Please do," Rirenil pipes up, "I am very interetesed in how it has been unfolding thus far."

Nicken grins, excited that he has an audience that earnestly cares to hear his tale, "Then let us waste no time!"

"Well, as I was saying, the wedding was a grand event.  It marked a great change for many a person.  She had that ability you see.  Not often something comes along that can change this old city's way of life, let alone be it a single person which is able to do it. It was an honor to call her a close friend.  It's too bad I wasn't able to work things out with Sat. I would have enjoyed being in the middle of everything that followed, rather than being the one behind the scenes, but fate had other plans for me I suppose.  But I am getting ahead of myself again. 

Shortly after the wedding, when the excitement started to settle down some, and we had to return to our daily tasks, the three of us sat down with her parents to discuss business moving forward.  I'll spare you the boring bits.  In short, it was agreed upon that I would take a larger role in protecting the shipments, organizing the best and safest way to move goods from one place to another, etc. and Sat would be taken under their wing to learn the more political side of things; to prep him for when their parents handed over the reigns, and my love, she was allowed to continue to blossom and grow; to expand her knowldege of the world we live in, to better guide the family business in the right course for the future ahead. 

Ultimately, it was best move for everyone.  I got to expand my tactile skills, and those two got to be more involved with work that better suited their nature as well.  It also meant I was away for longer periods of time.  I didn't mind though.  It made the return trips back to town all that more meaningful.  Our new roles kept us pretty busy.  It was hard work, but it was good honest work.  The wilds are still a dangerous place, even today, and were even more so back then.  Thugs, bandits, wild animals alike make their homes out there.  Ensuring safe passage through those lands requires great care to detail and being ever observant of your surroundings.

Oh! I just remembered the look on Sat's face the first time he wore that silly nobleman outfit.  Such a tomboy he was.  I could tell that was the part he didn't care for.  But if you want to be taken seriously at those business meetings, you are supposed to look the part.  He turned out to be a great deal maker.  Very good at getting the best outcome possible for the business.  His mind sharpened in whits, while mine sharpened the blade.  It just worked out well that way.

Every now and then, I would still meet her at our spot in the tavern.  Perhaps out of tradition, or just coincidence.  We'd take that corner and talk long into the night about everything and anything.  I am still most fond of those nights.  No matter how protecting the shipments got, it seemed our meetings there washed it all away, and I could find happiness.

It was there, one evening after I just gotten back from a most terrible nerve racking shipment run, that she came to me with a great announcement.  She had decided to open a side business of her own.  She wanted to paint the world around her.  But not only that, but to do it for next to nothing.  Her goal was to bring art to the common folk.  For, as she stated, if she can lift the city's spirits and bring some art to even the dreariest of the city's districts, then perhaps everyone would benefit from it.

I was worried at first.  She did not know of all the dangers that could befall her like I did. I insisted that if she was to go ahead with her plan, she be accompanied by a trusted individual at all times.  As you can imagine, she simply told me I was being my over protective self again, and maybe somewhat I was.  It seems when the matter involved her, it was one of the few times, my heart did most the talking instead of my head.  In the end, we made a compromise.  She would go on about her ways, and Sat would be by her side to look out for her and thwart off anyone with ill thoughts popping into their heads.  And as a side I suppose, he'd promote the business as well, as you may expect. 

I on the other hand, would continue to do what I do best.  That is, look out for the unseen; to ensure her travels were not met with ill mannered individuals.  A somewhat new role for me, although also the same as before in its own way.  I simply traded the untamed wilds for the darkened alleyways and side streets of the city.  Like before I was the protector.  I simply traded protecting merchandise for something far more precious to me.  It was hard work, but it allowed me to be close to her, my dear sweet woman. 

I got to see first hand why she was mostly loved by everyone she came into contact with.  Her kindness and sense of compassion to every walk of life was simply unheard of in this city.  She looked at you not as what you were born into, not your families status amongst the nobles, but simply as an equal.  We were all people in her eye, and she treated you as such.

As you can imagine, her paintings took off faster than she could keep up.  It became a full time job, and I had to resign from my post over watching the caravans to keep up with everything she wanted to do.  I left my new second in command in charge.  Believe it or not, he was a Kran.  What he lacked in brain power, he made up for in intuition.  He had a way with the world around him.  Almost like he could feel the ground beneath his feet and could commune with it.  He was a fine replacement, and it freed me up to be ever more vigilant towards providing safety for her.

Which ultimately was what saved us all in the end.  She never wanted to believe me, but I knew her status would never go unnoticed forever.  There are and will always be those in this world that simply cannot control their jealousy.  We were lucky no one got hurt badly in the end."

Ren lets out a startled yip as she sees her host suddenly jump up form his seat.  "Gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back!" he yells out as he hurries away.

A short moment passes as Ren processes his words and actions. A smile starts to form on her face, which turns into rolling laughter as she turns to her lover, "Ben, dear, when we get to be his age, please don't follow in his footsteps.  My heart won't be able to take the sudden swings in mood.  It's all I can do to stay calm as it is now!"


"And," says the now present day elder Bengalla retelling this story to the cubs and clan members that are gathered around him, "what yeah think honey, have I lived up to my end of the deal?"

He looks on with a devious look in his eye, waiting for her response.  "Oh you old menki, it's amazing you haven't given my poor old heart a deathly fright with all your little games and tricks you pull." the now present day elder Rirenil responds back.

Ben gives here a devilish grin, "It's to make sure we're still alive, don't cha you know?"  He turns back to his captivated audience, "Now then, listen up everyone, for this is where the story starts to really pick up pace."
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: In Closing
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2016, 09:56:34 pm »
I will probably never finish this.  reading this again tonight brought back memories.  it deserves to have some type of closure, so here is the short short version:

nicken recites the past events that caused him to nearly lose his best friend and love.  something along the lines of how he was sent away on a mission and something happens to them that they go missing by the time he can return.  he then spends the rest of his life searching for them, eventually giving up and becoming the old wreck of a menki that goes to the tavern every night to sit and hope by chance that they may return some day.

ben and ren take in his tale and give him their condolences.  nicken thanks them for listening to his tale.  he then fills them in that the test they passed was loyalty to each other.  that ben fought for her and she fought for him; they were willing to sacrifice each other to save the other; they were truly in love.  finally, that he sees the younger versions of his friends in them, and how if he couldn't save them, he will save these two from going down the same paths as his friends did. 

he then tells them that being with them has given him courage again to go search the only place left to look for his long lost friends, that being the uncharted area beyond the great gates, which supposedly leads up to caverns that may lead out to a hypothesized surface world.

he tells them that his stuff is theirs for the taking, as he won't need it.  he shows them a hidden floor board, once removed which leads to a cellar area full of treasures and other trinkets collected over a lifetime of searching the world.  they are to use these items to make a good life for themselves, one where ben will not ever have to rely on 'plan b'.  (becoming an adventurer like nicken had)

they both thank nicken for everything and then the story jumps to the now older versions of the them, who were telling this story to their grand cubs.  they tell them this is how they were able to start their lives in this city, how over the years they looked back at this old menki's kindness every day and thanked him for everything he gave them.  the story then closes with them telling the cubs that they hoped he was able to eventually find what he was looking for.  hopefully nicken, satayne, and the beautiful Lady Z are together, somewhere, at last.
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K