Author Topic: Zephan and Calluna's tale.  (Read 4282 times)


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2009, 03:10:28 am »
Just after I'd accepted Zephan's marriage proposal, we met with another Nolthrir named Lhaa, who was to make our wedding outfits. I felt slightly sorry for Zephan as I stood on the chair to be measured. There was much whispering between Lhaa and I regarding my dress, and my poor love seemed rather suspicious. You can't blame a girl for wanting to look her absolute best though, can you? I think Zephan was more than a little perturbed about our discussion of the tailoring, especially when it was suggested that everything be nice and tight, to show off our respective figures. He's such a private person, I don't think it occurred to him to show off in front of his friends a little. He did let me make most of the decisions though, bless him, and after we were done, he didn't really ask -too- many questions, though he did keep giving me suspicious glances for a while when he thought I wasn't looking.

Things seemed to be getting organised at quite a pace by now. Zephan's friend Giroum had agreed to perform the ceremony, we'd decided on a location, the outfits were ordered and being made, and Zephan had quite neatly taken the issue of food out of my hands, sneaking off to prepare things whenever I was sleeping. I did get to make the tinga tea, yes, but other than that, I don't think I laid a finger on any cooking tools before the wedding. People did keep asking whether we were nervous, as I recall, but I'd quite honestly never felt so calm in my life. Perhaps it is the groom who has the nerves, rather than the bride. Either way, I was so sure that this was what I truly wanted that nervousness never even entered the picture.

A couple of days before the ceremony was due to take place, we had one more visit with Lhaa, who wanted us to try on our outfits. The fit of my gown was quite simply perfect, and the detailing exquisite, and exactly what I'd requested. Zephan seemed keen to attend while I had my final fitting, but both Lhaa and I insisted he didn't see my gown until the day. I'm not sure he understood why, but he seemed happy to comply with our wishes, sitting in the bar with Aiwendil until I was done changing into and out of the gown. After we'd both tried on our outfits, Zephan looked ever so slightly pink around the ears. I think he was a little embarrassed by how showy his outfit was, in truth, though he didn't actually say so. I was confident he'd look wonderful in it, having seen how beautiful my gown was, and how well made.

We spent the next couple of days in Hydlaa, rather than rushing around. It was important to be well rested for the ceremony, after all. The last thing I wanted was for either of us to fall asleep mid wedding. Zephan seemed to be a little restless, and growing more nervous by the hour. I, on the other hand, used those few quiet days to really think about what I wanted to say to him when it came time to make vows to one another. It was a mammoth task. No words could ever adequately describe what I feel for Zephan. They haven't been invented, and they never will be. I began growing frustrated, not knowing what to say to him that I hadn't already said. Eventually, I went to buy a blank book, and started writing anything that came into my head, hoping to hit on what I wanted to say to him.

I filled the entire book with useless nonsense, near enough, and I suddenly decided I was just going to say whatever popped into my head at the time, not the best solution, perhaps, but the only one my brain could come up with so close to the ceremony. I hadn't realised that I'd flung the book away until Zephan went over and picked it up, placing it into my lap carefully, and gently folding my hand into his. That's when it hit me. Whenever I got frustrated, upset, hurt, angry.... Zephan would just calmly take my hand in his... and every time he did, it brought me peace, clarity, and a sense of being complete. With that feeling, I knew exactly what I wanted my vows to be, and wrote them down on the last page of my little book.


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2009, 02:28:11 pm »
The day we'd chosen for the ceremony seemed to arrive faster than I'd expected, and the journey there seemed to be shorter than I ever remember it being. We'd arrived, and the guests were settled in quick time, leaving Calluna and I to change. She insisted I go first, wanting her gown to have maximum impact, and then, once I'd emerged wearing my silk suit, she ducked into the small cave we'd decided to use as a dressing room. It seemed to take forever for her to change clothes, and I was beginning to wonder if she was having a last minute attack of nerves. Just as I was about to start forward, intending to go and see if she was alright, the vines parted, and she stepped through them, walking up to stand before me, a small smile on her face. The sight of her stunned me into the realisation that I'd been treating her almost like a child, hitting me full force and making me speechless. This was no little girl! Her figure, though slight, was that of a fully grown adult, and a breathtaking, heartbreakingly beautiful woman, at that. I just stared at her, unable to believe what I was seeing, and it wasn't until Garosan placed the cold flat of his sword on the back of my neck that I even partially regained my senses. Even then, I barely managed to offer Calluna my arm, and walk her through to the underground lake.


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2009, 02:28:52 pm »
The day of the ceremony finally dawned, and with it, I finally began to grow a little apprehensive. Zephan seemed to have grown suddenly calm, though, and seemed to have everything planned quite precisely. It was a long walk to our chosen location, and we'd decided to make the journey together with our guests, rather than leaving them to make their way there without us. Giroum had gone on ahead the previous day, to give him time for a slower pace, and to set up the site before we arrived. I don't remember too much about the walk, other than how excited and nervous I really was. It felt like I'd explode, and I could barely keep myself from squealing giddily, like I would have when I was a little girl. This was it! In a few hours, we'd be married!

Once we arrived, the guests who'd travelled with us moved directly to the underground lake we'd chosen to hold the wedding at. Only Garosan remained, a bodyguard of sorts, as rogues liked to travel through some of the tunnels. It was time for us to change into our outfits. I insisted on Zephan going to change first, so that my outfit had maximum impact on him... I can be rather mischievous when I set my mind to it. As he emerged from the tiny side cave we'd decided to use as a changing area, I could see that my trust in Lhaa's skills weren't misplaced. Zephan was in the most gorgeous silk suit I think I've ever seen, earth brown with green trim, and gold painted vines. It was all I could do to tell him how wonderful he looked! I just wanted to -stare- at him for a day or two!

I think that I managed to collect myself fairly well, under the circumstances. After all, we were there to be married, not stare at one another like a pair of statues! It was my turn to change into my outfit, and as I stepped into the side cave, a wave of nerves hit me in a rush, as I wondered whether Zephan would really like what I'd be wearing. It was all I could do to get into the gown without damaging the delicate fabric of it. I did finally manage to dress, though my hands were shaking so badly by the time I'd done, I had to lean on the cave wall for a few minutes to steady myself before stepping back outside. As it turned out, I really need not have worried for an instant.

I walked back through the vines that overhung the side cave mouth, still rather shaky, but taking care not to snag my gown on anything. As I approached Zephan and Garosan, I drew myself up to my full height, summoning a little courage, and turned this way and that, asking 'What do you think, love?' Zephan's reaction was more than I could have ever hoped for. He just stood there, his hand to his mouth, blushing furiously. Perhaps I should explain. I was barefoot, and wearing a tightly fitting sea green gown, the bodice made of darker silk leaves, very low cut and wispy looking, with a vine extending from my shoulder to my wrist on the left arm. The sides of the gown were split right up to the thigh, and painted with the same gold designs as Zephan's suit. He seemed rather... stunned by it, and it took the cold flat of Garosan's sword on the back of his neck to make him stop staring at me and realise we had a wedding to attend!


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #48 on: September 28, 2009, 02:40:39 am »
Throughout the entire ceremony, I couldn't take my eyes off Calluna, even if I'd wanted to. My realisation had shocked me to the very core, and I felt I didn't know the first thing about being a husband to this beautiful creature. All my imaginings of our life together seemed somehow inadequate, and I found myself falling in love with her all over again, even as we spoke our vows to one another, and exchanged rings. I knew that her quicksilver nature and her tiny stature would always make her appear more girlish than she actually was, and I found myself adoring that about her, that she could still appear child-like in her actions, charming even me into treating her like a little princess. There was nothing remotely childish about the way she kissed me after the ceremony, though, and I found myself blushing. I worried whether I'd manage to be a good husband to her, now all the rules seemed to have changed.


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2009, 02:41:25 am »
We stepped out on the small wooden pier over the underground lake together, arm in arm, as Giroum lit a small camp fire with the candle on the end of his staff. He opened the ceremony by greeting everyone, and then began to speak, his voice calm and steady. 'Thank you all for coming here today for this most happy of occasions. We are gathered here to witness the marriage of Zephan Cystennin and Calluna Shuuri. The couple have prepared their wedding vows, but first I would like to say a few words.' I heard some whispers from a few of the guests, but other than that, all was silent, Giroum's voice echoing in the cavern we stood in.

Zephan seemed to have his eyes glued on me, just as mine were glued on him. I remember Giroum's words with real clarity, but it felt almost as though nobody was present except for Zephan and I. The emotions threatened to bubble up and make me cry from simply standing there, and I had the fleeting thought that my throat would be too tight to speak my vows. In the meantime, Giroum was still speaking, his tone serious. 'Matrimony is a righteous estate, ordained by the gods unto the fulfilling and perfecting of the love of man and woman in mutual honour and forbearance. The faith of one to the other and the hallowing of the home. It is not by any to be taken into lightly or thoughtlessly, but reverently, in the presence of loved ones and the gods.'

After such serious words, Giroum's voice seemed to take on a kindlier tone, as though he was smiling. He may well have been, but my eyes never left Zephan's face. 'Having known Zephan for some time now,' Giroum continued, 'and since he introduced me to the fair Calluna, I have every confidence - as I'm sure you all do - that they have naught but the deepest love and reverence for each other.' There was a short pause, and I heard someone whispering the word 'beautiful...' but little more. Then, Giroum spoke up again. 'Please, Zephan, read your vows.' At those words, Zephan turned to face me, his eyes brimming over with emotion. He held a written copy of his vows in one hand, but while he spoke, his eyes never left mine.

'My beloved Calluna... words will never be enough to express how much I truly love you, but this I vow: To you I will always be faithful, and my continuous and lasting devotion is yours until the very end; Through good and bad, time has only proven how we are meant to be together, and to spend the rest of my life with you is a duty and destiny I gladly accept with all of my heart.' He smiled gently at me, and my heart almost burst with love. I took a deep breath in readiness, trying to summon a last bit of calm as Giroum said, 'And Calluna, please now read yours.' Somehow, I managed to keep my voice steady as I looked into Zephan's eyes, reciting the vows I'd written just a day or two before.

'Zephan, when we were young, I was blessed with your friendship. Your hand in mine gave me the courage to grow, your gentle spirit soothed my tempestuous one. I would seek out your hand in mine, knowing without knowing that it was the one thing which made me whole. When we parted, and you came to the Dome, I held my own hand, remembering your hand in mine, and longing for it to be there once more. I followed you here, not knowing if you would take my hand ever again. Today, we are here to be wed. I vow to love you as I always have and always will. All I ask in return is that you keep my hand in yours, where it has always belonged.' Zephan nodded, just once, knowing exactly what the meaning was behind my words, and then smiled at me as I let out a small sigh, relieved to have managed to speak them.

Giroum gave another short pause, and then asked us both for the written copy of our vows. Taking them from us, he wrapped each piece of parchment around a night mushroom, and dripped prayer oil over the bundles. Reciting a soft prayer, he placed both vows into the small fire he'd lit at the start of our ceremony, then took out a small scoop, watching the fire intently for a few moments. Once the vows had been turned to ashes in the flames, he collected the ashes in the scoop, and walked back over to us, pouring some ashes into our hands and saying, 'Scatter these ashes, with your vows in mind, where you deem fit.'

Zephan led me to the side of the small pier, and began scattering the ashes along the bank of the lake. I followed his actions, smiling with approval. Our vows would rest where water met land, a fitting place for a Nolthrir bride and a Dermorian groom. Once we were done scattering, we returned to the centre of the pier, awaiting the closing moments of the ceremony. Giroum gave another short pause, smiling, and then said, 'Now, please exchange rings.' Zephan placed the ring he'd had engraved for me onto my finger first, and then I performed the same action with the ring he'd had engraved for himself, and given to me for safekeeping. I saw Giroum bow his head out of the corner of my eye, and then he said, 'In the name of our lord Laanx I do now pronounce you husband and wife. Bless you both.'

We stood there smiling at one another for several moments, I think, because eventually someone, Lhaa I think, muttered 'Now's when you kiss her.' I turned to smile at the crowd, unsure of who had spoken, and then, all of a sudden, I felt a tiny bit of mischief was in order! I turned to Zephan as he leaned in to kiss me, and wrapped my arms quite firmly around his neck, making sure he couldn't pull away without lifting me off my feet! His arms circled around me out of instinct as his lips met mine, and I put every ounce of what I felt for him into that one kiss, forgetting where we were, who stood there watching, everything. I couldn't tell you how long that kiss lasted, but we were both a little breathless when we finally parted!

I looked up at Zephan as he whispered 'I love you...', his face still reddened in the deepest of blushes, though he gave me an amused little smile. I replied, 'I love you too, dearest...always have.' and smiled at him. He beamed in return as people began shouting their congratulations and clapping. Thinking back, I'm very glad he managed to remain calm enough to thank first Giroum, and then our assembled guests, because at that moment, my emotions rose in another wave, rendering me speechless, and making my legs shake. Once he'd thanked everyone, he simply turned to me, smiling in understanding, and then, he did the one thing he knew would calm me enough to allow me to walk with him off the pier. For the first time as my husband, he wrapped my hand in his, and I finally felt completed, as though I'd come home.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 02:44:41 am by Calluna »


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2009, 02:42:39 am »
It was a last doubt of mine until some days after the wedding, and I began to wonder whether I'd really made the right decision, marrying her when I didn't have a clue how to go about being married. That particular day, we were at the lakeside, just outside Gugrontid, wrapped in the Ulbernaut fur we'd received as a wedding gift. We'd been talking about swimming lessons, and how Nolthrir usually dress, and I'd gradually grown more uncomfortable without realising it. I felt as though I'd failed her in some way, with my utter cluelessness about what exactly it was married couples did. Then, she turned to me, wrapped the fur more snugly around us both, pulled me down alongside her, and murmured 'Now... about the difference between Dermorians and Nolthrir...'

A long time afterwards, as the Crystal started to brighten, I woke up, peering down at her sleeping face where it lay against my shoulder, and I knew that my doubts were all over. Whatever one of us didn't know, the other could teach.

The End.


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Re: Zephan and Calluna's tale.
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2010, 11:11:18 pm »
[Very well writ and thought/played out! No, it didn't take me a year to read it. ;) But it was worth the time it did take to read none the less!  \\o// ]