Author Topic: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting  (Read 3666 times)

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2010, 02:31:10 am »
Only half the meeting was completed today, the rest will be continued...

Representatives present:

Kore Irka Clan: Akaiddo Kivikar (Chairman), Dharke Tirabu, Vakachehk Kivikar.

House Cheshire: Barike Cheshire, Atagal Lurrentse, Emmara Lurrentse.

Akkaio Setha Clan: Eyantar Gwestav.

The Declaration of Allegiance was completed:

"We, members, Member Guilds, and Core Clans of the Alliance swear to solemnly uphold the constitutional Declaration of Rights, and the Declaration of Internal Laws, for as long as we retain membership within the Alliance, so help myself in the eyes of my peers and fellow Enkidukai."

Note: Originally "in the eyes of my peers and fellow Enkidukai" was "before Talad, Laanx, and Xiosia." However it was pushed to be changed and the remaining representatives with the exception of Vakachehk Kivikar conceded.

The Declaration of Rights was completed:

"The Alliance and it's members, Member Guilds, and Core Clans recognise the following rights of the Enkidukai:

The right of every law-abiding Enkidukai to life.

The right of the Octarchy to create and police laws, and exact punishment on those who break them.

The right to free and fair trade amongst law abiding Enkidukai. (taxless an not impeded by the Alliance)

The right to a fair and balanced investigation, and free access to justice.

The right to free medical care in case of injury or illness.

The right to free speech."

The Declaration of Internal Laws is yet to be done. (the first part took over an hour)

We then moved on to elect vital positions.

The original vital positions were: Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Priest, and Physician.

It was decided there was no available Enki to fill the Physician role.

The very mention of "Priest" sparked debate, with House Cheshire extremely opposed to any religious involvement in the Alliance. The first point was that one Priest would favour his favourite god/goddess, so Akaiddo Kivikar advocated three Priests, one for each 'good' deity. The usage of Priests by members would be entirely optional, but it seemed to continue to fuel the fire, and House Cheshire threatened to leave the Alliance unless the matter was postponed for another meeting. The debate shook the Alliance to the very core.

Moving onward in an attempt to get past the war of words, the Chairman position was voted for. Dharke moved for a rule where guild leaders could not be Chairman, but it fell unheeded and Barike Cheshire was nominated and unchallenged, he was chosen as the next Chairman. Dharke Tirabu was also nominated, but refused, and Akaiddo Kivikar and Jacobita of House Cheshire were nominated, but not seconded.

The Treasurer position was then nominated to Vakachehk Kivikar and left unchallenged, with no other nominations made.

The Secretary position had two nominations, Emmara Lurrentse and Dharke Tirabu. Dharke won the vote 3 votes to 2.

The rest of the meeting was adjourned to a later date to be decided by Barike Cheshire, Chairman, and to be posted by the Secretary, Dharke Tirabu. Tensions from the meeting were expressed also later at Brado's Tavern, a clear division between some of the members.

[Note that the division is entirely IC, we're all still friends OOC, just acting in the manner our characters would.]


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2010, 02:41:12 am »
Well, I found it rather interesting, especially since it involved and tested a LOT of RP skills (amoungst a large number of people).
You could really see personalities and interesting pasts jumping out of characters you've never met before.

I've never witnessed RP (or a mix of IC and OCC  :P) conflict before either, so that was interesting.

This storyline has now cranked up a notch  :detective: [just to note: it wasn't only House Cheshire who was against the move. Others including members of KIC were also opposed.]

Dharke Tirabu would like to thank those who could attend for their time. Many things were learnt. Official logs of the event will be published in the near future, as well as other documents discussed in the meeting..

EDIT: oh yeah, thought i'd mention I was 'brb' and 'afk' for a large chunk of it...probably in the places i wasn't talking xD so sorry if things were repeated or brought up when it was said before (as i'm editing the log, i can see that now >_>).
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 07:12:07 am by BLERGHtrue »

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2010, 04:45:42 am »
We can note with pleasure that Ojaveda was populated with RPing players of a high standard for two hours this weekend. I think it's an achievement. A beginning.

And it's causing side RPs to squirt off. How will Akaiddo handle Emmara's outbursts? How will he handle the actions of House Cheshire and their seemed disdain for his beloved religions?

Vice versa too. I thought it was cool to see different political factions rise within the representatives, the allegiances have been made and the political battle lines drawn.... how will it be resolved?


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2010, 06:19:57 am »
Indeed, it was an interesting first (pre-) meeting of the Enkidukai Alliance. There was a phase when the discussion started to loose control, when it came to matters of religion again - and it could not be settled until Gag Harmond (merely visitor at this time) hat to shout a reminder about the purpose of this meeting, and Barike had to menace the alliance with a withdrawal of their membership... Akaiddo displayed a level of obstinacy here. From Gag's point of view, other members showed more tactfulness in keeping the discussion sober. Not to mention the reaction in the tavern afterwards. Queen Lolitra Purrty will be interested in such details. On one hand regarding a possible application of membership; on the other hand regarding ... personal matters.

Next, please! - And fortunately, again, there is a purpose for an ambassador. Lolitra already started to miss Gag in game...

Gag Harmond
Knight and Ambassador
The Royal House of Purrty

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2010, 03:35:46 pm »
I would like to point out, my character's anger was a reaction to the actions and words of House Cheshire, who displayed anger and some could say hatred well before my character, who tried to amend the idea to be more suitable, only have it shut down by Barike's threat to leave.

[OOC info on my character's view of things]

Akaiddo is rather bewildered and frustrated. The very Enkidukai he thought were his friends and allies fought him mercilessly on one of the positions he thought crucial to the success of Ojaveda. Without priests available for each religious denomination, Enkidukai will have to travel out of Ojaveda to Gugrontid and Hydlaa regularly... drawing away from Ojaveda as their home, sucking the economy down. That, and Akaiddo would appreciate a priest of each kind for his own use, as he rarely has time to leave Ojaveda to worship at the Temple of Laanx in Hydlaa, or the Shrine of Talad in Gugrontid.

The purpose of the Alliance in Akaiddo's eyes is to serve Enkidukai in all ways possible, this includes catering for their religion(s). He feels that the Alliance must provide all of the services in Ojaveda that the cities of Hydlaa and Gugrontid can. Fair economy, regular flow of commerce, nearby resources [already there ingame], a secure and safe city, and religious services for each 'good' religious denomination. Without all of these things, Enkidukai will continue to go to other cities for their needs.


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2010, 07:48:11 pm »
[IC:] Syenna, having been witness to the meeting, was immensely uncomfortable at the lack of mention of Dakkru at all - she's not of the opinion her goddess is "evil" per se, despite the actions of the religion's followers, but being neither particularly brave, nor a representative involved in the formation of the Alliance, didn't dare speak out, rather showing her support (for what it's worth) of the Alliance remaining secular. The fenki was particularly appalled at Akkaido claiming that House Cheshire was being discriminating and hateful when her own religion was, in her eyes, the elephant in the room when he spoke of Laanx, Talad, and Xiosia.

She'll be keeping a close eye on the Alliance's actions for reasons pertaining to both the religious aspect, if it is to remain, and for the sake of her courier service's future, as she may have to fight to keep the latter depending on what happens with the former.

[OOC:] It's nice to see some roleplayers take initiative and start things like this, particularly outside of Hydlaa (although, I do see roleplay in Ojaveda regardless of whether there are Alliance members present or not). It shows there is, in fact, roleplay going on - contrary to the opinions of certain players who'd rather complain that "RP is dead" than actually go start or join some. While as a player, I'm more a fan of spontaneous roleplay happening wherever you go, I see a lot of opportunity to have Syenna and others grow as a character through any plotlines that may grow out of these meetings.


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2010, 02:44:59 am »
IC: Emmara stood in the now empty courtyard; some of the attendees and representatives had gone to Brado's. Gag had even invited her to attend, but she had other things on her mind. She looked forlornly at where the representatives had sat in front of the doors to Dsar Sarraghi. Her eyes traced the outline of the giant doors, so many hopes and dreams depended on this Alliance. We couldn't even agree on what offices should exist within the alliance, she thought to herself.  Emmara turned her back to the doors with disappointment.  Why did the question of religion have to come up tonight, she lamented. Emmara flinches slightly at the memory of clinching her fists and her claws piercing the bandages and reopening the wounds on her palms, as her temper boiled over at Akaiddo's wild assumptions regarding her unspoken religious beliefs. There was no need for priestly offices in the Alliance; it would only cause more problems as religious beliefs would intertwine with business decisions. Let the churches come and handle the welfare of their followers in Oja just don't have priestly offices so that religious strife stays out of the Alliance's decisions.  Why wouldn't Akaiddo listen to reason? Her paws ached and her head spun with emotions from two spiritual crises in one day.

OOC: I was very pleased with the RP talents of all those that attended  \\o//. Akaiddo is correct all players remain on good terms with each other despite some character disagreements.  I was also impressed with everyone's respect for the rules of the meeting.  Overall, everyone kept an orderly conduct and it was not chat chaos, so it was easy to see the meeting and topics unfold. THANKS for a great RP everyone.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 02:52:13 am by EStripus »
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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2010, 04:58:57 am »
I still haven't finished with the whole log of the meeting...about a third of the way through the draft >_>

Howevs, anyone can check over what's already there now. I've edited it so things like sitting down and standing up is clumped with whatever the character is saying.
Same goes for things like "barike says:..." |"barike says:..." [yes I'm looking at you barike!] and i've edited speeling mistakes, "*fixes", [OOCs] and grammars error. A word may be thrown in here and there, make more sense. Lagged replies are re-sorted.

Colour codes - to make it easier to understand who's who:

House Cheshire

EDIT: silly me, didn't post the link.
EDIT EDIT: just realised RHoP should be treated as part of the audience as well. Well, I've already made Gag Harmond purple for half of this, so that's not changing. Don't you feel special, Gag  :P

Syenna, having been witness to the meeting, was immensely uncomfortable at the lack of mention of Dakkru at all

Dharke was going to mention that, but decided against it because it would not need to be brought up under the other argument/suggestion she had brought up. [does that make sense? yeah..]
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 06:48:01 am by BLERGHtrue »


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2010, 01:12:59 pm »
@ BLERGHtrue: I took a peek at what you have done so far with making the logs reader friendly so players can appreciate what the enki alliance is trying to do.  Perhaps it will tempt players to attend future meetings and add to the fun. That is a lot of hard work you are putting forth and it looks great so far.  Thank you.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 01:18:23 pm by EStripus »
Don't godmod me and we'll get along fine.

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2010, 03:23:01 pm »
Since RHoP have actively shown interest as a guild/clan/organisation in the Alliance their opinion should be noted as that of their guild's imo.


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2010, 07:46:57 pm »
First draft of the entire logs [from the viewpoint of Dharke Tirabu] has been published:
Warning: very long and colourful.

Someone needs to urgently send me the bit where I missed [when barike was accepted as chairman 'til vakachehk being nominated as treasurer]
If there are any mistakes or have I accidentally rearranged incorrectly when trying to untangle a puddle of dialogue, please inform me.

Thank you.

To be done next: official documents of rights, decleration, etc.


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2010, 08:35:07 pm »
Note mistake in the key:
red = Akkaio Setha Clan
and the rest...
Hint Dharke best to say Kore Irka Clan ive said KIC to a lot of players and they were puzzled lol funny stories there :) , at first i didnt get what RHoP was but im guessing Royal House of Purty. And i deffenate for them as they are small and unknowen, sorry i know its a lot of work.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2010, 11:14:10 pm »
Note mistake in the key:
red = Akkaio Setha Clan
and the rest...
Hint Dharke best to say Kore Irka Clan ive said KIC to a lot of players and they were puzzled lol funny stories there :) , at first i didnt get what RHoP was but im guessing Royal House of Purty. And i deffenate for them as they are small and unknowen, sorry i know its a lot of work.

"small and unknown"... depends what circles you socialise in in PlaneShift.


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2010, 12:14:17 am »
Definitely depends on what circles your in as to how big RHoP is... For House Cheshire, RHoP is kinda massively big right now.  :D :P :-[  :D  ;D And thanks goes out to Dharke for doing the work on getting the logs cleaned up!  \\o// :thumbup:


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Re: [RP] Alliance of Enkidukai - Council Meeting
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2010, 01:50:15 am »
@Vaka RHoP is very well known to many Yliakum citizens. A lot of characters were delighted to see Queen Lolitra at the pool party.
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