Author Topic: IC settings on some races?  (Read 3231 times)


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2010, 06:51:46 am »
Wouldn't some Ylians be kinda fat if they ate a whole bunch of stuff and didn't exercise? Wouldn't anybody from most races be fat if they didn't exercise?

@Sarras: Does metabolism affect the lifespan? If so I didn't know that.  ::|

@Rigwyn: Didn't it used to be that more of royalty used to be fat, and the rest of the people in the kingdom were skinny and starving? XD I'm not saying that should in any way relate to PS, but if there was a rich diaboli whom ate alot, and didn't do much running around at all, would it be safe to say he/she is going to get just a little bit of fat on his/her body.

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2010, 07:13:16 am »

Guess you have not met Hiimbo :)
Yeah, I agree... I was speaking generally - spelling out every exception to the rule gets painful.

And yes, there was a time when fat was foxy and skinny meant you skipped breakfast and lunch regularly because you couldn't afford it - not because you were on a strict rice diet.

 - Fat, as in, "Oh Talad!  She's gonna pop if she swallows another greasy porg!"
I just can't imagine people getting all "ooooh! oooh!.. I gotta have her!" over a big wiggly, jiggly, amoeba-shaped, bullion-cube--scented, humanoid .. but hey, to each his own ;)


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2010, 08:25:07 am »
I don't think it is mundane. You are asking questions that will eventually enrich the settings of each race when 1.0 eventually makes it debut.

I don't mean that it's mundane in the sense of "unimportant", but mundane in the sense of "things that would be part of our characters' everyday lives", vs. something like, say, the secret history of the Klyros.

On gender dominations, not all animals are male-dominant like humans are. Iguanas and hyenas are female dominant; as if they somehow became sentient races with civilization the males would be the ones staying at home cooking and cleaning while the females would be off hunting or acting territorial. There are also a few species that don't have a dominant gender, wombats was it? Annoyingly enough, although Yliakan races are many, they are not diverse in this regard; it seems like however they differ physically they otherwise act just like humans.

I would imagine many players play their characters as basically funny lookin' humans because that's the type of psychology and social behavior they're familiar with.  It's difficult to find out much about any of the Yliakan races as it stands, and requires a lot of guesswork.

For example: if you cared to, you could extrapolate from the existence of the Ynnwn, and what we're told about their psychology, (that they don't feel inferior for their half-breed status), that: 1) Diaboli, Dermorian and Nolthrir are all very accepting of mixed-race pairings, 2) Diaboli, Dermorian and Nolthrir families would normally not make a little Ynnwn child in their midst feel like an outcast, and 3) Dermorian and Nolthrir families and societies are structured in a way that having a lover or spouse with a much shorter lifespan isn't going to be considered a major problem.   And from #3 you could theorize that because of their long lifespans, Dermorians and Nolthrir really don't consider it a big deal to have many partners over the course of your life.  That in turn would imply a bunch of other things about them, including social structures that are either matriarchal or egalitarian, because you'd have many women with children from multiple fathers, which brings the problems in a patriarchy.   

But that's an annoying amount of guesswork to have to do.   Frankly it would be nicer if there was even a very slapdash listing somewhere of Here's What We're Thinking In Terms of Everyday Theme Stuff Right Now, This May All Change By 1.0, But Just In Case You're Curious Here You Go (TM). 

I'd say that it'd be likely that Dermorians are egalitarian from their nature as a race of hunters; not sure though.

Sidenote: Kaerli took her mother's last name, for instance.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2010, 10:54:06 pm »
Does metabolism affect the lifespan? If so I didn't know that.
There is a correlation, but correlation does not imply causation. Most life forms with high metabolism live shorter lives, but it's only one factor...Although, one very good example a high metabolism and short life span would be Bruce Lee. It would be interesting if all diaboli were played as less extreme versions of his trade-off.

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #49 on: May 29, 2010, 03:05:25 am »
About Enkidukai:

They're definitely more like "wild" cats than domesticated cats. That said, they're not completely uncivilised, they are more primitive than other races in their societal structure.

They generally don't shun water afaik, unless your character has a fear of water.

Any other questions PM me, I've spent alot of time making my menki as on-Settings as possible.

Sarras Volcae

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #50 on: May 29, 2010, 04:41:14 am »
i like how players think they follow settings so well by making up their own settings based on logic. this game is, in fact, illogical.

omg i'm hallucinating one of those greek philosophers Dx


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #51 on: May 29, 2010, 05:14:24 am »
What do you expect players to do. They put a lot of thought into the details of their characters and try hard to be setting compliant. The problem is that there isn't much material to work with
And we all know that if you do something a littke out of setting someone's gonna bitch about it.

Look at rhop, from what little I know about them they have a terrific history and rich player enhanced setting, however they seem to have been hammered over small details that should not matter.
We could all make plain cookie cutter characters with little to no details but that sucks.

So due to a lack of information about enkis I make one and make some about him based on what cats or tigers.. All seems fine and dandy.. Months later I'm told that I'm out of setting for
* marking my territory,
* hissing,
* licking my self,
* craving fish,
* craving raw meat,
* rubbing the side of my neck against someone in order to give them my scent,

You get the point ( and don't nitpick at what I'm saying, step back and see the forest if you have an issue with one of the trees )

Akkaido Kivikar

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #52 on: May 29, 2010, 06:05:56 am »
I marked my territory in Ojaveda... with your blood Rigwyn XD

Falcon Avian

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #53 on: May 29, 2010, 09:24:45 am »
What do you expect players to do. They put a lot of thought into the details of their characters and try hard to be setting compliant. The problem is that there isn't much material to work with
And we all know that if you do something a littke out of setting someone's gonna bitch about it.

Look at rhop, from what little I know about them they have a terrific history and rich player enhanced setting, however they seem to have been hammered over small details that should not matter.
We could all make plain cookie cutter characters with little to no details but that sucks.

So due to a lack of information about enkis I make one and make some about him based on what cats or tigers.. All seems fine and dandy.. Months later I'm told that I'm out of setting for
* marking my territory,
* hissing,
* licking my self,
* craving fish,
* craving raw meat,
* rubbing the side of my neck against someone in order to give them my scent,

You get the point ( and don't nitpick at what I'm saying, step back and see the forest if you have an issue with one of the trees )

I have done fairly ooc things too out of logic by looking at amphibians and reptiles ;D
For example, I thought klyros needed a lot of water due to them being an amphibian-like reptile and seem to be slimy, I later was told this was false so I just decided to give Esorono a skin condition that causes him to dry out fast >_>

What confuses me beyond my mind though is why do we have nipples and belly button?  :@#\

I have an ego so large it has it's own gravity. So in short, yes, everything does revolve around me.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2010, 12:36:39 pm »
What confuses me beyond my mind though is why do we have nipples and belly button?  :@#\

Maybe they tattoo them on, because it weirds the other races out to look at them otherwise  :P

The art on the main races page suggests female Klyros (Klyroses?  That's another thing, why isn't there a distinctive singular and plural for Nolthrir and Klyros?) have breasts, which is stupid on a multitude of levels.  So problems abound.

Sarras Volcae

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2010, 08:55:11 pm »
i have a feeling the devs skipped their biology classes.

and i'm surprised how this game lacks so much in settings. when i was little and played adventure roleplay-ish games with my friends, they were a lot more thought-out than this game. we even started from scratch.  ;D

Falcon Avian

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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #56 on: May 29, 2010, 09:01:36 pm »
i have a feeling the devs skipped their biology classes.

and i'm surprised how this game lacks so much in settings. when i was little and played adventure roleplay-ish games with my friends, they were a lot more thought-out than this game. we even started from scratch.  ;D

It's very hard to stay IC when you get very little information and have chars that make no sense doesn't it?
Also how the hell does meteor work?  :@#\

I have an ego so large it has it's own gravity. So in short, yes, everything does revolve around me.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2010, 12:16:16 am »
Look at rhop, from what little I know about them they have a terrific history and rich player enhanced setting, however they seem to have been hammered over small details that should not matter.
We could all make plain cookie cutter characters with little to no details but that sucks.
I found the college, the religious organizations, the government programs, some TF2 stuff, the protein, and more religious stuff. Could you post a link?

 Well, the enkis are filling the "cat-people" niche, and the developers are denying that fact. They could probably make their view work better if they write more about he enkiduki themselves, and change how they look in game. Both the concept art and the models currently follow the stereotypical ideas for fetish fuel.
 As a note on enkiduki and water, I'd expect they would find getting covered in it uncomfortable and distracting. The wild cats are hunters, and this often results in getting covered in blood. If the blood soaks into their fur, it stains, and begins rotting. The resulting stench will give their prey an early warning of their presence, likely resulting in the blood soaked cat starving to death. So they evolved an acute sense of any liquid in their fur, and have a pre-programmed urge to lick it out. Since enkis both have the same kind of fur, and hunt for their food (that food being bloody), they probably have the same distracting sensitivity to liquid in their fur. Although being sentient, they would probably devise other means to clean it out than licking themselves, and they would be able to resist it like we resist an itch.

 When looking at the six limbed kylros, I assumed they were artificial abominations about 20000 years back, but have improved slightly since then. The in-game graphic demonstrates they are not even fit for gliding, but perhaps if they leap off something tall they wont hit the ground as hard (if they flail enough).
 Although, I also spotted a player riding a flying creature that had a wingspan about 1/4 what it needed to be, and designed to function underwater instead of in the air. It was one of those more jarring failures.


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2010, 01:44:40 am »
"RHoP" = Royal House of Purrty. You only need look in the guild threads to find them...>>
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[1: gossip] Glaciusor: There's now a guy in skimpy armor having war flashbacks about daemons. Have fun Hydlaa


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Re: IC settings on some races?
« Reply #59 on: May 30, 2010, 01:53:06 am »
 Ah, I thought you were referencing a completely different game.