Author Topic: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?  (Read 4757 times)


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Then I have some questions you should guide yourself with.

I've discovered that characters are the most important part to a story in my honest opinion, and in this case, characters are the most important thing to the game. I have a feeling that some new players will have trouble roleplaying because they don't know who their characters are.

Do some research and decide the basics.

-So the first step in creating a character allows you to use your preference. You should read over the races and decide what you feel comfortable and knowledgeable playing. Races:

*Stay in settings and don't create a mixed kran or klyros. When mixing with the other races, try to put meaning behind the mix. (your characters parents' relationship)

-So now that you have found the race you want to play, now you get to choose what sex you want your character to be. This is also your chance to input some preference.

Finally, your character will need an age.

-You can choose to make this exact in the description: ex) Geoni is 134 cycles old. or ex) Geoni is a kran that seems to be over 100 cycles old.

-You can decide to make the description of your characters age lucid if you feel like getting creative and using your characters history. Here you don't state the exact age, or approximate age: ex) Geoni shows an aged body, what used to be smooth skin on kra's body is now a coarse and jagged surface. This body has obviously gone through much aging.

*When choosing an age, remember to keep them within the settings. Races have different age limitations:

Permanent Physical Traits

#1) What is your characters build? examples: tall, short, fat, skinny, muscular. Think about races, and what some of their general features are.

#2) What does your characters head/face look like? Think about: hair, fur, skin, eyes, brows, mouth, nose, neck, lips, facial hair, cheekbones, jawline, ears, forehead size, wrinkles, scars. (Some parts of this can change as you roleplay your character)

#3) How does your character walk? Think about: Your characters build, your characters job, and how tired or how much your character has been through that particular day.

#4) What are some of your characters common mannerisms? Think about: History and the personality/psychology that developed in your character because of the history. examples: the chin scratches, the constant stretcher, the arms crosser, the hip holder, the nose picker, the twitchy one. There are plenty of possibilities with this.

#5) What does your characters voice sound like? Think about: sex age and race, what your character is thinking about at the moment, and the situation your character is in.

#6) Does your character have any scars? Noticeable or not noticeable?(Depends on what the character is wearing)  If so, how did he/she/kra get them? If it is gross/disfiguring, how do people react to it, and how does your character counteract?  Think about: history, relationships, and past/current jobs.


Now that you have chosen your characters race, sex, age, and how they look, now is the time to think about your charcters history.

You've arrived to Hydlaa and it is your first day playing. Think about your characters pre-Hydlaa life:

#1) What town did your character come from?
(Don't get out of settings, no character has been to the surface, traveled beyond the stone labyrinths, or a different world. There are also some 'places' that you shouldn't say your character is from: undiscovered Kadaikos the home-place of the Lemurs, and Pradesha which also hasn't been discovered.)

*for some town possibilities, look at this: Unimplemented towns are mentioned, and there are probably more planned. You can also play it safe and use an already implemented town.

#2) What was your characters job in that town?

#3) How did the people of that town think about your character?

#4) Is there any good or bad deeds that your character did while in that town? If so, how did it affect your character and those around him/her/kra?

#5) Why did your character leave that town?

#6) Is his/her/kra's family still in that town? What happened to them? How does your character feel about leaving them, or if their dead what does your character feel about that?

Once you've RP'd a bit, your character should change with the things that happen to him/her/kra.

#1) Has your character gotten a new job at Hydlaa yet?

#2) Something bad happened to your character, and this causes a loss, a grudge against somebody, or perhaps a new fear. Many things can change about your character because of a harsh event that he/she/kra was stuck in.

#3) Something good has happened to your character. This could be many things: a job, new friends, relationship happens, joined a guild, perhaps somebody just did something nice for you, or you did something nice for somebody. This can also change a character too.

#4) Death: Your character has died somehow, and now he/she/kra has to go trough the DR, or has arrived out of the DR. What is your character like when he/she/kra is in or just coming out of the DR? Think about the possibilities: was your character...Traumatized? Relieved? Angry? Sick feeling? Etc...

#5) Does your character ever get homesick, or miss his/her/kra's family? How does the character deal with that?


Clothing has to do with the here and now. Your character may have many outfits depending on wealth, personality, and social status.

#1) What does your character wear while working? Think about: Warriors/fighters wear armor, couriers wear armor or lighter clothing, cooks wear clothes they don't mind getting dirty, thieves/outlaws/anything else in that category often wear cloaks. Guildies usually wear a symbol of their guild. (These are just things I've seen on these types of people. You can get creative with this.)

#2) Your going to sleep, or sleeping. What does your character wear to bed? (if anything  ::))

#3) Your character is going to attend a classy event (wedding, celebration, religious holiday, etc...) What is he/she/kra going to wear?

#4) Your character is in love, and wants to impress somebody with that certain somebody. What is he/she/kra going to wear because of that?

#5) Any jewelry/accessories? Think about: matching what he/she/kra is wearing, would your character have been able to afford the item you plan on having him/her/kra to wear?

#6) What does your character carry his/her/kra's things in? Think about: your characters job, wealth, what your character has to tote around.

#7) What weapons does your character have? Are they visible or hidden? Think about: Social status, job, personality, etc...

#8) List some of the things other characters have said or noticed about the clothing your character wears. Does your character notice that attention it is bringing to himself/herself/kraself? Does your character change clothing because of that?

*stay in settings. Your character has only items that would exist during the medieval times.

Names: If it is stupid (naming yourself a normal name like John Walker, or something crazy like Mclovin Awesome) then a GM will no doubt change it for you. If you can't name your character, then use the random generator. Having characters with a completely unknown (random) name is probably the best chance to avoid biasing due to similarities with real-life names.

Religion: Goes with your characters race, personality, and especially history.

You can choose from these to follow:
-Polytheist: follows more than just one of the gods stated below.
-Black Flame
 (Careful if you choose to play a Black Flame follower. I've made the mistake of creating a character that was a loud BF character when I was an arrogant newb, and she got deleted because of that. Read Oomi's guidelines to know what you are doing when your character decides to follow "the whisper": Just so you don't make the mistake I did.)


#1) List some people that are important to your character, and why they are important.

#2) Is your character super shy, super assertive, or inbetween those two? Perhaps there are only certain people that your character is like that around.

#3) (Controversial) Is your character straight, bi, homosexual, or asexual? How does he/she/kra deal with love relationships? (You could say this is physical. Remember the game is PG-13, don't overdo anything.)

#4) How does your character deal with different age types, and races? Think about: children, elderly, teenagers, younger adults, mid-aged people.

Anyways, these are some questions you should answer for yourself if you want to create an unforgettable character. If you really want to remember, copy and paste the questions on a word document and answer them, or even write these on paper. You can even post a reply answering these questions on the post if you want, but I would be careful with what you reveal. This guide is meant to help anybody out if they are having trouble creating a character.

One more thing: When making your description in game, don't put anything but the raw details. (Physique and Chlothing) Other characters can't right click yours and read a description before saying "Hey, I'm really sorry to read that your mom died at childbirth." Just doesn't work like that. Instead, describe only what other characters can physically see. Saying something like: "_______ has deep blue eyes bright as the crystal, that will cause you to instantly fall in love with her." That would be called godmodding. A big no-no.

Most importantly: Simply stay true to your character.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 11:27:20 pm by Geoni »

-sig by sarras

Sarras Volcae

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Re: [Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 08:45:30 pm »
good job, geoni


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 10:07:31 pm »
You have a type or two in there  ;)

Anyways, it's a very nice guide Geoni :)

Maybe you should also write not to give your characters crazy things that would make it unfair for other characters when they interact with them (i.e. power to destroy the world, magic not implemented, guns, mutating powers, etc) or....don't godmod :P

Falcon Avian

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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 10:16:29 pm »
You have a type or two in there  ;)

Anyways, it's a very nice guide Geoni :)

Maybe you should also write not to give your characters crazy things that would make it unfair for other characters when they interact with them (i.e. power to destroy the world, magic not implemented, guns, mutating powers, etc) or....don't godmod :P

I think you can make spells that are not implemented...what it does though is another question.

I have an ego so large it has it's own gravity. So in short, yes, everything does revolve around me.


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2010, 02:04:14 am »
Unimplemented spells can enter Mary Sue territory pretty darn fast if done wrong. Personally, I'd suggest playing on already-existing spells if you want to make one up (one I've used in the past: A smaller, more controllable version of the fireball spell - one you can light a candle with without burning the whole table down in the process).

Anyway, well done, Geoni.
Role Play Preferences
[1: gossip] Glaciusor: There's now a guy in skimpy armor having war flashbacks about daemons. Have fun Hydlaa

Falcon Avian

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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2010, 06:25:36 pm »
Unimplemented spells can enter Mary Sue territory pretty darn fast if done wrong. Personally, I'd suggest playing on already-existing spells if you want to make one up (one I've used in the past: A smaller, more controllable version of the fireball spell - one you can light a candle with without burning the whole table down in the process).

Anyway, well done, Geoni.

True, some made up spells could go very wrong  ;D

I have an ego so large it has it's own gravity. So in short, yes, everything does revolve around me.


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 05:30:07 am »
 I wanted to ask (and this is a good a place as any), if people have a severe aversion to ~normal names. Like if I used "John", "Cindy", "Joe", or "Paul" would I randomly be yelled at? Because it would be very strange if the people of Yliakum had a specific, "random" list of names that no one was allowed to have.


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 06:01:10 am »
"Normal names" are already quickly taken, though. As long as the firstname is the identifying one, the first player who registered a char named "John" blocks this name for all following players trying to use "John" as first name, as long as this character stays in the database.

Gag Harmond
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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 07:28:18 am »
 Good on one point, but sad on the other. Are there any plans to take advantage of last names so multiple characters can register with the same first name? In the chat logs, it could automatically start displaying the last name for those two people when they met.


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 08:15:45 am »
This topic has not been discussed for the first time here.

Gag Harmond
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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2010, 10:29:08 am »
What I'm saying is that everybody should make a fantasy type name when creating a character. I think it's not the biggest deal since GM's can decide whether or not it's suitable for the roleplay(skylab) server. 

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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2010, 10:44:57 am »
But how do the Yliakum characters have any idea what a "fantasy type name" is? They just use what's easy to say and is rooted in their normal language. We have no idea what their normal language sounds like, and most of the current names seem randomly generated. Why couldn't they randomly generate a name just like one of ours?


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2010, 11:23:31 am »
Because characters don't have computers with random generators. Players have. ;)

People who use the random name generator for their new char will probably not use the first result either. I guess they will try several times until they believe the name sounds matching to the character they plan to create. At least I was never satisfied with the first result.

Gag Harmond
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The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2010, 11:33:58 am »
 You missed the point, could you answer the first question? That was the important one.


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Re: [Interactive Guide] Having trouble creating a character?
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2010, 04:07:53 pm »
But how do the Yliakum characters have any idea what a "fantasy type name" is?

Please rephrase this question so that LigH does not miss the point. Since its the important one.