Author Topic: Planeshift War  (Read 6110 times)


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #60 on: June 10, 2010, 12:54:13 pm »
Vakachekh, you have no idea how "fussy" people can get about realism if you think this is bad. This is quite reasonable compared to what would have been expected of you years ago, just go forum digging and do a search on realism. It was crazy back then. Part of your problem is that you are refusing to think on it long enough. That need to move on it now is exactly why people will give you grief about the war and not participate. It really would takes months to plan an IG war. And anything less than taking time(however much it takes) will come off as OOC and forced, and people won't want to do one of you wars again because it will seem like something better suited to EZPC.

For instance, your story... You'd have to completely start over as it doesn't take into account that from an RP perspective, the guards do in fact do things, even Oja. Bhurral is especially uptight about following up and robberies, go do her quest if you haven't already. And robberies and murders are only enough to start a mob at best. If you what a wide scale war, you need a wide scale issue, murder and robbery in general are too common. I covered this kind of stuff in the part of my long post that you didn't read. ;)

And just some "crazy out there fun" is subjective. Who are you doing this for? Yourself, or you and other people? If you are just doing it so you can have fun, I suggest playing a war based single player game as people aren't just going to rally just because you want to have fun. They want to have fun too and that's why you are getting bombarded with objections. People are telling you what they need to have fun. If you just want a large scale duel, call someone a poopy head on EZPC. I doubt they will need all that much reason to start a war. But if you want a lot of RPers to start a war, you are going to have to do something epic and epic doesn't happen in a day of planning. Even if not epic, the planning at the very least needs to at very least cover the scope of the RP. If you want to go with what you wrote so far, you'll have to be content with a posse rising up at best.

And just war? War is never just war, otherwise people wouldn't bother. It has to be compelling.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #61 on: June 10, 2010, 04:24:37 pm »
Well war that is much different in RL as REAL life people will die, but war in a game for some fun well whose gonna die from that? ok maybe some old guy may have a heart attack thats about it.

NO! I do not just want this for myself I want everyone to join in and have a blast of fun. Illysia your issue is this. nothing is good enough for you and you can't be bothered coming up with your own ideas, you just have to put people down with theres. Yeah well gee thanks PlaneShift I simple wanted to see what people thought about having a war but it seems everyone wants pitty stupid and overly boring conversations acting drunk in the tavern. Well heres news for you, Vakachehk does not drink alcohol so there is no reason other than to get water, for him to go to the tavern. So I am trying to come up with a solution for Vakachehk to be involved in a good RP. I think a war should sort some people out.

Rules will be made of course. I think that if you die you cant attack in the same fight/battle but you are more than able to join in another one. Unless the players on the other team says you can.

Capture the flag sounds great. We can still have the PVP and RP and stuff. But I don't really know how it could work into the settings but I am sure there is a way. Thanks Elady! :D
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #62 on: June 10, 2010, 04:34:31 pm »
Vakachekh, if nothing was good enough I wouldn't bother responding to you. I did give you my own ideas, like I said before that was the part you didn't bother to read(or for that matter go back and try to read once I pointed it out) but I see I wasted my time trying to help so nevermind, you work it out. However, unless you acknowledge that people have fun with those "boring conversations" you dislike so much (otherwise no one would do it), you're going to keep having it thrown in your face. I was only trying to warn you about pitfalls but I'm through with fighting people to help them help themselves, you do as you see fit. And if you really think people only RP getting drunk in a tavern then I can tell now that you will lack the creativity needed to pull off a large scale war but hey, if you want to go ahead with it, fine. :thumbup: And for the record, I have my own idea for what could develop into an event of equal size and could easily accommodate a war should people choose to get that worked up about it, but I will be spending much more than a day planning it

« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 04:45:36 pm by Illysia »


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #63 on: June 10, 2010, 05:38:47 pm »
@Vakachehk : I am pretty sure there are other interesting RPs out there other than getting drunk in the tavern. You just have to look harder. There are very many interesting RPs out there that I see everyday. The other day, I saw some necromancy RP.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2010, 10:07:02 pm »
I like the idea of war drill which could easily incorporate the 'steal the flag' concept as a way to also bring up strategy to defeat an enemy instead of only beating the other side into submission through combat (be it RP or mechanic based battle). Also, the war drill allows the non-guild characters to be able to have fun and take part, if the player feels their character would want to train to defend Yliakum/Hydlaa/etc. There is nothing wrong with trying to RP a build up to a large scale war, but I don't see it happening with so few players online, since some of the characters are not combat based. I was part of a guild war scenario once; it didn't go as planned. Many characters rebelled and declared themselves neutral; their political views were honored by both leaders when rules of combat were established. It was more of a gentleman's war with some skirmishes (not sure if 'gentleman's war' is the right term .) The solution didn't even come from battle; it came from politics between top ranks of the guild.

Yep, there are a lot of RPs out there that never take place in a tavern, involve alcohol, or drunken stupors.  I have also seen some clever RPs that take place in taverns, but go beyond the tavern in follow up RPs. [personal thanks to Eelin regarding such a situation  ;)]

There are long storylines for guilds and characters that have been around the game for years, so many of us don't believe in rushing storylines. It's not that a war couldn't brew, but it would take a long time for some guilds to become so incensed about a topic that they would actually join the war. (as soldiers or non combat support).
Don't godmod me and we'll get along fine.

Abion Longstride

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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #65 on: June 16, 2010, 10:38:09 am »
Hello folks,
 Why not play WOW or one like for all out war.....if you want something like that why not make an arena and let say 2o members of each guild enter and battle....POTBS does this very well (Pirates of the burning sea port battles) leaves the newbies alone and lets everyone else go about there bussiness undisturbed.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #66 on: June 17, 2010, 06:40:00 am »
Whew it took a while for me to read this
I don't play at the RP server anymore but rethinking about this can avoid some major problems
I support the war drill system
IF THAT HUGE WAR happens i won't support any of the fronts because it's almost meaningless if not oriented with RP background
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Have some hope for the human race. We might be misery incarnate but with a little goodwill and some understanding we tend to shine now and again.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2010, 05:33:57 am »
To be honest, simply throwing a war in the "probably not RP based" basket is a bit ignorant.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #68 on: June 18, 2010, 06:21:41 am »
This is hillarious :) I don't know how I every missed this thread.. Oh yeah, I forgot.. I stopped reading the silly messages here.

Let's see, the last time the outlaws attempted to start a major conflict was when we icly decided to try an kidnap an irka because we didn't like the fact that they were "taking over oja". Icly we felt we should do something about this and the enki alliance.
We sought through ic means to break up core ikra and its alliance.

Half way through *someone* on the irka side complained oocly instead of dealing with the conflict via ic means.

All this ooc planning is silly. Do your planning icly and do it for ic reasons.
Don't ask other players to make their character react by waging war - let them decide how to deal with it.
If you don't have enough ic reason to wage war then you should not wage war.

From past experience, I would bet that If there was enough ic tension to proke a war icly, the someone from core irka would go ooc and call a time-out and try to change things via ooc chatter.
This sort of thing ruins rp.

As for vakachehk's picking and choosing of teams, good role players would most likely not want to associate with players who are clueless about rp. If you just let things happen as they will icly then the crappy players would never know about it

* hey look at that... Natural filtering ! *

Last point.. War is not about about running around and tapping your nerf swords safely. War is nasty, stressful, deadly.
War has lasting consequences. It scars and ruins lives.

Is this what you want to role play?

Perhaps you should instead rp having a merry plastic sword skirmish at the next picnic event.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #69 on: June 18, 2010, 06:46:43 pm »
* Rumor has it Rigwyn was ground into chopped meat and served at the last Xiosian picnic. *

And my, was he tasty! So Roled is serving Succulent Stew of Rigwyn at the Bachelor party for Eelin at the Stonehead Tavern Tuesday night. Bring sugar, Rigwyn Stew is a bit tough and crusty.
Anybody know any tasteless limericks to bring to the party?

Roled Rolak
Experimenter in the Cynical Culinary Arts for the Sons of Xiosia
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #70 on: June 18, 2010, 07:24:10 pm »
We complained OOCly because there was no way of telling who was in on the RP and who was not. The fact the OLs are a secret guild makes it hard to tell whether they are taking part in the RP, or whether it's just a random griefing you, because in many ways that's how you guys behave as part of your RP, and that's not always a good thing.

There didn't seem to be much IC purpose to the OLs movements in Oja, it very much was a case of "hey, let's just go pick a fight because there's a goodguy guild RPing patrols there." There was no deeper plot, no real reason for it all. Hence it never really got anywhere.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #71 on: June 18, 2010, 08:02:20 pm »
We complained OOCly because there was no way of telling who was in on the RP and who was not. The fact the OLs are a secret guild makes it hard to tell whether they are taking part in the RP, or whether it's just a random griefing you, because in many ways that's how you guys behave as part of your RP, and that's not always a good thing.

There didn't seem to be much IC purpose to the OLs movements in Oja, it very much was a case of "hey, let's just go pick a fight because there's a goodguy guild RPing patrols there." There was no deeper plot, no real reason for it all. Hence it never really got anywhere.

This is kinda annoying. My guild was not secret and everyone is like. So you are in a bad guild "Roving Raiders". They did not even know that I was in that guild ICly. That is kinda annoying. Then you tell them that it is OOC and some of them don't care. So I changed my guild secrecy. I wonder if I will change it again.

EDIT: Also that is why I suggested in communication OOC before the RP. to clear things up.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #72 on: June 18, 2010, 10:18:02 pm »

Secret guilds are perfectly legitimate. We were a criminal guild so of course we are not going to wear bright shiny badges that say "BAD GUY".

Other folks joined in?  Well perhaps they shared the same sentiment or were outlaws too. Either way they were role playing too. They of course ran the risk of sharing some of the blame for crimes that our guild had committed. In real life sometimes there are copy-cat crimes.

Yes, there was a real IC purpose.

1. Our objectives were to break up the Enki Alliance because it was becoming too powerful. We could see from all the IC flyers that quite a few guilds had already joined. We did a lot of damage at first with our exaggerated claims of racism, but you guys managed to pull though.

2. We planned on kidnapping Dharke and holding her for ransom in order to profit.  We actually planned oocly on making the kidnapping a very entertaining experience for her too. After all, its a game and we would not want her to be bored if we succeeded. We don't play to cause misery. We play to have fun. As a rule of thumb we try to make sure that those who play along with us are entertained too.

Anyhow .. it was fun for a while..
Good luck with your war.


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #73 on: June 19, 2010, 08:50:11 pm »

Secret guilds are perfectly legitimate. We were a criminal guild so of course we are not going to wear bright shiny badges that say "BAD GUY".

But yet most of you guys wear masks/hoods in public places, just screaming "I'M A BAD GUY"... to be honest, this was the one little niggle about the roleplay that annoyed me the most. That and the switching of costumes, meaning two minutes after I saw someone unhooded, unmasked, he had changed costumes to being hooded and masked, and attacked me, then I got crap for recognising him when he switched back again.

Kidnapping Dharke, nice idea, easier said than done, considering her rate of activity :P


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Re: Planeshift War
« Reply #74 on: June 19, 2010, 10:21:09 pm »

But yet most of you guys wear masks/hoods in public places, just screaming "I'M A BAD GUY"... to be honest, this was the one little niggle about the roleplay that annoyed me the most. That and the switching of costumes, meaning two minutes after I saw someone unhooded, unmasked, he had changed costumes to being hooded and masked, and attacked me, then I got crap for recognising him when he switched back again.

Kidnapping Dharke, nice idea, easier said than done, considering her rate of activity :P

Do the crime while hooded. Do not do it if you are not hooded. If you change, change before coming in. Do not remove hoods in town. If seen in town, you can never go in anymore. Going in, you need to have "sneak in shadows, stealth, etc." So you could go in at night the guards on the front door are the only problem.

Edit: Maybe use the sewers but we can't really "dig" in this game. Some people invent their own spells why not invent that one? [/godmod]
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 11:00:19 pm by Zon »