Author Topic: company issues, ideas help wanted  (Read 1360 times)


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company issues, ideas help wanted
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:38:59 pm »
The topic might be a litle blunt but yeah... my company is having mayor dificulty staying alive atm but it's also only me working "in" it.
I'd like to advertise BUT i don't have any money left and almost no work so i'm stuck in a bad circle, no income means not being able to advertise and not being able to do that means no work again :(
I've tried printing out fliers and myself and a friend going out with them to nearby cities and villages to get customers but right now that's not really a good solution either, my company is in a village and the nearest city is 17km away and is quite small, the nearest "real" city is 40km away so i'm also at nowhere so to speak, ads in a newspaper isn't doable as i have no money to spend.

So now i'm asking this comunity for ideas on how to get more customers so i can get more money and maybe starts running ads again and making life alitle easier.

You can find info on what i do at this adress if you don't understand swedish just press the english flag button :)

Hopefully someone has an idea on how to get out of this situation without closing down the firm for good.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 04:52:05 pm »
Are you on top (or in the top four) in google if you search for things like "computer repair Munsala"? If not: have you thought about using google adwords?

You will probably pay little for each click to your site that way. Since you repair in a circle around your city you can set it to only display in search results for google in that area. If there is no other company advertising in those keywords it might cost you only 0,01 dolar for each click. (So you pay only if people click on your ad and get to your site). This does of course cost you some money but if you set it up right that should be very low. Best thing you can do is make an google account and set up a campaign. Make sure you set it for Sweden only (or a smaller area if possible) and only choose search terms like "computer repair city-near-you" (Make a lot of those combinations so everyone who searches for a computer reparation finds you on top of the list). Never choose search terms like "computer reparation" this will reach a lot of people who might live somewhere else. Also make sure to only advertise in the search engine (not in google parnet network and stuff). If you do this you will also need to make one page on you website on which you say that since they have computer problems and you can help them, are closeby and cheap they should call you to help them. Also make sure to tell them there that you can come to their home. Give a bullet point list of what you can do for them, and put a phone number in and tell them they can call you to get a quik and cheap (put hour rate in) reparation. Having this on one page with only little text will make it clear and easy for people to contact you.

I don't know if this will work for your area. But if it does it's probably as cheap as it gets. At the very worst it will do nothing and you will have spend some time setting it up and a small , or people find you but don't need you at that moment (but if you choose your search terms right they shouldn't). If you have any questions setting it up, be sure to post them or pm me or something. ;)

Note: If you want to do this, make sure to use google insights to check out if there are any search terms that people use for this. Maybe they don't even search for this kind of thing near you. This tool should tell you that up front. It might however still work to put it up if this doesn't show every little person that does look for it is very relevant. But if those few are worth the effort I can't say.

ANyway! It sucks that you're going through this and I hope you can sort it out! :)


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 05:04:20 pm »
I doubt i'd pay google for work i however use adsence and analytics and i've added a few search words into the front 2 pages thanks to analytics, also i'm on google maps so that way i show up too.

btw i do have stuff on what i do and what it costs if you've really checked the pages on there. a direct link to what i do, i know it's a litle long BUT on the old page i had it so small that you'd rather go HUH? instead of AHA! ;D

thanks anyway for the ideas.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 05:15:20 pm by Elvicat »


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 05:50:37 pm »
Are there any forums or discussion groups for your area that talk about things related to your business? I've heard one way to use social networks like this to advertise is to become an active participant in discussion boards that cover topics related to your business. Don't start pushing your company right away but after you have established yourself with a good reputation then you can start to casually mention your company or include your link , if it is allowed, in your posts. Just look for ways to build your network of people you know via the internet and when it is appropriate mention you work in the field if people are looking for that type of work done.

I know where I use to live there was a neighborhood email list. While out right advertising was against the rules of the list you could certainly mention you worked in the field wen problems related to what your business did was mentioned. PLus a lot of people on that email list liked to support a business owned by someone who was a neighbor.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 05:55:52 pm »
no nothing like that around here and as i live in a village... yeah right lol


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 10:25:26 pm »
I"ve started a business in the last 5 months,  I live in a town of maybe 4000, 100 KM to the next town of similar population.  There is heavy government money in town to drive economics which may not be available in your area.

My marketing strategy was simple. design a clean easily identifiable logo, print business cards (I know this costs some, first batch I did at home) , and go knock on doors,  make my face known, present your self as a option to call on.  I made sure I hit all the business, town run buildings, try presenting your self as a "sub contractor" (sorry I'm in Construction) to business as an option to hiring full time tech support.  Also ask if the business will keep several cards of yours to give out if they hear of others who need work done.

I'm an Electrician and already I have enough work ... in fact I end up working 9-10 hrs most days with paper work, estimating, ordering, and accounting.

I realize your Village may be to small for this, but these are just ideas maybe this will give you an idea that will work for you.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 10:50:18 pm »
I like Ench's ideas, a good simple logo, that will look simple but stand out. Also I think that knocking on people's doors is more friendlier and more professional, than placing flyers in a letter box.

Also is there any community notice boards around? You could place poster on them to get some publicity. You'd be surprised at how many people will read them, always leave a rip off contact details thing at the bottom.

Do you have a sign out front of your business? If not get artistic find some wood and find someone with an old real estate sign and cut out letters and put in place.

Is it possible to get a more simple web address for your website. It does seem a little tricky to remember.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2011, 02:18:16 am »
Google Adwords is quite a "risky" service. Its optimization requires a lot of experience, and of course Google is interested in its fees - so competing companies may have to rise their payment for good keywords to be listed at all. Furthermore, visitors may avoid obviously sponsored search results. Free-of-charge SEO is even more complicated, though. It still mostly relies on backlinks to your website. A network of pages with really unique content matched with important keywords (Google Webmaster Tools can help discovering valuable combinations) can pull you onto the first page, but requires experience too.

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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2011, 03:34:42 am »
I wish I could help, I looked for a "craigslist" there but it is not used like it is in the states ( it actually is legit to find jobs/computer parts there...

I'm sure your company is viable, if only people would know about it....I do like the idea of getting in the car and traveling around with business cards and flyers on your company, in your village and all of the nearby villages...maybe that is too old fashioned, but I like the idea....

EDIT:  just noticed that you said it's not the right thing to do now, drive all over creation to advertise... :(
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 03:43:37 am by jenideandre »


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2011, 12:09:01 pm »
Google Adwords is indeed something you would have to put some thought in of course. But if you only do it locally that will most of the time mean there is no competition (= almost no costs, and you can set a maximum ammount anyway). As Ligh pointed out it is indeed something people may not click on, but if you're else not shown on the top four results or at least the first page people will otherwise not find you anyway.

On another note: If you are able you might want to try looking for a (parttime) job. Just a couple hours or maybe one day per week might really help you while you cross the gap between this moment and one where youre company is doing better again. Since it might take some time to build up a bigger group of customers it might help to be less dependend on your firm for a while. I don't know if it's possible in your situation but if it is this would hopefully help.

Also: if you can think of something it can be good to sent current customers and recent customers something (assuming you know their adresses). This can be a card wishing them a happy holiday (if anything noticable is comming up, like eastern I believe). This will make them think of your film again and help you keep those. It is also something people are likely to talk about to friend much more then when getting a flyer because they usually like it. So you get much more attention while having to distribute less letters, flyers or what have you.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2011, 12:14:37 pm »
When there are no other avenues available, you photocopy flyers and stick them on cars, in slots, wherever. You might laugh, but it works.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2011, 12:18:31 pm »
I know i'm gonna sound like a pessimist with this but i've had all luck gone bad litery so maybe that's why i'm so "whiny" ig.
* Elvicat thinks about a few people that knows how he is "you know who you are" :P

I"ve started a business in the last 5 months,  I live in a town of maybe 4000, 100 KM to the next town of similar population.  There is heavy government money in town to drive economics which may not be available in your area.

My marketing strategy was simple. design a clean easily identifiable logo, print business cards (I know this costs some, first batch I did at home) , and go knock on doors,  make my face known, present your self as a option to call on.  I made sure I hit all the business, town run buildings, try presenting your self as a "sub contractor" (sorry I'm in Construction) to business as an option to hiring full time tech support.  Also ask if the business will keep several cards of yours to give out if they hear of others who need work done.

I'm an Electrician and already I have enough work ... in fact I end up working 9-10 hrs most days with paper work, estimating, ordering, and accounting.

I realize your Village may be to small for this, but these are just ideas maybe this will give you an idea that will work for you.

Well can't say much on this except it's similair to what i've done in the past with litle to no luck, i don't really know how many people there are in this reagion but i'm thinking 1000-2000, so it's a small area in population but i have a large buisness radius that i normaly work in say... 60-70km in all directions.

Also i did make a "buisness card" out of an ad i once had in a local newspaper heh still have it around, i usualy gave those to new people i've visited.

I like Ench's ideas, a good simple logo, that will look simple but stand out. Also I think that knocking on people's doors is more friendlier and more professional, than placing flyers in a letter box.

Also is there any community notice boards around? You could place poster on them to get some publicity. You'd be surprised at how many people will read them, always leave a rip off contact details thing at the bottom.

Do you have a sign out front of your business? If not get artistic find some wood and find someone with an old real estate sign and cut out letters and put in place.

Is it possible to get a more simple web address for your website. It does seem a little tricky to remember.
Well i'm not about to change that logo i have on the sight now, managed to get it together with a logo program in the past and the current one on the site is version 2, changed font and minor changes to the overall design so it didn't costs me anything also it's been used in my newspaper ads that i've had to discontinue cause of the money issues.

No comunity notice boards that i know of anyway except some boards in food shops in the next city that i've used so much that i doubt they like me anymore heh...

I do have a simple sign outside my place but i'm sorta in the "backwaters" of my village so not many people drive by it except maybe in the summer and then i have even less costumers  :-\

The url is what i got from my ISP where i have the site atm, i could have removed the part BUT it got a litle too expensive for me to handle when i set it up :-\

Google Adwords is quite a "risky" service. Its optimization requires a lot of experience, and of course Google is interested in its fees - so competing companies may have to rise their payment for good keywords to be listed at all. Furthermore, visitors may avoid obviously sponsored search results. Free-of-charge SEO is even more complicated, though. It still mostly relies on backlinks to your website. A network of pages with really unique content matched with important keywords (Google Webmaster Tools can help discovering valuable combinations) can pull you onto the first page, but requires experience too.

Think i've used the webmasters tools sometime when i've added searchwords to my site.

I wish I could help, I looked for a "craigslist" there but it is not used like it is in the states ( it actually is legit to find jobs/computer parts there...

I'm sure your company is viable, if only people would know about it....I do like the idea of getting in the car and traveling around with business cards and flyers on your company, in your village and all of the nearby villages...maybe that is too old fashioned, but I like the idea....

EDIT:  just noticed that you said it's not the right thing to do now, drive all over creation to advertise... :(

Well i should say that i've done it a litle too much to be honest and the farther i go from the village the less likly someone will phone me for my services oh and optop of that, someone has in the last months started up a computer shop in the city near here grr so that just made it worse  :(

Google Adwords is indeed something you would have to put some thought in of course. But if you only do it locally that will most of the time mean there is no competition (= almost no costs, and you can set a maximum ammount anyway). As Ligh pointed out it is indeed something people may not click on, but if you're else not shown on the top four results or at least the first page people will otherwise not find you anyway.

On another note: If you are able you might want to try looking for a (parttime) job. Just a couple hours or maybe one day per week might really help you while you cross the gap between this moment and one where youre company is doing better again. Since it might take some time to build up a bigger group of customers it might help to be less dependend on your firm for a while. I don't know if it's possible in your situation but if it is this would hopefully help.

Also: if you can think of something it can be good to sent current customers and recent customers something (assuming you know their adresses). This can be a card wishing them a happy holiday (if anything noticable is comming up, like eastern I believe). This will make them think of your film again and help you keep those. It is also something people are likely to talk about to friend much more then when getting a flyer because they usually like it. So you get much more attention while having to distribute less letters, flyers or what have you.

Google adwords proberly won't work for me so i'll have to skip that alltogether.

About a part time job, done that been there found nothing, it's really dead in these areas right now, if it's not one thing it's another nice place i live in eh? :P

That about cards 'n stuff won't work because i'd need money and i don't have much not even for food sorry to say :S

When there are no other avenues available, you photocopy flyers and stick them on cars, in slots, wherever. You might laugh, but it works.

Hm i think i tried something like this last summer but i asked if i could do it and the organizers of a big place said no so i placed my car where it was vissible and put alot of fliers and rip of fliers on it heh, no luck tho.

Thanks all for the suggestions, maybe i can get something out of all this but with my slow thinkin it'll take atleast a year :-[


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2011, 12:36:44 pm »
Maybe your business could merge with the computer shop, or something like that. Or you could offer computer help to people who buy computers from the shop.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2011, 12:50:26 pm »
allready asked if he wanted extra help but at them moment no, the shop is part of a small chain comming from the north.


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Re: company issues, ideas help wanted
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2011, 02:37:07 pm »
I don't think you are whiny at all, and I doubt if you'd be posting here about it if you had any other options. Dealing with encroaching larger businesses and changes is not fun, especially if your survival depends on it. Maybe now you should be playing up support for (shudder) Twitter, Facebook, et cetera and focusing on providing training to people on the new platforms. I wish I had a good idea for you. In the past I got a lot of action off of knowing legacy systems, and from businesses that depended on those systems and did not want to change or upgrade them. If you can identify businesses that might be running systems that they do not want to replace or get rid of (like print shops often do) you can maybe focus in more detail on efforts to drum up business. Eh, that all probably wasn't worth much, but I do hope you have some good luck soon.