Author Topic: 1st Hydlaa East Company Auction  (Read 469 times)


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1st Hydlaa East Company Auction
« on: June 07, 2011, 06:12:33 am »
The auction will be held at 15:00 GMT,18th of June.The event is OOC so that more detailed info on the wares can be given.Location:In front of Harnquist.
Your bid must be at all times higher or equal to 10 tria.
If you win an auction but refuse to pay for the item you will be reported to the Game Masters.
You must state your bid in tria and not in hexas,octas,cyrcles or any other currency.
After the host of the auction receives the highest bid and hits his hammer 3 times the item is concidered sold.
                                                      Starting price            
The following items will be auctioned:
Heavy Shortsword- 7040 tria
Plated Alexandrite-Encrusted Broadsword- 59683 tria
Scorched Shortsword- 11782 tria
Sapphire-Encrusted Broadsword- 11696 tria
Diamond-Encrusted Dagger- 4795 tria
Sharp Shortsword- 14080 tria
Diamond-Encrusted Shortsword- 11763 tria
Ornate Rat's Small Battle Axe- 5700 tria
100 copper ores- 30000 tria

Also Consumer and Grendol blood,Ulber and Riverling furs and many kinds of fish will be available at fixed prices.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 04:37:24 am by Catlemur »


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Re: 1st Hydlaa East Company Auction
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 09:55:40 am »
These are the starting prices? No offense, but no people somewhat educated in magical weapons in PS would buy most of these. I'm guessing that these are the starting prices because it is the NPC price, but remember that the NPC price is often higher than the consumer's valued price.

I made a similar mistake to yours a while back in an auction, and so do most merchants.

It all comes down to if you want to do this for RP, or do this to make tria. Because the two are not such companions as one might think.

If it is for RP, what I suggest you do is to find a merchant fair merchant(Like Koios etc.) and get an estimate on each item, based on the value rather than the NPC price. Once completed, cut the value in half and make that your starting price.
If it is for the tria, then sell most of them to the NPC unless you know someone who is willing to buy it for equal or more.


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Re: 1st Hydlaa East Company Auction
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 03:46:44 am »
I am afraid that I can not agree with you as just yesterday I was offered the NPC price+ 2k tria for one of those. :woot:


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Re: 1st Hydlaa East Company Auction
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 04:10:16 am »
If it is for RP, what I suggest you do is to find a merchant fair merchant(Like Koios etc.) and get an estimate on each item, based on the value rather than the NPC price. Once completed, cut the value in half and make that your starting price.

So because Koios said I should sell an Ornate Galkard for 100k I should sell it for 50k. Strange, I heard they're worth up to a million trias. I guess everyone has there different views on value of items.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.


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Re: 1st Hydlaa East Company Auction
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2011, 10:36:44 am »
@ Vakachehk: They aren't worth over a million for one... I have a pair of ornate Galkards I believe that won't sell for anything over 700k... 350k each. But each merchant has different views and values of items. Also, I said starting price this means that one could potentially sell it for as much as two people want it.

@Catlemur: Of course there are times where you will be offered more, but those can be rare quite honestly.


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Re: 1st Hydlaa East Company Auction
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2011, 03:55:46 pm »
Firstly, I wish Catlemur all luck with the auction. It´s nice to see that some are willing to upheld the mercantile business and bring healthy competition  :)

Secondly, albeit a bit to the side of the matter, I do only give estimates based on my experience with playing a merchant character for well over a year (Narivis) and personal, subjective view. If I remember correctly, I said that I personally wouldn´t give more than 100k for the galkards. That does not mean that they might not be worth more to collectors. If you wait long enough and don´t mind ripping some poor chap off, you could surely sell them for a million a piece if lucky. Or that chap simply has too much tria to care for the RP of bargaining. 

I agree with Mekora that these items might not be the most sought after ones, but you could still manage to sell them. The only question is wether you are patient enough to wait, which you will have to do for some of the items which are a tad overpriced by NPC versus the value people see in them in terms of their benefitial traits. Over time Narivis (for RPs sake, but also for not getting a too full inventory) has gotten a tad picky about what items to sell to the general public and what should go directly to Harn. That does not mean that everything I let go to Harn can´t be sold, I just simply think it will hold up inventory space for longer than it´s worth.
Going to the Iron Temple makes you as much of a Laanx follower as going to Harnquist makes you a furnace.

* Talad made Laanx's boobs fall off by accident