Author Topic: Would like to give PS a try.  (Read 480 times)


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Would like to give PS a try.
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:34:04 am »
Me and a few friends are looking into using PS for a small scale 3d online game. I have read the thread about wanting our own server and know it will take months/years till we have something decent to play. We have been using VB6 and Direct Draw 7 with an engine named Eclipse. It was a small 2d multiplayer engine for rpgs. We want to move on and and figured PS would be a better place to start than Hero Cloud. Anywho to my questions I couldn't find by searching.

Is there a complete tool set with the source to edit/create our own content? Like is there a map editor, animation editor, script/quest editor?

In the lisence you would like all edits we do to the source to be released back to you. How would you like it released back? In a zip or uploaded to the svn? Due to the nature of the small rpg game we have planned I'm sure some of the features we add in or take out will not go over well with others who use the svn.

I've been looking at the wiki and haven't really found any tutorials on how to make a script for PS. Did I miss something or is every coded in C++?

Lastly the compile guide says to use VS 9.0 Would the instructions be the same for VS2010?

Thanks for the answers. Sorry if i have missed any answers when i was searching.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 12:47:42 am by crzyone9584 »


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Re: Would like to give PS a try.
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2011, 02:48:29 am »
Me and a few friends are looking into using PS for a small scale 3d online game. I have read the thread about wanting our own server and know it will take months/years till we have something decent to play. We have been using VB6 and Direct Draw 7 with an engine named Eclipse. It was a small 2d multiplayer engine for rpgs. We want to move on and and figured PS would be a better place to start than Hero Cloud. Anywho to my questions I couldn't find by searching.

Is there a complete tool set with the source to edit/create our own content? Like is there a map editor, animation editor, script/quest editor?
For map creation/editing and animation creation/editing you use software like 3dsmax or blender and then use export tools provided by crystal space b2cs for example. ps right now can handle terrain2 and genmesh for maps and cal3d for character models/animations
In the lisence you would like all edits we do to the source to be released back to you. How would you like it released back? In a zip or uploaded to the svn? Due to the nature of the small rpg game we have planned I'm sure some of the features we add in or take out will not go over well with others who use the svn.
The idea is generalizing the engine so features can be enabled disabled easily for example through scripting or a setting or by switching plugins. In that case they could be easily returned to svn. As per the gpl license you just need to release all the code you've changed when you release it to the public. If the project remains private it's not needed (except if you want to contribuite back work and be cited for it)
I've been looking at the wiki and haven't really found any tutorials on how to make a script for PS. Did I miss something or is every coded in C++?
We have 3 scripting engines. Quest scripts, progression scripts and math scripts. the last is really similar to c so a quick look to the sql examples should be enough: it's actually just doing operations on variables defined on the environment and setting them to a variable which is then looked up from the main code, the second is a bit more complex as it has an xml based syntax but it's also easier to find it's supported op (check scripting.cpp). As for quest script it's written to look fluid to the user. I've written a basic guide for a linear quest to it but you can also here just check the sql files which have plenty of basic examples. More complex constructs can be found in questmanager.cpp
Lastly the compile guide says to use VS 9.0 Would the instructions be the same for VS2010?
While we use vs2010 now for official builds the guide still references vs 9.0.
They aren't exactly the same because microsoft changed some of the interface and forgot to update their own documentation. The most notable change is the position for the global environment variables which are in the properties tab of the project (it will list the global ones there too then you edit those) instead that in the ide options
Thanks for the answers. Sorry if i have missed any answers when i was searching.

I'd suggest to drop on #planeshift-build to ask things :)


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Re: Would like to give PS a try.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2011, 09:41:03 am »
Thanks for the answers. I'll have to learn how to use blender for maps now. or look into the terrain2 thing.

As for compiling I was able to get most of the errors fixed for the CS compiling in vs2010. Just have a few more. When i have a moment I'll hop onto the irc channel and go from there.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 09:44:45 am by crzyone9584 »