Author Topic: The Arena  (Read 1914 times)


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2013, 02:13:39 pm »
Michkel sat through the talk with grim indifference, but upon the final few words he began to laugh. A thick, booming baritone that in all likelihood could be heard outside the box seats. Wiping his eyes with his thumb and pointer he finally replied.

"How many seats I've filled. Yes, many. Too many. The immovable force, grand name for grand fighter. But tell me, king of naught but a pit, did you not know I had been beaten?"

He rose, ever so slightly, to make it easier to reach behind himself and retrieve the canvas package held around the small of his back and deposit it on the table, unrolling it as he did. Two strange and frightening instruments were revealed, massive shoulder guards no doubt meant for himself attached to segmented, serrated metal sleeves finally ending in a gargantuan spiked caestus. The pauldrons had places to interlock, forming a neck guard and making it an entire ensemble should it be worn, obviously by no man but himself.

"These, my weapons. Crush shields, slice bone, destroy precious life. Your pit has not the blood contained inside these. But for all that endless river of slain champions, a single lemur walked in and put me down with a few metal sticks. Not a slave, like you would make me with those necklaces. No, he want to fight. Fight me. And they let him."

Michkel looks to the side, outside the box and to the pit with sorrow and the barest hint of... hate?

"That false mirror of a man is here, and you only thought me because I am big."

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2013, 02:28:36 pm »
"I had heard of this man," he answered. But I'd no idea he was here. "I also figured he would be distinctly less likely to converse with me. Men that enter these matches only for the glory or for the bloodlust are interesting creatures, and greedily like to take claim for all earnings. After all, it I my rink, is it not? I should think a portion is owed me." Do take a drink, dear man. It's sweet. You won't even taste the additions I've made.

"Still, if you believe I should contact this person..." The lemur's lips twitched. Well, there were other ways to gain cooperation, even if he greatly preferred subtle force. "How about a chance to see him engage in a few matches again? Perhaps you would like to compete? No killing, as you seem so terribly opposed yourself. I have  particular fighter in mind. A day or so, and she should be rested up for another battle. I'm sure you've both been observing her. Relish the challenge, don't you?"

Spreading his hands in a gesture of geniality, his features mirrored it with a wide and welcoming smile. It fell just short, and came across as more like the look of a conniving weasel. "If you win? I'll give you the earnings! If you lose, I get to pocket them of course. After all, she will be demanding her share as well, for competing against legends. You don't have to answer now. Give it some consideration. Share it with your...friend. Think on it, and come back to me."


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2013, 03:46:41 pm »
"You could not make him fight if he did not wish to. Your entire force at his feet would be a sight. No magic necklace to hold him. No. You want a fight from him or me? It unadorned by jewelry or paid for in tria."

Michkel stands at the offer to answer later. "He would not speak to me. But if you wish to see fight to make tria worthless, we talk without knives up sleeves and food unfit for grendols."
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 10:24:11 am by Phantomboy86 »

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2013, 09:06:35 pm »
Time to sweeten the pot, of course. If there's one thing the lemur knows, it's manipulating folks. He'd give it a few more days, and then he would put on a show impressive enough to make anyone drool. A snap of his fingers summoned a guard, and he casually said over his shoulder, “Do you recall the sack I asked you to remove from the fenki? Yes, that one. I want you to do me a favor. Before the next bought she's in, I want you to give it to her. No explanations. It will be handled from there. Oh and...make sure that the link with her collar is very...solid.”


She was being called out again. The break had revitalized her, but there was something in the air that Anxiety made her pace so much that there was a line carved into the dirt by her pawpads.

By the time the gate ground open, she had to keep from throwing herself out of it., she did not want to fight, but she'd rather to anything than slowly sink into madness sitting in that cell. Her eyes searched out the Dlayo as she was pulled out, and found him in the corner. At least she would not be forced to fight him again.

Roughly they shoved her down the narrow tunnel. Today, the low-hanging ceiling seemed even more claustrophobic than it usually did. The mouth of the arena yawned ahead, and she weakly put up resistance as they pushed her onwards with staves, enchanted crystals lashed to their edge. The shock was not enough to debilitate, but it provided ample encouragement to keep her moving forward.

Just as she was about to slip into the arena, someone grabbed her arm. She struggled, but he only squeezed harder and shoved a parcel into her hands. With a sneer, the scar-faced nolthrir said, “you're going to need that tonight, Phoenix. Oh, and this time, my money is against you.”

The iron door slid shut behind her with a loud and screeching groan. Ears pivoting to and fro, she found herself briefly bathed in darkness. Shuffling came from three different corners...three. Three. Gods, no.

“Ladies and gentleman!”

Red light burst forth, briefly blinding her. All around the ring, ten feet above her seated in those stone bleachers, people were already rising to their feet in excitement. In the high box seats above, she could barely make out the face of the lemur standing with his hands outstretched to his demonstration below.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight, I have a special surprise for you! For never before will you have seen the sheer savagery, the sheer power, the sheer destruction, of our beloved Phoenix in one of our famous Blood Matches.”

Three faces glared back at her from all sides of the arena. An armored ynnwn, towering, a double-bladed, long-hilted axe held in two hands. A spry looking ylian, leather-clad and daggers drawn, grinning like a fox after a hare as he danced from toe-to-toe. And finally a lemurian shadowcaster, playfully tossing an orb of crackling energy from one had to the other and eying her solemnly as his shadow grew tall on the wall behind him.

The lights flared again. Magically enhanced, the ringleader's voice boomed out over audience and gladiators alike.



  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: The Arena
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2013, 03:48:16 pm »
Two distinctly different faces took their seats once more, opposite as always. The black clad lemur may have had to jab someone with a sharp object for them to relinquish the appropriate seat, but amidst the squalor of the pit it was doubtful anyone would notice a lightly bled peasant.

Michkel, as always, did not need to make any other move but standing to get a seat he wanted.

Relish across one face, regret across another, both turned to watch the bloodbath.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2013, 05:26:55 pm »
Guess it's my turn to die. Though fearful of the Realm that faced her, she couldn't help but think there was something of a poetic justice in it. After all, she'd paved the floor with blood plenty of times. It could only be a matter of time, then, that it became more lucrative for the ringleader to stage a fight in which the crowd could watch her go down swinging.

And that was precisely what she planned to do. Please, she thought in passing, let the old Dlayo be safe. There was going to be little she could do for him after she'd been ripped to shreds on the killing-floor.

The ynnwn was the first to advance. Blunt attack, treading forward, sword hefting. She blocked it and the shock rang down her arm as she skidded away. The shriek of metal-on-metal alerted her as the dancing ylian tried to make a divot in her armor with his daggers, but that too she evaded without the let of blood. She was vaguely aware of the lemur somewhere nearby, biding his time, waiting for an opening and plotting over the right spell.

Left, right, parry, pivot, thrust. She thought her blade met flesh, but didn't even have the time to look for blood on its tip. They chased her around the arena, back and forth, like children batting at a leather ball over a field of dirt. It was tiring, so tiring. In an attempt to make her dance like a fool, the mage began casting little sparks at her feet, forcing her to lift her toes so her armor didn't amplify the effect and knock her down faster than any blow to the head.

She was losing. Sorely losing. Her arms felt leaden, her breath heaved from her lungs, her armor was dented. They were no more than toying with her. They had scrapes, but she had bruises that bespoke of deeper injuries, gashes that wept scarlet. Soon the realm would descend upon her. The crowd was a hush around her for the most part, aside from the occasional jeer. All waiting with baited breath to see if their bets were well placed, to see if they would be going home with purses full of tria for the night. The thought enraged her. The thought infuriated her. Heat crept behind her eyes even as she lost one of her sabers, as it sunk itself into the dirt nearby. Anger was cloying in the air, her eyes flashed with it, she trembled with it. The ynnwn stood with a mocking grin over her and hefted his weapon high, eyes focused on her skull. The gladiator's leering looks seemed to converge onto one point, and the faint echoes of laughter echoing down from the bleachers was a fuel to her growing wrath.

And like a pot filled to overflowing, it erupted. Fire. It exploded, encompassed, whirled around. The dancing ylian shrieked as he batted furiously at his flaming leather armor, rolling in the dirt as it greedily sunk into his flesh. The ynnwn, blinded, face scorched, was forced away as he repositioned himself, trying to peer through the smoke and flame. And the lemur barely managed to keep the tendrils of crackling energy from consuming him, fighting the spell with a look of confusion and bewilderment on his face, shocked at its level of ferocity and power.

Another hush fell over the crowd. Jaws gaped open, people pointed. But the Phoenix was aware of none of it. The heat flooded through her veins, every artery, escaped from every pore. Like a homecoming, she felt its power filling her. Good to be home again. Good to be whole again.

With a smirk, she made her way towards her fallen blade and hefted it upwards, a coil of barely perceptible red energy, conspicuous in its unconscious 'casting,' traveled along its hilt.


Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2013, 11:27:42 pm »
Use the distraction.

The ylian was the first choice, of course. Howling like a madman, reeling in the smoke. She walked towards him, her fist curling, fingers pressing into her palm, face masked in unutterable glee. It wasn't that she wanted to kill him, no. Not that. It was the fire, the fire that made her feel this way. So when she sent her molten fist into his face, melted out his eyes, held tight until his legs and arms stopped kicking, there was no real malice in it. But the fire was a blinding thing. It was in her blood. Behind her vision. All pulsed red-and-yellow-and-orange. In the back of her head, an oddly familiar voice intoned something, a low hissing sort of voice: You know, pyromancy is the ultimate fantasy. We are born into Dark, and warmed by Fire, but this Fire we cannot touch. Those whose fascination with Fire persists, learn to hold it in their own hand.

The ynnwn. He was coming towards her. The blade made contact somewhere, she felt the sharp sting of it slicing her flesh, but she did not care. She cackled. There was a madness to it. She didn't know from where it poured, but she did not fight the feeling. Her claws reached out, and she latched onto the metal of his armor, tightened her grip on the seam of it. Their eyes met briefly. She barely acknowledged his look of fear. And the electricity poured out of her and into the metal so smoothly, so freely. His body jolted, convulsed. Eyes to liquid, blood dripped from his mouth. She dropped him, or rather, she let his dead weight fall and disappear without a second glance. She didn't want to revel in his death. All she wanted as more fire.

The lemur, next. Yes, the lemur. He'd just finished fending off the flames and was staring at her, wide-eyed. She still saw red in her vision. In fact, the red was all around her, curling in undulating wisps of deep unholy scarlet. Deep as blood. Deep as the blood now seeping into the dirt behind her, and even deeper still.

While the man frantically tried to prepare his next spell, she drew ever nearer.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 01:47:55 am by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2013, 06:24:54 am »
Lovthis Jilarer was carried along with the crowd through the tunnel and up the steps to the centre of the Arena, watching, waiting, feeling the anticipation building inside her. A family of Dermorians dithered in front of her until the youngest squeaked, "Over there! I want to see Phoenix!"

Yes, she thought, there was always a large crowd when Phoenix was fighting. She followed the family past the food kiosks, the smell of fried rat meat and clacker gruel mixing with the underlying stench of blood and fear. She tossed a small stone over the meat sellers head, it clattered against the stone wall behind him and as he turned to see what it was, Lovthis slipped a greasy rat steak into her pouch.

The family turned right once in the stands, following their bloodthirty offspring, so Lovthis turned left, her smoky eyes scanning the rows intently. She saw a few potentials, all small fry, hardly worth the risk, until she saw her mark, a Klyros.

He was a wealthy merchant of some sort, and clearly very proud of his riches. His wings were pierced along the ridges with several gold rings and he wore a robe of deepest mauve, embroided with gold threads and emblazoned with precious jewels. Such oppulence disgusted Lovthis, she could feel her anger rising and fought to control her emotions. She had to stay cool, bide her time.

She found a seat a couple of rows behind the Klyros, and sat down. In the arena, an Enki jester was juggling juiceberries, warming the crowd for the main event. The jugglers assistant, a young Stonebreaker with barely a whisker on his chin, was asking the crowd if he should give the jester more fruit to juggle. The younger members of the audience yelled "Yes!", and the dwarf tossed two more juiceberries to the jester. For a few seconds, the juggler kept eight berries in the air, until, inevitably, she missed one. It landed  on her foot with a wet splat and soaked into the dirt. This momentary distraction caused the Enki to miss the rest of the berries, and they landed on her head, splatting and running down her face, one by one. The crowd roared with laughter which turned into applause as the Enki playfully kicked her assistant out of the arena.
While all this had been going on, Lovthis had been checking out the Klryos merchant and his associates. To his left was a slightly less ostentatious Ylian and to his right a very large Kran, clearly the bodyguard. She wasn't worried about the Kran, she knew from experience that they tended to be powerful, but slow and sometimes not too bright. As long as she was quick and unseen, she would be fine.

As she waited for the gladiators to enter the arena, she chewed on the stolen rat steak. It was a bit tough, but as she hadn't eaten anything more filling than a few apples in the last few days, it would do for now. The gladiators were coming into the arena and a huge cheer went up as Phoenix appeared. Lovthis used this distraction to glance around, checking that her escape routes were not blocked. They weren't, so she turned her attention back to the mark. She had to get closer, but the only space was directly behind the Kran. Obviously, nobody wanted to sit there because they wouldn't be able to see anything past kras large head. It wasn't ideal, she would have to use her left hand, but she'd made up her mind.

As the gladiators were warming up, stretching, taunting each other and testing their blades, Lovthis moved down the rows until she was directly behind the Kran.
The crowd stood as one, cheering for Phoenix. Lovthis stood as well and slid her dagger from its sheath. She deftly tossed it to her left hand, testing the balance. It felt unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time. She moved to the left, pretending to see past the stone head in front of her, but really she was using her body to shield those behind from seeing what she was doing. Her fingertips found the purse and lightly slid up to the belt. With one swift flick of her wrist, she cut the leather strap and caught the purse before it fell. A split second later, both purse and dagger were hidden away.

Fire. The crowd gasped and fell silent. One of the gladiators was on fire, Lovthis wasn't sure, but it looked like the Ylian. She couldn't move, the crowd had surged forward and she was trapped. She could see her escape routes, both clear, but the press of the crowd kept her immobile. She had to get out, she could feel the panic rising in her throat, her vision blurring, her heart pounding in her chest.

She had to get control, she had to move. In the arena, Phoenix had dispatched the Ynnwn and was advancing on the Lemur. The crowd surged again, and Lovthis saw her chance. She pushed her way past the spectators and finally, in a clear space, she was able to breathe. The panic that so nearly had taken over, was gone, leaving her shivering.
"Are you alright dear?", a kindly looking woman asked her, "you seem shaken."
"Yes, yes thank you", thinking quickly, she added, "I had a lot of money riding on Phoenix, I thought she was defeated."
"Aren't you going to stay till the end then, dear?"
"I need a drink, if you'll excuse me madam."
"Yes of course, as long as you're alright."
Lovthis made her way out of the Arena, not seeing the crowds, thinking only that her luck must run out soon.


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2013, 10:32:18 am »

It nearly blinded the two watchers when it sprang forth with such ferocity. Michkel nodded at it, his own bones' red taint resonating with the power. He'd guessed she had as much talent. The lemur however had no such instinct to go on, and found himself giving an grin down at the pit.

Faces changed once more as the quality of the flames went bloody. The thoughts were almost unanimous betwixt them.

"Impossible... I have seen that technique in only one."

And while they may have shared that idea, a separate one came to the lemur.

"So there is a strongest one here after all."

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #39 on: July 25, 2013, 11:19:51 pm »
The lemur watched from the box seats, pleased, smiling in a way that was quite like a cat looking over a mouse it's about to consume. She was doing well, he knew, and that was the bait, all the bait he would need. His fingers circled slowly, making a gesture to the crossbow-men sitting about in their alcoves, their eyes pinned on the targets he had selected. Unique armor and sheer size made them rather easy to see. He would have what he was after, and soon the arena would be roaring with masses and his pouches of tria, full to bursting.


She killed him too. Brutal, but efficient, swift, she thought. Vaguely she realized that he'd managed to launch a bolt at her, and that the dark way had sapped away some of her strength, but compounded with her adrenaline, it barely phased. She grabbed, he burned, and another smoldering corpse soon joined the others on the floor.

Whirling around, she found her fury had not been sated. She'd been forced to kill again, forced to send yet three more to the Realm. Her eyes searched through the hints of smoke, meeting horrified and exhilarated gazes alike. She saw some Dermorian woman fleeing fearfully from the bleachers, panicked. She realized she was the monster here. The thought only served to brighten her anger more.

Swinging her saber high, she pointed its tip up towards those looming box seats and shouted loudly for all to hear:

“Is this what you like? Is this what you call for? Does this bloodshed make you happy? ANSWER ME!”


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2013, 12:17:10 pm »
“Is this what you like? Is this what you call for? Does this bloodshed make you happy? ANSWER ME!”

The crowd answered with silence, that is, except for one. In his first actual reaction to anything thus far, the man in the armor began to clap. It was slow, and almost sarcastic, but he continued with it. Getting up, he strolled around the pit with an inhuman stride, shifting through the crowd without ever seeming to compromise his posture. The lemur ended up underneath the box seat, staring down at the fenki. With but one small hop he was up and over the shoddy railing, landing with hardly a puff of dust onto the pit floor.

"Do I like it? Of course. All of these insects swarm towards the decay for a reason. But it seems they have stopped calling, so I will have to take it upon myself to wrench words from their throats."

Two movements are made. One is a glass bottle being lightly lobbed at the fenki, filled with viscous red fluid. The other is a weapon being drawn, a beautiful rapier of strange make pulled from its sheathe. It is a pearly white, a wider than average blade slightly over three feet long ending in a vicious thrusting tip. Only one side of it appears to be sharpened, the other side perhaps made for blocking? Its hilt is strange, the cross guard tapering out into an X of sort, the top left and bottom right vectors of which slant off.  One black onyx sits in this X, glittering with polish.

"With or without the permission of the 'Pit Boss' and his soon to be deceased if they interfere archers, I would formally challenge you for sport. You may call me Droog, though in these places Ms... Phoenix, they referred to me as Kingslayer. Cliche, for my tastes."

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2013, 03:29:27 pm »
Catching the healing potion required an awkward flip of her blade from one paw to the other. She studied it, and then peered back at this new obstacle. Already she did not like his presence. Something about this one did not sit well with her. Beyond his arrogant demeanor, the sort she was unspeakably used to, he had a more dangerous confidence. Not to mention that she'd never had a challenger jump down from the bleachers before. Was he even being paid for this event? It was somehow unlikely. And that rapier he held spoke of wealth. So why take the risk of being killed at all?

Unless, of course, one were positive they wouldn't be.

"If they are insects, what does that make us? Why give them more fodder and flesh to feast upon?" Popping the cork on the bottle with her thumb, she swiftly downed its contents after a whiff to reassure herself that it was what he'd taken it to be, and she felt her wounds begin to seal as he potion took its effect. Switching her blades about so that she held one in each paw again, she watched the lemur with caution. "And since you are a willing competitor, what does that make you, who subjects himself with so much willingness?"

Somewhere in the back of her mind, it occurred to her that she recognized him, but she didn't know how.


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2013, 04:06:52 pm »
"That would make you a twisted mockery of a celebrity, of course. They worship and fear your image. Were you to escape this hole in the ground they would skitter away from you. And as for myself..."

He slid a dagger out from under the long blue scarf, almost like a long needle attached to a horseshoe.

"Well that puts me edging on divinity, doesn't it?"

Weapons ready, he advanced.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2013, 04:16:36 pm »
She supposed in some fashions it was unfortunate. That much bravado didn't come without at least a little backing, after all. Close mouthed, she watched the man come towards her, but she did not strike. Holding her weapons at the ready, she noted his footing with no small amount of foreboding. It was good. He was a trained duelist.

For reasons she couldn't explain, she felt as though she'd done all of this before.


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #44 on: July 29, 2013, 11:10:40 pm »
Droog gave out an almost mocking sort of bow halfway before he reached striking distance, sword up, bent at the waist. This was followed by a few quick steps forwards and him leading in with a slashing upward strike, only to halt it halfway at her midsection and stab forwards