Author Topic: The Arena  (Read 1917 times)

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2013, 07:03:26 pm »
Her whiskers twitched lightly. The echo of the pounding in her head was still lingering there, but she looked up anyway, wiping at her face with her fingers and slowly rising back to her feet. The chopped speech of the an hardly registered, instead, his offer stood out bold and clear.

"Why would you offer as much?" She croaked. She tried to keep her mind from lingering upon the idea, lest she be punished for it again. "What could you hope to gain?"


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2013, 04:49:14 pm »
A logical question to ask, he thought. Holding his (massive) hands out in a placating motion he answered her.

"Is for peace of mind. I was you, once. We lose time though quickly."

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2013, 05:03:51 pm »
"I cannot simply leave," she whispered. Subtly her fingers circled the collar around her throat. "If I do, they'll either kill me or..."

Or what? She thought. What else could they take away? Do you even remember who you are?

The fenki's ears folded back against her head. "Peace of mind," she murmured. "If you really wanted peace of mind..." Her tongue slipped out from her muzzle as she licked her lips. "If that was what you'd truly wanted, you wouldn't stop at freeing me. You'd..."

The idea seized her suddenly, and she moved to the bars again, reaching through without fear to try and latch onto his massive hand.

"Together, we could bring this place to it knees."

Her chin jerked as on of the nearest guards began moving towards them. She gritted her teeth and made an aggressive motion with her free paw, frustrated that she couldn't conspire without interruption. “Not now,” she murmured. “It must be planned. We must find a way to do it without notice.” 


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2013, 05:45:36 pm »
He frowned, shaking his head at her. "No. You can, once free. But I am man of violence no more."

At the guard's approach he lowered his voice. "If you remember your name please tell. But you may call me Michkel."

With that, he turned to face the approaching guardsman.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2013, 06:41:13 pm »
A name. She needed one. She could patch the rest together later.

"The Phoenix," she hissed softly after him. Embarrassed, she adds, "It's all I've got."


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2013, 04:58:49 pm »
He rumbled the smallest bit of laughter, and before moving to head the guard off mumbled

"If you wanted nickname, can call me Hearts Boxcar."

It did not take many strides to stand before, and above, the guard.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2013, 12:37:42 pm »
"Y-y-you're not supposed to be down here," the man stammered. It certainly was enough to take some confidence out, looking up at over seven feet of unnatural muscle. He'd never heard of a ynnwn ylian hybrid, but surely that's what was going on before him. Or a ynnwn with some kind of strange skin disease. "Y-y-you'll need to be going back up. The Phoenix will fight again after a few day's rest. You can place your bets from looking at a distance. You're not permitted."

Rather valiantly (or stupidly, take one's pick,) the guard thrust out his comparatively meager chest and fixed Michkel with a more or less brave façade. Internally he was wondering how easily he could manage to cook up half-dead rat once he was in the Realm.


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2013, 01:34:41 pm »
He could crumple the man's legs with one kick, or perhaps simply cave his skull in with a hammering blow, he could do any number of devastating motions towards this man. But Michkel was a man of violence no longer, and so very slowly and deliberately he brought his hands flat together, giving a slight bow.

"Apologies. Got lost. Was looking for the exit. Look forwards to next bout."


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2013, 01:47:22 am »
Kryghx entered the dark dungeon again two days after his death. He could no longer remember how he got out of the Death Realm so fast but that was not his primary concern. He had a new collar to numb his mind and sap his energy but that was a small concern also. The fenki in his last fight clearly didn't want to kill him, he was sure of it now. The reason he couldn't understand, but he knew it was not because her collar compelled her to do so, rather because he left her no choice. The mightiest beast in the arena crying for the one it kills, to the point of defying the collar's constant suppression, it all seemed quite incredible.

The warden that threw him in his cell was as raw a man as any of them, the dlayo didn't pay much attention to his sarcastic remarks expecting no less than any other day he had passed in that place. He hid in the shadow and observed the opposing cell. His eyes took a while to adapt to the dark but he finally noticed, there was more than a pile of straw, and two yellow eyes were indeed gleaming somewhere in there.

-That's me again, Phoenix. I am back.
He waited a few seconds in silence and added,
-I owe you an apology... I... hope your wounds are alright.
He lifted his head and his white eyes searched for an answer in the dark.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2013, 09:15:21 am »
She hadn't fought over those days. After all, one doesn't let happenstance kill off a prize fighter. Put them through too much and they're lost to the realm. Contending with hundreds of unhappy customers who put good tria into their winning is not fun, especially when they're likely to make accusations of rigging or foul play when the string of fights was too long and too consistent. That was the goal; tria, and if the better's pockets always left empty, it wasn't likely they'd be too keen to keep returning to the arena.

Days had been madness, truth be told. She itched to do...something. Anything. Fight, run, claw her way out of her cage and flee down the tunnels. She picked at scabs instead, small remnants of wounds that hadn't needed magic for deeper healing. Feeling like she was teetering close to the edge of insanity, by the night of the second day she wanted nothing more than to find the nearest exit. The ylian had given her something she hadn't had in so long, it was both bliss and painful to consider it. Hope. Why he'd want to help her, though, was beyond her understanding. One could not right past wrongs with good deeds, could they? Or perhaps there was a giant, supernatural scale of justice, and if you played your cards right, you could tip it in your favor.

What's my scale look like? She thought, peering up at the dark corners of her cell. Again, there was the usual frustration of not knowing, the terrible longing to want to shred the collar on her neck apart with her claws and let the memories flow in. It stood there, in her mind, like a barrier, and no matter how hard she threw herself upon it, it still remained imposing.

“That's me again, Phoenix. I am back.”

The akkaio froze. Her ears swiveled in the darkness, and she crept closer, her eyes two points of light that peered curiously into the cell adjacent to her own.

“I owe you an apology... I... hope your wounds are alright.”

She licked her muzzle, turning her head so that she could see the outline of the old Dlayo, pressing herself against the chill of the bars. “We do what we must to survive,” she answered gruffly, the fingers of one paw extending through towards him. “Why did you come back here, old one? You are a tired thing. Surely you want freedom as much as the next?”


They were small bouts. Small matches. No big names of the most popular gladiators were fighting, not that day. Not the day that followed. He was keeping them entertained with cheap gore and blood, and that sated most beasts, at least temporarily. He wasn't about to risk his more prized selections, not quite yet. No, he needed time to think.

Idly, the lemur rested his dainty hands against his chin, his ruddy ring glinting softly in the light, the gemstone large and gaudy. His complexion, pale, and his body, feeble, were not what one would expect of the ringleader of such an establishment. But he'd found the power of the mind to be far more useful than the power of muscle, which was why the muscle was carving itself to pieces below his cushioned seat, and he was enjoying the benefits of many bottles of fine terevan wine.

He was biding his time now, though. Many of his favorites were beginning to tug at their leashes, as it were. His magic was potent, augmented strategically, unquestioned and powerful. Yet the mind was also a potent force, and though his was surely the superior to any of the meat he had resting in the cells lining the killing floor, trying to suppress so many of them was a chore he'd long since lost the ability to do entirely alone. That meant hiring more of the magically inclined, which meant more risk to his establishment. Oh, certainly, many were willing to toss in their bids for a chance of glory, of reward, or of a small, small cut of the winnings. But these were sewer low-lifes and babbling lunatics. No, he had needed prized fighters, and those were more costly. Nearly impossible to attain, without giving more from one's purse than one might want. That was where the collars had come in.

His bright eyes slid along the bleachers until they found the hulking man he'd observed some time ago. Ah, now there was a little gem amongst coal. A diamond, and though he was certainly rough, the lemur doubted he needed any polishing. If he could get his hands on that...well, there would certainly be something to bring folks to his seats. But things needed to be done with caution. Steal the wrong person, he knew, and let out who it was, and soon you'd have half of Hydlaa banging down your doors. That was the last thing that he needed.

He'd been told the man had been caught speaking to The Phoenix. The words hadn't been overheard, at least not clearly, but he still did not like the fact that he'd been able to carve a path straight through his guards and spend his time talking to one of his prized pets. Now, that one had been difficult. He'd spent many a sleepless night thinking somebody would come searching for her, but the right combination of anonymity and selection of the audience had done him good. So far word apparently hadn't gotten out, and she continued to leave his coffers next to overflowing.

It was time to make a move, though. Preventative, of course. Gesturing with his finger, the lemur turned his head and said to the messenger beside him, “Inform the big fellow there that I'd like to have a meeting with him. A cordial invitation, as you please.” With a nodding head, his charge darted off, and he watched as he scrambled his way down the stairs and amidst the crowd of commoners. Even from the distance he could see the little thing tremble when he stood before the behemoth, and watched with amusement as he raised one arm and pointed up towards his elevated platform, where his banners swung with garish colors of crimson.

Ah, yes. That one would be a prize indeed.


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2013, 07:25:32 pm »
Michkel felt like he should have known this would happen eventually. Either his appearance or his fame had been noticed. But he was much accustomed to the feeling that he should have known something and failed to do so, commonly referred to as 'stupidity'. He made little fanfare of the messenger boy directing him up to what was obviously the pit boss' box seats, simply grunting at the boy to send him scurrying off and lurching up and out of his seats. Opposite him in the bleachers, the armored lemur grinned a tiny half-smirk. It would be an interesting day for him.

His entrance to the box consisted of little more than squeezing through the door and worrying about falling through the floors. Nothing was said to the Pit boss, Michkel simply stared at him.


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2013, 06:51:16 pm »
Kryghx grunted. "I have my reasons... you though... you never wanted to fight me back there and you almost got killed. I have never let any of my opponents get the better of me... how can you, the toughest one here, be like that?"

The klyros was not expecting an easy answer to the question so he added, "A fighter loves to fight. The opponent's cunning, his power against yours and the kill, these things give a thrill to a true fighter. You don't have these things naturally, Phoenix. You are a survivor, not a fighter. This place must be a hell to you."

Kryghx brought his skinny fingers to the collar on his neck. In all his years  he had felt plenty of times the magic work its way into his mind, pushing him to fight, to kill. Thing is, he never needed much of a pushing. He controlled his emotions because it was safer for him in battle. His collar was a pretty annoying symbol of is status as an enslaved gladiator. Of course it was not like this for everyone.

He looked into the darkness across "Your place is not here. Killing someone like you would be like killing a scared child. I truly do owe you an apology."

"I don't like this place either. I simply handle it better than most. I want to see it end. You people don't deserve this. Not to mention you spoil the sport by being so tough", he smiled.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2013, 11:49:17 am »
“I would almost claim I recognize you, but that might border on the ambitious.” Casually, the lemur gestured to the table before him, rising from his own presumptuously throne-like seat to move towards it. “Instead I'll merely pretend I've no idea who you are. It is far better to begin an association without former prejudices, I find.”

With familiar movements he plucked up a napkin and situated the cloth into his collar, before chuckling to himself. Snapping his fingers, he had one of his servants replace the rather rickety chair (well, by standard of holding up Michkel) with a sturdier, thicker ensemble. “There we are,” he continued conversationally. “Please, have a seat. Roast kikiri? Some fruits, perhaps?” The scent of the food would be tantalizing to most, wafting up from the table in an assortment of savory and sweet. Almost demonstratively he took a bite of it himself, chewing deliberately.

Mostly it was a test. He doubted he could really drop the massive ylian with nothing but a potent drugging, but then, it was unlikely he would even note the effects if it didn't work, so he might be in the clear. Not that it wasn't a risk. Not that he didn't already have crossbows trained on the back of the man's head just in case he went into a sudden and 'inexplicable' rage in response to his hospitality.

“Shall we talk business? A man like you would be able to make a killing – pun intended – in a place like this.”


The fenki grinned at the old Dlayo, her fangs a white flash behind the bars that would be intimidating in another situation. “A child?” She repeated, though she didn't seem offended. “I suppose you remember the beginning, though it's fuzzy to me. I'm not sure why I didn't want to fight – though I think most of it is more I don't want to be forced to do it. But no, no I take no pleasure in the killing. Those men and women, they've done nothing to me. They don't deserve to die.”

Eagerness surged through her at the mention of an end. That was two, two who might potentially be an accomplice in bringing the place to the ground. The idea of rebellion was one that she quickly adhered to, though she tried to banish it from the confines of her mind lest she receive punishment for the thought. “Unfinished business, then?” She asked. Excitement forced her to stand and begin to pace the cell, her feet padding on the floor, her tail whipping at the air, back and forth. “You want this place to be taken care of, so do I. There are many here who need their freedom, who deserve it, who long for it I'm sure as much as I.”

Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper as her eyes scanned the hall beside her, searching the misshapen tunnel for a sign of approaching guards. Seeing none within hearing distance, she looked back to the Dlayo and reached through the bars.

There was a strange twinge at the back of her mind, a uncertainty, something like anxiety or fear. It didn't make sense to her, and she could not recognize its source, so she banished it and continued to reach. An attempt to clasp his hand. “Partners in crime, then?”


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Re: The Arena
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2013, 05:05:34 pm »
Michkel tentatively lowered himself into the seat, as much him showing an amount of wariness as it was actual worry about the seat collapsing underneath him. It held, fortunately.

With the utmost delicacy he lifted a pear from the table, he took a small nibble from it and rather than swallowing such a tiny bite, he instead began extensively chewing it until it was simply mixed fruit juice and saliva, which he promptly picked up a mug and spat it into.

"I can claim to recognize your type. I would kill, you would be only one to 'make' anything."

He remained calm, drawing his hood back as he spoke. Though a man of his stature giving a dead eye stare while speaking that calm is anything but on the nerves.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Arena
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2013, 04:30:09 pm »
Casually, the lemur grabbed for one of the fine crystal glasses and poured himself fine, aged wine. Internally he doubted that the other man would appreciate fine dining nearly as much as his pallet did, but impressions were everything. A mug of wood would be better for him, though, and with but a word, one was brought.

"I do not doubt you have encountered people similar to me before," he replied. I doubt they match my cunning. "But I only brought you here for discussion. If it is your decision, you can of course exit the way you came. You are not bound the chair upon which you sit, after all. And...perhaps you would prefer something finger, as a refreshment?"

With long, delicate fingers, ill-fitting of a place of such brutality, he pushed the mug closer to his guest. "I see only business partnership. I know how many seats you've filled before, my friend. And I know there must be a reason to returning to a place like this. After all, we are not precisely open about our matches. To find us, you have to look in the right places."

Leaning forward, the lemur settled his chin over one hand. "Share with me. What draws you to this place?"