Author Topic: [RP] Interference Patterns  (Read 570 times)


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[RP] Interference Patterns
« on: October 13, 2013, 12:51:14 am »
[OOC: this happened a little while ago, decided to start a thread for it now though to pull more folks in \o/]
1.  A False Start

"It is in the interplay between light and darkness, the fringes of shadow, where opportunity lies"

As the two klyros handled their introductions on the plaza, the much larger Ynnwn ranger loomed overhead with a wave and a slightly worn-out greeting, having just returned from a hunt frustrated by the rats' fever that had become a frequent nuisance in the sewers.  This quickly turned into a brief interlude as she went to fetch one of her own, self-made antidotes from where she had stashed the massive batch.

After returning a vial of potion later to a curious questioning about the arcane arts...the discussion quickly provided an opportunity for Kaerli to ask one of the Klyros to step aside afterwards.  With the self-imposed parting of the other Klyros due to his own drunken ramblings, it was not long before Kaerli and Zerxzz had staked out a small area on Highwatch for a minor conversation about the Dark Way.

The ranger opened with a simple inquiry of familiarity, "You know how the sewers have all those Toxic Grendols in them, right?" to which the Klyros responded with a nod...

In the end, the conversation proved fruitless, the Klyros dark mage's suggestion that a master alchemist be consulted having gone unheeded.  Would it come back to haunt the ranger later as she pursued how to make light out of darkness, darkness out of light?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 01:49:27 pm by Kaerli_Stronwylle »


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 01:43:44 pm »
[Still old, but newer :) We'll get to new stuff in no time I betcha, though :D]
2. Promise Below

Kaerli approached the heavyset Akkaio in the Arena's training pit after a long session with the bow, one of her practice bows hanging loosely in her left hand.  She knew Jilare relatively well; after all, birds of a feather flock together, and he was a fellow Shadowcaster-eligible mage and archer in addition to the blacksmithing he relied upon for income.  After an exchange of greetings and a small side conversation, the conversation turned to the topic of dark magic with a simple statement: "...I've been trying to unravel how Grendols are created in order to reverse the spell's effect, basically 'unspawning' the Grendol."

Jilare moved on to suggest the keeper of the Realm's vast library, Londris, or his apprentice Oriven as sources of advice. This came with a caveat attached though: "Neither of them are likely to tell unless it serves Dakkru."  The topic then swung to theories about the nature of Grendols, with Jilare pitching the idea that Grendols being undead borne of corpses and dark magic meaning that they would be Dakkru's servants, whereas Kaerli countered with the notion that those same two facts would imply Dakkru's most hated edifice: necromancy.  Who would be right?  What is Dakkru's will for the giant beasts?  These questions and more burned in her head as Jilare shifted the topic to current events...
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 02:03:13 pm by Kaerli_Stronwylle »


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 04:55:10 pm »
[Final backlogged post \o/]
3. A Shadowy Turn
As Kaerli headed downstairs from a brief conversation with a klyros, the hunched figure of a seated Ynnwn at one of the tables caught her eye slightly.  He was known to be a practitioner of the Dark Way...but also an injured man, recuperating after a serious battle.

The conversation opened with the usual pleasantries and a brief discussion of what happened to her tablemate: "Oh, why, greetings, it's been a little while since we last spoke..." but did not take long to turn to the main focus, namely Kaerli's research.  After some pondering of the question at hand, the Ynnwn began to come to a train of thought:  "In theory, you would need to disrupt the...original energy flow.  I'm not sure how this would be done from the receiving end, in other words, the Grendol." followed by a shake of the head "I wonder if they don't power themselves?...Why do you ask, Ranger?" to which Kaerli replied affirmatively "They very well could be self-powered, considering the quantity of unexplained Grendols that turn up in the sewers...and I ask because I have grown almost physically sick of keeping them from overrunning the sewers here! Besides, the Crystal Way's main spell to use against them, Ray of Faith, simply doesn't work as the tin states when applied to them.", her voice crescendo-ing in the middle with frustration.

More theorizing came quickly as the idea of resonance took hold in the Ynnwn mage's mind..."Resonance, indeed!  I have a hypothesis, Ranger." and he beckoned her closer to whisper into her ear.  A nod and a curt reply of "That seems fine and good..." later, the topic quickly changed to drinks as the man pondered his dry tongue, asking the lady to fetch something from Allelia.

A liquor and a watered wine later, the conversation resumed, with another hypothesis quick to the mage's tongue, his mind unaffected by the impairments dulling his body at the time.  "Not bouncing, but flooding." drew partial agreement from Kaerli along with a finger cast in the general direction of Relliom's crew "...I wonder if it's linked to the sewer-fanatics somehow, as well?...But while it explains what could bring a 'wild' Grendol into being..." and then a pause as the ranger washed down some smoked meat from her pack with the watered wine from her goblet and the mage took notes in his grimoire.  The silence downstairs then broke with a "I'm more than certain its what you feel every time you walk into the sewers.  If not, then it is masked somehow." which lead to a side conversation about how to test the hypothesis short of staring at a corpse in the sewers for a long time.

After a small debate on that topic, the conversation came to a close with "I will have to speak with a few folks regarding your hypotheses, they do seem rather promising though." to which the mage replied with a tap on his cane: "I would appreciate it if I was not directly mentioned, but judging by the way you speak of your 'other sources.' I am little concerned with that."

Shortly thereafter, the conversation closed for the night with a "Take care of yourself, Ranger. There may be more than what we discussed." as Kaerli left a half-finshed goblet behind for Allelia to pick up alongside the mage's empty liquor mug as he went back to sleeping off his injuries.

Who was this Ynnwn mage she consulted?  Why did it take place in a public place, yet with some conditions of...secrecy attached?  Could his hypotheses be exactly what she needs, a mere false trail, or worse?   Why would he warn of unmapped territory instead of discussing it?  And could there be a reason for him to turn against her?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 04:57:50 pm by Kaerli_Stronwylle »


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2013, 06:05:14 pm »
[\o/ again, brand new RP from here on out]
4. Reassurance
Another day brought Kaerli back to the arena again to speak with Jilare.  The burly Akkaio discussed his sessions with Benack briefly before swinging the conversation onto the research into Grendols, which provided a convenient cue for the ranger to inquire about the hypothesis she had heard previously; the discussion did not stay there for long before turning to what role Relliom's band may have, and which Grendols were indeed 'wild' and which were most likely controlled by the sewer inhabitants.

This raised another burning question though: how would one test such a hypothesis though, short of dumping the corpse of one who has suffered the true and permanent death down there and observing it for a long period of time?  Many questions floated in the ranger's head, but none had answers, yet...


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2013, 10:09:38 am »
5. Crystallization

Much to Kaerli's (pleasant) surprise, the next time she met the Ynnwn mage was in the arena as he stood there, practicing the use of Azure Way to manipulate the winds.  After a short conversation about physical and mental endurance, the topic swung with a "Funny you should come, Ranger. I had an idea to test these theories.  I wonder if an artificial corpse could be made?"

After some debate on the choice of flesh to use, whether it be Rat, Gobble, or something larger, a plan began to crystallize between the two.  This was not without its own issues though, as the mage pointed out, grinning at a freshly felled Tloke drone along the way: "Exposure to another realm proves most devastating."  This did not take long to solve, though: "So...I wonder if Arangma venom could be used against, say, a Tefusang, to get a corpse suitable for our purposes?" to which the mage added "Perhaps something more potent? You have me intrigued, Ranger. We should find an alchemist willing to make a formidable poison. I may know of one."

After a few questions about who this alchemist could be, and some side chatter about Levrus being the old fool in the woods, the mage and Kaerli both left the arena, the mage to seek a lesson in the woods, and the ranger summoned by a letter that had arrived by Groffel during the conversation.  With this plan in hand, both the ranger and the mage sought the same thing: a way to get a Tefusang corpse into the sewers for the experiment.

Who would fulfill their need?  Would their experimental plan work at all?  Could trouble be lurking on the horizon already?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 10:14:17 am by Kaerli_Stronwylle »


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2013, 06:06:22 pm »
[Delayed, but here's an update :)]
6. False Starts and Second Guesses

After a bit of a...testy conversation about other matters, Kaerli decided to raise the matter of the poison with the Clamod menki she was speaking with, a good friend of hers by the name of Sacho.  "This should do as long as we keep our voices down", the ranger whispered to the Clamod alchemist.  A short while later, a decided frown formed on Sacho's muzzle.  "Tell me why are you looking into this?" he inquired, in his usual patient voice.  A discussion of Toxic Grendols, sewers, Tefusang corpses, and sentients ensued, but to no avail.  "Just be careful and try not to make any more of those things." he mentioned in a soft voice, to which Kaerli replied confidently with a nod "A negative result would be best in that sense, yes...even I have trouble imagining how shocking the spontaneous formation of a Grendol would be to many." and the conversation turned away...

Would Kaerli find a suitable alchemist at all? What would the fate of the experiment be?  Do Grendols die at all?  Why would the notion of running such an experiment be second-guessed?  Questions continued to pile up as the days passed...
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 06:22:13 pm by Kaerli_Stronwylle »


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2013, 06:19:33 pm »
[newer RP, getting back to current on the thread soon :) ]
7. Small Talk
After a small meet n' greet on the plaza in front of Harn's, the Ynnwn mage and the ranger wandered off to speak in at least some semblance of privacy, indicating "I have to discuss...delicate matters with a friend."

Finally, an idea came to Kaerli's head...Striker!  The Ynnwn was well known for his alchemical work, and would serve well here.  "Oh, I think I know who to try when it comes to the alchemy issue though...Anyway, we'll talk once you are done with your discussion, no?"  That discussion wasn't coming though, as the mage replied "Then perhaps that is not an issue.  We simply need help  Perhaps through a more perfected version of a spell I saw."  Kaerli quickly hypothesized "You saw some sort of teleportation spell? You'll have to tell me more about it when you get a chance." which drew a negative, but hopeful reply from Hemmel "No, but that is a...clever...hmmm..." and some scribbling as well "This is most definitely worth investigating."

As they closed their discussion, would it be Striker who would come through for them and make the experiment possible?  What was this experimental spell proposed by the Ynnwn mage?  Would Kaerli's hypothesis about teleportation come back to haunt them?


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2013, 06:32:12 pm »
[catching up again :D]
8. A Promising Name

Kaerli ran into Striker as he stood at Jirosh's counter waiting for a warehouse lackey to fetch alchemical supplies.  After the usual greetings, he smiled back charmingly "In need of some potions, m'lady?"  to which Kaerli held her tongue at the address, replying "Actually, I have been searching for the counsel of an alchemist more skilled than I now for a couple of matters...I think we should speak in private now, no?"

The two headed off to Th' Broken Door, where much to their disappointment, Brado was not behind the counter, forcing Kaerli to take a raincheck on having a glass of watered wine.  A quick nod of acknowledgement and a few words later, they had taken a table upstairs and dove right in with lowered voices.  "I have been working on an experiment lately...and part of that experiment, best I can tell...."

After a short, but hushed conversation, the two broke up, scheduling a meeting for that time and place next week with an "I think we'll have to save the drinks for next I probably do have other things to tend to."
, a referral well-lodged in Kaerli's head and a research question occupying Striker's.  "Farewell Striker, I'll talk to Thorian in the meantime."

Would Thorian be the ticket to solving Kaerli's problem?  Would Striker's research be of aid?  Or would it all be for naught anyway, the experiment doomed to failure before it began?  Could Striker the alchemist be someone other than who he seemed, even?


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Re: [RP] Interference Patterns
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2013, 01:51:07 am »
[More backlog /o\ but we're getting to some juicy parts]
9. A Bad Feeling About This....
After a heated discussion between Hemmel and Sarras related to matters of an injured elf boy, Kaerli decided to sate Sarras' curiosity about what else she was doing with Hemmel.  "Would now be a good time for me to explain my business with Hemmel?"

After an unemotional "Yes, please"...Kaerli's response of "We are working on a research project together, related to just what makes Grendols tick and how to undo that magic...." drew a decidedly unexpected groan from Sarras.  "Kaerli, why?" she implored.  "...Anyway, why are you working with Hemmel on this matter?  You do realize, every bit of information you share with him will be shared with Kull?  And his knowledge will be used to Kull's advantage." The conversation soon degenerated into Sarras sniping at Kaerli's lack of social understanding for a bit before returning to topic "First of all, working with Hemmel will speed his progress.  And second, you have no idea what Kull's goals are." followed by "You never thought his research had other uses?"

Kaerli would leave...frustrated and confused.  Why was Sarras implying that she was untrustworthy about everything?  Could Kull be trying to take advantage of Kaerli's work with Hemmel to get at her?  Or was Sarras trying to imply that Hemmel might pull Kaerli into far darker experiments?