Author Topic: Xiosia's Gifts  (Read 975 times)


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Xiosia's Gifts
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:52:15 pm »

Xiosia's Gifts

       There are many stories that surround us today of the generosity of the Goddess Xiosia. There are some that remember and were witness to the days when she walked among us bestowing such generosity upon all that pledged their loyalty and devotion to her. It is said that many feigned their devotion out of greed and desire for that which they did not possess. And thus, from the blessings of Xiosia they acquired such skills and pleasantries not easily come by in our world then or even today. Though the stories tell of such fortunes and how wishes were so easily granted by the Goddess Xiosia by the mere act of subjecting oneself to her will. There are things that the stories never tell.

       Gods and Goddess's are what they are for all reasons and purposes beyond our understandings. Their blessings may be given and received to the willing or unwilling as they see fit to do so. Such is their will. To openly ask and acquire a boon from one such as they often requires the requester to be bound in terms of agreement that need to be fulfilled and observed. For those that agree and abide by the degree of the God or Goddess, may be blessed with their good fortune. Blessings may be temporary or ongoing depending on the agreement established and the devotion and servitude of the requester, or of divine will. Those that receive such intervention and fail to achieve the terms of their boon may be subject to consequences as the Gods and Goddess's see fit for the infraction of their given faith.

       That said, It was many cycles ago when the Goddess Xiosia graced the world with her divine Presence for all to see. Each appearance was during the end of the third season when the long effects of the Frostfall had taken it's toll upon the land. When the cities teemed with life. After several cycles of good fortune and good weather many communities thrived from the mining activity that boomed the population and economy. Metal crafting was hard work, but popular among the crafts. Many turned to it for their fortunes and livelihood. Much of the population turned away from the other skills and crafts in order to seek a quick fortune in the mining and metal working trade. Life was good, robust and carefree. It was during this age when some seen the Hoarfrost fell for the first time that any could remember. To them it was new and considered a splendid occurrence as many danced and rejoiced at the grandeur of it. Forsaking the cold they celebrated it with the merriment of children. It was this lack of awareness of what it meant that would lead to the events of the following cycles.

       The explosion of riches that flowed from the mining and metal working skills lead many to abandon the other trades and crafts needed to keep a community going. This lack of interest degraded the economy unforeseen by many. There was a shortage in food and housing, some may still remember housing costs rising into the millions of trias. Open housing was reserved for guilds and organizations by the Octarchy as there was so few to be found. So many had left these trades that built up a community to become rich in the skills associated with the metal trade that when the economy plummeted there were so few engaged in other trades to provide the wares to sustain the population. The market prices fell sharply even for those that were highly skilled in the metal working trades. Their wares once sought out and coveted above all others were now commonplace throughout Ylaikum. Each lowering their prices to gain sells over the other collapsing the mining trade altogether. It was no longer the haven of riches it once was. Those skilled within the metal trades soon found themselves back were they once started. Mining their own metal because they could not afford the prices of the ore verses the prices of their goods. People began to migrate between the settlements in order to find a better living. Crime and violence became a popular choice of many as they set themselves upon other travelers. The wilderness was not the only place they practiced their deeds as soon they found their way into the back alleys and darker corners of the cities and settlements.
       Still several cycles would pass from the first appearance of the Frostfall and the first appearance of Xiosia. It was near the end of the Third Season when she made herself known and walked among us in our world. The change of the Third to the Forth Season being celebrated yearly as the change of seasons marks the Zenith of of the Frostfall. Though the Frostfall is far from over yet at this time. Those that survived the long cold season to this point anticipate the coming of the Great Melt and the better weather that follows. It was at this period of strife that Xiosia presented herself to the masses. Those that followed her ways already seen her as a doting mother tending to her children. Those that did not, looked upon her as a fake at first and a nuisance or a threat. It was when she first bestowed her gifts to her followers that many came to realize her divine presence for the first time. The greed that that sustained them for so many cycles came forth once more as they clamored for her attentions. Throwing themselves pitifully before her to claim their prize by feigning their devotion for her. Of those, many created boons that they could not or would not keep. Thinking to themselves that the Goddess was naive to their true intentions. Xiosia excepted their boons without question so it is known. Of the gifts she presented many were trivial , but fair to say as well some were presented housing and others skills that were forgotten among the population. These trades would later open up more interest in the other forgotten skills that would help an already failing economy. It would be several cycles yet before tradesman-ship of these skills and trades found themselves commonplace among the population of Ylaikum.

       Twice Xiosia walked among us sharing with us her grace and devotion to the world. On the following year during the Zenith of the Frostfall she appeared once more. As before bestowing her gifts to any that pledged devotion, and some have said to those who did not. Those that have already devoted themselves to their own Gods recognized and accepted her for the Goddess that she is. But their true faith and devotion was fully given to the God or Goddess of their choice. This did not offend Xiosia as their devotion was of true faith and she respected the clarity they held within their hearts. So it was, that Xiosia again presented gifts to those that came to her. Those that were faithful and true and those that were not. Again as before many promised boons that they would never keep.., thinking that the Goddess was still naive as the year before. Giving no care or thought to what they had promised. It would be the last year she walked among us in her divine presence that is known. The reason for which still baffles scholars and researchers alike. Little is known even among those of the Xiosia faith as to the purpose of her visits and even less to the reasoning behind her gifts. Stating only that she is the Goddess of the natural order, that her intentions would one day let itself be known to all to see.

       Another year or so may pass as the economy continued to fall. The populations in the cities and settlements dwindled as people migrated to other levels seeking a better way of livelihood. Many had fallen into despair as crime and murder flourished throughout Ylaikum. It had reached a point that the Octarchy had to force it's authority within the larger cities. Guards arrested and imprisoned some of those. Catch others that were tried and fined. In one occurrence at least one was condemned to be thrown to the crystal and permanent death for the upheaval that that individual had caused. Still the population fell. The economy slowly stabilized and many of the lost skills found their way back into the mix of the community. Creating a real community of trades and goods that could be bought and bartered among the population of citizens and tradesmen. These new found mix of the communities helped the population to endure the hardened seasons of the Frostfall. The drop in population throughout Ylaikum stabilized and in some cities growth again could be seen gradually. Though small at first, slowly many that had traveled found themselves returning to the cities and settlements that in which they had first established themselves. Finding their calling in one or more of the once forgotten trades that had resurfaced during the turmoil that followed what many still call the Golden Years.

       Of Xiosia and her gifts? That is for Scholars and researchers to reason out. One could ask the many followers of Xiosia for their guidance as to her true intentions. With little being known of the Goddess Xiosia other then she is the Goddess of nature and the natural order. Few have speculated that her purpose is to work in unison with the Goddess Drakkau with her task. That is, of course speculation. For whatever purpose or intention Xiosia may have had to visit us and grace us with her gifts of divinity may forever be unknown to us. Whether it was by Natural Order, Natural Selection, or simply to Grace us with her presence will remain a mystery to all but her and those that share her status.


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Re: Xiosia's Gifts
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 01:49:36 pm »
[Such great thought put into this, really impressive how you have merged lore, rp events and so much of the game history and the mining economy disaster, to create a fluid story. This should be published in the library. Great work Jaycol!!]


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Re: Xiosia's Gifts
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 04:28:22 pm »
I agree with Siteya, Jaycol... nice collection of Yliakum history!

I'm unsure how accurate it is for the appearances and kinds of gifts given. I was only aware there had been a few days of appearances during one winter before the next one in which my character was present. The first winter appearances were the ones where I'd heard tales of grand gifts such as extravagant weapons, the guild house, and skills maxed.

The second set of appearances I know of, occurred several years later, and the gift given was an ordinary charmflower. Still, many came to honor and speak their devotion regardless. It was only a number of days afterward that those who kept that charmflower, looking into their items found the flower to have mysteriously turned into a magical ring of Xiosia! I've often wondered how many who gave Xiosia their oaths in feigned devotion, cast away what they'd considered a useless gift before it turned.


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Re: Xiosia's Gifts
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2015, 04:33:01 pm »
Dannae- Yes! that should be scribed somehow into the lore, or at least in poem, it is a much more subtle gift and a lesson of humble appreciation, a nice departure from the grand gifts of her first visit.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Xiosia's Gifts
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2015, 06:08:47 pm »
hmm? The first event I am aware of and was on during that at one point. The gifts that were given were extravagant. It was also shortly after the introduction of the cooking skill.  I know Xiosia appeared I believe three times to cover the different time zones. I did read that here somewhere on the forums. I am only aware through hearsay of a second appearance and my understanding it followed the following year. Other then the time periods I think the mention of the second appearance is okay as it doesn't specify the extent of the gifts received. I will dig for the correct time period and edit that part when I have more info on it.

Thanks, Dannae for pointing that out.
I do agree with Siteya on the second appearance being great material for Xiosia lore. A lesson to be learned for those not appreciating the the attentions of a Goddess.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 06:14:07 pm by jaycol »


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Re: Xiosia's Gifts
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2015, 07:00:12 pm »
RR got his ring of Xiosia from the Charmflower event in the Garden.  All RR asked Xiosia for was permission to form the SoX, which the Goddess granted. That his how the SoX were formed. And the ring was the best reward- someone gave RR another ring, and those are the wedding rings that RR and Lattia exchanged when they were married....
Weapons, tria, stats come and go. The ring is still on RR's finger.  \\o//
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: Xiosia's Gifts
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2015, 07:35:30 pm »
To follow up Dannae. I searched for the info and the first appearance of Xiosia came in Dec 2008, she again appeared the following year with a more modest manner of gifts, Dec 2009. Thanks again for making that observation.