Author Topic: Food for Thought: Seeing Thoughts and Other Asides  (Read 63 times)


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Food for Thought: Seeing Thoughts and Other Asides
« on: October 02, 2016, 07:29:06 pm »
A general rule for RP in PS was that you never emote anything but what other characters could see. So that meant no thoughts without telepathy, no funny fourth wall breaking asides, no actions that would have happened out of view. However, in RPing in other contexts I have found that this rule can actually cut out some very amusing and entertaining aspects of RP.

If you happen to have an RPer that has a way with words, those little extra asides can be OOCly hilarious and add and element of fun that may not come directly from the straight IC actions. I think of it as the Deadpool effect. Well placed meta commentary on the events can provide levity to temper dark or serious themes, and they can add to the humor of comedic scenes. It can also take the edge off of too conveniently placed plot elements.

See also: Meta Guy, Lamp Shade Hanging, and Medium Awareness

However, I think this is something that should be left as a comedic effect. As with any breaking of the fourth wall, this can potentially go bad as it can break immersion. Anyone doing this would need to do it with care and do it sparingly. It takes great skill or innate talent to pull off well.

What do you think? Can you see where the occasional extended emote or genre savvy spoken aside can be useful or does it just break your immersion?