Author Topic: Hydlaa Drifter Cross  (Read 1803 times)


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Re: Hydlaa Drifter Cross
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2020, 06:18:26 pm »
* Wocib grabs some popcorn and starts reading...

(20:36:19) Eurac says: Hello Jocas.
(20:36:28) Migg says: and some starphire shampoo
(20:36:29) Damola smiles to Anysu "Did you see the Lavender gift box? It is awesome."
(20:36:31) Jocas glances at Eurac and nods.
(20:36:41) Eurac says: How is Mishka?
(20:36:45) Anysu says: "Yes, I am going to getthat one. I do like lavender."
(20:36:55) Anysu smiles
(20:36:57) Damola smiles "I loveit as well."
(20:37:00) Jocas shrugs "I wouldn't know. She's a free spirit. Haven't heard from her in a while."
(20:37:04) Migg says: and that mirror
(20:37:17) Eurac says: Oh, that's worrying.
(20:37:29) Eurac says: Last I saw her she seemed to be suffering.
(20:37:37) Migg says: And I'd say that lemur salve would do for dermorians too?
(20:37:53) Jocas says: I can't see why you say that, the last time I saw her she seemed fine. Busy but fine.
(20:38:07) Jocas goes over to check on the different soaps and perfumes.
(20:38:37) Eldran says: And what kind of Shampooo did you want?
(20:38:53) Eldran says: Ah, starphire.

(20:39:00) Eurac says: Well when I asked her about her race she did not remember being there, there were those that suggest she had an accident and took a blow to the head.

(20:39:01) Anysu watches Migg as she stays in line
(20:39:16) Migg says: yes
(20:39:30) Migg says: and one oriliphia shampoo
(20:39:36) Jocas says: I don't recall her ever telling me she participated, just that she bought some advertising boards.
(20:39:41) Migg says: and lemur skin salve
(20:39:46) Eldran says: So that's two gift baskets, a starphire shampoo, a mirror, and a lemurian salve. Is that correct?
(20:39:57) Eldran says: Oh, and the orilliphia shampoo.
(20:39:59) Jocas says: I think she's been busy supplying the Squadrons with gear.
(20:40:02) Migg says: one gift basket each
(20:40:14) Migg says: and a gift box if you have any
(20:40:39) Anysu says: "I have gift boxes, if you need any Migg."
(20:40:45) Eldran says: That will be sixty-five circles, total.
(20:40:49) Damola ponders "I am not sure whether I can decide between the gift boxes, but I think I like Lavender a bit more."
(20:40:52) Migg says: sure
(20:41:06) Eurac says: Well we are just concerned for her, she raced under your guild, Anysu remembers, you might want to keep an eye on her.
(20:41:47) Jocas says: She told me herself she wouldn't be running. Must've been a different fenki you mistook for Mishka.
(20:42:40) Migg says: Thank you!
(20:43:02) Anysu says: "Hello."
(20:43:03) Eurac says: No, I spoke with her myself at the race, stood right before me, anyway look out for her and let her know the Drifter Cross is open for registration should she want to race again.
20:43:26) Eldran says: Can I get you something?
(20:43:29) Eurac says: Although unlikely as she seems to be suffering severe memory loss.
(20:43:49) Anysu says: "Yes. I would like a lavender gift basket, enki wrra shampoo and a mirror, please?"
(20:44:31) Jocas says: I would ask you to refrain talking about my councilor like that. If I say she wasn't riding, she wasn't riding. Are we clear on this matter?
(20:45:31) Anysu says: "No gift box. That is all, Eldran."
(20:45:57) Eldran nods. "Coming right up! That's fifteen circles for the basket, twenty-five for the mirror, and three for the shampoo. Forty-three, unless I missed my count."
(20:46:43) Anysu says: "I did not see a price on mirror. What you pay for a mirror Migg?"
(20:47:05) Migg says: 25 circles
(20:47:06) Eldran says: {Containers are on the ground next to you.}
(20:47:11) Anysu says: Okay
(20:47:13) Eurac says: Clearly you have no concern for the welfare of your guild members, I am not the only one concerned for her, I am sure the other riders would like to know she is not in any danger, all 8 of them.
(20:47:21) Anysu says: [okay]
(20:47:36) Eurac says: There is no need to take offence.
(20:47:40) Migg says: Don't you want that Enki fur brush, Anysu?
(20:48:11) Jocas seems taken aback "How dare you accuse me of such a thing? Have you no honor, that you can't accept another man's word for their value?"
(20:48:12) Anysu says: "Thank you."

(20:48:25) Gonger says: It was Mishka riding. I was there, you were not, Jocas.
(20:48:36) Migg says: what did you get?
(20:48:37) Damola overhears the conversation between Jocas and Eurac raising an eyebrow, showing some concern in her face, as she turns to Eldran then
(20:48:43) Eldran says: And for you, miss?
(20:48:49) Anysu says: "No I have one of those brushes, I think.
(20:48:53) Jocas says: And I'm telling you she wasn't, and I do declare this to be the end of this conversation on my side.
(20:49:10) Damola says: Hi Eldran. Hmmm… you also dye the hair? I wonder about getting my natural hair style back.
(20:49:22) Eurac says: Not against so many others and my own eyes, not to mention the records held by the Drifter Cross.
(20:49:25) Anysu says: "I got a lavender gift basket, mirror and enki shampoo."
(20:49:28) Eldran says: Oh, aye. That I can do.
(20:49:37) Damola says: Oh and there is quite something I like to buy, but I have not fully decided yet."
(20:49:45) Jocas says: You two might go on with your conspiracy theories however you'd like, but pray forgive me if I take them not seriously.

(20:49:51) Gonger says: Believe what you wish, Jocas. we saw her.

(20:49:58) Damola says: Hmm, as it may take longer, you can serve the hammerwielder behind me first.
(20:50:16) Eurac says: Well lets just hope she recovers quickly.
(20:50:20) Damola says: Unless he also wants his hair dyed.
(20:50:31) Anysu looks in basket "And the basket also has a brush in it."
(20:50:47) Eldran nods. "Let me know when you're ready.""
(20:50:52) Gonger says: This talk is pointless, Eurac. Come, I will get you a beer.
(20:50:52) Jocas says: She is well and working hard to keep the Squadrons supplied, as I've said, doing her part to help protect everyone from the incoming threats from the Labyrinths.
(20:50:57) Damola smiles "I like my hair long again as well as the color removed."
(20:51:01) Jocas says: Can the same be said about you two?
(20:51:01) Eldran turns to Eriz. "And what would you like, brodr?"
(20:51:03) Damola says: So it is dark green again.
(20:51:13) Jocas points at Gonger "Him, maybe. But you?" and then looks to Eurac.
(20:51:31) Damola says: I just wait over there till you are ready.
(20:51:32) Eriz says: Thank you, m'lady.
(20:51:33) Gonger says: Jocas, I will pretend I did not hear what you just said, but only for this once.
(20:51:39) Anysu says: "I think I will take a seat and look at my purchases,
(20:51:43) Eriz says: Hello, brodr.
(20:52:00) Gonger throws a disgusted look at Jocas, then turns away.
(20:52:07) Eriz says: Methinks, I would like to get one each of what ye have in the shop.
(20:52:22) Eurac says: I think you will find yourself in a tight spot Jocas, I worry for your guild also.
(20:52:30) Eriz says: They may come handy when I bribe, err, convince the guards or something.
(20:52:35) Jocas calls out for Gonger "Well, here's something you can pretend too!"
(20:52:41) Eurac says: At least Anysu will be racing on your behalf.
(20:52:49) Migg says: I got the starphire shampoo for Jess, I think she will like the scent
(20:52:55) Eriz says: May even come inhandy with my lady friends, you know what I mean. Eriz winks.
(20:53:09) Migg says: The Oriliphia is for Jensa
(20:53:25) Eldran says: So one of each gift basket, plus one of each type of shampoo, skin care product, a mirror, and a hair brush?
(20:53:28) Anysu says: "No Eurac."
(20:53:42) Eurac looks to Anysu
(20:53:44) Eurac says: No?
(20:53:46) Jocas says: I'll have you know that my House is my business, not yours.
(20:53:51) Eurac says: I thought you wanted to register.
(20:54:03) Anysu says: "I will race under Elemental light."
(20:54:26) Jocas says: And I would've loved to help sponsor it, since the next race is in Amdeneir, but guess you won't be seeing any of the House DeFaye's payment notices ever again.
(20:54:27) Damola looks over to Jocas from her waiting position, pondering in thought
(20:54:32) Eurac says: ?me looks between Jocas and Anysu.
(20:54:51) Jocas nods at Anysu.
(20:55:23) Anysu says: "yes, elemental light. Talad knows we could use some notice."
(20:55:27) Eurac says: Wait, you mean to tell me Anysu was riding under a different guild than her own?
(20:55:47) Jocas says: Seems to me you're just a crooked dwarf who only wants to slander the name of the House DeFaye, at this point.
(20:56:09) Jocas says: Prove me wrong.
(20:56:19) Migg says: Seems to me too many harsh words are being cast around
(20:56:45) Eurac says: My only concern is the reputation of my business, I can't have entry into the Drifter Cross under false pretences.
(20:57:14) Anysu says: "I was with Jocas for that race, with his guild, but I have returned to my own."
(20:57:15) Eurac says: It's would not be fair on all the other conteatants now would it.
(20:57:20) Gonger says: Jocas, stop it. Many saw Mishka ride, and you were not even there, but still say she was not. This is more than absurd.
(20:57:20) Eurac looks around.
(20:57:35) Jocas says: Why would it matter to you, if you're already spreading false information about my Councilor and about my House
(20:57:42) Eriz turns to Eldran and counts his trias
(20:57:55) Migg says: What false information?
(20:58:07) Gonger says: Eurac, leave it. you cannot convince those who wish not to be convinced.
(20:58:28) Jocas says: That Mishka rode and that she suffered an accident. Wouldn't she be showing sequels, or her drifter be injured if she'd been involved in an accident?
(20:58:46) Migg says: I can attest that Mishka rode
(20:59:00) Eriz picks up his stuff and says:Thanks, brodr"
(20:59:11) Jocas says: And I can attest that perhaps you were mistaken, and saw someone similar.
(20:59:13) Damola looks over to Eldran "Eldran, are you ready to dye my hair now?"
(20:59:33) Migg says: Well, she had to be riding in the name of Mishka too
(20:59:42) Migg says: and look exactly like her
(20:59:46) Eurac says: Maybe she was just not up to the task and was embarrased.
(20:59:46) Gonger says: Yeah, right, Mishka is so much like any other fenki, that it is easy to confuse them...
(20:59:48) Migg says: a twin perhaps?
(20:59:56) Jocas says: So you admit that without injury, there can be no accident like that without long lasting sequels.
(21:00:13) Eldran says: Aye, I can do that now. You want it lengthened, you said, and what colour?
(21:00:17) Eurac says: Regardless, I will have to disqualify House DeFaye as they are in breach of the rules.
(21:00:32) Gonger says: I once had a concussion. Nothing was visible on me, but I had it.
(21:00:42) Jocas says: That would just be words on paper.
(21:00:43) Eriz bows to Eldran and puts away his things in his pouch.
(21:00:49) Eurac says: House DeFaye will no longer be able to take part in the Drifter Cross Championship.
(21:00:53) Migg says: Well, what Mishka has its her business
(21:00:54) Damola smiles to Eldran "I would like it long again, well, that would be basically removing the pony tail, since they are long already and well the blueish color removed as my hairs are naturally dark green."
(21:01:11) Damola says: Basically I like to wear my hairs natural again.
(21:01:21) Migg says: What people saw, and whom they rode with, is their own business
(21:01:33) Eldran says: Have a seat in the chair, then, and lean back so that I can wash the dye out.
(21:01:42) Damola tilts her head "Can you do this? Oh, and if you could wash them with the Starphire shampoo as well?"
(21:01:43)Jocas says: Exactly, and it's her business that keeps her busy, not preoccupied with trifles such as a race.
(21:01:43) Migg says: I don't really understand what the fuss is all about
(21:02:09) Migg says: She may not wish to race again, that;s her business
(21:02:20) Eurac says: It's a shame people have to cheat. How dissapointing.
(21:02:28) Jocas says: What did you say?
(21:02:40) Eurac says: Well, I must be off, we have a lot to prepare.
(21:02:40) Jocas says: Whom are you accusing of cheating?
(21:02:40) Migg says: House DeFaye may not wish to participate in the other races, that's their business too
(21:02:58) Gonger says: Now, everybody calm down.
(21:03:06) Anysu says: "May I join you Eurac, so I can get registered?"
(21:03:07) Eurac says: House DeFaye have been disqualified Migg. Nothing more to it.
(21:03:31) Migg says: And Eurac, I thought guilds could enter anyone to ride for them if they have payed for the positions
(21:03:51) Migg says: I didn't see anything to the contrary in the rules
(21:03:56) Damola sits down and relaxes, ready for her treatment "Do you wash the hair first with Starphire, Eldran?"
(21:04:04) Eurac says: I am sure you were not aware of the cheating going on around you Anysu, we can arrange that under Elemental Light later.
(21:04:17) Eldran pours some water and a splash from an unlabeled bottle into the basin.
(21:04:23) Jocas reaches down to firmly poke his finger on Eurac's chest "You have no right to call anyone a cheater. I know what you used to do in certain less than reputable locations, and how you've embezzled many trias. How's that lottery coming along, by the way?"
(21:04:32) Anysu looks a bit confused about the 'cheating' words but nods about Elemental light
(21:04:33) Eurac says: The rules clearly state "member" Migg.
(21:04:36) Jocas says: Has anyone won so far?
(21:04:39) Eldran says: First we get the dye out. Then we can lengthen, and wash.
(21:05:00) Damola nods to Eldran "Xou are the expert with that."
(21:05:14) Gonger says: Please, everybody calm down, and think twice before making so strong accusations towards others.
(21:05:16) Migg says: I will read that again
(21:05:27) Eurac looks down at Jocas's finger and then back up.
(21:05:46) Eldran starts rinsing Damola's hair with the contents of the basin, and the blue washes away leaving the natural dark green color behind.
(21:05:48) Jocas says: All that jewelry, how did you pay for it? I have never seen you work before. You're always sitting around and touting your business. Never seen you pick up a hammer, take on a rock pick.
(21:06:01) Eurac says: The Hydlaa Draw, coming along nicely, the prize fund is 11,500 tria at the moment, would you like a ticket?
(21:06:21) Eldran says: There we go. Now let's see about the length.
(21:06:58) Anysu says: "Jocas maybe you should see how things are going with Damola? Make sure her styling is going well?"
(21:06:58) Eldran pats Damola's hair dry with a towel, the pulls out a shimmering comb. He runs it through her hair, each pass lenghening the hair slightly.
(21:07:01) Damola sees her dark green hair in the mirror "Oh, how nice to see that afgain."
(21:07:14) Eurac says: Jocas?
(21:07:40) Jocas ignores Anysu for the time being and growls down at Eurac "You, sir, are a crook, and a villain, and I'd be glad to not have the House DeFaye be involved with people the likes of you."
(21:08:05) Damola smiles "Do you some to Hydlaa often, Eldran? I did not see you around yet. Ah, and as for what I like to buy…"
(21:08:14) Anysu shrugs
(21:08:25) Eurac says: That choice is yours, I do not force anyone to have fun if they don't enjoy the experience.
(21:08:35) Eurac says: So, you want tickets or not?
(21:08:39) Eurac smiles.
(21:08:49) Eldran says: Oh, it's been a few years, actually. Well, more like five.
(21:08:50) Jocas says: You can shove your tickets where the Crystal does not shine.
(21:08:50) Damola ponders again "A Lavender gift basket, one of each shampoo including those for Enkidukai and the mirror. Oh, and two gift boxes, the red and the purple one."
(21:08:54) Eurac says: I'm kidding, I can tell by your expression you don't.
(21:09:00) Migg says: Well, I have a copy of the rules for the Hydlaa race, and it doesn't say anything of members, just riders
(21:09:31) Migg says: I'd say there is no grounds on which to disqualify anyone
(21:09:47) Anysu says: "Think Damola is done. Maybe you should see her new look, Jocas?"
(21:10:19) Jocas says: I'd wish you a good day, if I cared about you. And by all means, disqualify the House DeFaye. I do not care to see it being involved with anything you organize. I have better matters to tend to.
(21:10:20) Waesed says: The Hydlla draw has always been above reproch
(21:10:21) Damola smiles "Ah, my hair is long again, so now comes the most pleasant part… the washing with the Starphire shampoo."
(21:10:22) Eurac says: Under the Guilds Championship Migg, it say's member not rider.
(21:10:25) Jocas nods at Anysu.
(21:11:05) Eurac says: Certainly, Jocas, House DeFaye will be marked as Disqualified.
(21:11:19) Jocas huffs to calm himself down, folding his arms and gently leaning against one of the poles of the tent as he looks on at Damola having her hair done.
(21:11:31) Thoraro says: Dovoy Friend
(21:11:49) Gonger says: Well, at least they did not get into a fight.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 08:32:33 am by Wocib »


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Re: Hydlaa Drifter Cross
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2020, 06:24:41 pm »
oops double post
* Wocib still have some popcorn "Anyone want popcorn ?"
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 06:15:38 am by Wocib »


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Hydlaa Drifter Cross
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2020, 03:39:56 pm »
Well, I did read through the whole post, Migg was busy with many things (including reading the race rules) and missed many of the fine points. This is hilarious in oh so many ways, but all in all lots of enjoyable RP was had all around, and I find this also makes for a pretty good reading. Well worth that popcorn  :thumbup: