Author Topic: Dev Q&A April 10, 2022  (Read 506 times)


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Dev Q&A April 10, 2022
« on: May 08, 2022, 08:45:35 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Damola says: No dev here since quite a while… but I bet they are busy developing as usual.
Uadjet says: Talad sure is.
Damola says: Yeah.
Uadjet says: I know a few others are still hard at work too. Eonwind and Zunna.
Damola says: I wonder the total time he did on live streams. I would not be surprised in case it would be 500 hours or more.
Damola says: And then all the work he does when not on livestream.
Kifunstus says: 650 streams averaged at 4 hours or so a stream
Damola says: Oh, then make that 2000-3000 hours.
Relef says: talad has always worked hard on the game, im just hoping he doesnt burn himself out
Kifunstus says: thats only what he has streamed
Anysu says: May there be no server crashes for Dev met today.
Uadjet says: And ther are prospects working on art as well, though as that's not been posted in #general I can't say much other than that it exists.
Gonger says: Some streams were close to 10 hours even.
Kifunstus says: Talad collabourates with us on stream
Kifunstus says: and if your around while hes working on your bug listings, he works with you
Relef says: to be honest i dont know much about the state of everything right now since i just came back to the game
Uadjet nods. "He's good at that. Dives right in and fixes bugs and actually listens when you tell him something isn't working right."
Kifunstus says: Talad is still constructing the Full Dome, and working on UI friendliness before public release
Kifunstus says: the Dome is soo big
Uadjet says: Not that I'm trashing other games where Devs don't listen to and interact with players. No, not at all.
Relef says: hmm ok, how long is the estimate till the beta release? or is it the beta release now, if so how long till the actual
Gonger says: What do you mean? There are other games???
Gonger looks confused.
Relef says: you know
Relef says: chess
Relef says: tic tac toe, other games
Damola chuckles
Kifunstus says: I would describe the unreal enginge at alpa 2.5 , close to 3, after bug tested 3, i would assume beta equivalent
Anysu grins at Gonger
Relef says: cause i have to know when i can force my dad to come back to play planeshift
Kifunstus says: they been working hard on the Random Events Generator, that others can put together small random events to pop up around the world
Relef says: like building an actual bridge across bd instead of carpets?
Kifunstus says: that is player made bridge no ?
Relef says: ye stalfos made a carpet bridge
Uadjet says: Or is PSU it's version 0.7.17, I think.
Relef says: would be a nice event to make an actual bridge of it
Relef says: :)
Uadjet says: I don't have a timetable. PSU is ready when it's ready.
Migg says: 0.7.18
Kifunstus says: PSU 1.0 would be first release
Relef says: hmm alright
Kifunstus says: got your diet in check Korko ?
Korko says: Yup!
>Kifunstus Zyziferous smiles at Korko Piatronulet
Uadjet says: So, if there are no immediate questions I'll give a quick summary of what's been worked on in the last two weeks. If you do have a question, run up to the lecterns in front of the stage.
Korko says: I do slip up sometimes but I not as often
Damola says: Yeah, Uadjet, go ahead.
Damola says: Looking forward to a 0.7.19
Damola grins
Uadjet says: If you've been following the streams, you'll know that Ojaveda is expanding rather rapidly.
Damola says: Nice.
Uadjet says: Talad has been working on new buildings, so it's not going to be the same structures as the exisitng city copied over.
Korko says: ooh
Kifunstus says: the windmill's spin and the cloth sails wave
Uadjet says: I don't think he's posted the picture to #general, but I think he nailed the granaries. :)
Uadjet says: Each section is dominated by one tribe, so they're slightly different. Made of sandstone, of course, but they'll have different 'feels' about them.
Anysu says: Sound interesting.
Thosor says: furniture covered in rope and rugs to scratch on.
Kifunstus says: more civilized than that Thosor
Uadjet says: A bit, but at least some sections have hammocks.
Uadjet says: Talad has been working on banners as well. He had some in today's stream, as there will be different ones for each tribe of Enkidukai.
Anysu says: Nice!
>Migg Ellorean nods in agreement with Anysu Atani.
Uadjet says: That will add some extra decoration for the city walls, for one thing.
Uadjet says: Sandstone is nice, but the color gets a bit monotonous.
Kifunstus says: he needs more sandstone textures i guess
Uadjet says: The city walls have decorations on them already, so changing the texture isn't simple.
Damola says: They could be a bit more varied in color. Consider houses of different age. The effect of the crystal's light during the years. And of rain and so on.
Migg says: what? it rains in Oja?
Relef says: well sandstone walls are pretty monotonous, they usually just get interesting with gravings or banners irl to
Thosor says: Snowed on me there.
Kifunstus says: oja supplies much grains and rice
Uadjet says: Weather is currently random everywhere, but in PSU it will be possible to set weather to happen or not happen in some areas.
Uadjet nods to Relef. "We could find different sandstone textures to add some variety though. No reason it all needs to be the same color."
Damola says: Still even in Oja it rains at times. At least when Damola or that alchemist she worked with summons a rain there.
Damola grins
Relef says: ye the northside of sandstone walls is usually darker cause more shade so less dry
Relef says: is it still gonna be possible to get on top of all the walls?
Kifunstus says: there is a new mantle system for climbing in PSU
Anysu says: Ohhh yes like to climb the walls.
Korko says: It's gonna be back :0?
Uadjet says: Quite possibly. Talad did one cluster of houses built atop one another, and they get pretty close to the top of the walls.
Uadjet says: Might require a mount to make the jump.
Relef says: ok, fun parkours
Kifunstus says: currently in PSU mounts no longer jump further than you
Relef says: isnt that kinda weird
Damola says: eh.
Damola says: We need far jumping mounts.
Kifunstus says: well my drifter hovers , not bouncing
Damola says: For mischief of all kinds.
Kifunstus says: rivnek is in next update
Anysu nods at Damola
>Anysu Atani grins impishly.
Thosor says: my rivnek never worked, drifter does.
Relef says: i have a summon drifter that summons my rivnak
Relef says: xd
Relef says: gotta love shortcuts
Korko says: Is the team doing ok? I hope there isn't too much pressure with developing PSU
Kifunstus says: The team is understaffed with skilled people
Kifunstus says: but they seem to be doing ok , they also seem to push themselves a bit
Korko says: ouh
Uadjet says: And Talad is commissioning people to help with art.
Kifunstus says: Talad needs a good sound person
Gonger says: We had some discussions about advertising, because new players will also mean new developpers.
Korko says: like sound effect person?
Kifunstus says: yes sound effects person
Relef says: im horrible with textures and sound effects hmm
Gonger says: But right it is difficult - how to advertise PSU when people cannot try it?
Gonger says: *right now
Relef says: how is amdeneir in unreal?
Kifunstus says: there is a massive host of NPC's to fabricate for the new towns and the rest of Oja
Damola says: Relef, wonderful.
Uadjet says: Bigger, and better!
Damola says: It is much bigger. Has a complete new area.
Korko says: Maybe they could enjoy the current version and when they hear the migration to unreal they might give a hand. I doubt that the core rp-heavy mmo is going to change and I haven't heard of many so far.
Relef says: thats nice to hear, then the university might get more visitors
Damola says: And fish ponds. And… a special mine and and and
Relef says: nice
Korko says: but I hope you guys won't promise too much either
Kifunstus says: I suggested they hold off getting people in until the Dome is shaped. not fun for a new player to have the world your learning to navigate just change on you
Korko says: I've heard that it's a common mistake games fall into
Uadjet says: We currently have maybe 30% of Amdeneir. In PSU there's the lower section, containing the pterosaur towers, market, warehouses, and so forth, plus the nicer section with the university and vigesimi tower.
Uadjet says: Oh, and the elevated section, with the magic shop.
Relef says: nice nice
Relef says: did anything new release in this version since i went away?
Relef says: i think like 6months ago or 7
Kifunstus says: yes there was 1 release, i cannto remember what thou
Kifunstus says: the next release coming is big
Uadjet says: So I just checked megascans, and there are sandstone materials on there. Also found a few ways to make sandstone using procedural nodes in Blender. So that's easy to do.
Kifunstus says: the next update has UI updates, Bug fixes, character creation Fixes, Tree City , Oja Expansion, Irifon River and lots of landscaping, that I am aware of
Kifunstus says: the Dryken plane was released in the last update
Relef says: oh ye
Uadjet says: For new release notes, the News and Rules section of the forum has those.
Kifunstus says: a starting places for new characters arriving in Yliakum , but there was plenty of bugs that I think will be addressed in the update
Relef says: uadjet
Relef says: blackroot is still bugged, since his release xd
Relef says: i moved him again 2 days ago
Kifunstus says: did you post it on Flyspray ?
Relef says: i dont know flyspray
Kifunstus says: you can get there from
Relef says: hmm, once i wanna beat blackroot properly without bugging him out
Migg says: I never managed to create an account in flyspray
Kifunstus says: i had to make a second flyspry account, dunno what happened to my first, couldnt get email support
Uadjet says: auto-generated emails are an issue, that's true.
Uadjet says: I'll see what I can figure out with Blackroot.
Uadjet says: The only bug I see regarding it is about the player getting teleported to an invalid position.
Relef says: oh some spells still let him move (terror)
Relef says: and i dont know if its intentional but there is 0 way of getting away from him
Relef says: appart from ofcourse casting terror
Uadjet says: Hmm. I doubt it's meant to be inescapable.
Uadjet says: I'll test it out with a character that doesn't have 5k in each skill and see what I can find out. :)
Relef says: :)
Uadjet says: So, Talad also recreated a shrine, and he's working on placing those around the map.
Uadjet says: And he's also done more work on the random encounters.
Uadjet says: He did work on NPC bards most recently.
Uadjet says: So one of those might show up in a tavern while you're in there.
Damola says: And play a song?
Damola says: THat is nice.
Gonger says: Interesting.
Uadjet nods.
Uadjet says: Precisely!
Uadjet says: And you can interact with them.
Thosor says: a hat to throw tria in?
Damola says: And can you interact with the bard? Give a tip? Or something like that?
Gonger says: Can players submit songs to the bards' playlists?
Uadjet says: I didnt' see a hat, though it's a good idea.
Damola says: Ah, you wrote already.
Kifunstus says: the event generator is still in the construction phase, lots of tools to add for the creators of events to use yet
Uadjet says: Submitting songs would be nice, and I'm sure it's possible. I don't think you can give a bard a music score and have them play it, though.
Kifunstus says: the NPC bards get to cheat and use .wav files
Anysu says: Can one choose not to have random event happen to them?
Korko says: that would be so funny
Uadjet says: You don't have to interact with the randomly generated characters if you don't want to.
Uadjet says: Although a randomly generated maulberlord might have something to say about that.
Kifunstus says: random events includes a treasure chest and puzzles/monsters to fight to find it
Uadjet says: Hopefully those won't appear in taverns alongside the bards, though.
Kifunstus says: we already have vilenaughts in the tavern lol
Uadjet says: Yeah, Kifunstus has it right. It's a wide variety of things that can happen.
Damola says: As I played Morrowind with OpenMW I always liked it that the guards are actually doing something. When you did something that is not allowed there, they ran after you and put you in jail unless you were able to pay.
Relef says: vilenauts, bards, soon zac comes taking a drink
Kifunstus says: im sure Zak gets everything they need bought to their diamond sanctum
Relef says: in skyrim if you ran to fast against a chicken guards will attack you
Relef says: i think this game has few bugs compared to skyrim :P
Damola says: Random events are really a nice addition, of course it needs a balance.
Uadjet says: Here guards just yell at you if you have a weapon equipped. :)
Kifunstus says: there are tools for present skill totals, and individual skill totals, to balance what spawns where
Relef says: yes, we dont want an npc we need for a quest to be off 24/7 just cause he randomly got into random events for a week
Kifunstus says: ohh the random events create new NPC's for it
Uadjet says: Oh, these are new NPCs.
Uadjet says: What Kif said.
Relef says: the new npcs dont have quests?
Relef says: or are they temporary npcs
Kifunstus says: the new NPCs are new randomly generated event processes or mini quests
Uadjet says: Although if it got rid of the shouting ladies in Amdeneir's theatre I wouldn't mind. I get an earful every time I wander by.
Kifunstus says: and then they despawn
Damola says: Oh, so it is always a completely new bard?
Damola says: For example.
Relef says: do they despawn while you are doing the quest
Kifunstus says: When PSU gets published on Mega games, there is going to be a tremendous amount of population traffic
Relef says: or how does that happen
Kifunstus says: Relef, when it times out or complete
Relef says: okay
Relef says: are there a lot of new questlines with the new part of ojaveda?
Kifunstus says: its only city construction currently , many NPCs to create
Relef says: hmm okay
Uadjet says: I'm still working on adding NPCs to Amdeneir. I'll start with Ojaveda when I'm done with that. :)
Kifunstus says: one could say Talad is working on getting the backbone of PSU setup, so many creators and artists can then populate the formed Dome
Relef says: i know im asking a lot since you are only just working on city construction, but i would love more quests that explain more characteristics of races
Kifunstus says: You could add to Jayose's library
Relef says: like at the moment quests are mostly errands, but nothing that actually gives knowledge about some races behaviour
Kifunstus says: maybe the basic quests, the more advanced quests hint at characteristics and behaviours of groups
Relef says: i know what klyros do but i dont know anything of other races, even things that are probably considered basic knowledge
Kifunstus says: dwarves want beer in basic quests
Uadjet says: That's fair. I add things like that to events, but it's a bit harder to add it to quests. I'll try adding some quests that explore the lore more thoroughly if I can. Currently the Quests section of the new towns/cities is fairly vague.
Damola says: I am really looking forward to 0.7.19 or maybe it will be 0.8 considering all the changes you wrote about before.
Kifunstus says: 19 Damola
Korko says: things will be added when time comes
Kifunstus says: me and some freinds looking forward to testing some PVP and magics
Relef says: i actually love the planeshift lore, just asking cause i wanna get to know it more ingame :)
Relef says: well pvp is really unfair at the moment
Damola says: There is a point in what Relef says. I did not really learn much about Nolthrir for example during questing. That written, I did not yet complete all questions in PS CS.
Kifunstus says: the combat and casting system is different in PSU
Relef says: im talking about the spells, i know a spell that prevents people from casting spells
Damola says: Will be interesting to see how PSUnreal takes into account what questions you already did in PS CS. I bet there have been quite some changes and some quests or quest lines might have to be redone?
Relef says: and another one that prevents attacking
Damola says: *what quests I mean
Kifunstus says: Quests were changed since I played CS and returned a few months ago
Relef says: i know i still have almost all quests done that dont require more skills off me
Kifunstus says: stats unlock skills in PSU
Kifunstus says: combat is free form
Kifunstus says: powered spells are charged
Gova says: I'm stuck on 398 quests on the moment, so more would be nice!
Relef says: you know what i would also love as new content
Relef says: things like magic and music combined
Kifunstus says: you mean like blessed litany ? where you hear a chorus while the spell is cast
Uadjet says: In PSU it should be easier to give out books as rewards. There's a bug in Legacy that makes it... unwise, to give out auto-generated books. That's why I copy things into blank books before giving them out to players.
Relef says: that you need to hold a glyph in the other hand or something while playing certain songs to cast a stronger version of that spell
Kifunstus says: there is a mini game like a golf swing in other games to casts spells above 0 power
Kifunstus says: and you can over charge and fail cast
Thosor says: how do you play a lute with one hand?
Relef says: was just an example, theres other ways to include magic glyphs with music
Kifunstus says: there is an #ideas Channel on discord Relef
Kifunstus says: Uadjet is just here to let us know about current progress on PSU
Damola says: Any further Q or update? Otherwise… I'd likely call it a day.
Relef says: yes im just saying
Uadjet says: Yeah, adding that is beyond my skills. :)
Uadjet says: But as Damola said, we're past teh hour. Any more questions?
Kifunstus says: we understand the enthuziasm Relef :)
Damola concludes "Even GM has limited power."
Relef says: hmm
Kifunstus says: nice to see you all
Anysu nods at Kifunstus
Korko says: that sure was a meeting
Migg says: Thank you!
Damola says: Take care.
Migg says: Bye all!
Korko says: bye bye :-)
Uadjet says: Then we'll see you all again at the next meeting in two weeks!
Anysu Atani bows to Anysu's Small Table.
Anysu laughs
Anysu says: Bye
« Last Edit: May 08, 2022, 09:01:43 pm by Uadjet »