Author Topic: The Tale of Rhalos  (Read 819 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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The Tale of Rhalos
« on: February 10, 2002, 03:36:21 am »
The sound of thunder boomed as the elven horses flew past.  They were on there way, to death perhaps, but they were on there way to get the Gaunlets of Rhalos, these gaunlets carried such power, such pure power, that only the elves of the royal blood line of dermoria could harness it...all others that tried to get it either died trying to capture it, or died from its power.....

Water poured down the river like lightning as the small band of brave dermorian souls rode into the wind...\"Ride faster men, we must reach Telirisean by nightfall!\" Cyonamie shouted.  The group doubled there pace, rushing forward, fighting the wind.  And then, they halted, sensing danger ahead.  Just as they stopped, and blood stained arrow shot infront of Cyonamie, and then 2 more arrows.  

To be continued.....................
More stories to come on Cyonamie and his adventures^^


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2002, 05:13:26 am »
keep going
Hey kiddoes, its your favorite basher......  HATE ME!


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2002, 07:12:38 am »
OOC: When you want to talk about something not related to the adventure, please use the letters OOC, which stand for \"out of character\" so as not to cause confusion.
And tasadar, no offense, but the whole point of creating this adventure is to get others to join in, you can show your support by adding yourself to the story.
When our hearts both beat in time,
There\'s magic in your smile,
It seems there\'s nothing we can\'t do.

And within your warm embrace,
My heart will find a place,
Even from afar,
Our love forever shall be, destiny.
Excerpt from L2EB  


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2002, 05:08:11 pm »
The roar of orcs could be heard in the distance as they closed in.... closed in for the kill, 60 orcs were behind them, and 20 elves were running, as the elves flew along the grass there image started to shimmer and flicker, until they dissappeared, hiding behind the giant oak trees that did not sway at all in the wind.  They waited for the orcs to come, now with there own bows out, finely carved of many woods, each with diamond tipped arrows that shined brightly in the sunlight, they were waiting...... as the orcs rushed by the elves let the arrows fly! 20 orcs down, then 30, and then, it stopped.... the orcs turned to the elven warriors, with a black fire in there eyes, and lunged, with hands glowing a mystical blue, burning the mighty trees as they ran towards the elves, the elves, not afraid, but amazed, orcs were considered stupid, and not able to do anythign past tribal spells, yet they had seemed, to be casting powerfull sorcery, which even they, the elves, the immortal, did not understand......

OOC: Not done yet ^^ i just gotta take a break, my hands are hurting from typeing so much!