Author Topic: PlaneShift running slow need help  (Read 1328 times)


  • Traveller
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« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2003, 02:31:38 pm »
Actually I have a 1800XP+ myself, 1GB RAM a radeon 8500 (i think it is a 64 won\'t be bothered to check for the moment). right after I installed it worked great, now i can\'t move anymore. I can login ,talk if i can accept the 30/60 sec lag between typing and seeing the message appear in the chat box, I can about move the view if i use mouselook, but my char is stuck, spawn command not working.

I use opengl mode on both linux and window, I update the windows version before each run, the linux one every 3 runs (because the sf cvs is so freaking slow at the moment) none of it helps

Most games work pretty well so i don\'t think it has to do about the drivers . using either top (linux) or the equivalent on windows (can\'t remember the name rght now) I see the game uses about 380MB of ram (not a problem considering i have 1000) however as soon as i run it my cpu is used at 100% sometimes going down as far as 97% but never below.
How should I know how it works?That\'s what developers are for.  I only tried it.