Author Topic: This is why EQ sucks.  (Read 5149 times)


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« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2003, 07:16:23 pm »
Originally posted by Abemore
Another thing that sucks...

Enemies have no AI.  They only have 2 functions: \"do nothing\" or \"bum rush\".
Here\'s an example: my friend hits a beast with his high level character, then just stands there as the beast attacks him.  Since he has aggro, the idiot AI just keeps attacking him while I slowly and safely kill the beast with my low level character.  Hello?  Stupid AI?  Wake up, I\'m killing you and you don\'t seem to notice.

(And again, Please defend the game in another thread.  This thread is not a debate.  It is a completely one-sided display of \"why EQ sucks.\"  
One more time: Nothing Positive in this thread, please.)
Aww, just let \'em defend it.

It\'s not like it\'ll change the fact that EQ sucks. ;P

Here\'s another little fact as to why it sucks: When you try to hit a monster, you seem to miss much much more than the attacking monster.  They seem to always hit wherein it takes you 2 million hits to even score one connection with the damn thing, meaning any new character dies horribly when it starts attacking something with it\'s simple equipment.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2003, 08:40:52 pm »
Excellent post LanceHeart.  Yes that does suck.


Shop owners list all the items in their shops in 2 long columns of icons.  Many times the same icon is reused for different items.  Some items have magical properties, some do not.  So to decide what item you want to buy, you must hold the right mouse button down on each item for about a second to see the items properties.  One second on each item adds up, and makes for some very tedious trips to the store.  Damn you counterintuitive shops!

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« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2003, 01:04:42 pm »
another reason EQ sucks...

Impractical town design.
Verant - \"Each towns should be a maze!\"
Verant - \"Yeah! And we should scatter the shops throughout the maze so no one can find them!\"
Verant - \"Hehehe*snort* We\'re so clever.\"

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« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2003, 04:50:53 pm »
teehee, has anyone remarked the graphics?  *ew*


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« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2003, 02:12:19 am »
nope, you\'re the first. :)

Also sucking in EQ is...

The spell system.
Fizzle... fizzle, fizzle.  Damn you spell system!
Oh, and I love those progress bars for casting spells, learning spells, and memorizing spells.
Nothing I like to do more than wait.

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« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2003, 09:14:19 pm »
I haven\'t played it, but i can give a reason of why it does suck:

You have to PAY.

Tell me how much do people pay monthly for that thing, and if it\'s over 6 dollars, they\'re insane.
 Maybe i think that\'s a lot \'cause i live in South America and y\'all live in the U.S or Europe...oh, and Canada. And Australia.  Anyway, i choose 100000000 times to play a crappy, half-fun free mmorpg like runescape and such, than a rich-ass fancy 3d pay-for game. Now, both things are mixed onto one:
- A rich, 3d beautifully designed world
- Many races and jobs to choose from
- FREE! No costs!

It\'s PLANESHIFT(tm)! The NEW MMORPG! play now!

ok, now gimme my money.

nah, out of jokes, it was about time to find a quality AND free MMORPG. Even if it\'s still on developing, it rules.
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« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2003, 12:20:01 am »
Yes, honestly who would spend money on a game, let alone crap like everquack? The game play was worse than muds that have been around for years, the only thing remotely intersting was the graphics, and PS has that beat now. Of course without the game systems we can\'t call it beat yet, but someday... *shakes fist threateningly*

PS death to everquest!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2003, 12:21:05 am by zabeal »

Lux perpetua luceat eis


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« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2003, 10:06:52 am »
Hmm...  I don\'t seem to grasp why you don\'t like the monthly paying...

It\'s only normal that huge companies like Sony will ask for money per month for a commercial game.  They\'ve worked on it long enough, not to mention they have an army of maintenance guys keeping servers going and an army of programmers, graphic artists, and gameplay testers that WORK for this, that\'s their JOB.

Without the monthly payments, they won\'t have a JOB, without at JOB there would be no more MMORPG.  Same as with PS, I\'m sure no one working on this is gaining any money, they need a JOB to survive.

Notice how the word JOB is always in caps?  That\'s why you pay for most MMORPGs that have decent graphics and gameplay.


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« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2003, 04:40:53 pm »
You don\'t understand why people don\'t like paying bills?  Think real hard.

Over 100,000 people pay $10-$13 a month to play EQ.  This means Sony gets 1-2 million dollars each month to pay for servers and such (rental, bandwidth).  It takes 0-1 guy(s) a short amount of time and effort to maintain a single server.  Where do you get \"an army\" from?  Also, GM\'s should be paid very little, if anything at all.  Most people would love to be a GM for nothing.  So, I see a large amount of that 1-2 million going to Sony as revenue.

The \"army of programmers, graphic artists, and gameplay testers\" that you spoke of are no different than those that develop non-MMO games.  These people all get paid from the initial sale of the game.  Has anyone sent extra payments to Blizzard, Valve, or Id for continuing to work on and release patches for their games?  No.  So why should MMO game developers be paid for it?

The point is, maintaining a MMO game is not that expensive.  Sony overcharges because they\'re a greedy corporation.


Now then, back to the horrible graphics and gameplay of everquest.

everquest sucks because...

Lack of enemy collision detection.
Given a speed spell and the inclination to run like a bitch, you could potentially piss of a very large number of enemies.  If by a stroke of bad luck you end up running yourself into a dead end, the blob of enemies running inside each other would all \"bum rush\" you and, no matter how many of them there were, they could all stand in the exact same spot and all hit you at the exact same time.  Great job game designers. :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: August 03, 2003, 04:45:19 pm by Abemore »

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« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2003, 05:41:48 pm »
Originally posted by Abemore

Now then, back to the horrible graphics and gameplay of everquest.

everquest sucks because...

Lack of enemy collision detection.
Given a speed spell and the inclination to run like a bitch, you could potentially piss of a very large number of enemies.  If by a stroke of bad luck you end up running yourself into a dead end, the blob of enemies running inside each other would all \"bum rush\" you and, no matter how many of them there were, they could all stand in the exact same spot and all hit you at the exact same time.  Great job game designers. :rolleyes:

Hmmm, that sounds sucky.
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« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2003, 07:34:07 pm »
Originally posted by Abemore
You don\'t understand why people don\'t like paying bills?  Think real hard.

Over 100,000 people pay $10-$13 a month to play EQ.  This means Sony gets 1-2 million dollars each month to pay for servers and such (rental, bandwidth).  It takes 0-1 guy(s) a short amount of time and effort to maintain a single server.  Where do you get \"an army\" from?  Also, GM\'s should be paid very little, if anything at all.  Most people would love to be a GM for nothing.  So, I see a large amount of that 1-2 million going to Sony as revenue.

The \"army of programmers, graphic artists, and gameplay testers\" that you spoke of are no different than those that develop non-MMO games.  These people all get paid from the initial sale of the game.  Has anyone sent extra payments to Blizzard, Valve, or Id for continuing to work on and release patches for their games?  No.  So why should MMO game developers be paid for it?

The point is, maintaining a MMO game is not that expensive.  Sony overcharges because they\'re a greedy corporation.


Amen!  I\'ve always said that but no one ever really seems to understand - the current mmo payment trend is just a way for the companies to get more money while they turn their back on the responsibility they used to show to the gaming community and trying to enlarge it - even trials to mmos are a sad attempt at pretending to trry to enlarge the gaming community since most stores wont give refunds on opened games :P


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« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2003, 07:45:51 pm »
some more math...

1-2 million dollars per month equals 12-24 million per year.

Even if Sony paid half their earnings (6-12 million/yr) for their server expenses (which seriously I doubt), they would still have enough money remaining to give 120-240 employee\'s a generous $50,000/yr salary.

They would probably charge more if they thought people would pay it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2003, 07:50:05 pm by Abemore »

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« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2003, 08:37:47 pm »
Originally posted by Abemore
They would probably charge more if they thought people would pay it.

Amen Again - notice how every game out there charges realatively the same price 10-18 dollars / month...

The \'white\' explanation: modern technology is such that all the companies, who are on the cutting edge, have to spend approximately the same amount of cash to upkeep their MMOs...

The Truth: Companies know that they are recieveing the good end of the deal in producing an MMOG, and they know that they could charge more, but the only thing keeping them from doing that is to keep the other companies from hissing at them... notice though that newer games are charging more and more money (such as Starwars Galaxies... ) Why?  Because they are new and computer illiterate people don\'t understand that new doesn\'t always mean more complex and expencive, so they whistfully and naively fork out more money when they didn\'t have to in the first place.  Don\'t think that MMOGs costing relatively the same amount is a coincidence.


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« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2003, 04:47:40 pm »
Why else does everquest suck?

A GUI focused more on commandline than GUI.
This is supposed to be a graphical user interface, yet so much has to be done via the commandline.  I have seen a list of all the commands that can be typed into the commandline, and it\'s insane.  In addition, typing to the NPC\'s is a terrible, tedious idea, and I am disappointed at the PS team\'s decision to follow suit.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2003, 04:50:06 pm by Abemore »

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« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2003, 05:32:34 pm »
I agree, they should make it like in Neverwinter nights.  Very simple and interesting too.