Author Topic: Spell Wish List thread  (Read 8972 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Spell Wish List thread
« on: July 28, 2003, 02:12:49 pm »
No one had started a wish list for spells that I could see so I thought I would start one. What kinds of spells would you like to see in the game?

please include suggested crystal way they would go in.


mana usage (in a range):


and lastly a description containing any other details needed:

heres the fist entry:

Crystalline shards

mana: 10 and up as your level increases?

effect: it sends a whirling cloud of crystals slicing into anyone in the target\'s location. (will we be able to targe land area\'s for spells or only MOB\'s and PC\'s? I would like to be able to targe land area\'s too if its possible) about 1/8 of comparative exp MOB or Character\'s hp.

description: Its an area effect spell that does slicing damage. not sure how much damage it does since thats the arena of magic balancing for the devs but I would imagine it does around 1/8 of a low experience character\'s hp. I guess the \"Way\" it would be associated with would be brown or possibly crystal. No one really seems to know how those are going to end up being divided yet.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2003, 02:21:40 pm by zaphar »
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2003, 03:00:46 pm »
Shame on me, you were faster than I was, but it\'s good that this thread got started anyways.
We in the Arcane Order were thinking about necessary criteria for Spellcasting and think that there are a few more, that should be considered, while thinking about the spells themselves. These criteria would be:

Casting time: how long does it take to cast a certain spell. This would be especially necessary if it comes to interruptions while casting, which would lead the spell to fail.

Duration: How long would a spell have effect on things and/or people.

Target: A certain spell will only be castable on either things or yourself or certain areas....

Story: we thought about some rare, high end spells that would maybe have some kind of story, about  how they were invented or rather discovered.

and last but not least

Skill requirement:  certainly an apprentice like me will not be able to use every deadly spell there is, so there has to be some requirements concerning the knowledge of the arcane arts.

That were about all we came up with, some of them may be considered miner details, but others are certainly worth considering.

Btw.: yeeha my first post!! :))
Morgus \"Morgy\" Charfault - Councillor - Arcane Order

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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2003, 03:48:42 pm »
I have a lot of spell ideas, but they aren\'t the typical type most mages would use.  They are all time effect or toggle effect enchantment spells.  Most would initially have a low mana usage, that could increase to a point for a more effective version of the spell.  As such most could have their effect increased the more versed someone was with them.

Calm Water:
Calms an area of rushing water, allows the caster and any others with him to easy wade or swim across.

Tight Rope:
Makes a rope stiffen up, allowing it to be used for a makeshift bridge that can be easily carried with you.

Frog Leg:
Gives the target extrodinary jumping ability and resistance to fall damage.

Horse Feet:
Gives the target the ability to move as fast as horse on their feet.

Hawk Wing:
Allows the target to glide for long distances instead of falling.

Eagle Eye:
Let\'s the target see through illusions (secret walls, cloaked enemies and players and such).

Wolf Nose:
Enhances smell, which would in effect let someone locate nearby enemies before seeing them (not exactly sure how to show this), also potentially some types of items.

Spike Fist:
Causese sharp (gem?) spikes to grow from the target\'s fists.  Gives ability to climb some surfaces and increases martial arts damage.

Wind Lift:
Creates an updraft of wind that lifts those who step into it high in the air.  The direction of the cast determines the direction someone entering the lift is moved off at the top, so place it appropriately.  Also can be used to lift some enemies and drop them from a height for fall damage.

Very low level spell, creates some sparks that can be used to light flamable objects.  You can shoot them off for effect when you are mad too ;) .

« Last Edit: August 06, 2003, 02:44:26 pm by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2003, 06:16:40 pm »
I only have one idea but I think it is good...
--------------------~*&**=look at bottom~---------------------

Summon Spells(name of what you want to summon[I.E.~Summon Dragon])*

Mana~(I\'m not 100% sure what mana means but...)depends on skill level.

Effect~When you summon something you can command it to do stuff(like~/[summoned thing\'s name] attack{name}or /defend{username})

Description~Allows you to summon anything from a small rat to a huge dragon**(on account of I don\'t know what enemies they will have)depending on how good you are in that skill.

This would be very helpfull in combat.Hey!Even a rat would help a little bit(I think :P).

Please consider this everybody,I think it is a good idea,and I know I am not the only one;)

PS-Please respond

*~I do not know what th enemies will be.
**~Once again,I do not know what kind of enemies there will be.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2003, 10:19:53 pm by Captainbreakdance »
~~~Captain Breakdance~~~


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« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2003, 06:28:12 pm »
Originally posted by zaphar
No one had started a wish list for spells that I could see so I thought I would start one.

Well, you might be wrong here. How about this thread:

Or is it too complicated? :)


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« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2003, 10:41:11 am »
well that thread is somewhat similar yes but it deals with the model of magic used. This one is more like the city and monster and items wishlist. Its for requesting certain individual spells you would like to see in the game.

such as this one.

initiates firebolt: the standard startoff spell for fire-mages.

it takes a low cast time and small amount of mana

does low damage

Basically you might start off with or choose to learn this one first for basic offensive spellcasting.

has a relatively low recast time.
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2003, 10:51:00 pm »
just a suggestion ;) :
dont give any numerical description of your spell such as mana cost since that is completely a mater of balancing - you can say high medium or low (just use words damnit!) but using numbers doesnt really help the devs since people dont all agree or have any idea of what will be a \'high\' mana cost once the game is made


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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2003, 10:54:38 pm »
oh yeah my spell:  reach
effect: draws (teleports) enemy to self on a succesful check
mana cost: alot
cast rate:  takes time to cast (the better the profficiency with this magical way the less time requireed to cast)
range: skill in this field of magic will increase the range of this spell


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« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2003, 02:13:20 pm »
ohh ohh my turn !!!
I may be on vation in a boring town but heck i just found out about the net cafe\'s well heres my shot

Name: Regrowth of The Shard

mana usage (in a range): hmm.. say 50

Effect: If casted upon a person, he begins to regenerate hit points and stamnina, if casted upon lplants, the plant grows(simulating an entagl spell

hmm i got another

Name: Azure Sky

mana usage (in a range): 20

Effect: Deters away rain Showing only the Great Azure Sky (lag killer  :P )

If cast at night this would only show the...well the celestial version of sky.

my how times have changed.....


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« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2003, 05:35:27 pm »
Name: Dark hand of oblivion.
Effect: a huge,dark hand appears out of the ground and grabs the monster, it pulls the monster under, Either damaging it, or causing instant death. 70% chance of instant death.
Mana: Must have very high exp. Takes away ALL the user\'s mana.

Name: Shadow
Effect: you turn invisible and hide in the shadows. If a monster spots you not in a shadow, it will attack and deactivate.
Mana: medium
Duration: 10 minutes(real time)


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« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2003, 09:19:08 am »
How about some ancient magic way (Ancient Way) which is only learnable through many studies and only available to very few of the very best, with spells that doesn\'t have names, only very powerfull effects, fx.

Name: Destruction

Mana Usage: Doesn\'t directly use mana, instead it uses runes, that when bound with mana becomes runes of the Ancient Way, which are used to cast the spells.

Effect: It has no visual effect, yet it causes severe mental damage to the target (killing your brain\'s ability to make your heart beat or killing it\'s ability to tell your arms/legs what to do is a very nasty thing...) :)

Just an idea.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2003, 09:20:59 am by Kiva »
\"Somewhere over the rainbow...\"


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« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2003, 09:58:11 am »
Gronomist: I somehow think rune based magic wont fit in with Planeshifts backstory and setting. Regardless that would best go in a different thread to keep this one clear for specific spells.

ok now my next entry.

name :crystalline shell

mana: medium to alot depending on spell level

effect: armor puts a magical shell of crystal around you for armor protection.

description: probably has a long recast time. the armor goes up in strength as the spell level goes up.
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2003, 06:58:24 pm »
Now for the invasion of bland spells, under the control of... me. And perhaps not hte most creative of spells, either.

Spell Name: Trip

Mana: Depends on the endurance  (or whatever \'skill\' thingy is most closely associated with keeping your balance) of the target. Clumsy creatures require less mana to trip.

Effect: What the spell name says. It trips the target. A tripped target is more suspectible to attack, as well as being unable to get to where they want to get for a short while. Also, this may buy some time to cast a deadlier spell on the target as well, when it is sprawled upon the ground. If it is sprawled upon the ground.

Will add more later.
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« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2003, 07:02:14 pm »
to Wromtai:  good job Crystal Blue actually needs more low end spells than the uber stuff most people come up with!  Keep up the good work!


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« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2003, 09:31:38 am »
Thanks, I decided not to make the same \'mistakes\' I made in some other threads. Like my \'Uber\' slings of hurling creatures... But it would be fun. :P

Argh, can\'t easily think of what can be considered \'low-level\' spells. It\'s amazingly simple to think of Uber spells of Doom, but not for spells for the weak.

Spell Name: Mark (can\'t think of better one)

Mana: Usually around low to medium, but terrain type may cost more mana to use.

Effect: It leaves a mark on the ground, tree-like thing, wall, or any other stationary object. Players and monsters not included. This mark prevents you from being lost, as you can simply follow the marked areas to get somewhere. You may also mark areas where you want to go to, or lure others there. To their doom is doubtful, as you would probably fall to your doom, but whether only you or others can see the marks still remains to be seen. For now, it is simply to \'mark\' the areas you like.

The marks fade after a while as well. Whether there can only be a certain amount of marks from you at one time remains to be seen.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Spell Name: Locate Mark

Mana: Depends on how far the mark is from you.

Effect: It creates a beam of light visible only to you to where the nearest mark is, if it is still there. Basically, if you get somewhere you don\'t want to be and want to get out, then follow the yellow bric- I mean, follow the beam of light. It will lead to the nearest mark you made, and fades after a few seconds.


Hmm, maybe not the most polished spels, but oh well.
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
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