Author Topic: The Story Of The Daktreme  (Read 754 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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The Story Of The Daktreme
« on: February 21, 2002, 09:49:57 am »
Hi all! This is my first fic :). I\'m planning it to be quite long (I hope), but some chapters are long, while others are really short. Can someone tell me how long a typical chapter should be? Thanks.

Here goes:
Prologue: The Visions

Several Daktreme raced to the river\'s edge. Suddenly, there were screams, and a tall, graceful creature with amber-coloured skin flung himself off his horse and onto a boat. As soon as he stood up, he cut off the ropes on the boat and stuck a stick onto the deck. Just then, someone else leapt onboard, rocking it furiously. Water lashed at the boat at all sides. Yet, they still managed to set sail. A creature with two enormous wings walked to the deck, locking eyes with one Daktreme for a few moments, before they turned and galloped away.
Suddenly.....a blinding flash of light! Then, images appeared again, this time of the Daktreme and the Klyros. They were standing, gazing as the sun slid wondrously down the sky. And although he had no way of knowing, Exilm felt a sense of happiness and peace emanating from them. The feeling enveloped his body in calm.
Another flash of light, even brighter than before! The Klyros now stood before a tiny bed, watching a miniature Daktreme as it slept. Pale green eyes filled with an expression Exilm could not identify. Then he smiled, a slight, barely visible upturning of the lips.
At this point, everything faded to black...

He awoke to the sound of water dripping. Opening his eyes, a seven-year-old Daktreme blinked in confusion, completely disoriented. Looking around, he discovered he was lying in a dark alley, and water was dripping from a rooftop; it had just rained. Wha...?Where am I? he wondered. Who am I? Why am I here? These questions raced around his mind furiously, yet his mind was blank but for the dreams that had occured in his sleep. Suddenly, like a passing wind, a word flashed in his mind. He clung to it desperately, refusing to let go.
Exilm is my name!
The effort drained his energy. He closed his eyes, tried to remember other things. Memories sank below, floated above. Out of reach. He opened his mouth in a silent scream.
No, he realized with a sick feeling in his stomach. Everything is futile. Once more, he closed his eyes. But this time, he was greeted by the blissful darkness of unconsciousness.

ooc: Comments and remarks are always welcome! Especially constructive criticisim :))
When our hearts both beat in time,
There\'s magic in your smile,
It seems there\'s nothing we can\'t do.

And within your warm embrace,
My heart will find a place,
Even from afar,
Our love forever shall be, destiny.
Excerpt from L2EB  


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2002, 04:27:14 pm »
Some C.C.: I could be completely wrong by your standards, but if you are trying to have the origin of the Kadaikos post\'s Datkreme, then you should know they are not a race. They were people pulled into darkness by Twauron. If you wanted you could the story about a giant fleet of soldiers going into a huge battle and suddenly being transported somewhere and then turned into Daktreme by Twauron, or another god sorta guy.