Author Topic: A quest for a goddess  (Read 1818 times)

The Wizard(mouf)

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« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2003, 09:15:23 am »
Hey nice one so far roadwolf... keep it up my boy :)
Arcane his name
Summoning his game

Never talking
Just keeps walking
Casting his magic

Evil powers disappear
Demons worry whenever he\'s near
Magic of the old running through his veins


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« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2003, 07:46:04 am »
Gorthas grabbed geld from the neck and punched him twice in the face.

Gorthas:Now where the girl is?gorthas asked.
Geld:I dont know.
gap,another punch.
Geld:Alright alright,i left her with gith the sorcerer.
Gorthas:What was the purpose of the kidnapping?gorthas asked.
Geld:It was a way to get u here and take your shield from.
Geld:And were is your few punches throw unconcious geld.
Gorthas:As i have guesed.

Meanwhile general lund is paying a visit to gith,his battalion sorcerer.
Lund:Gith what are your inderests in this girl?
Gith:Ah general,it might look like an ordinary girl but she is not.
Lund:Explain to me sorcerer.
Gith:U know that we,the sorcerers of the black crow worship Saluk the god of death and decay.
Lund:I know that.
Gith:Yes but u dont know that many eons ago saluk battled and killed Correlia,goddess of time and recovery.
Lund:So?lund asked
Gith:This little girl u see is her incarnation.
Gith:And must be killed,i could have done that now but we will perform a ritual that would give great power to our leader Zalig.
Lund:u know that i dont approve murder sorcerer,lund said.
Gith:This is something out of your juristiction general.
Lund:We l see about that sorcerer,and walked out of the sorcerers chambers.
After a while gith turned at on of his pupils.
Gith:that foul lund does not know that he is one of the ingriedients for the ritual hahahaha,he s royal blood and the sacrifice of the goddess will bring favor upon us and fearsome power to our leader.
Gith:Send a message to our leader for whats going on.
Pupil:Yes ,master.

But outside the door,with his back on the door was lund.
Lund:So those are the plans for me eh sorcerer?lund said with a low voice and left.


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« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2004, 05:12:15 am »
sorry but this time i am depressed,crashed and i have become an empty shell of myself.
I will need a little time to recover.
But i will continue and end this story.
I l just be a little late on writing.

Twice i lost the woman of my life.
One from cancer and second to a lie.
And now i sit crying in my desk hearing people seized with life.
Sometimes people in this world are born trully cursed,never to know happiness.
I am one of them.

thanks for listening.


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« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2004, 07:05:06 pm »
A few momments later gorthas had find out the details and location of cordy.
After leaving geld tied up,he manage to pass the perimmeters of the camp undetected.
On that of course helped the fact that he was wearing the cloths and armor of geld.

But as he aproached the sorcerers chambers he got stopped by the guards.

Guard:Stop,identify yourself.
Gorthas:Great,my lucky day gorthas thinked.
Gorthas:Well general lund send me to bring the girl to him,gorthas said.
The guards looked at each other,and all of sudden drawn theyr swords and attacked him.
Gorthas manage to grab the one before he manage to say anything,but he left himself open to the second guards attack.
He saw the sword coming straight at him,and he heard a sound like metal crashing to metal.
And right after that the attacking guard collapsed on him.
Then gorthas after getting of him the body of the guard,he noticed rethos flying .
Rethos:So your perfect plan tends to wake the whole camp.
Gorthas:Ah shut up rethos,u starting to give me in my nerves.
Gorthas tied the guard he had in his hands,and left the other to wake in the morning with serious pain in the head.

Gorthas started to climb the stairs of the sorcerers quarters,while avoiding some acolytes.
At the third floor of the building,he saw a room that inside him lay curtains of silk and other fancy furniture.
As he aproached carefully managed to see cordy,tied up in a horizontal stone block.
Gorthas:Hmmm i think that i miss something important,have thinked as he silently aproached her.
He wake her gently and started to untie the rops,when a schreching almost gave him a hard attack.
It was some crows in a near cage,but theyr screams wake the sorcerer.
Gith started yelling,INTRUDERS, TO ARMS,TO ARMS.
Gorthas realised that he had little time to do what he could do.
So he cutted the ropes,and was ready to get cordy at his arms when something blue hit him and send him flying to hit the wall.
It was a lightning bolt thrown by gith.
Gith:Insulent fool,u dare enter here and think that u will manage to escape with your life?
Gith the started to pull as much air as he could at his lungs,and right after releasing a scream that was growing louder and releasing a wind that made gorthas hit the wall again.
Gorthas thinked.
Gorthas:Thats it, i am finished.
But the he realised that even if the scream was continuing,the air waves hiting him had stooped.
He opened his eyes to see rethos covering him and cordy.
Rethos:Well i told u that it was gonna have wind today,havent i?rethos said.
Gorthas get up and grabed cordy and run outside the room,and the sorcerer chased him.
Gorthas as he came outside the room,he noticed a dark bearded figure at the side of the door.
But he was unable to react.
He keeped moving ,and in surprise the attack he expected didnt come.
But instead of him gith got himself in a big surprise,as his head got out of the door the hilt of a great sword hit him in the head and nailed him to the floor.
That was enough for everyone to lose qonciusnes.
The bearded figure said
:Come with me fast if u want to escape.
Gorthas heard the commotion in the camp,and knew that he could not leave the same way he came.
So he had no other choice than to follow that man......

To be continued............


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« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2004, 01:00:38 am »
Gorthas followed the man trhough a secret exit.
After a while they were outside the city walls.
Gorthas:Thank you for helping us,but who are u?
Bearded man:I am.......
Then a sudden explosion make them fall on theyr feet.
Lund:Well gith lately i have heard that u have become expert to the subject,lund said while standing on his feet.
Gith:Warrior surrender the girl and that man,and maybe we will spare your life.
Gorthas looked above to see the hovering sorcerer.
Gorthas:Well i could do that,but my friend behind u haves a different solution.
Gith:What are u talk...glang
Rethos hited gith at the head and the sorcerer lost control of the magic he used to fly.
Gith fell to the ground like a rock.
Lund:Well it seems that i am not the only one that likes to hit sorcerers in the head.
Rethos:Well i could say that it was your actions that inspired me to hit him in the head.
Lund:hahahahaha indeed u are right.
Gorthas looked up in the sky,after a while he turned towards east and said.
Gorthas:Lets go,we have a long road ahead of us.

And the group left with a new friend and ally.
While leaving the city lund explained to gorthas why he turned against his allys,and what he have heard from the sorcerer about the plans for him and cordy.

Meanwhile at the city of tarth an army has reached the spot were gith fell.
The sorcerer was just getting up,when his eyes meet the feet of a horse.
He looked up and he started trembling from fear.
Gith:Zalig my leader,i......i.....i...
Zalig:U have failed sorcerer,zalig said with an angry voice.
Zalig:Kill him and feed the remains of him to my dogs,zalig ordered.
Gith was grabbed by 2 huge size soldiers and was dragged away.
Zalig:So i have traitors and uselless personel in my army.
He turned at a small team of sorcerers that had come along.
Zalig:Find the traces,or lose your heads.
The sorcerers started to cast magic in the area.
After a while,in the darkness the ground started to show blue bright footprints.
Zalig turned his horse,and the rest of his men followed him.


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« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2004, 09:29:21 am »
They have been 4 days since the escape of gorthas lund and cordy from the city of tarth.
The horses provided by general lund helped to increase the distance between them and zalig,the leader of the crow army.
It was the end of the 4th day when all have stopped to sleep for the night.
Later after gathering some wood,lighted a fire and started eating.
Gorthas:So lund,the sorcerer wanted your blood for the ceremony?
Lund:Yes,i am originated from a royal family.
Lund:And the ritual gith was about to hold,demanded someone with royal blood to be sacrificed along with her.
Cordy:I am sorry.
Lund:Dont worry little one,nothing to apologize to me.
Gorthas:Lets get to sleep there is one day left to reach the temple of corelia,gorthas said while polhising rethos.
Gorthas:Alright alright dont be such a baby.
Rethos:Who u called baby; rethos said with an angry tone.
Gorthas:I didnt call u baby,i said stop acting like one.
Rethos:Thats it, u are done.
Rethos flyed from gorthas hands and hit him in the head.
Gortas:Thats it, u are going for scrap.
Gorthas started chaseing rethos around.
But after a while they suddenly stopped because of a laugh.
It was cordy laughing with them.
They both turned at her and something in the laugh of cordy was that make them both forget theyr anger.
Cordy:Hahahaha that was funny.
Gorthas feeled something warming  his heart.
Gorthas:Ah well forget it,and he fell to his bed.
They have been all sleeping,when gorthas feeled something touching him at his sleep.
He turned just to see cordy standing beside him.
Cordy:I am cold.
And she laid beside him and hugged him.
Gorthas covered both of them.
Some time had passed and cordy had been sleeping when something glowing had left cordys body and attached to gorthas chest.
Gorthas almost had a heart attack,then he fainted.
He opened his eyes and he find himself to another place.
It was a huge battlefield,corpses swords and shields everywere in the ground.
Then he saw in not very far from him something coming out from the smoke of a fire.
It was a black shadow,a human form but with no details.
Shadow:So i am given to u i see.
Gorthas:Who are u?
Shadow:Perhaps u should ask what,the shadow said while getting closer.
The shadow was standing in front of him.
Gorthas was stunned from fear,and the shadow streched his hand and put it to gorthas chest.
Then was a moment that gorthas started to see something but he couldnt understand what he see.
Then he looked in front of him and he didnt see the shadow.
He looked down,and he noticed a rune in hes chest.
It was a weird and mysterious rune,but at the same time beatyfull and powerfull.
Gorthas toughed his chest,then he started to feel a vibration.
And all of sudden a so strong pain that make his body wake up with a jump.
Gorthas wake up and looked beside him,but instead to find a small girl beside him find something else.
It was a young girl,with such beaty that could make every woman just die.
Cordy opened her eyes.
Gorthas:What happened to you?
Cordy looked at gorthas chest.
Cordy:Well it seems that IT choosed u,so i no longer need to contain it.
Gorthas:Cordy what is this; gorthas asked while realising that the rune at his dream was now at his chest.
Cordy:Just something i got long ago from someone in a battle.
Then they heard lund say all of sudden.
Lund:Something u got from Saluk?
Cordy:Yes,something that he created with hate and blood but had something that didnt fit with his ideas.
Gorthas:What was that? gorthas asked.
Cordy:Leave it for another time,zalig is on his way here and i dont have enough strength to do battle with him and his troops.
Rethos:My goddess it seems that u are recovering well,rethos said.
Gorthas:Rethos why didnt u tell me about her since u knew;
Rethos:That had no importance.
Cordy was already up and was gathering the stuff of theyr camp.
Gorthas and lund helped cordy and after a while they had been on theyr way to corelias temple.

It was midday when they have seen the temple.
Gorthas:Almost there.
They noticed priests at the gates of the temple.
Cordy:Almost time for me to have my place again.
Lund:Well then lets go,lund said but all of a sudden an arrow pierced his shoulder.
They turned and see zalig charging at them while a small battalion were folowing him.
Cordy without hesitation got close to lund,pulled the arrow out and healed his wound.
Cordy:I need to reach my temple, just stall them.
She got close to gorthas hugged him and gave him a kiss to his lips.
Cordy:Just dont die.
Gorthas:I wont!!!just go.
Gorthas turned his horse,and he pulled his maul from his back.
General lund drawed his great sword and said.
Lund:It is a great day to die.
Gorthas:We dont die!!!they will,and he charged at the opposing force while lund was beside him.

The conclusion of this epic story with a great battle.
What is the sign on gorthas chest;
They have any chances to survive against a battalion?
All in the next episode.

And by the way,now i would like some oppinions for the story intil now and to see some evaluation.
Thanks for spending time to read my story.



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« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2004, 05:09:30 am »
Gorthas charged straight at the opposing force.
He avoided zaligs blow by ducking to the side of the horse while it was smashing in the enemy ranks.
Zalig turned his horse but gorthas entrance had caused mayhem.
Gorthas fell from his horse while a soldiers spear hit it at the skull.
Rethos covered him from the attacks of one side and lund from the other.
While he was down images flashed in gorths head,images from the young girl cordy to her older self and final to the goddess corelia.
The images ended with the voice in his mind say only one melodical word......KILL...
He got up and grabed his maul.
Gorthas:Lund hear me...
Lund was trying to hold back the attacks with his greatsword.
Gorthas:When i lift my maul,u must jumb.
Lund:I will.
Gorthas swinged his maul and hit the ground with all his strength while yelling TREMBLEEEEEE.
Lund jumbed without knowing why.
The effect was cruesome,an explosion happen at the point gorthas hit the ground.
The seismic wave left no one standing besides gorthas and lund,and explosion had lift a fog of dust.
Gorthas heared again the voice in his mind say again another word in the same dark melody......LIGHT.....
The dust fog had caused confusion in the enemy soldiers,some got killed by others in theyr attemt to strike at gorthas and lund while others had find a chance to flee.
When the fog cleared less than half the soldiers had left and were discouraged.
Zalig moved his hand in a weird way,and the soldiers pull back and formed a circle around gorthas and lund.
Gorthas:What that means?he asked lund.
Lund:It means he challenge us,lund said while his was at zalig.
Zalig:I challenge u both to face me,said with a loud voice.
Gorthas:Alright if u have an @ss i will kick it,gorthas said with a smile.
Lund:Dont take him lightly,we maybe in big trouble.
Zalig took a step forward yelding a dark bladed bastard sword.
Gorthas and lund charged together against him.
Gorthas tried to strike at him with his maul but zalig turned his left hand and deflected the maul and leaving gorthas vulnerable.
But general lunds attack didnt left time for zalig to attack.
Zalig was forced to avoid the attack but he manage to deliver a good punch at lunds face.
A dual assault by  maul and great sword had started to show that zalig was about to lose.
Another dual attack make zalig to fall at his knees.
Gorthas and lund was moving for the coop de grace when a sudden flash from zaligs blade blinded them.
Zalig kicked the blinded gorthas at the stomach and the pain was enough to drop gorthas at his knees.
Gorthas lifted his head and saw zalig in front of him,his swinging his now black smoking blade at gorthas head.

To be continued.......


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« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2004, 07:31:08 pm »
im begging to enjoy this story mate, but it can be hard to read because of its blockiness, any chance of paragraphs next time ;) ?!
Sengoku - Ashigaru Samurai of the Kenzuke Guild


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« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2004, 12:14:22 am »
Very good ... it seems to be getting better as you go. keep it up.
Umpa is an
Archeologist/Treasure hunter  by profession
Seek the path of the greatest rewards, but never forget the efforts and reasons behind why the reward was hidden. Knowledge exist only as long as it is shared.


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« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2004, 12:20:43 pm »
Gorthas thinked
Gorthas:I am dead iam dead
He see the blow coming straight for his head,smoking and dark glowing blade.
But 2 shadows interupted the blow,it was rethos taking the full force of the blow and kund who had moved to save his comrades life.
But the force whas so strong that smashed rethos to shards and broke lunds great sword.
Lund was striked by the blade and was down on the ground.
Zalig:Your turn now warrior,zalig said.
Gorthas was at loss,his friend and comrade rethos was laying pieces on the ground.
And it was for him impossible to know if general lund was alive.
Zalig swinged his blade again at gorthas,this time with greater force.
But something started to change in gorthas,he raised his hand an stopped the blade with his hand.
Zalig was surprised,and he heard gorthas to mumble a small chant.
Gorthas:Kill sound.
Gorthas got up holding the maul,and tears of blood started to drip from his eyes.
The sorcerers of zalig heard the chant and started to shake in fear whispering about the death rune.
Gorthas:Kill breath.
Now his hair had become red,and his skin had become dark.
Zalig was trying to free his blade from gorthas grip,when gorthas maul hit him at chest and send him flying .
The rest soldiers of zalig got in front of gorthas in an attempt to stop him from getting theyr leader.
The sorcerers started a mass casting of spells in order to assist the soldiers.
Gorthas eyes with the last chant turned black,and charged at the soldiers with a fearsome rage.
Gorthas started to hit the opposing force with his maul,sending soldiers flying.
Lightningbolts and fireballs started to hit him,destroying the area around him but doing nothing to him.
A giant swing of the maul send a small group of soldiers hit the sorcerers.
Gorthas reached zalig,who was on his knees and shaking in fear.
He raised his maul,and in front of his eyes passed every bad momment that had passed to him.
He pulled his maul back,and yelling tremble hit zalig again at the chest armor and send him towards the temple.
The blow was so strong,that nailed the entire body of zalig at the stone walls.
Gorthas now with out opponent was looking at some of the remaing soldiers with his black eyes.
They started to run,and gorthas was about to chase them when he felt a hand at his back.
He couldnt move to turn to see who was,but he started to calm.
He was turned to normal when manage to notice that behind him was a very strong light.
He turned to see cordy taking finnaly the powers that she had hide at her temple.
She now was a full grown woman.
She kneel and take a green crystal from rethos remains.
Correlia:Now it is time for me leave this world.
Gorthas:Were will u go cordy?gorthas asked.
Correlia:Somewere with cat people,cordy said smilling.
Correlia:And if u want i will take u with me.
Gorthas:Yes i want to come with you.

Gorthas and correlia walked to the temple.
The last thing that was seeing of them was the strong glow that escaped the temple doors.

Zaligs body was still nailed at the wall,and his blade fallen bellow him.
General lund took the blade in his hands and admire the craftsmaship.
Lund:I think that il keep this blade as pay for my broken sword,lund said at the dead body and turned away walking.
Lund:Well now were i will find another war,lund said with a smile.
The story ends with the view of lund walking away from the battlefield with zaligs blade at his back,and gorthas and correlia looking from above a red temple the weird cat people.
Gorthas is partically intrested in a strong one called Draklar.
What the future will show is a mystery.

The end????????????????????