Author Topic: The legend has wings  (Read 11613 times)


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« Reply #105 on: November 30, 2004, 01:58:43 pm »
OOC: well everyone else seems to have forgoten this thread, but I haven\'t!

Out of the frying pan...

Jessyn was fed up with being cooped up in Forentium, and was arguing with the captain of the guards,

\"I am no more use here, I am no warrior, I am out of useful reagents, unless you want me to cure the zombies of warts!\"

With that, she left though one of the small rear gates of the city, and headed out into the wilderness, evading a few zombie patrols on the way.  Suddenly, she was confronted by three zombies on the trail ahead of her.  They groaned and growled, waving their clawlike hands at her as they charged.  

Jessyn ducked the wild swing of the first one, and stumbled back, reching for her belt and finding an empty row of bottle holders.  Snarling, she pulled a small blade from a hidden back scabbard and chopped the arms off the second zombie, who was just reaching for her throat.  Backhanding it across the torso,  spun to face her remaining foes.

Screaming obscenities, she charged  a zombie, and bashed it\'s skull in with the pommel of her sword.  Spinning around, she swung at the last zombie, just as it slammed a fist into her side.  Feeling something crack, Jessyn fell onto the zombie, stabbing it in the neck as she fell.

\"And me without a healing potion\" she said, slipping into unconsciousness.


OOC: someone, fell free to show up and save me
Most things in life operate, not on reality, but the perception of reality.  


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« Reply #106 on: November 30, 2004, 04:13:58 pm »
When Jessyn awoke she was lying in the place where she fell and all the zombies around are dead, either by axe wounds or have arrows sticking out of them. There was a youngish looking elf standing over her, with a dwarf checking the bodies for valubles.
?Hello my name is Cirdan Telemnar, this is my companion Eitri Helmgard, we met up on our way to Forentium, we are both looking for some action and Eitri here has some rare ingredients to sell. Eitri is an explorer and has traveled throughout Yikilum looking for rare and valuable ingredients and now he has decided to sell them.\" says the elf.
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« Reply #107 on: December 02, 2004, 04:48:47 pm »
Jessyn groaned as she stood up.

\"Thank you,\" she said, \"I am called Jessyn\"

Calling to the dwarf, she asked, \"Do you have helmsroot and rathbane?\"

Eitri rummaged in his pack and produced small pieces of the dried plants.  Favouring her injured side, Jessyn carefully made a small amount of healing salve, and rubbed it into her side.  Binding her ribs with a section of bandage from her pack, she turned to the two men.

\"I can show you the way to Forentium, it will not be easy to get past the zombie army, but maybe we could hit them from behind...\"

Suddenly, she grinned, showing her slightly pointed teeth,

\"Do either of you know anything about catapults?\"

OOC: I like greek fire

« Last Edit: December 02, 2004, 04:49:38 pm by Jessyn »
Most things in life operate, not on reality, but the perception of reality.  


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« Reply #108 on: December 02, 2004, 05:29:43 pm »
\"Neither of us has ever used a catapult, although I could give it a try. Eitri, do you think that you could make some catapult ammo?\" Said Ciridan.
\"Sure, I do not think that there would be any difficulties.\" Replied Eitri
 \"Jessyn, do you know of anywhere that we could find a catapult behind the zombie army? We also need a way to get past the zombies.\" Remarked Ciridan.
?There are many mine shafts that lead from outside Forentium, perhaps one of those will takes us past the zombies.? Remarked Eitri.

Meanwhile the freedom fighters had reclaimed Hydlaa and were plotting to assult other major Zombie strongholds.
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« Reply #109 on: December 09, 2004, 06:23:19 pm »
Krayn\'s Tale

  High above the skies Krayn the Klyros was watching Ciridan, Eitri, and Jessyn. He knew there was a high risk they might be evil. But he will take chances to find his parents.  So he swooped down to the ground.  They quickly drew there weapons.
  \"I am not going to hurt you.\" Krayn said paniced
  \" How can we trust you?\" Asked Jessyn.
  \"How else are you going to get a catapult without zombies seeing you?\" Krayn said slyly
  \"He has a point. If he hovers above the sky and distracts the zombies we can easily take the catapult.\" Ciridan remarked.
  \"Okay you can join.\" Said Eitri
  \" I am not too sure.  But i guess.\" Jessyn said unsure
  \"Great now lets do it.\" Krayn yelled


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« Reply #110 on: December 10, 2004, 12:09:51 pm »
\"Krayn, did you see any siege equipment when you were flying over the area?\"

\"Well, i saw something that might do the job, but it\'s got about 20 zombies guarding it, as well as a dead glowing guy\"

Jessyn sighed, dead things that guarded things and glowed were ALWAYS bad news.  Mixing a few powders together, she handed the Klyros three glass jars.  

\"Could you deliver these...just try not to hit the catapult, \"  she said to the Klyros, \"and don\'t shake them!\"

Jessyn, Cielen and Eitri headed in the direction the klyros had indicated, after hearing three large rumbles, they walked into a clearing.  Krayn was just landing beside the large mangonel.  There was no sign of the undead mage, but seven of the zombies had survived the aerial bombardment.  The group fanned out the deal with them as they oriented on the still living with a look of rotten hatred.

Most things in life operate, not on reality, but the perception of reality.  


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« Reply #111 on: December 10, 2004, 11:20:02 pm »
Krayn nodded his head and flew away looking back at them.  They are pretty nice he thought to himself i think they will really help me find my family and friends.  He looked down and saw the glowing zombie. At the sight of it he shivered with fear.  Okay, i got go i really high so it doesn\'t destroy me. He soared above the cloads and saw a castle.  I guess this is the place. He landed in there and saw corpses every where. A beast came from behind he slung his two sword out and slashed its limbs off. It was still alive it tried to move but it couldn\'t so he plunged his swords through it. \"These zombies are getting out of hand.\"he muttered.  He found some zombie cure potions on the ground he put them in his backpack and thought this will be useful.  He flew back to the team and said \"They are all dead....But I manged to find some cure potions.\"  He opened his back pack and everybody gazed in there.
   \"This will be useful.\" Said Jessyn.
   \" Now who is this guy we are trying to destroy with all these zombies?\" Krayn asked
  \"Seperot.\" Eitri muttered


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« Reply #112 on: December 13, 2004, 12:12:47 pm »
Meanwhile the freedom fighters, bolstered in number by the newcomers, launched a massive attack against the remaining zombies in Hydlaa, killing them all. Once the zombies had been destroyed, a search of the city was made for weapons and healing potions. Some megeras and pterosaurs were found, hiding in towers and other high places. The freedom fighters sent out messages to all of the nearby villagers that Hydlaa was safe again. Then, only leaving a few people behind to guard Hydlaa, the freedom fighters loaded up the megeras and pterosaurs with weapons, potions and equipment before setting off for Forentium.

As they were travelling over the country to reach Forentium they heard a few loud bangs and a few scouts were sent off to investigate. When the scouts returned, they said that a Klyros had dropped some objects on some zombies guarding a catapult, and that three other people had arrived and secured the catapult.
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« Reply #113 on: December 13, 2004, 06:38:35 pm »
OOC: I just came back from a vacation, and was too lazy to read all these posts, but managed to read page 4, some of 5, and this page. I\'m not totally up to date with the story, but correct anything that\'s wrong with it.
PS: Thanks for adding me into the action ;)

Eitri panted with exhaustion. He had a hard time keeping up with the long-legged party. They soon arrived at the catapult. It seemed the Klyros had done his job... And now it was time for theirs.

Eitri, we\'ll give you the honours of setting off the catapult, stated Jessyn. Eitri nodded in recognition, and loaded some corosive material into the catapult. Hopefully this would, if not kill them all off, decrease their numbers greatly. Kissing his beloved double-edged axe \"Goliath\", he cut the rope, and the load flung into the air...
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 06:40:00 pm by Bjorn »
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ


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« Reply #114 on: December 28, 2004, 02:08:20 am »
Monketh sugested they get to making something out of nuc\'s metal and the spare metal aorund the town so they group gave monketh a hand making this thing to combat the zombies after a while of hard work they were done and decided to set out towards Hydlaa


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« Reply #115 on: December 28, 2004, 09:27:15 pm »
OOC: Here I go!(for now, I will be known as the mage)

Meanwhile, in a castle in an unknown place, a mage and a mysterious figure were watching the events that were taking place.

\"Do you not see all this destruction?  All this killing?  Why am I forbidden to intervene?  Maybe I cannot defeat this Seperot or a whole army of zombies, but at least I could lend a hand.\" said the mage.  \"But look at yourself!  Even if you will not let me go, you could surely turn the tide!  Are you telling me that you are just going
to stand by and allow all of this to go on?

\"...Inaudible noises...\" from the mysterious figure.

\"I do not have to reveal myself to them to provide aid.  I could help them from the shadows.\" replied the mage.  \"I could provide the aid of my magic, and they need never know of my presence.  And you forget that I am a powerful illusionist.  I would make myself appear invisible.\"

\"...Inaudible noises...\" from the mysterious figure.

\"Hmm...In that regard you are correct.\" replied the mage.  \"The Enkidukais possess powerful senses.  Even if I was invisible, they would be able to find me.  But I do not even see the need to conceal myself, only my identity.  I always cover my face, and I will not give my name.  And if necessary, I will just make it so that they do not remember me offering my aid.  They will believe it was someone else.\"

\"...Agitated inaudible noises...\" from the mysterious figure.

At this, the mage became angry.  His staff glowed very brightly, and he was surrounded by a blinding aura.  The ground and the walls of the room began to crack, and the castle shook.  The mysterious figure sat, unflinching.

\"FOOL!!!\" shouted the mage.  \"You actually think it wise to let this destruction continue?  This blasted necromancer is taking the world, and you wish to sit by and let this go on?  How could you even think that this could possibly end well?!  I will go and offer my aid, and you will not interf...\"

The mage was cut off by a power that shot quickly through his body.  It rendered him paralyzed, and he was gasping for air, barely able to breath.  He was held in the air by the mysterious figure.

\"...Loud inaudible noises, full of rage...\" from the mysterious figure.

The mage is then dropped to the ground.  He hits the floor hard, and regains the feeling in his body.  His breathing passages are re-opened.

\"...Inaudible noises...\" from the mysterious figure.

\"*panting* I...see\" replied the mage.  \"You... are right.  My... interference alone... would change nothing.  I...I am sorry that I doubted in your wisdom...My master.\"
« Last Edit: December 29, 2004, 02:15:45 am by Bartimus »


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« Reply #116 on: January 09, 2005, 10:18:12 pm »
Mean while, Krayn was gazing at the catapult.  It had just flung the ammo.  He looked forward and saw millions of zombies sprawled on the ground.  He glanced quickly at his pendant and then said\"Where to next.\"

  Jessyn replied\"well we are after seperot but i don\'t think we are strong enough yet.\"

  \"Then can you help me find my family?\"


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« Reply #117 on: January 28, 2005, 04:51:39 am »
Maverick was confused, the crystal which he had taken from Seperot was directing him to a place where a great power was hidden. Drawn on by his curiosity he had approached the area that the crystal was directing him to. When he got there he could see absolutely nothing except bare ground. He was about to turn around and walk back when he saw something lying on the ground, it looked like a piece of stone. He walked up to it and was bending down when he hit his head on something hard and reeled back. After a few moments he picked up a pebble and checked it at the thing which he had hit his head on. The pebble bounced off nothing, curious Maverick put his ear against the invisible wall, inside he could hear the sounds of an argument between two people, one of them was shouting, the other was speaking in an indistinguishable murmur. Suddenly Maverick was flung back by a powerful force; the entire castle appeared and began to shake. Then just as suddenly it stopped shaking and Maverick was just about to go back and put his ear next to the wall again when suddenly another force, stronger than the first bust out from the castle. Maverick was unconscious before he hit the floor.
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« Reply #118 on: January 30, 2005, 04:15:33 pm »
The cheetah-bard wandered for several days, muttering almost constantly about the sad state of the maps the shyster sold her for five tria each.  She shakes her head, finally.  \"Not bad enough that the maps are bad, dodging a zombie plague all the way.\" She mutters... and continues wandering through the woods, muttering the whole way grumpily.  Finally she climbs a tree, getting her bearings, then tilts her head, a bit.  She decides to take the tree-road, leaping from branch to branch, over the top of the zombie army, considering a bit as she wanders from tree to tree.

\"not supposed to happen.\" She mutters at one point, then continues wandering over through the forest, toward a nearby hillside that seems clear.  She whistles, a small bird answering her call, an emphyry, her totem.  \"no end to it huh?\" she says, and shrugs, then lets the thing go, then wanders along the hilltop a bit.  She weeps a little as she finally sees the town nearby, the townsfolk. \"there\'s got to be a cure.\" she murmurs, then turns back, ghosting from tree to tree. S he blinks as she sees a catapult, and a kran nearby.  Deciding caution to be the better part of valour.  She hmms, noting that they don\'t appear to be on the side with the zombies, then slips down to approach them, carefully, trying to choose the time and place of her meeting.  After a careful check of the area, she nods, then notices something stirring behind them... blinks once or twice.  She gets out her atlatl, and starts to stalk the stirring.. then nods, sniffing the air, the soft scent of earth making it clear, then flings the thing... the  throwing-spear strikes true, in the center of the nearly transparent mass that was feeding on some of the dead flesh nearby, then ducks as two crystals fly from it, aimed where she threw from.  She waits a moment or two, then collects the crystal seeds, moving in closer to the mass, nods, and starts to butcher the thing, glad for the small hollow she found, taking the few medicinal parts.  She then turns, but seems to have lost the other party, mutters, and starts trying to track them.  Turning, she spots the tracks, and continues to follow, hoping they didn\'t put up a blind trail for her.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2005, 04:17:36 pm by lyistra »


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« Reply #119 on: January 31, 2005, 10:52:51 am »
*seperot chucks his crystals on the ground climbs on darkstorm and fliys off never to be used it this story again.*

(dident know you guys where still making this and using me in it -.-)