Author Topic: The legend has wings  (Read 11609 times)


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« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2003, 12:01:47 pm »
A Short Trip

The world started to fade from focus.  The last thing he saw were shrill geysers of smoke rising all about... they reminded him of the mountain he came from.  Everything had now passed into darkness and the world seemed to fall away around him.  Kramy was falling, in an endless void.  In a dreamlike state, he pondered where he could be.  Floating around in nothingness, he must be dead now for sure.  It carried on like this for a time, whilst Kramy wondered where he would end up.  Or would he be here forever perhaps?  Or would he--- THUD!  Kramy suddenly crashed against the ground.  There was still emptyness all about, and he could not move.

A voice!  Faint, sounding miles away, yet he could still barely make it out.  \"Yes, yes, this is it, the one created from the ancient Kran that had held the Brown Gem.  His situation is dire, normally such injuries to a Kran would prove difficult, if not impossible to heal.  You though, healer, have a higher power.  Restoring it is well with in your powers.  I cannot tell you where you should go from here.  However, I can tell you this Kran may become your enemy later, if he is not your friend now.  Farewell!\"

Some more time passed; now all he could hear was occasional murmuring in the distance.  Then things began to lighten... the stimuli of seeing the world again flooded back in a rush.  And there was the strange cat creature he had seen before, staring down at him.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2003, 02:47:59 pm by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2003, 02:46:39 pm »
Coming to

Kramy dazidly looked up at the two cat-creatures above him. They were really blurry, and both making the same movements. As they combined into one he realized his eyes were out of focus. The black cat was gone, but luckily so was the hairy creature with claws. He wondered if the black cat had done something to it, but then sharply realized he had pain all over his body. The cat above him was reciting something as white light poured out from her hands, and his pain slowly eased.

He started taking notice of his surroundings. He wasn\'t anywhere near the tree he had hit...the creature must have had fun tossing him around like a volley ball. Still, it hadn\'t eaten him, and that was something... He looked up into the face of the cat-creature above him. She was now done reciting her queer-sounding incantations, and he felt quite a bit better than before.

Slowly he got to his feet, and looked down at the cat kneeling before where he had been. She looked exactly like the one he had saved from the big hairy thing. Well...this was fitting, he saved her and she saved him!

There was an awkward silence for some time, both just peering at eachother. Kramy wasn\'t exactly sure how other races interacted with eachother, so he just stood there and starred at her. She started figetting as though she was getting nervous....maybe I should say something to calm her down he thought. Kramy searched through his memory for words from their language, then came up with a breakthrough. \"Thank you,\" he muttered slowly. She smiled at that, evidently happy he wasn\'t going to eat her or something. He\'d have to explain later that Kran didn\'t eat Enkidukai. It would be awful if such a false rumour were to get out.

Kramy reached down and picked her up off the ground, to her surprise, so she was standing. \"Where to go now?\" he asked. He was still unsure where the big hairy creature had gone, and somehow trusted his luck to walk right into it again.

\"That way..\" she murmered.

Thanks Wedge! Now I guess Moogie gets to write a chapter. :P


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« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2003, 06:49:05 pm »
To the casual veiwer all they chold see down this lonly dark street was a few sparks. what they chould hear on the other hand was a rogue trying to out manuver a cult leader who was a very good swordsman in a terrific sword fight  while the rogue had the advantage of sight at night the cult leader had very good perseption and heard the rogue as he juped of things and ran around. Seperot was having fun this was his kind of battle. he knew the leader was tiering while the rogue had bounds of energy. The feline finnal found his chance and sliced off the leaders sword whileding arm. Seperot picked up the crystal. the leader made a attack and stabed a dagger into seperots foot. the rogue howled in pain before thrusing his katana into the heart of the leader. as he started to hobble off he saw cult members comeing towards the fighting. seperot paniced and ran for the rooftops he silently crawled across them towards kada\'s tavern. he figured there whould be a healer there to help him out.


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« Reply #48 on: December 08, 2003, 07:16:36 pm »
Moogie watched silently as the huge Kran plodded off through the undergrowth in the direction she had pointed him. Somehow, she felt compelled to follow him.

Even as she was running through the forest to escape the persuing monster, something had stopped her. She thought it was just her imagination- and perhaps it had been. But it had urged her to turn, and so she did, untill she had found the Kran slumped against a broken tree without a breath of life in him.

Seeing the poor creature in such a broken state had horrified her. However, even more terrifying was the fact that the clawed beast was also here, and it turned towards the noise of her approach, roaring triumphantly. In the same instance that it began bolting towards her, claws outspread to brutally cut her through, the monster had vanished in a bright flash of light. Moogie stood rooted to her spot, stunned and frightened out of her wits, for several minutes before she could move.

When she had recovered, Moogie spent no time questioning what had happened. She immediately moved to the Kran and assessed his damage. He was all but dead...

A voice beside her startled the girl. The apparation of her imagination had returned. Perhaps it was real, after all. An Enkidukai fully dressed in black garb had just appeared next to Moogie, as if it had been standing there all along. It had spoken to the girl in such a cryptic way before disappearing again, the feline had no idea what it had hoped to communicate to her. However, one thing was clear. It told her she had the power to revive her rocky friend, and thus she set to work on him.

It took roughly a full fifteen minutes to awaken the Kran, but when his heavy eyelids slid open, she saw only gratitude for her actions. After an awkward moment, Moogie pointed him in the direction of the city. And now she was alone, watching his bulky form disappear into the forest.

Only now did the girl stop to question the events that had come to pass this day. Her mind drifted back to Seperot. She had left him in the dead of night, wanting to iscolate herself from everyone in fear that her crystal would be the death of her dear friends. If she was to die, it would be her alone, and nobody else should ever get injured because of her.

Moogie sat herself down at the foot of an old tree. She had walked many miles that night, untill the pads of her bare feet were worn and sore. She had never worn shoes, she mused. Infact her clothes were always homemade from fabrics she had weaved herself during long winter nights and hot summer days. She was never a rich Enkidukai- any money she received was donated to charities or weary travellers or the homeless. Moogie was almost too generous for her own good, but it was the only way she felt worthy of being in the world. It was understandable, for a girl with no past, no memory, and no real purpose...

She thought about the creature she had just brought back from the brink of death and wondered about the mysterious words of the black Enkidukai. Would the Kran soon be her enemy? Was it not a friend now, both having saved her life and had his own life saved by her?

Moogie suddenly looked up.

Oh no! I never thanked him for saving my life! She thought. Although it may have seemed a trivial reason to try and catch up with a stranger, the girl nevertheless felt she owed him her gratitude. At once she took off in the direction he had plodded through and followed the trail of broken branches and crushed ferns he had clumsily left behind.


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« Reply #49 on: December 09, 2003, 12:00:00 am »
Wandering is Danger

Kramy trudged through the ferns and various other plants on his path. Normally he would have tried not to trample them, but at the moment he had other things on his mind. What strange people Enkidukai are he mused, after pondering over the clawed creature. While he knew little about the Enkidukai race, and understood even littler about their culture, he determined without a doubt that they were all crazy by Kran standards.

It was odd that they should use their language in such confusing manners. The one wearing all black only spoke in riddles, and the other hardly spoke at all. He was beginning to think more and more that perhaps Yliakum wasn\'t the best place to travel...after all, he could get rubies anywhere, he\'d just have to search a little harder.

It was probably for the best anyway. His luck had taken him this far, but somehow he had a feeling it would be best to stop testing it. People from cities were rumoured to be very other race\'s standards. If an Enkidukai thought his own race was strange when from a city like Yliakum, imagine what he\'d think!

Just then he heard a faint rustling behind him. Great, just what he needed....another something-or-other chasing him to try to kill him! Having not had a chance to rest he was low on energy, so he decided to surprise it so he had a fighting chance. Walking quietly so it wouldn\'t hear him, he selected a hidden spot beside the path and readied his pike. If it wasn\'t smart enough to stop following it would get a huge chunk knocked out of it as it walked by... Better it than him...

I hope you have quick reflexes ;) or don\'t mind being hauled off to a tavern. :D


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« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2003, 03:23:41 pm »

Seperot tried his best to keep a steady footing as he entered Kada El\'s.  A hub for travelers for centuries, it would be quick work to find a healer and then be back on his way.  The sooner the better, he didn\'t want to be seen with any sort of weakness.  Try as he might though, the wound was rather bad, and he still had a slight hobble.  Seperot had barely gotten through the door when someone approached him.  

It was a Lemur, wearing a black cloak with hood drawn back.  \"Your foot is injured, you have come seeking healing  yes?\" \"How do yo--\" \"You put on a proud face Enkidukai, but you cannot walk a steady path no matter how you may try.\" \"Quite, well seeing as it\'s so obvious I\'d like to go about finding someone who can get it fixed then.  Now if you\'ll excuse me.\" \"I am a healer.\"  \"You, a healer?  What\'s with the dark getup, you look more like an arcane mage.\" \"Oh so you can tell my alignment by my colour is it?  As it just so happens, black is in this year for healers.  Now sit down and let me see this wound.\"  \"Errr, ehm sorry, OK... so how\'s it look?\"  \"Hmm doesn\'t seem that bad, I\'d say it\'ll only run you 50 tria.\"  \"Sounds fair, now get on with it.\"

The acolyte began to chant... whatever it is they always do, never made any sense to Seperot.  There was the glowing aura about the wound, Seperot could feel the pain easing away...  BZAP! An arc of black energy flew up and sent the healer crashing into a table halfway across the room.  Seperot franticly looked about to see who had done this... everyone else was looking just as surprised as he was though.  Apparentley beyond the inital shock of being thrown, the cloaked Lemur was fine.  He got back up and walked over to Seperot.

\"This is much more serious than I could at first tell...\"  \"What do you mean?\"  \"Tell me, how did you get this wound?\"  \"I was stabbed... by some madman in an alley.\"  \"Hmmm, well this madman certainly carried a devious weapon, one that was cursed in-fact.\"  \"Cursed?\"  \"Yes, this wound has been infused with a powerful dark magic.  It will not heal on it\'s own, and will likely grow worse.\"  \"So what do we do about it then?\"  \"We?  We can\'t do anything about it.  Unless you\'re fine with amputation as an opt--\" \"No.\" \"Yes I assumed as much.  This if far beyond my skill to heal.  Only the most powerful of healers can remove a curse of this power.  The sad fact is... you don\'t see this level of magic often these days, and I don\'t know of any healers around now that can cure such an ailment.\"  \"Well... maybe I do.\"
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2003, 04:09:45 pm »
----------------------------------------- removed -----------------------------------------

Not a problem. I like yours better anyway - I\'m no good at writing dialogs and stuff, so generally avoid them. :D
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 06:37:57 pm by Kramy »


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« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2003, 05:05:41 pm »
Moogie yelped as she nimbly sprung out of the way from the sharp end of Kramy\'s pike. The dodge had caused her to lose balance, however, and she fell flat on her back as the Kran charged out of the bushes, pointing his weapon at her menancingly. The bulky creature stopped just in time, a look of suprise (if such emotions were so visible on a Kran\'s hard face) replacing his angry scowl. Moogie squeezed her eyes shut and awaited her fate, but to her suprise, Kramy pulled back his pike and spoke to her in his deep, gruff voice.

\"It you? I thought kitty ran away?\" He said, scratching the back of his head in confusion. Moogie opened her eyes slowly and looked up at him. A smile replaced her frightened expression as he offered a helping hand and lifted her effortlessly from the ground.

\"Why thank you... umm, what\'s your name?\" She politely asked, dusting herself off.

\"Me Kramy. I don\'t know kitty\'s name.\"

\"I\'m Moogie, it\'s a pleasure to meet you.\" She smiled again. The Kran attempted a smile of his own in return.

\"Where to go?\" He asked the feline. She thought for a while, her hand on her chin as she wondered what to do next. She could go back to the city, but wasn\'t her original plan been to hide herself away and be forgotten? Going back might mean her friends would be in danger...

She looked at Kramy, studying his large form shaded by the forest trees.

\"Where do you live, Kramy? What were you doing out here alone anyway?\" The Kran shook his head. Two questions at once? What was this kitty\'s hurry?

\"Kramy was eating yummy RIPs and going to big city. Then Kramy saw Moogie in danger and helped little kitty.\" He answered slowly. \"But Kramy going to big city Hydlaa now. Maybe more RIPs there for Kramy?\" His face seemed to light up happily at the thought. Moogie watched him and had to stop herself \"aawww\"ing aloud at his innocent cuteness. She padded down the path a few steps and turned to face him.

\"Well, Kramy, Hydlaa is this way. Come on, I\'ll come with you. We\'ll go to Kada\'El\'s Tavern and have a rest there after this little adventure, hmm?\" She offered, smiling at him. The Kran nodded his head and followed her out of the forest all the way to Hydlaa.

It took them a day and a half to reach the city. After buying two sackfulls of rubies from some merchants they met outside the city gates (both of which Kramy happily carried with one hand, slung over his back), Moogie lead him to the tavern and entered, making sure he minded his head on the way in. Kran are pretty tall creatures, after all.

No sooner had the girl stepped through the door then people from tables around the room looked up, greeting her with a hearty cheer and raised beermugs. She was well known here, and she had expected such a warm welcome after not visiting in so long, but the Kran looked shocked by the sudden rise in volume. He held his hands over his ears grumpily untill the noise stopped.

Several people approached the girl in turn to greet her, offer her a drink or a free chair on their table. But Moogie had already picked one out for herself and her bulky friend, who followed her through the crowded tavern awkwardly, lugging his sacks of crystals behind him. He ignored the strange looks he received; he was used to the little people gawking at his magnificent, powerful body. Let them stare! They were just jealous of him.

The Enkidukai and the Kran moved to the far back corner of the room where another feline watched their approach; his blooded and bandaged foot resting on a stool beside him. Moogie rushed to meet him upon seeing the injury.

\"Seperot... what happened? Are you okay!?\" She exclaimed.

\"I got into a fight with the cult leader, he stabbed me with some sort of cursed blade.\" He winced as another pain shot up his aching leg. He tried to hide it as much as he could, but it was weakening him with every minute it continued to eat away at him. As Kramy stood munching rubies and watching the two friends, Moogie moved around to his foot and kneeled down, preparing to heal him.

\"Wait!\" The rogue shouted a little louder than he realised. \"Another healer tried to do something to this a few hours ago. Next thing he knew he was across the room, on a broken table on the floor. Don\'t touch it, I don\'t want you getting hurt...\" He warned. Moogie looked at him with worried eyes.

\"But Sep, I have to try, I can\'t just let you sit there...\" She pleaded. She peered at him, silently begging, untill finally he nodded his head in agreement.

\"Okay, but... owe! ...Just don\'t hold back on them powers of yours, Moogs. I don\'t wanna see you flying across this room if you can\'t get rid of this curse.\"

Seperot made himself steady and comfortable on his seat before Moogie began whispering her incantations with closed eyes, her hands hoverring over his injured limb. After a while, small globes of light started dancing around, entering and exiting the feline\'s bare foot as if it were but a mere vision. The rogue squeezed his eyes shut. His foot felt like it was on fire. But he clenched his teeth and his fists as hard as he could to keep himself steady for his friend. He hoped to Talad that this would work. He was more concerned about the effect it would have on her, rather than any more pain it would give him.

Moogie concentrated hard. This was alot more difficult than it had first seemed. Though her eyes were tight shut, she could see an image of Seperot\'s foot in her mind, enshrowded by a dark swirling mist that strangled the limb tightly and stabbed it, passing through the other side of the flesh and bone. She visioned her own pure spirals of light trying to circle the tentacles of dark energy, hoping to smother it and choke it untill it disappeared. But it was so much harder than anything she had tried to heal before, she thought again in concern. Not even bringing Kramy back from the brink of death was as difficult as this, even though the task seemed many times more urgent and taxing than simply purging a curse.

But this curse was more powerful than she had ever experienced. She watched in horror as the black mist began twirling its way, almost gracefully, up her own light and towards her very soul. It started to overpower her, her light fading both in her mind and infront of Seperot\'s own eyes. Even Kramy peered at the girl in concern. This didn\'t look good. The rest of the tavern had stopped their social banter and drinking to watch the scene themselves. Random shouts of encouragement rang out, but Moogie could hear nothing. She could hardly breathe. The energy reached out towards her, strangling her, ripping her soul apart. She decided it was now or never. She would have to throw every ounce of energy she had into this, lest she be killed on the spot by the angry curse.

She suddenly began chanting louder, more complex sentences. She focused all the energy she had to fighting the curse and banishing it from Seperot\'s body. The poor Rogue had long ago been overwhelmed by the pain and slammed his fist into the table repeatedly, his jaw clenched so hard he thought his teeth were going to shatter any second. Long, loud howls escaped his lips as the light intensified steadily and the chants became louder, and louder...

Suddenly, the light seemed to explode. The patrons of the tavern shielded their eyes in suprise as Moogie cried out, the pain pouring from her friend into her own body in one sudden burst of healing power. The curse disappeared in a sparkle of darkness, just as the healer fell lifeless to the floor.

The room returned to its normal ambience as the healing magic faded. Seperot\'s foot showed almost fully healed and the feline could no longer feel any pain. However, he stared in horror at Moogie. His best friend and companion, and one of the most powerful healers in Yliakum it seemed, lay on the floor without but a soft breath escaping her bloodied mouth.

[Edit: *sees Kramy\'s post* NOOOOO!!!!]

[By the way, I didn\'t die. But darn near close to it.]
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 05:13:24 pm by Moogie »


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« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2003, 07:43:02 pm »
Restoration and Running

Kramy looked down at moogie, shocked. This was worse than when he almost impaled her! She wasn\'t breathing, so that meant that she\'d soon be dead - he remembered that from somewhere. Other races need to breath or they die...and they can\'t breath water either. Then his mind refocussed on the cat on the floor...and the cat sitting at the table cursing. He could almost make out some of the words those curses were equivilent to in his own language. It made him happy that his language skills were improving.

But then he noticed moogie lying on the floor again. This was a did other races go about breathing again? He bent down over her, studying her features...then decided to press somewhere in the middle of her body to see what would happen. Gently, he pressed down and that didn\'t work, she was still lying there without breathing.

\"HEY YOU!!\" he shouted at the bartender, which coincedentally drew the attention of the entire room, \"She not breathing!\"

Seperot jumped up immediately, muttering incomprehensible stuff, while the bartender ran over to see if he could help. \"What do?\" Kramy asked, hoping that either of them knew the proper course of actions. Seperot leaned over her and pressed down and released, in a similar fashion as the Kran had, then put his lips on hers and puffed out his cheeks. That was funny to watch...breathing was such an inconvenience.

After a while she coughed and spluttered, her eyes slowly coming back into focus. Kramy was happy, and shoved Seperot away, picked her up, and placed her in a chair. The sudden movement made her face go sort of contorted, but he didn\'t notice. Seperot cursed and kicked  the Kran for knocking him into a table, but only succeeded in hurting his foot further. Kran mean well at times, but simply lack the understanding of how to do things letting people have a breath after they almost die. :D

Seperot stood up beside Kramy and asked moogie if she was ok, while her eyes dazidly came back into focus. The reply was lost to the Kran by the sudden noise and commotion from the door. Some mean looking people with swords, staffs, and wearing a weird-emblem were at the door, and one was pointing at them, or rather at Seperot, chanting something. Kramy tapped Seperot, and pointed toward the guys now circling them, wondering who they were. But just then a fireball shot out from the chanting guy\'s hand straight for Seperot. It must of missed though, because it hit the Kran square on, to his minor discomfort.

That got the attention of Seperot. He turned and knives flashed out into the throats of several of the weird-men. Kramy charged straight on for the one by the door, grabbed him as he reached for his katana, and hurled him through the wall. He then turned and hurled a few more through the walls, not realizing that throwing people through walls would likely get him in trouble with the tavern owner.

Meanwhile Seperot was weilding a katana of his own, dicing any that came too near, keeping 5 or 6 just slightly at bay. Moogie was at the rear wall, standing on a table, and climbing out one of the tavern windows. Knowing, or atleast assuming, that Seperot would be overwhelmed any second, Kramy charged in, bowling one of the weird-men over, and grabbed seperot around the waist. He hurled Seperot, surprised look and all, up through the window through which Moogie had just climbed. Pointed at him now were 8 sharp swords, so Kramy decided upon taking the safest route out. Turning he bashed his hand through the the wall, ripped a chunk off and climbed out...

Hmm..if we get outside the city alive we\'ll have to meet up. Hope none of us get thrown in the labyrinth. :D
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 07:44:56 pm by Kramy »


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« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2003, 12:00:23 am »

Ooof!  Moogie was sent sprawling onto the ground, as Seperot came flying through the window right into her.  Seperot quickly started to get up, but a glint caught his eye.  Moogie\'s pendant was lying to the side of her neck.  He was suddenley entranced, his eyes could see nothing but the gem.  Frantically Seperot grabbed the pendant, dragging Moogie up with it, as the chain was still around her neck.  

\"Aaaaa-ck!  Seperot what are you doing!?\"  Yet her words had no effect, so she struck her friend as solidly as she could in the head.  Looking up surprised and seeing what he was doing, Seperot loosened his grip on the crystal.  Moogie immediately drew back several steps, staring at him with a look of shock and horror on her face.  \"GrrrrrrssssssshhhhAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!\"  Moogie watched in terror as Seperot fell to his knees on the ground, writhing about seemingly in great pain.  His hand were covering his ears, as if to block out a thousand people screaming at once.  

Abruptly Seperot became very silent.  Slowly he rose back to his feet, a visage of calmness and tranquility.  Quietly he spoke, \"Moogie, I\'m so sorry... I just... lost control a little bit there.  Just come here, we pry shouldn\'t stick around.\"  \"Seperot, I don\'t know.  Are you su--\"  \"Yes Moogie, I\'m fine, now let\'s go.\"  \"I-i-i-i\'m not certa--\"  \"Moogie!  We don\'t have time!\"  \"B-b-b-ut you just--\" \"Moogie!\"  Seperot took a step towards her, she in turn withdrew twice the distance back.  \"Look Moogie, I\'m really sorry but if we don\'t le--\" Seperot was cut off as several more of the mysterious assailants had now caught up and headed towards him.  

Seizing the moment, Moogie dashed off as fast as she could, not giving any mind to where she was going.  Weaving her way through alleys and streets, only trying to make distance between herself and her disturbed comrade.  Without knowing it Moogie had wandered into the slums of Hydlaa.  A very dangerous part of town, she did not want to draw attention to herself here.  Looking back, Seperot was nowhere in sight and she slowed her pace to a hurried walk.  creak!  Looking down Moogie was suprised she was now walking on wooden beams from some old excavation site.  It looked none to stable, and surely just as she thought that the first grainy crack! sounded.  With her footing already falling away, there was no time to retreat.  Moogie let out a faint scream as she was swallowed by the darkness below.

Meanwhile, Seperot was now thoroughly enraged by his pursuers intrusion.  Guided by some force not of his own will, Seperot flung his hand outward sending a focuses surged of energy that completely disentegrated two of his attackers.  Looking down at his hand, Seperot was quite bewildered.  The look slowly crept into a devious grin, as the remaining figures nervously circled about him.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2003, 11:07:40 am by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2003, 01:25:09 am »
Stumbling and Bumbling - Pit in the Ground

Kramy took off down the street he had abruptly barged into. Some people had shocked expressions on their faces, as if they never saw a Kran charge through a wall before...well, most of them probably never had seen a Kran charge through a wall come to think of it... Pushing through the crowd, he headed directly away from the weird-men. He hoped his friends got away safely, but those weird-men looked pretty dangerous... If they were lucky they could dive into an ally or somewhere else and hide. Come to think of it, there were lots of hiding places all over Yliakum, not to mention this town. :DHydlaa

Travelling through several ally ways, and on several streets farther, he was not even watching where he was going when he stumbled into a deep pit in the ground. He watched the floor slowly coming at him. Oooh, this was going to hurt...too bad Moogie was with Seperot. This was just the time he would need her.

Short and sweet, and took five minutes to write. :]


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« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2003, 05:04:48 am »
Seperot chouldent belive what he was doing. he had incerated half the cult members then proceded to bring back there corpses to fight the other half. after defeting them all he felt great waves of pain surge though him. he staggerd into the in flung some coins at the bartender took a key and whent into an empty room and proceded to pass out.

Seperot hated dreams he had ever since his child hood. he found himself in a land where fire rained from the sky the land was scorched and there was only rubble around the area. his 3 crystals flew out his pocket and materilased into a crystal version of....himself. \"submittttt\" the crystal sayed the rogue quickly realised what this was the crystals had power over him now. he whent for his katana but dident have it while the crystal him pulled out its one. he kick for the crystals hand tring to disarm him but insted hurting his foot Seperot turned to run but found he was now in a cage with the crystals. The rogue was out of options he chouldent fight the crystas and was traped. the crystal seperot kicked the rogue againced thew wall let him slide down and put its katana againced his neck \" Submittttttttt\" The rogue had no choice and noded to aggree to submit.

The new seperot woke up and strangly seemed to know where the 3 remaining parts of himself where and quickly ran to the direction of his first target. Moogie

Arise evil seperot Muhahahaha :P
« Last Edit: December 10, 2003, 05:05:31 am by seperot »


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« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2003, 11:53:19 am »
In The Dark

Moogie was lying on her back, staring straight up.  A scarce bit of light could be seen up above where she fell, but it could not reach down too penetrate the surrounding darkness.  Her thoughts were all a mess, Moogie just wanted to stop thinking... stop being.  A disembodied voice rang out around her, seemingly coming from everywhere at once.  At first she thought perhaps her own thoughts had come to taunt her... but no, this was something else.  Rising to her feet, she looked about for what it could be.

\"I\'m really sorry, I am.  You had to see it for yourself though.  The strength they have, and what they do to those that seek their might.  Half gathered they are now, and a fearsome force they will present.  I imagine he is totally lost to it now, he will be coming for you again.  You can rest here if you want... wait until he finds you... it can all end there.  Just give in and die, it\'s less trouble for you.  The havok that will be wrought upon this realm afterwards will no longer be your concern.\"

\"You-- who?... I\'ve heard you before... why can\'t you just leave me be?\"

\"Hahahahahahaha, oh I suppose that\'s not a fair way of putting it.  Yet that is how it would be.  You must continue.  Not until all the gems are assembled is hope lost.  The crystal\'s power grows, it may now be able to seek you out.  You cannot hide any longer.  He is a worthy conduit for the accursed artifacts.  Few can now stand against him.  An overbearing lust to be complete consumes him now though... and it may be the only chance you have.\"

\"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about...\"

\"Mogura Aensular, daughter of the legendary healer Viol Aensular!  You have felt lost your whole life, lacking any purpose or meaning.  This is a grave situation you now find yourself in; but should you decide to face it, you may find what you have always wanted...\"

\"M-m-my name?  How do you know my name!?  What do you know about me!?\"

Moogie shouted into the void.  Only echoes returned, mocking her by asking things she did not know.  Moogie let out a shrill cry, and collapsed back to the ground.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2003, 11:54:08 am by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2003, 03:53:05 pm »
Trudging in Tunnels

Kramy slowly crawled to his feet. It sure did suck falling several stories down a pit. He had cracks all over his body...moving hurt a lot, but if he didn\'t find a healer he might soon fall apart. Wandering through the cylindrical tunnels, with sludge and other things lining the walls, he slowly made his way on looking for a way out. There had to be a ladder somewhere...ahh, why do the other races make huge pits with no exits? he mused angrily. Just when he thought he was beginning to understand them, they threw something completely new and unexpected at him that was just plain confounding...

The tunnels were unnaturally dark. Even in other caves with no sun, he had been able to see better than now. Maybe it was his exposure to the light from the world above for so long, but he doubted it. Wandering on he came to a huge chamber with many tunnels leading to it, and a giant statue located directly in the center. Carefully climbing down some railings, he reached the bottom and waded to the statue. Something odd had happened there. He wasn\'t sure why, but the statue felt warm for some reason. He peered at it, studying it slowly, then walked around it until he came to a small pedestal. Walking up to it it discovered that it was the cause of the warmth. But why does a pedestal make warmth?

He waved his hand over the pedestal, and a dim brown light shone out from his hand. A crystal formed just beneath. It looked brown. Kramy carefully picked it up, but after a second it flashed and disappeared. Odd... he thought. Crystals didn\'t usually do such strange things. Waving his hand over the pedestal again, the crystal reappeared in the dim brown light. Picking it up again, it flashed and vanished.

Well, obviously it didn\'t want him to eat it, so he turned around and waded to the tunnel opposite the one he had entered. Climbing carefull up the railing, due to all the cracks in his body, he made it to the tunnel above and trudged on...

Lets get this story moving again. 8)


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« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2003, 06:58:21 pm »
Seperot stroled into a street he was going to find the rest of himself he need help. he wandered into the slums an area of town that no one whent to unless they lived there if a fire broke out noone whould help. knowing this seperot set the whole slums ablaze killing anyone who had managed to excape. he cooled the fire after a short while so the bodys wherent beyond the relm of necromancy and reanimated them. with a small army of zombies he set them out to hunt moogie. he himself set out for the kran. The zombies where feral beasts a bite from them ment the person whould soon be turned into them without the right healing. they slowly where moveing though the city killing to gather forces as they carryed on there masters task.


i cant think of much to write atm so im just giving backround on  what im doing.....evil things :P
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 06:58:35 pm by seperot »