Author Topic: Monsters Ideas  (Read 7297 times)


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Monsters Ideas
« on: January 06, 2002, 05:22:50 pm »

Hi everybody. Do you want to help the PS team? Then, propose monsters for use in PS one this topic. Include the following things:

                    - A general description
                    - Size
                    - Difficulty
                    - Colors
                    - Main weapons
                    - Also put in wether you give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game.

                    Happy posting!
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 25-11-2001 12:03 GMT            

                    My monster would be named a \"Frenzied Under-Demo\" and would be about 2 and a half metres tall, and have two methods to attack. The
                    first would be a powerful energy bolt simular to a fire bolt that pulsates in an irredescant red color while its firing. That would cause low to
                    medium damage. Its first attack would be a powerful claw attack which would cause medium to high damage. It would be fast, but easy to
                    kill. Its main threat is when it comes for close combat, but its tactics would usually involves attacking to provide cover for other types of
                    monsters so they can melee. If nessasary this creature should be able to leap short distances. It should come in many colors, including a
                    purple and brownish colour. Its main weapons are a claw, and its magical attack which I described.

                    Since im already part of the team I dont see a problem with you guys using it. :)
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 25-11-2001 12:04 GMT            

                    Ohps, that was a frenzied under-demon... :)
                      posted 25-11-2001 14:53 GMT            

                    The Gratak

                    A race of small, ugly and angry creatures. Standing about as tall as a human eight-year-old their eyes glow yellow, their skin is dark brown
                    in an attempt at camoflage and their level of technology is low (they usually carry primative clubs or throw rocks). Not very dangerous when
                    alone, but tend to hunt in packs. Very aggressive and relatively fast-moving.

                    I just made this up on the spot: use it if you want :)
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 15:13 GMT            

                    The Frinyinoza

                    The Frinyinoza is a dangerous creature. It may look like a simple snake, but its intellect can make it fierce. It can hide in the shadows,
                    and the only thing that can help you escape its death trap is its glowing dark purple eyes. The usually hide in dark or shadowed places
                    and launch themselves out onto unsespecting people and hang on until they either take a bit of \"life\" away, or if you are unlucky they
                    release a deadly venom into your body.

                    (The venom part can be made by the team)

                    Its 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. They can be a bit smaller but not usually. This is how big they can get.

                    The Spinyinoza is not one of the easiest enemies, yet not the hardest. If you happen to come accross in it will attempt to bite your feet in
                    attempt to get to your leg to slither up and bite you in a more dangerous place. If you do not meet it \"head on\" it will usually coil its body in
                    the shadows and launch itself at you and latch onto you. You can cut its body but it will never stop. You must decapitate the Spinyinoza
                    before it will die.

                    Dark purple eyes, dark red body will black stripes. The eyes glow in the darkness so they can see. Very scaley.

                    Its razor sharp teeth, and its toxic venom.

                    OF COURSE I GIVE YOU THE RIGHT!

                    Or actually..

                    I, Oldman Kay, give the PlaneShift Team legal authority to use and/or copy my idea in the \"PlaneShift\" role-playing game.
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 15:15 GMT            

                    Correction: with black stripes
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 15:16 GMT            


                    I messed up the name the first two times. Its the SPINyinoza.

                    Sorry \'bout dat mate!
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 25-11-2001 17:04 GMT            

                    Namtak Partizan

                    These group of nomadic humans below to an ancient clan who have been currupted by the evil. They are usually males ages between 19
                    and 27 or females aged between 22 and 26 and their high varies but is quite simular to the Xachar(sp?).

                    These people often wear face paints to camoflage themselves and their appearance varies depending on their environment. If one is fighting
                    in a forest, they are more likely to be green or brown, if underground they are more likely to be dark or blue.

                    They yield a variety of weapons including polearms, swords and spears. They have been known to study and practice primative black
                    magics. These include death rituals, sacraficial rituals, ressurection, healing, and stealth. These spells usually are available only to a
                    handful of extremely well trained Namtak Partizans.

                    These people originated from underground areas or caves around the temple of Laanx and have co-existed with several native species for
                    hundreds of years.

                    I, CorsairK8, give the PlaneShift team full legal rights to use this idea for whatever purposes. :)
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 25-11-2001 17:15 GMT            


                    These are small wolf-like creatures who often are found in packs. They enjoy feasting on their dead and they are very fast. They can be
                    easily picked off with a ranged attack, but once they get into melee range the danger is highest. A talented warrior should have no problem
                    with these wild creatures. These are fairly small, about the size of a grown dog or simular creature. These are fairly easy creatures, as long
                    as they dont pile up in large packs. Their damage is quite high if they continually attack in groups and they can storm an ill-prepared party.
                    Their weapons are their teeth and they have no additional skills or abilities. Some dogs are known to leap off of high areas directly onto
                    people in order to ambush them.

                    I, CorsairK8, give the PlaneShift team full legal rights to use this idea for whatever purposes. :)
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 25-11-2001 17:39 GMT            

                    Name: Balon
                    Balons are very Large feline creatures with wings. They have retractible claws, which are usually hidden by there fur. These creatures are
                    quick in the air, but ridiculously slow when on foot. These creatures avoid the dark as much as possible.

                    Black and White drawing:

                    Size: 5 ft high 12 ft long

                    Difficulty: High Attack, Low Defense, Very Low Speed when on ground.

                    Color: Light Brown to Dark Brown, rarely Black.

                    Weapon: Teeth- bite\'s enemy Claws- Balon launches with claws out towards enemy, Wings- Balon grabs enemy with hind legs, lifts them
                    high,then drops to the ground.

                    You, the PS team, have the right to use this monster in the game.
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 25-11-2001 17:41 GMT            

                    Oh yes I forgot to mention- Their very furry
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 18:11 GMT            

                    The Tricosis

                    A Tricosis is basically a three headed bear. Tri means three for the three heads. Cosis, in a sense, means crazy. Which is the bear. Its
                    not a peaceful bear that will not attack unless attacked by. If it gets even a small glint of something moving it will charge head on and
                    either kill it or die trying. Its basic instinct so not one bear is not a killer. These beasts of fury are for the stronger players not to be
                    meddled with by new people.

                    About 2x the height and width of a brown bear(Sorry I\'m not gonna look that up). Its claws can reacj a foot long and its front and hind legs
                    are 2 feet long. Their paws can be the size of a 20 year-old man\'s face.

                    These beasts of fury are for the stronger players not to be meddled with by new people. The Tricosis, for at least and hour a day, sharpen
                    their claws so that the next attack will be an even more gruesome one. The claws, if enough power is put into the swing, can slice straight
                    threw you and almost out the other side.

                    Its light brown, with pure black eyes. Sharp, long, black claws are on its paws.

                    Their paws have sharp claws that are about 2 inches thick. Because of their claws they are sometimes called \"The Forest Burdens\".

                    I, Oldman Kay, give the PlaneShift Development Team legal authority to use and/or copy my idea for the \"PlaneShift\" role-playing game.
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 18:14 GMT            

                    Correction: its front and hind legs are 5 feet long.

                    Don\'t know why I sid 2...


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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2002, 05:23:47 pm »
                      posted 25-11-2001 19:57 GMT            

                    It has been a total of 20 years since we first set out. We have searched deep within the labyrinths all the time looking for new creatures
                    and lost races. It has been hard on my team of adventurers and we have lost many to the dangers down here. Most of our losses have
                    come from the volcanic vents where a terrible creature lives. We have learned the hard way that when the temperature goes up, so does
                    the danger. I am not sure if any of us will survive our trek back to the city so I am writing this in hopes someone might find it and heed my
                    warning. If you ever find yourself near a lava vent, RUN!

                    All the horror began when we first came to a large volcanic area. The labyrinths surrounding the area were riddled with what seemed to be
                    lava vents. We thought we would set up and study this area but that turned out to be our worst mistake ever. The vents we thought were
                    created by flowing lava were actually tunnels dug by a rather dangerous creature. This creature was no taller than a dwarf but it\'s girth was
                    immense. It seemed to be an ape type creature with short legs and massively strong and long arms. These arms were big and bulky. They
                    would drag the ground when the creature walked on its hind legs. When it walked on it\'s hind legs, it was slow and looked quite clumsy. It
                    would swagger side to side as it positioned it\'s small stubby legs beneath it. However we found that this was not the creature\'s main
                    means of movement. We quickly found that this creature could use its large arms to quadruped. Using it\'s large strong arms, it gained a
                    stride of three times that of a Karn, and we found it impossible to outrun. It\'s speed was astounding but that wasn\'t all of it\'s dangers.

                    When we first found what we had thought to be lava vents, we searched them to see if we could find the center location of the volcanic
                    activity. A few of the team equipped themselves with fire resistant gear and ventured into the vents to track where they originated. Only a
                    few of them ever returned and when they did they had a horrid tail to tell. They spoke of finding the origin of the vents to be a large area
                    where instead of a volcano they found lava pools and many structures made from cooled lava rock. This turned out to be the many camps
                    of the creatures. The searchers then described some of the actions of the creatures. Not only did the creatures use lava rock for their
                    structures but as an armor as well. The creatures seemed to actually have a soft body that was easily cut and punctured. To protect
                    themselves they would bathe in the lava pools and coat their bodies. As the lava cooled on them, it formed a hard outer shell. Not only
                    would this shell of lava rock protect their soft underbody but it radiated an immense heat. This heat made it impossible to get too close to
                    them. It was the attempt to get close to them that was the beginning of the end.

                    Some of the team that had gone into the tunnels thought that since these creatures made structures and lived together in camps, that they
                    were intelligent and wanted to make contact with this new race. These foolish teammates soon found this to be the worst idea in their
                    lives. As the members approached, the heat even getting through their heat resistant gear, they found that the creatures were very
                    unfriendly. With grunts and roars these creatures, in packs, attacked viciously. Using their large powerful arms as blunt weapons, they
                    pounded on the team crushing them with every blow. They had small sharp teeth that they used to rip the flesh from the crushed bones.
                    The mouths were small on these creatures but who needs a large mouth when their food is crushed to a pulp. These creatures seemed to
                    enjoy the carnage they inflicted. What they didn\'t eat, they played with. Tossing the dismembered parts in the air, dancing around, and
                    howling a ghoulish howl. It was during this rejoicing that the other team members made their escape back to the main team. Out of the 20
                    members that went into the vents, only 2 made it back.

                    Though a few didn\'t go into the camp and were far from the carnage, they found it hard to return. While the beasts rejoiced, the remainder
                    of the team tried to get back to the main team. They were soon run down. It was a new taste of blood in these creatures mouths and they
                    seemed to be able to smell it from large distances. The two members that made it back said not even their stealth techniques helped
                    them. They described that though they were hidden, the beasts would raise their stubby round heads and using two slits, on their flattened
                    faces, to sniff the air. These slits were about an inch long and were angled outward like the sides of a triangle. these slits were located just
                    above the mouth and centered between and below their eyes. their eyes glower red and were quite small. Didn\'t seem they relied on their
                    eyes as much as their slits of a nose. No matter how hard the team tried to hide and sneak around these beasts, they were smelled out.
                    The only way the 2 actually made it back to tell us of these descriptions was that they took full advantage of the time the beasts took
                    pummeling the other members and rejoicing in the carnage.

                    Though the two made it back to the main team, we all soon found ourselves being hunted. We no longer tried to investigate the vents and
                    even avoided them at all chance but the beasts were now tracking us down. We soon found ways of noticing them and were able to avoid
                    many attacks. It was the cooling lava on their bodies that would give them away as they sat in ambush for us. It would not only give off an
                    immense heat but would also give off a red glow. This glow was different from the normally steady glow of natural lava. This glow they gave
                    out would flicker and dim as it cooled. Unlike natural lava where the glow was steady and constant. This allowed us to see them from a
                    distance and we would use the labyrinth tunnels to avoid possible ambushes. This didn\'t always work though. They would be able to sense
                    that we were avoiding them and would quickly charge when we changed direction to avoid them. In these charges they caused great panic
                    and in this panic we quickly found ourselves lost in the labyrinth. No longer were we researching. We were now running blind through the
                    labyrinths franticly searching for our way back home.

                    Some of the team decided they were going to fight. They were skilled in the many ways of fighting. They have had enough of the running
                    and wanted to make a stand. Their stand was short lived but did however make for the rest of us, more time to get away. As we ran some
                    looked back at the fighting. The fighters weren\'t doing well at all. Even if the fighters weren\'t actually getting hit by the beasts, they were
                    taking damage from the heat they emitted. These beasts were not something for close combat. We needed caster and archers to deal with
                    these creatures but we hadn\'t those skills among us. All we could do is run. The fighters put up a good front but were overtaken and
                    slaughtered. They fought bravely and will forever be in my memories. It was their deaths that allowed me and a few others to get further
                    away. Problem is i don\'t think it was far enough.

                    I have now given up all hope of seeing our city again. I am now hopelessly lost and I can hear the beasts in the distance. I will soon be
                    dead myself and my only hope is that this letter may one day be found and my warning be heard. Maybe someone will find this as they
                    search for what happened to my team of researchers. I hope that in death I can do some good. If ever you see a flickering glow, hear a
                    ghoulish howl, or find yourself in a volcanic area.......RUN! For these are the signs of a beast I now call the Lav\'Ar.


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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2002, 05:24:43 pm »
Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 20:36 GMT            

                    By the stars of Neptune!

                    That was a damn good story boy! Not only was it a great story, but it gave a fabulous discription.

                    Just imagine:

                    Two foolish fighters are walking along. They think they are so good. They see volcanic area and think \"Ohhhh another place to train my
                    emmense strength!\". So they start walking but one says he must tighten his boots. The other says \"ahh forget you I\'m goin\' in!\". So he
                    runs in. The other person ties his shoes and is about to stand up when he hears a scream. He hears something being shouted but he
                    cannot understand it. \"WHAT?!\" he shouts. Another answer but to far away, getting closer though. \"WHAT?!\", he asks.
                    \"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!\" says the other person as he runs past him.

                    \"Run?\" he asks. \"COME ON YOU IDIOT!\" ,says the man running at full speed. \"Uhhh why?\" suddenly 54 giant killer apes swerve out of the
                    cavern and run head on into the man. \"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!\", he shouts as 12 apes fly into the air, land on him, the rip him limb by
                    limb. The apes then arm themselves with the detached limbs and start to run after him.

                    The man runs for his life but all of the sudden comes apon a giant gorge with a huge waterfull on the other side. \"Ah sh-t!\", he shouts as he
                    is about to stop but doesn\'t and launches himself towards the other side.

                    Luckily for him he barely makes it to the other side of the gorge and grabs onto a hanging tree limb growing out of the wall. He laughs in
                    triumph as the apes stand at the edge grunting. Suddenly one of the apes points at the apes holding the body parts. He grunts and growls
                    then the other apes grunt.

                    The pull their arms back and throw the parts at him! They smash against him and make him loose his grip. He falls down into the river
                    flowing threw the bottom of the giant gorge.

                    He grabs onto a small bank as he looks at the apes just standing there every once in a while growling. Suddenly a few apes growl and
                    grunt then walk away.

                    The man laughs once more, until he hears a scream. \"What the hell?\", he thinks. Suddenly he sees a rush of the wild creatures coming to
                    the edge and plunging off into the water!

                    \"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!\", he screams as he lets go and starts ot flow down the violent river. Because of their strong arms the apes
                    are very good swimers. The man swims as hard as he can until he sees that this river leads to...A WATERFALL! At the base are jaged
                    rocks that would pierce straight threw anything that fell on them.

                    As he falls off the notices a rock sticking out, he gets all his might and grabs onto the rock and stands up and laughs at the apes
                    screaming as they fall to their doom.

                    He looks up and sees an ape, still holding the arm of his fallen comrade, falling right in front of the rock. It falls and grabs onto the ledge.
                    One hand is holding him so the man runs over and stomps on his hand.

                    The ape starts blindly bashing at the man the hits him back. The ape does a flip in the air and lands on the rock. He walks slowly foward
                    swinging the arm from left to right. He smiles then slams the man in the side of the face.

                    The man falls of the rock but manages to catch the side. The ape puffs up its cheeks then spits at the face of the man. It smells so foul
                    that the man looses his grip. He falls and falls, and the ape jumps off still in hope of killing him.

                    After a second the ape finally reaches the man, grabs onto him, and beats him with the limb. Seconds later they both crash into the rocks
                    and are killed.

                    I love that. No matter what they do anything just to kill you. OHHHHH THAT WOULD BE COOL!

Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 20:51 GMT            

                    The Dineza

                    These creatures are winged creatures. They usally hunt in packs or \"glunts\" as they call them in 5-8 Dinezy.(Plural of Dineza) They have
                    blue beaks that are very long. Small, sharp teeth are inside the beaks and can be used for close combat. Sharp talons are used for \"swoop
                    attacks\" where they simply swoop in from the sky and sink their sharp talons into an unsespecting vicitim and pick on its corpse usually
                    wasting a lot of the meat. These creatures usually hang out on things sticking out of the walls and pick on unsespecting prey.

                    They are the size of Bald Eagles.(Sorry ain\'t lookin\' it up) Their talons can usually be 4 inches long and 1 foot long beaks.

                    They fowl creatures are fairly difficult considering their flight capabilities. Usually their mother leaves them after bearth so they all learn to
                    fly in different ways. No two Dinezy are exactly alike, thus making each one harder or easier than the last.

                    Light Blue beaks. Dark brown feathers. Glowing yellow eyes. A small purple feather sticks off the top of their head.

                    Sharp talons, small teeth in beak.

                    I, Oldman Kay, give the PlaneShift Development Team the legal authority to use and/or copy my idea in the \"PlaneShift\" role-playing game.
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 20:52 GMT            

                    King Larry wrote:


                         What about a dragon that breaths fire?

                    Its not original. Its in every stinkin\' game. They original ideas, names, looks and everything else!

                    Have a plain old fire breathing Dragon is like bringing to 60s back.
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 20:53 GMT            


                    Damn I mess up a hundred times!
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 25-11-2001 20:54 GMT            

                    Correction: They need new ideas....

   Archbishop Xaiver
                      posted 25-11-2001 22:36 GMT            

                    The Basilisk

                    The Basilisk is a lizard type animal, about 6 feet long and about 8 inches wide, dark green skin with black stripes, it has a very hard
                    difficulty because it has poision which will drain your hit points over time, its main weapons are its long and muscular tail, and bite which
                    will inject poision into you, the only way to cure the poision is to cook and eat the tail where the poision is stored.

                    I Archbishop Xaiver, give the PS team the right to use my monster/and or other ideas.
                      posted 25-11-2001 22:42 GMT            

                    nice stories :)
                      posted 25-11-2001 22:44 GMT            

                    ok now that i gave a slight introduction to the Lav\'Ar, i thought i should go a bit more into detail on how magic would effect them.

                    Diaboli would probly be the best race to combat them face to face, with their resistance to elements. Also shielding spells would work as
                    well. Fighters would want fire resistance shields and would use gear that aids in that resistance as well. Fighters would also need
                    enchanted magic weapons. They would have to be carefull though of what enchantment they use.

                    Elements from spells and enchanted weapons will have different effects on the Lav\'Ar. For example fire elements will have apsolutly no
                    effect on them what so ever. However water spells, including ice, would have a mixed effect. While it would do damage, it will also raise its
                    armor defence. As the ice and or water would cool the lava rock even further and give them a thicker shell on their bodies. This would be
                    bad for a fighter to use water enchanted weapons though it wouldn\'t effect the caster\'s spells. Wind would also have such an effect unless
                    it was a thunder or lightning type wind spell.

                    Thunder, lightning, and earth spells would have the best effect on the Lav\'Ar. They would make for good damage and wouldnt increase any
                    other stat of the beast. Eart being the best of the elements to be used cause not only would it damage the beast but it would also cause
                    breaks in the lava rock armor. Earth spells would actualy lower the melee defence of the Lav\'Ar and would make for the best weapon

                    Other type magic would work on them as well. Such as light, dark, void, and the like. Spells with no elemental side to them will do good
                    damage and have no side effects. Though spells like poison and disease would have no effect what so ever. The Lav\'Ar, due to their heat
                    and body make up, are completely imune to poison and disease.

                    Though the Lav\'Ar are very brutal, they are very organised. They hunt in packs as the story sugjested. They have a hieghtened sense of
                    smell so stealth technigues and spells would not work with them as thought they couldnt see you, they could smell you. Killing their prey
                    has a ritual to it. The more brutal, the more pleasure they take in it. Through their grunts and ghoulish howls, they comunicate with each
                    other to organise ambushes and other attacks. They can use weapons and tools though they dont rely on them. Their arms are mostly
                    their weapon. They live in small structures that they build from cooled lava rock and always make homes near pools of lava. To dig their
                    tunnels, they use the lava to burn through the rock and earth.

                    If I were to make a guess, I would say they were in some way related to the orc. Their blood thirst reminds me greatly of the orc. The
                    Lav\'Ar are much smaller than an orc though. They are only as tall as a dwarf when standing on hind legs. Not quite as tall when down on
                    all fours quadrupeding.

                    Their head is rectangular. It is rounded though and quite stubby compared to it\'s large chest and arms. Triangular meaning that the forhead
                    is broad and the chin narrow. It\'s over all face is completely flat. No protruding nose cause it only uses slits as nostrils. The eyes are
                    diamond shaped and glow red. With their immence sense of smell. It isn\'t quite known how well they can see. It is believed that they can
                    make out shapes and shadows but rely mostly on their sense of smell.

                    Well i hope that gives you a closer look at the Lav\'Ar. The first story I thought was a good introduction but i thought i should go more into
                    detail to further explain them.


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« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2002, 05:25:21 pm »
                      posted 25-11-2001 23:42 GMT            

                    Heh nice ideas... Wouldnt mind working on some of them as models... I like the blue beaked bird and the cerberus style bear. And those
                    killer apes are neat ^_^, id have fun modeling those guys, lets jsut say id make them a frightfull site.

                    The wooly manticore would be fun as well.

                    As for teh dragon whats wrong with a dragon?... if you want originality why ot alter the form some, say make teh dragon insect in nature
                    rather than reptile but still with a rather dragon like appearance. if youve ever seen a mantis sprimp id construct teh neck and body like its
                    tail segemented with spines. and it would spit boiling water like the rifel man beetle(cant remember the name)... call it a Dugon, Daegon.

                    Anyway time to get of these boards and finnish the kran model.
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 25-11-2001 23:55 GMT            


                    These are very dangeorus vine like semi-reptiles. They are capable of unleashing deadly toxins into their victems as well as entrapping or
                    causing damage to them by strangulation. These strange weeds or vines are extremely slimy and are usually found in tropical and well
                    shaded areas. They are quite rare but those unlucky enough to experiance them usually arent lucky enough to tell stories about their

                    Size varies, difficulty very high, color camoflages to environment, main weapons are toxic spikes or injection pods that are thrusted through
                    their skin. They also are capable of strangling and quickly causing death to their victem.

                    I, CorsairK8, give the PlaneShift team full legal rights to use this idea for whatever purposes. :)

Oldman Kay
                      posted 26-11-2001 01:50 GMT            

                    The Dikite

                    The Dikite is a small beetle. About the size of a computer mouse, it usually uses its small teeth to borrow into trees then uses left over
                    wood chips to build a small nest inside. Most of the times it eats half of its young and abandons the other half. They then go and join a
                    random pack and chew wood all day.

                    The size of a computer mouse. It looks exactly likea beetle wood, but it has no wings.

                    These creatures are easy to hit from a distance but there unusual attack will wound you badly. If you do not dispose of them quick you
                    might find yourself dead.

                    This beetle is a dark green color. All over. Simple.

                    One simple word, kamakazie. It will attempt to get as close to you or on you as possible. Its eyes will roll into the back of its head then
                    pop out setting a 5 second timer until it explodes. No one knows why, but losing its sight gives it 5 seconds until it detonates. So over
                    time they learned the way to pop out their eyes. And they become a ticking time-bomb.

                    I, Oldman Kay, give the PlaneShift Development Team legal authority to use and/or copy my idea in the \"PlaneShift\" role-playing game.
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 26-11-2001 01:53 GMT            

                    Correction: Looks like a beetle,

                    No wood, don\'t know why I said that...
   PS Official
                      posted 26-11-2001 05:00 GMT            

                    I believe you meant \"would\" not \"wood\"
   Mark von Wagner
                      posted 26-11-2001 09:19 GMT            

                    Rock Mole
                    Basic rodent-shaped body, about two feet long, colored a medium to dark grey to blend in with the surrounding rocks.
                    Quite slow, it is very easy to run away from. However, its teeth and claws are quite strong, to enable it to tunnel through stone. As a result,
                    armor gives no protection against its attacks. It is quite easy to kill -- a good fighter can kill it with a single blow from sword, spear or even
                    a powerful kick.
                    Found primarily in dark tunnels, usually in or near the walls. It usually won\'t attack unless disturbed, and if it is losing the fight, it will
                    attempt to tunnel back into the walls.

                    Size: 2 to 3 feet in length, 6 to 8 inches across its body
                    Difficulty: Not a monster that is likely to kill you. It can, however, cause serious injuries to even the best fighters if they are caught
                    Colors: Medium to dark grey
                    Weapons: Claws, teeth

                    Go ahead and use it if you want to.
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 26-11-2001 17:07 GMT            

                    Wow, that is a moghty lot of feedback.
                      posted 26-11-2001 18:01 GMT            

                    i dont think anyone has mentioned any aquatic creatures. I\'ll see if I can think of a good one and post it later after I have worked over it a
                      posted 26-11-2001 19:55 GMT            

                    Well it isn\'t my best work but here goes.

                    Our hunting group has come to a large creak. We can\'t seem to find a way across without having to swim. I always dread swimming.
                    Those darn Rasper Fish are so annoying. They have no fear and attack anything. Though they only hold a danger to the young, they can
                    still cause trouble for the experienced when they attack in schools. Thank goodness that they are only found in creaks, rivers, and
                    streams. I would hate to see what would happen to our seaweed farms if they were to ever move to the lakes.

                    They are a long slender fish. Green on the back and yellow on the underside. They can be anywhere from one foot to 5 foot long depending
                    on the age of the Rasper. The small young ones make great training for young fighters but the larger ones hold a danger for even the elder
                    fighters. If you happen to swim into a school of Rasper you had better hope friends are close by. Those scissor like jaws and serrated
                    teeth can tear easily though leather and the older ones have been know to be able to bite through chain.

                    They are very fast swimmers and that makes them hard to hit. They are easily damaged by magic but the caster better be quick or
                    powerfully. If the first blast doesn\'t kill it, it will be all over the caster and make it very difficult to get any other spells off. A fighter could find
                    it hard to hit them but it would only take a few good hits to do good damage to the Rasper. A magic weapon is not needed and a fighter
                    could even use his bare hand to attack one.

                    Though they can grow to be very long, they don\'t get very fat. The largest one seen was no wider than the arm of a Kran. Their mouth is
                    long and thin much like a pair of shears. The mouth is full of tinny sharp serrated teeth. The jaws are very powerful and when the mouth
                    closes the teeth over lap top and bottom and this causes a cutting action.This is how the young ones are able to tear through leather
                    armors. With the older and larger ones, their jaw is much like a pair of pliers. When they chop down, they are able to cut through chain.
                    With all this going for the Rasper Fish, it is why I and many others have come to hate having to cross running waters.
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 28-11-2001 22:13 GMT            


                    (pron. lig-ah-roo, Name taken from grenadian mythology)

                    The Ligarough is a rare Bat creature that walks like a man. Most Ligarough are capable of speech, although they don\'t seem to talk much.
                    These beasts stand at least 6\", and usually hunt and travel alone.
                    (Wasn\'t able to scan a drawing, might do it soon, though.)

                    The Ligarough is a very rare creature, and should be a disaster to run into one.
                    Color of fur may vary from black to tan, occasionally white.

                    Ligarough usually carry primitive battle-axes, broadswords, or flails. Most Ligarough do not wear armor, for it is too much weight to fly,
                    although there are exceptions.

                    Yeah I give you permission


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« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2002, 05:26:26 pm »
                      posted 29-11-2001 08:19 GMT            

                    Quick note, well not so quick since this is the first time back cause i havent been able to open the site after i posted the Rasper Fish.

                    The Rasper Fish would come in three differnt types depending on their difficulty. \"Young Raspers\" will be found in the shallows of river
                    banks and streams. These would be easy enough for the youngest to fight but if they school together, they can be difficult and quite
                    dangerous for soloing in the begining. \"Rasper Fish\" would be the second degree. these will be larger in size to the \"Young Rasper\" and
                    will be more difficult. These would be a good fight for most and instant death to beginers. \"Elder Rasper\" would be the final degree. These
                    will be the largest of the three and the most deadly. Only the seasoned fighters would stand much chance against these and would surely
                    need a group to fight. These would never be found outside of a school so if you see one \"Elder Rasper\" there are at least 6 more nearby.
                    The lesser two degrees of Rasper will sometimes be found in singles as they are young and dont know better yet. The \"Elder Rasper\" have
                    years of survival in them and know that they are better off in schools of 6 or more. The \"Elder Rasper\" would be instant death to beginers
                    and to the mildly trained.
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 30-11-2001 22:11 GMT            

                    Labrynthian Spider (A.K.A. Hall Spider)

                    These overgrown Spiders roam the Labrynth, and are found in other dark places.

                    The average Labrynthian Spider is about three feet high, and five feet across when layed flat with its legs straight out.

                    The newest of adventurers could easily defeat the Hall Spider.

                    Mandibles(sp.?), The spider is very poisonous, venom cuts attack, speed, and defense in half. The Spider also sets up cobwebs which are
                    nearly invisible and difficult to escape, leaving you almost defensless when the spider attempts to spin you up.

                    I give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game.
                      posted 02-12-2001 06:02 GMT            

                    hey look at mine Dark Griffon around 3 meters long and can fly.Attacks can be claw gust of winds .should be coloured black.
                      posted 02-12-2001 06:28 GMT            


                    Description: A mimic in its true form is a amorpious blob, with most of one side being taken up with a large mouth with ragged sharp
                    sharkgrin style teeth, it can assume other forms to blend into its environment

                    Size: about halk the size of a PC in height, but slightly wider

                    Difficulty: Due to its ability to morph it is a vicious preditor, it is slow to move but when in range it can envelope its target and slowly digest
                    it alive.

                    Colors: Many colours and forms, most likely, red, yellow, green, black or Brown

                    Main weapons: Envelope attack, dissolve, and bite

                    Of course I give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game. I have many others but im currently typing them up.
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 02-12-2001 15:11 GMT            

                    Protecting against that kind of \"filth\" will be a challenge, im sure. I hope there will be enough moderators to keep that from happening.
                    Although I dont like that sort of stuff, I dont particularly like censorship or spying on private communications. I think a good complain
                    system and enough people with the authority to put people in jail, ban peoples accounts, etc, should stop the problem. Im sure this issue
                    will be addressed near the first beta though.
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 02-12-2001 17:49 GMT            

                    I forgot, the Hall Spider is Black with yellow designs on its back for warning.

                    , Corsairk8 what are you talking about?
                      posted 02-12-2001 22:19 GMT            

                    A bunnie

                    Bunnies are common animals, and are often hunted by predators because of their tasty flesh. Their fur is also pretty valuable, which
                    doesn\'t make a bunny\'s life any easier. Bunnies don\'t do much except eat and hump, and that\'s why you can find them almost everywhere.
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 02-12-2001 22:37 GMT            


                    A zombie like species who are incredibly slow and often wander around cemetaries. The word maunder is often used in english to describe
                    the action of wandering or straying. These are nothing more than undead corpses who have been brought back from the dead by dark

                    Typical grey/black/red zombie, blood marks, flesh rotted, missing or pierced by weaponry, often been killed several times before. They are
                    rare but when found they are resistant to attacks and have very slow yet powerful attacks. Their undead touch of death are their main

                    Yah, you can use this PS team...
                      posted 03-12-2001 08:42 GMT            


                    A general description:
                    A giant gorilla. Lives mainly on High/Icy mountains. Oozarys are very aggressive to any race. There original color is Brown and Red, but
                    the Golden ones are the Leaders of the Groups of Oozary. When the moon is full they are mostly madder and more aggressive then usual.
                    When facing a Oozary be sure to look out for there powerful deadly blast that shoots out of there mouth.

                    They come in sizes of 15-20 feet.

                    The deadly blast that shoots from the mouth. When full moon becarful around them.

                    Brown and Red - Original Colors
                    Golden - Leaders

                    Main Weapons:
                    Hands, Tail, Feet.

                    Also put in wether you give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game
                    Go right ahead, I would be honored. :D
                      posted 03-12-2001 08:46 GMT            

                    Opps forgot about the whole underground thing, Well there are mountains under ground. But that moon part... replace it with \"If its a well
                    lite area, they get more aggressive.\"
   King Larry
                      posted 03-12-2001 17:25 GMT            


                    A sea snake that lives the near the bottom in the sea. Is 50-60 meters when grown.
                    Its green to dark green with dark blue stripes on its body and red eyes. Its strong so dont mess with it if you dont are well armed and well
                    trained. Its main weapons are the tail that smaches rocks like it was sand and its teeths thats he bites with.

                    I give PS team the right to use my ideas
                      posted 05-12-2001 17:55 GMT            

                    i think you need the generi stuff also. you know comon animals that newbs can trian off of. monsters are great and all but not everyone is
                    going to be able to ill a 100ft dragon you know what i mean. i guess the hardest part to this would be coming up with alien animals.... well
                    ummm ya ill get back to you on that
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 05-12-2001 18:58 GMT            

                    A monster isn\'t per definition a high-level creature. We can also have weak monsters, so could you please post some that aren\'t the size of
                    a house or can devour entire armies ;-)
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 05-12-2001 21:20 GMT            

                    I tried to do that with the Hall Spider.
                      posted 05-12-2001 23:04 GMT            


                    A general description:
                    A Rala is a sort of Rat. They come from high level ground above and burrow deep in Caves. This Rat is mostly for low level people.

                    They come in sizes of 3-5 feet.

                    They really are very strong. No Difficulty

                    Brown and Black - Original Colors
                    White - Leaders (Or alittle stronger then the Brown and Black ones)

                    Main Weapons:
                    Scratch, Tail Whip

                    Also put in wether you give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game
                    Go right ahead.

                      posted 05-12-2001 23:07 GMT            

                    DAMN!, I ment They arnt very Strong. They should really add a Edit to these messages. There starting to Piss me off when I miss spell a
                    word, or forget to add something.


                    They really arent very strong. No Difficulty


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« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2002, 05:27:29 pm »
                      posted 05-12-2001 23:40 GMT            

                    no large story or anything to go along with these. just a few low lvl critters for the lowbies to wack with their sticks.

                    Shoal Serpants, grey snakes that live on the edges of rivers, ponds, and mainly lakes. very easily killed but enough to give a chalenge to
                    the young in training. non agressive and do not attack to defend those of their kind. still though they are non agressive they are over
                    populated and sometimes get harvested with the seaweed. the harvesters then find themselves getting bit as the snake protects itself.
                    these snakes have a light poison but if not put in check, it can be leathal.

                    Stone Imps, small migical sprite types with low lvl earth spells. blueish green in color and wear torn rags to cover their bodies. no real
                    armor but can use small weapons. are not known to be agressive but are troublesome creatures that damage structures and farms so they
                    must be dealt with. they are cowards and like to flee when near death and can be very fast. they are too cowardly to defend each other.

                    Cave Bats(dont remember if it was mentioned), black in color and come in a giant size as well. the giant is a bit harder than the normal
                    Cave Bat but both should be no trouble for the young in training. Non agressive creatures but troublesom non the least. they do not attack
                    to defend each other.

                    Scaled Pups also come in Hound and Wolf sizes, grean in color and look like a dog crossed with a reptile of some sort. pups are easily
                    delt with but attack one near others and they will all join in. the same is so with the Hound and Wolf versions as well. they increase in
                    danger as they go up. Pup is easily handled, Hound is takes a bit more skill to deal with, and Wolf can prove to be very dangerous to the
                    young. Scaled Pups, Hounds, and Wolves are veryy aggressive and will protect one another if near.

                    Scorpions, come in young, normal and giant sizes. each increasing from the easily dealt with to the dangerous. young are a nearly
                    tranparent yellow, normal are a dark orange, and the giant are a solid black. all have the ability to slash with claws and pierce with it\'s tail.
                    the tail can be used to poison its attackers. the poison is lesser in the young and increases in strength as they get older. Scorpions are
                    agressive and defend each other.
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 06-12-2001 14:34 GMT            

                    People, thank you for this great feedback. Continue posting ideas!

                      posted 06-12-2001 19:07 GMT            

                    some small things for ya

                    hatchlings: small newborn dragon type things

                    5 ft tall
                    med attack
                    low defense (scakes havnt grown yet)
                    all asortments of colors
                    med dificulty
                    use claws as weapons: occasionaly attemps to breath fire always unsuccessful
                    located in caves where you find dragons
                    maybe at the eisier level of that cave closer to the entrance.

                    an idea to extend on that... we could have nests for certian monsters that lay eggs.. or even encampments were monsters and animals
                    protect thier newborn: were if you go you can fight young animals. but if you kill to many in a single run at the nest the mother will attack.
                    (just to keep people from stealing kills and for realism)

           you have double the mosters. you can take each monster/animal you put in and make its younger counterpart. these young
                    counter parts could be eisier to catch and train. you could (if you catch lets say a young horse)capture and train it and after a few hours
                    (real time) it would be mature enough to ride , or use to fight what ever you captured it for.

                    for the young counterparts follow the same outlines as the older ones then you can lower each attribute by a few levels and Voila:
                    congradulations you ave a baby.
                      posted 06-12-2001 19:34 GMT            

                    hehe, Zink is sitting next to me and took my ideas. Also, we could use things for newbie monsters like larva, creatures that come before a
                    bug you\'d fight at a higher lvl or so.

                    *Giant *Bee Larva:
                    2ft long

                    crawls on the ground

                    could be green or a whitish yellow

                    would be farely easy for a newbie to kill, but not the easiest

                    would use it\'s body or a parshially developed stinger (set up a random for which, making the stinger maybe 15% of the time)

                    you guys can use it, but i wouldn\'t mind a line in the credits 8-P

                    *You can amend these things for different monsters, it\'s truly just a concept. You coudl have a small beetle larva, which is maybe the
                    weakest thing in the game. All sorts of things like that.

                      posted 06-12-2001 19:37 GMT            

                    another good idea for mobs as I call them is always to look back into mythology. I have a fairly good sized collection at home of greek
                    mythology, being I\'m greek (hense the mispelled greek god name) and would be happy to give some suggestions.

                    also, on lower mobs, snakes, bugs, rats, and little stuff you find around your house you kill with brooms is always good. Even skunks and
                    porcupines (porcupines should do you damage as you do them, but no where near as much)
   Oldman Kay
                      posted 06-12-2001 22:46 GMT            

                    In response to NecromancerZeal, HELL YA!

                    Read the bottom \"Anatala was crushed by Glaciar Giant\". Look by its back foot and you can see his/her body! THATS WHAT I WANT! For
                    bodies to sit there for a bit, and when they \"rot away\" you can come back in game. Say like an hour or something. To be real.
                      posted 07-12-2001 16:02 GMT            


                    I\'m from Finland so I ques it\'s hard to undestan this text, but please give a try.

                    Description: This race isn\'n very smart. These are wery stong creatures and these lives in packs witch includes one Giant Orc and some
                    normal Orcs. They live in caves, but at day time these will go out to hunt.

                    Size: Orcs 1-1,3 meters(I hope that you know what is meter), Giant Orcs 3,5-4 meters tall.

                    Difficulty: normal Orcs are pretty easy to kill, but Giant Orcs are problem, these can knock you out with one hit.

                    Colors: normal green to dark green.

                    Weapons: club or bone. Normal Orc\'s weapon is(ofcourse) smaler than Giant Orc\'s.

                    PS team can use this creature.
   PS W.T.B. Member
                      posted 08-12-2001 12:20 GMT            

                    There will be orcs in PS. Orcs in other games shouldn\'t hunt in daytime, for the one thing that they fear is sunlight. In PS you will be able
                    to encounter orc packs all day long, because there is no difference between day and night.

                      posted 08-12-2001 16:38 GMT            

                    Oh i forgotted that \"no day and night\" thing.


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« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2002, 05:28:24 pm »
Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 08-12-2001 18:46 GMT            

                    MAUTHE (Aka - Gwyllgi, Barghest)

                    This Red-eyed, long fanged dog is a lone creature. He is a dark long-haired dog, who hunts at night(I dont know whats considered night in
                    Planeshiftworld). If you see this dog you\'ll surely die soon after.

                    Mauthe is about 7 meters long(nose to tail), and anout 3 meters high.

                    Mauthe should be avoided by even the strongest of players, for he is invincible, but can be injured, and will retreat.

                    Mauthe is a very pitch black color, cannot be seen at night.

                    Claws, Teeth. This beast is mostly a hit and run attacker, and will not stay for battle.


                    GYNTS (aka - Peer Gynts)

                    Gynts are usually mistaken for giants who are plagued by their stupidity, which is not the case for Gynts. They are intelligent and can
                    speak. These giant monstrous beings often posess magical powers.

                    Gynts range from heights of 8-27ft, and weight from 400-1500lbs.

                    Gynts are fairly easy to defeat for their size, for they are cowards.

                    Gynts mainly carry long spears, maces, or a magical staff.



                    Ogres are distant cousins of Gynts who create storms by beating their hammers to the ground.

                    Ogre heights range from 7-13ft.

                    Ogres are not too difficult, but should not be approached unless properly armed. Ogres are especially weak to fire.

                    Their skin is a dark tan color, but usually ogres wear paint.



                    Savage race of Humans who kill for amusement. They wear a silk vest, with a very thin iron suit over, for maximum protection and speed.

                    Black and white sketch:

                    Dykini average height is 6\'5\".

                    Dykini\'s silk suit protects them from arrow injuries, and their iron suits are for hack-and-slash weapons such as swords and daggers, but
                    are defenseless to heavy weapons such ass two-handed swords and battle-axes.

                    Dykini have light tan skin. Dykini women wear black paint.

                    Men carry light axes, spears, and small shields. Women carry two small sythes.


                    LISARD (Aka - Tree of Death) LISAYGG

                    These giant trees only cut you\'re offense and defense stats in half when walking within their root range. Lisayggs, the Lisard\'s seedlings
                    are the attackers.

                    Lisards grow to be 25-40 meters high, trunk 3-5 feet wide.

                    Lisayggs are not difficult, I mean, they\'re just trees, come on.

                    The tree\'s bark is a light green.

                    Roots, branches.

                    You have my permission to use any of the creatures of above.
                      posted 09-12-2001 02:57 GMT            

                    demon knight-humanoid demon with two large horns,highly skilled fighter that can use magic. very aggressive and can work well in groups.

                    10 feet tall

                    extremely hard(like fighting expert player)

                    crude black armor with white to red bright glow pulsing from the grooves lining his or her armor

                    giant weapon(sword, axe, or mace) with powerful unholy flame attacks
                    *uses lance if on demon spawn
                    ummm... ok

                    demon spawn-beast like demon(rhino type of body)with 2 large horns coming out from sides of head. can be riden by demon knights

                    bout the size of a rhino

                    easy at close distances. hard at far distances because of charge attack

                    hard red skin. if tamed then they have black plate armor on the body only

                    their horns are the main weapon

                    YOU CAN USE IT :D

                      posted 09-12-2001 22:40 GMT            

                    Here are some ideas PS staff. U may not like them but here goes anyway.

                    First off, an Alligator and u could have like 3 kinds of alligators with different levels.
                    U could have like maybe a 4 ft long 1 that is not very strong, a 8 foot one thats about maybe mabe 15 levels higher and a 12 foot one (and
                    yes they do get that big i have seen them) that is maybe 25 levels higher then the 4 foot one.
                    Now once u kill the alligator yourself and only yourself gets the option to gut the alligator tail off, cook it on a fire or whatever, then eat it
                    and get some hits healed.
                    And peeps, some of them my friends, eat alligator tail and i have heard it tastes pretty good.
                    oh and something else they do most of there fighting with there tail, they use the tail to knock you down, then they use the teeth (they
                    fight like that in real life, u don\'t have to have them fight like that in the game should you wish to use taht type of a monster), I know all this
                    cuz i have heard alot of storys from peeps that poach them. Yes its against the law in florida to kill them but some peeps break the law.

                    Anyway thats my idea, I hope it is not a total waste of time to you guys and I can\'t wait till the game comes out!!!!!!!
                      posted 09-12-2001 22:41 GMT            

                    yes! you can use it in the game.
                      posted 09-12-2001 22:45 GMT            

                    Oh I forgot to tell you that Alligators live underwater, but they need oxygen to live but they can hold there own breath for 50 to 60 hours
                    depending on how old they are. in freshwater lakes and rivers and prefer humid swamp land. I hope thats help to you all.
                      posted 09-12-2001 22:48 GMT            

                    I am a space out. they live in freshwater swamp land, mostly in shallow lakes. Another thing I thought of is that they chase out of the water
                    and they are really fast. They outrun a horse for 1 block but tire easily.

                    I think thats all now.
                      posted 12-12-2001 15:58 GMT            

                    Well, let\'s see...
                    Centipedes. Gotta have those in any cave system - both giant and normal (mildly poisonous) varieties.
                    Rock lizards - they blend in with the cave walls with camouflage abilities; about 5-6 feet long, and have a nasty bite, sharp claws, but are
                    slow, and so easy to flee from.

                    Elemental creatures: I STILL haven\'t been able to find any information on the character races/classes, but I recall a post about elemental
                    magic, so I\'m throwing these in, since I would assume that they could summon creatures from other planes.
                    Elemental Wyrd: A creature that takes the form of a snake, about 6-7 feet long, formed of the element in question. Each element has a
                    special ability form:
                    Air wyrds fly and are invisible (with only a slight shimmer in the air to show where they are);
                    Earth wyrds constrict their prey, and can move through the ground and pop up from the floor, walls, ceiling, etc;
                    Fire Wyrds can breathe fire (of course) - short range, say 10-15 feet;
                    And water wyrds (which can only appear in a body of water) can drag victims under the water, where they take drowning damage (I don\'t
                    know if this is doable or even practical, but I thought I\'d mention it anyway).

                    Undead: Haven\'t seen too many of these yet...
                    Wraiths: Evil spirits of those who refused to die a proper death. They appear as black flitting shadows, and often aren\'t seen at all until one
                    feels their chill touch. They eternally prowl the Labyrinth in search of life-force to sustain their unlife.
                    Skeletons: remains of bodies animated through fell magic. Pretty self-explanatory. Weak creatures.

                    Stone spiders: Large (4\' diameter) spiders, they have hard, gray-brown bodies, the better to blend in with their environment. They don\'t build
                    webs, but instead prowl the Labyrinth like wolf spiders, looking for prey. They usually attack by ambush, biting the prey then leaping away
                    to let it take effect. The nasty thing about the venom is that it causes the victim\'s skin to turn into a hard chitinous substance, almost like
                    stone, with the same grayish color (hence the name). The victim is then effectively paralyzed, though still alive. The spider has a mandibles
                    that are strong enough to pierce this sking, and it can then suck out the blood at its leisure.
                    Minotaurs: OK, so it isn\'t really original, but you can\'t have a Labyrinth without a minotaur, can you?
                    Shadow-people: Long ago, legends say, there was once a race of people who worshipped the darkness. They gradually evolved to the point
                    where they became the darkness (these ARE NOT drow!). Through their constant contact with the essences of darkness and shadows, it
                    became infused into their genetic makeup, and now they have a variety of abilities relating to darkness: they can see in the dark (duh) and
                    are effectively invisible to other beings in darkness (one shadow-being can always see another, because they use different senses); they
                    can manipulate shadows and darkness to make it look like there are other creatures around (making shadow-puppets). Weaknesses:
                    they\'re extremely susceptible to light (of course) - light of any sort blinds them, and fire spells cause double damage.


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« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2002, 05:29:36 pm »
                      posted 16-12-2001 12:03 GMT            

                    OK, i dunno if there was this idea before, but i dont think so...
                    My Creature is called Necroth
                    its a master of black magic and usually hes flying 10cm over the ground. He hates the face to face fight and loves to shot you with toxic
                    spells.Of cause he knows the other black magic spells to, but this is his favourite 1...
                    {i dont know if theyre in game, but here is a description: A green slime flys towards you and when you breath in you get poisoned. At fist it
                    makes only 1 damage but after 5 sec it makes 2 damage,then 4, then 8 etc...}
                    ...When you are very near to him, he would use a teleport spell to teleport 10m away.
                    The best way to fight him is with distance weapons, cause he will not teleport then.
                    He has only few HP but the toxic first stops poisoning when youre death or healed, so killin him will not make toxin stop.
                    Youre only chance is antidote or running away form his toxic spells cause they are very slow...
                    His colour?
                    clothes:BLack! (and a red staff/stuff? )
                    face: stonegrey and with 2 white vampire- tooth and red lighting eyes
                    Hes as big as a normal human being
                    His favourite place are dark forests and small villages where only some torches give light. VERY IMPORTANT: He only comes at night

                    I MasterZnake allow the PLANSHIFT team to take this Creature in theyre Game with all changes the wanna do...

                      posted 19-12-2001 11:34 GMT            

                    Wow there some amazing ideas in here ^_^...

                    If you think that DoaC giant is impressive HAH... Im gonna make sure I make at least one planeshift monster that makes that giant look
                    like crap ^_^.

                    Anyway heres my Labyrinth denzien idea...


                    Vhasiloth(s) - The Dark Watchers

                    Diffuculty:- Medium to High Diffuculty
                    Size:- Depends on heirachy
                    Colors:- depends on Heirachy
                    Main Weapons:- Venomouse bite / Fists / Spells

                    The Vhasiloths are a race of rudamentaly -intellegent insects that live deep within the more twisted caves of the great labyrinth. There form
                    is like that of the overworlds spider but instead of 8 legs they have only 6, the front two of which end in crude primitive hands which they
                    use to fight and to build there nests and make crude tools and weapons.

                    They live in an ant like system, of a colony ruled by a queen and a few of her daughters. A typical nest numbers 12 or there abouts
                    indirviduals. Although dark rumours exsist of a huge nest many miles into teh labyrinth ruled over by an ancient queen of Huge size and
                    intellegence. Such rumors best be left to be just that, rumours!.

                    There intellegence is high enough for the Queen and her older daughters of teh nest to have some skill in spell casting which they use
                    when ever they meet hostilities against there territory. The rest of the colony is made up of the smaller males and hatchlings. The single
                    queen tends to be tinted more red than the rest of her brown brood and her leg span is almost 16 feet in diameter, Younger females are
                    about 10 feet and show only a slight tint of red, males are a ruddy brown and only measure 6 feet in diameter. The hands of a Vashiloth are
                    colored a sickly blueish pink

                    Of note are a few accounts of single Vashiloths being seen hiding in teh ceiling shadows of teh larger and more commonly used passage
                    ways within teh labyrinth, mainly ones closer to teh city. Doing nothing more than watching those that travel beneth there many eyed
                    stare... Why?, who knows. Any attempt to get near one or scare them away makes them fall back further into teh shadows and off into
                    hidden tunnels and crevases only to return when danger has passed. Although a few of the more veteran adventurers and knowledgable
                    travelers of labyrinths will mention that these \"Watchers\" differ from the more hostile and agggresive common Vashiloths in there coloring,
                    A pale pinky blue rather than the common mottled brown, and red tint of the males and females...

                    What there simple minds are up to and for what purpose... we pray we never find out.
                      posted 19-12-2001 12:04 GMT            


                    Size:- Very large
                    Difficulty:- VERY (veteran players only)
                    Colors:- See description
                    Main weapons:- Bite, Crushing blows, Kick, Steam breath.

                    The moglamoid is the stuff nightmares are made of... The most likely birthplace of this beast would be the dark incantations of some
                    insane wizard. A 40 foot long fushion of parts it appears as a Huge shiny black insectiod behemoth of bizare origins. From its tall eye trunk
                    covered in 100s of unblinking oily black eyes, to its twisted and scythlike mouth parts. A thick tapered abdomin carrying a pair of powefull
                    spined legs that are able to deliver a kick that can shatter cave walls into dust, and splatter armoured men into chunks of meat. All this
                    covered in a thick armour of tar like shell sitting un-naturaly steady on top of 4 giant pointed insectlike legs.

                    While its natural weapons are fearsome enough it can blast a jet of boiling steam from a set of holes on its underside. Anyone finding
                    themselves caught in this blast of intense heated fluid will be cooked alive in a matte of moments, there flesh peeling away from teh heat.
                    as well as that... any blow thats directed at the meglamoid that is sufficent enough to crack its armour will release a smaller yet still as
                    dangerouse jet of heated fluid from teh wound.

                    Despite these dangers, many fool hardy adventureres still attempt to take on these rare giant beasts of death for a chance to fashion there
                    hide into a suit of magnificant armor.

Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 21-12-2001 16:00 GMT            

                    Here\'s a pic of Mauthe
                      posted 21-12-2001 17:15 GMT            

                    - A general description
                    o Crystalline frog-like creatures. Azure crystalline skin ? a magical creature nearly see-through in the light from The Crystal, they are
                    easily overlooked. Reside primarily in the lower levels in or near the water. The can jump amazing distances when frightened and move
                    quite quickly in successive leaps.
                    - Size
                    o Most common variety averages .5 meters across, but they have been seen as small as 10cm and unconfirmed rumors of a MUCH larger
                    species have recently surfaced.
                    - Difficulty
                    o Mid-range difficulty, not because they are particularly tough or that they will really do harm, that is not really in their nature ? though they
                    will fight when cornered. The principle difficulty is keeping them in one place long enough to capture or destroy them, their primary defense
                    being a quick retreat. Of course, their special defenses can be rather annoying as well. The first of these is that when attacked they may
                    emit a powerful light that can momentarily obscure their exact location and give them the chance to leap away (the light can cause
                    temporary blindness, and is particularly devastating against creatures with light-sensitive eyes). The second special defense is that their
                    skins give them exceptional resistance to missile attacks. Their third defense is almost complete immunity to most types of magical
                    attacks ? they seem to ?absorb? the magical energies in some way.
                    - Colors
                    o Similar to the light from The Crystal, blending in with the background as if they were a pool of light.
                    - Main weapons
                    o Tongue ? a lash of their crystalline tongue is incredibly quick and quite powerful, with the ability to cut into even the toughest of armors.
                    o Leap attack ? they can jump straight at an opponent with enough strength to knock over (and even stun) an amazingly large creature.
                    Their aim for the head is incredible!
                    - The PS team the right to use this critter in the game with any desired modifications.

                    Suggested possibilities for in-game use:
                    o Desired for the magical properties of it innards to be used in the creation of spells
                    o Sought for use to absorb magical energies, providing increased magic resistance
                    o Considered pets by the Nolthrir (watch out for the guard-frog)
                    o Nice quest creature because it is hard to catch
                    o Can you say ? Frog Races?
                      posted 22-12-2001 03:47 GMT            

                    Not exactly an go cut it in pieces monster but here it is:

                    The Shadow
                    Size: Differs
                    Max. age: none
                    Weapons: None
                    Important attributes:
                    No physical attributes
                    Can only be harmed by clerical spells
                    Generally High intelligence
                    A strong psyche but low magical abilities
                    Being a magical creature it can\'t learn any spells, but it got some special abilities as follows:
                    Possesion: wraps itselfs around the targets nostrils (or whatever it haves) and waits until the victim has started to breathe it in (at wich
                    point the connection is started) then it forces itself in via the \"connection\", after that it takes over the victims brain and uses him as a
                    vessel, the only reason they do this is to advance their own agendas, some do this because they really want human (or what race it now
                    is) contact, wanting friendship or just someone to talk to (a \"buddy\"), the only way to get this creature out of you is to wait until it\'s finished
                    with you (and pray it doesn\'t kill you (whatever the reason)) the only way to discern that it is their is to use some sort of \"soulsight\" spell
                    (or something to it\'s like, a possesed possesed has a black aura (hold it, sewere mentally disturbed or angry creature can also have an
                    aura in that color).
                      posted 22-12-2001 03:52 GMT            

                    low magical RESISTANCE I mean, and some limited magial abilities may hurt them (something like necromancy Torment)
                    And other spirit attacking powers.
                    Note that they cannot be bound into service of anyone (to much willpower)


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« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2002, 05:30:03 pm »
                      posted 25-12-2001 13:12 GMT            

                    - A general description
                    Name: Masteriff
                    Pronounced: Master-reef
                    A medium sized human/demon half-breed. Normally created by a demon inplanting seeds into a human female by spitting an acid at the
                    human which travels inside the females body the process is called inbreeding. The mother dies at birth from the baby lashing it\'s claws out
                    of it\'s mothers womb but.
                    These creatures love magick and it runs in their blood.
                    Their wickedness earns them trust as well as strength. They are mighty in battle and can overcome any foe.
                    But of course they despise holy creatures, holy creatures can overcome these half-breed beasts and will usually kill them
                    These creatures
                    - Size
                    Medium sized (whatever the game\'s medium size is)
                    - Difficulty
                    from 1-10 (10 being the most difficult)
                    - Colors
                    Come in normal human colors.
                    - Main weapons
                    Claws, any magic weapons.
                    - Also put in wether you give the PS team the right to use this monster in the game.
                    Well I wouldn\'t have posted this if they PS team couldn\'t have used this.
                    So yes they can use this or edit this to whatever they like, they can manipulate this to whatever they choose.
                      posted 26-12-2001 03:15 GMT            

                    ^inbreeding is when family members have children together. rotflmao.
                      posted 26-12-2001 03:18 GMT            

                    ^and acid\'s wouldn\'t impregnate someone. you would need half of the demon\'s dna, and it wouldn\'t travel to her ________ if he just spat at
                    her. but if he/she implants eggs in a human then it would be possible except for the acid part.
                      posted 26-12-2001 07:04 GMT            

                    Sorry about that, mebe you can change it to something more productive and less sickening :).
                    BTW the acid is very special, it has like billions of walking fento bugs.
                      posted 26-12-2001 15:54 GMT            

                    Why do you people mock dragons? Sure the fire dragon is rather cliche but there are so many different breeds of dragon.
                    Not all dragons are fire dragons... What i would like to see is not that there are just dragons but there are many different dragons... Let me

                    The main source for the dragons breath attack is from the elemental plane he/she is tied to. This would mean the more elements you have
                    the more different dragons you could have. Now the elements you could use all vary, there are so many of them i\'m just going to touch on
                    a few, so here\'s a few suggestions.

                    - the basic elements (easy dragons) -

                    Fire - red - ok rather cliche, but if you\'re gonna have dragons people will look for the fire one.
                    Water - blue - the dragon tends to swim, lives at the bottom of the great lake in a cave. It\'s breath attack would be a massive current of
                    water that would sweep you away from it and possibly even drown you (even if you can breathe underwater).
                    Earth - brown - this dragon would most likely have a breath attack that would turn you to stone. Other possible effects include collapsing
                    the tunnel you are in on top of you.
                    Air - light blue - this one is my favourite... all air drakes fly. Likelyhood of finding one of these underground is very small. Breath weapon
                    similar to that of a tornado, sweeps you off your feet and throws you around... involves using fall damage in the game...

                    - normal elements (medium dragons) -

                    Spirit - white to yellow - the breath weapon from this drake will lower your stats temporarily, the worse hit the more lowered.
                    Death - dark violet to black - the breath weapon from this (to make it fair) would lower total hp by a percentage depending on how badly
                    effected by the breath weapon you are. With a max effect of reducing your hp total to 1, temporary of course. Kinda makes people run
                    screaming I\'m gonna die huh?
                    Ice - light blue/white - this breath weapon kinda speaks for itself.
                    Magma - crimson/scarlet - think of an avalanche made of lava and you\'ll get the picture on this one.
                    Light - white - i know you\'re thinking right now lightning bolt but no.... you get hit you get white out, all you see is white. Time of white out
                    dependent on how badly hit you are. This is an underground cavern so this attack would be rather effective as most of inhabitants aren\'t
                    used to strong light.
                    Dark - deep indigo to black - these drakes are unique in the fact they radiate a magical darkness. You need a magical light source to see
                    them. The breath weapon causes blindness.
                    Electricity - blue to white - these drakes deserve their own element, breath attack... chain lightning!

                    - Greater elements (OMG i\'m gonna die!) -

                    Plasma - orange to green - green you ask? ever seen copper melt? breath attack much like the fire drake, but has the unpleasant effect of
                    melting everything it touches.
                    Time - (insert colour here) - breath attack on this one does so many different things i\'m not going to list them all. instead this breath
                    weapon just teleports your body 5 mins into the future minus the soul.

                    Anyway, these are just a few examples, there are many more elements you could use. Such as aether, nether, nexus, heat, cold, thunder,
                    sound, pain, telekinesis. For those of you that don\'t know aether is all elements while nether is the absence of the elements, kinda like
                    antimatter. and nexus is the absence of time, tends to make things stop aging/moving/thinking.
                    There are more elements but i\'ve written too much and can\'t be bothered putting more on this post.

                    If anyone wants more info i will provide more on request.
   Fuzzy Donkey
                      posted 27-12-2001 16:10 GMT            

                    Are you guys(ps Team) gonna tell us which ones you\'ll use?
   Ancient One
                      posted 28-12-2001 14:40 GMT            

                    I just goto this post and I thought I should tell the PS team not to use Washi\'s Mimic as it is from Nox, an RPG created by Westwood. So
                    really he hasn\'t got the right to say whether you can use it. Washi if you have never played Nox and you really did just think up the Mimic
                    creature then I apologise but it still isn\'t your idea.


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« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2002, 09:16:06 pm »


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« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2002, 09:52:43 pm »
I would relly like a monster that can only be killed in big parties, where you don\'t just say \"Let\'s kill it\" you must go with a plan, attacking tactics and stuff... dragons maybe


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« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2002, 10:21:18 pm »
there\'ll be lots of monsters like the one you descibed ElMago!


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« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2002, 02:05:30 am »
how about a boss monster?

Name : The Dreaded

Size : about the size of a large human ( 7\'1\" maybe)and weight is about 2445 lbs. with armor on.

Description : found in a quest (an undead quest that could be made). He has a huge plate mail spiked armor, and wields a weapon called the Blood Falchion, and he also has a shield with strange rune markings on the edges. and his armor is all black with some blood on it.
His helm has a long horn portruding to the back.
(maybe some wings)

Rewards : his weapon the blood falchion... ill describe it later..... all i can say for now is it has a great attack power.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2002, 02:12:04 am by ArchSummoner »


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« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2002, 02:37:12 am »
alrighty here is my monster, if it is like anyone else\'s im sorry but im not gonna read the whole thing and check lol  8o    

General Overview : these creatures come in huge hoards and are small, they get food  and other things by raiding villages near them, they are found in villages and swamp-like places, they attack any who go near there terrirtory and attack by suprise

Size : They are small, the talles being 3\'5\" and these are usually the leaders

Description : They are Pale blue and walk on two legs with longs arms and are mildly hairy

Difficulty : One by itself is easy but when fighting many it can get very hard

Weapons : They use whatever they can find, not being craftsmen theirselves, their favorite being spears and rocks

thats that and anyone can use this if they want to


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« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2002, 02:40:12 am »
you have a name for these little blue sprites?