Author Topic: The Lord of The Spam  (Read 8114 times)


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« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2004, 05:26:00 pm »
nice story drak GO BOBO **keeps cheering for himself**


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« Reply #61 on: March 09, 2004, 06:35:01 pm »
Ooh ooh! I want in! Pick me! Pick me! *jumps up and down in an annoying n00bish way* Great story Drak, I especially like the talking furniture.


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« Reply #62 on: March 11, 2004, 05:53:02 pm »
Great, Draklar !

There are so many pearls in there, I couldn\'t help laughing from the beginning to the end of it, and more !  :D

\"They have a Forum Troll\"
Yeah, I loved that, good one  :tup:   ;)

Originally posted by Nilaya
It\'s perfect!!!

I second that !  :D

*Empties his mug and waits impatiently for the rest*


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« Reply #63 on: March 11, 2004, 10:22:10 pm »
Wow! Nice Draklar. ;) Too bad I didn\'t see this thread before. I caught it just as I was about to leave and I am happy that I stayed to read the rest. The other peoiple were right.(can\'t remember the names; I think Aendar said it) The parts do fit the characters so good. Grakrim may not get enough \'zaps\' in as he might like though. *hint* ;)

Hehe, I will be on the watch for more to come! *fills up his mug, sharpens his Falchion, makes some nachos, and waits for Draklar to continue* Err, hopefully, you will continue while you are afk. :rolleyes:


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« Reply #64 on: March 12, 2004, 04:41:16 pm »
heh... it\'ll be hard to write anything while being afk ;)
anyway, I\'ll try to post next part tomorrow.
AKA Skald


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« Reply #65 on: March 13, 2004, 02:39:58 am »
Originally posted by Draklar
heh... it\'ll be hard to write anything while being afk ;)

I meant you could be afk from the game, and instead of doing something else: write the story. :) It is just a simple matter of....ok, I have no idea what I\'m talking about so I will shut up now. *cries cuz he might not be here tomorrow to read the story* :\'(


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« Reply #66 on: March 13, 2004, 10:44:34 am »

The dread filled the hearts of many warriors as suddenly they heard the thumps to the gate.
- \"how do u open teh gatez?\" someone outside shouted.
They knew that soon they\'ll have to face hundreds of n00bs. Those that glitched to the top of the temple could start their battle already. Many rubies fell down onto the heads of n00bs that tried to get inside.
- \"xtals r falling down!\" one of them shouted
- \"huh? how do xtals look l..\" many died with their heads slashed by the sharp objects.
Still, they didn\'t stop attacking the temple. Not after what Kiern promised them to find inside. They were told that many weapons shop is located there. The gate was almost bashed open and the defenders of temple were holding their weapons, getting ready to fight. And the time has come, when with no barrier left, n00bs started running into the temple. In same moment all the warriors attacked, not letting them to get inside. Many swords and axes turned n00bs into just another corpses, but there was too many of them. It got even worse when few Krans started running towards the entrance. Many were crashed under feet of the massive creatures before they were put to rest. It seemed that they must retreat. All of them rushed into the main sector of the temple and stopped next to gate to the laanx_well sector. Just when n00bs entered the section, a rain of arrows fell on them up from the balconies. Still they didn\'t stop and run towards the warriors. It was the time for all hidden defenders to attack the n00bs. Many armed men jumped from behind the benches and joined the fight. N00bs started spreading all over the room and some of them already got to one of balconies. Bobodar was crashing yet another Kran when suddenly Draklar approached him.
- \"We must get rid of the n00bs on the balcony\" he said
And so after running up the stairs, they got to the top where many enemies were already waiting for them. The two warriors had to slaughter all of them. The spells of Red and Blue Ways followed by strikes of steel were putting n00bs to rest. The balcony was close to getting clean, but when they looked at the other one the dread covered their faces. The n00bs tried to get to the archers on second balcony by using their ladders. They had to be stopped.
- \"Follow me.\" saying that, Draklar jumped onto the open doors \"We need to get to the second balcony, but there\'s no time to glitch.\"
- \"But how are we going to do that?\" Bobodar was confused.
- \"We\'ll jump\" Draklar answered.
- \"Huh?\" Bobodar was surprised \"But isn\'t that too fa...\"
Bobodar didn\'t manage to end his question as Draklar already grabbed him and tossed towards the balcony. It was too far however and the poor dwarf fell down to ground. Draklar looked below.
- \"Bobo!\" he shouted \"I think I\'ll glitch afterall!\"
The archers were shooting down every n00b that tried to get to the balcony, but there were many of them and arrows were running low. Warriors tried to push the n00bs from temple, but they were outnumbered. Soon Draklar got to the second balcony, but still he had to take care of his head, which was still stuck in ceiling. Not much time later, the n00bs started filling the balcony and pushing the archers back. Finally Draklar managed to get out from the ceiling and in same moment he attacked the n00bs. Cad was swinging around his mug, crushing skulls of his opponents. The situation on the balcony was getting better and n00bs were being pushed down. Draklar jumped onto one of ladders and pushing himself away from balcony, he made the ladder smash a group of attackers.

Annah smashed yet another n00b and called all furniture to attack. The n00bs were screaming in pain as the giant wardrobe runned over them. Wardrobe was a skillful fighter and was promoted to the position of the war advisor many years before. However many say that Annah promoted him to this position just because of his name. This could be true, especially after incident of his \"let\'s sthrow burning stuff at our enemies\" tactic. The battle was very easy, as n00bs couldn\'t harm any of the wood-works. Grakrim was supporting them by burning their foes with his spells every now and then.
- \"Leave me alone, I can walk on my own! Seriously, quit pushing me!\" the Rocking-chair kept shouting to Table and Stool, who were pushing him all the way from the forest. \"What? Why are you putting those rocks on me? Argh!\"
The furniture used Rocking-chair as catapult and flinged the rocks at a dike, successfully destrying it. Water behind the dike started flooding the whole region and soon all the n00bs got washed away.

- \"We\'re here\" Aendar spoken
Keldorn looked at the battlefield \"You\'re sure it\'s here? I don\'t see any noobs.\"
- \"Sure it\'s here. They must be here somewhere\" Aendar started looking around.
- \"Well I don\'t know what was with all that hurry here... It doesn\'t seem like we were needed.\" Keldorn rolled eyes.
- \"Well you and your army of two weren\'t needed for sure! Geez, couldn\'t you get more warriors?\" Aendar started walking towards the temple.
Keldorn frowned, but decided not to say anything. When they got to the gate of the temple, many n00b corpses appeared to their eyes. Blood was covering everything. Suddenly a ruby fell onto Aendar\'s head. The mage looked up, someone was standing on top of the temple.
- \"Sorry!\" he heard the figure shouting.
Keldorn started chuckling and Aendar while grumbling something walked into the temple. Inside they noticed many people resting after the battle.
- \"Yer late, Aendar\" Draklar grinned.
- \"Well it\'s all because of Keldorn. He was stoping the march all the time\" Aendar frowned
- \"What? You were the one that wanted to make a stop so you\'ll regin your magic so that you could show off with your fireworks spells!\" Keldorn responded.
- \"I... don\'t know what are you talking about\" Aendar rolled eyes \"Right now we need to get to Kiern\'s tower and defeat him while he\'s still weak.\"
Everyone agreed and soon the army was ready to attack.

When they got to the Kiern\'s tower, they noticed that the whole region is covered with water. There was furniture walking here and there, Aendar already knew what happened. They moved down the hill to speak with Annah.
- \"Ah ... hello ... my friends ... it\'s nice to ... have you ... here ...\" the giant chair spoken.
- \"So you attacked the tower, eh? What did you do with Kiern?\" Aendar asked
- \"Oh, we can\'t do ... anything. The mage hidden in ... his tower and ... not even Ladder can ... reach him\" the chair shrugged.
- \"Let me handle him.\" Aendar went to the tower.
In same moment Grakrim and Monketh came with hands full of food.
- \"Oh! What do you have there, fallows?\" asked Bobodar
- \"Cheese. You have no idea how much cheese was here\" answered Monketh
- \"Cheese?\" The dwarf kept questioning
- \"Yea\" Monketh noded \"There\'s blue cheese, brie cheese, cheddar, feta, grating, mozzarella, fondue, smoked, spreading, stinky, swiss and many, many more!\"
- \"oi!\" Bobodar started drooling.
- \"Kiern!\" Aendar shouted \"come out and talk with me!\"
The mage of the tower came out to the balcony. Aendar knowing about Kiern\'s special powers warned everyone not to listen what he\'s saying, as he could lure others just by words.
- \"You\'re all idiots!\" Kiern shouted \"Now shut up and go away\"
- \"Oh yea...\" Grakrim rolled eyes \"I feel sooo much lured.\"
Aendar frowned at Grakrim and looked back at the balcony. Kiern was already gone.
- \"Fine! You force me to use my uber-awesome magical powers then\" Aendar raised his arms into the sky and started thinking what to do now.
- \"You are idiot Kiern\" Xalthar spoken \"It\'s your fault that they are here\"
- \"Shut up you peanut\" Kiern rolled eyes \"You are as idiotic as the rest of them are\" he turned to window
- \"Oh yea?\" Xalthar frowned \"You know what? You are just a peanut elephant, Kiern!\" Saying that Xalthar bashed the mage and pushed him out through the window.
Everyone watched as Kiern\'s body got smashed after hitting the ground. Aendar grinned.
- \"Beware my great powers!\" he shouted to everyone \"I can make others fall by using my will!\"
- \"Wow!\" shouted Dorbian \"That was great, Aendar! But now that Kiern is dead, what should we do next?\"
- \"We need to get an army to face Auran...\" answered Aendar.

The men in green released Seperot and Tranor in their hide-out cave. They didn\'t know what will happen to them next. Suddenly someone entered the room and started looking at the two prisoners. Seperot couldn\'t stand it anymore.
- \"Who are you dammit!\" He shouted.
- \"My name is Mocker\" the stranger answered. \"I am the leader of this band of people. We fight all n00b forces that come to these regions. But enough about me, I want to kn...\" Mocker didn\'t finish what he was saying as suddenly someone started shouting that he spotted someone. Soon after Mocker left the room, two guards came and grabbed the prisoners.
- \"Wht do you want?!\" shouted Seperot.
The guards didn\'t answer, they just dragged the two to their leader.
- \"Who is it?\" Mocker pointed down
Seperot looked below and he noticed Savion bathing in a pond there.
- \"oh, thts just Savion\" Seperot shrugged.
- \"Ah, so you know that freak? Admit it, you all are Auran\'s spies!\" Mocker frowned
- \"No were not!\" shouted Seperot.
- \"Then what are you doing here?\"
- \"You took us heer... maroon\" Seperot rolled eyes
- \"Ok, if you don\'t want to talk, maybe few arrows aimed at your friend will make you...\" Mocker made sign to get the bows ready.
- \"do it\" Seperot grinned.
- \"You don\'t believe We\'ll do it, eh?\" Mocker smirked \"Release the first arrow!\"
In same moment one of archers shot an arrow at Savion. The creature screamed in pain as the arrow hit directly his butt.
- \"do more! do more!\" Seperot started jumping in joy
- \"eh?\" after a while of pondering, Mocker noded to one of archers.
Suddenly the archer aimed an arrow at Seperot\'s head.
- \"awright, awright... so pushy, geez...\" Seperot rolled eyes. \"Were here witha gret mision from Vengeance we are suposed too...\"
- \"Mission from Vengeance? The one NewPie joined?\" Mocker interrupted him
- \"ya ther was NewPie there\" Seperot shrugged.
- \"Scouts said NewPie died on it! What happened to him?!\" Mocker started yelling at Seperot.
- \"heh he died? kewl, he deserved it for tryin to take me spamzor\"
Tranor slapped his forehead.
- \"Spamzor? You have the legendary spamzor?\" Mocker approached Seperot.
- \"Yeah, but you arnt getting it!\" Seperot shouted
- \"You don\'t have much to say in this situation.\" Mocker frowned \"Indeed, I believe Tepsu will be happy to hear about this discovery.\"
Mocker turned to the pond, but Savion wasn\'t there anymore. He decided to take Seperot to the Quakenet city.

- \"Spamg?ls! Spamg?ls!\" Shouted one of soldiers, trying to get everyone ready for fight.
Seperot and Tranor were close to the city of Quakenet, but fate wanted to stop them from getting there. Dogging yet another falling brick, Seperot looked with fear at the spamg?l riding on a pterosaur. The power of that spamzor was forcing him to go to the spamg?l, but Tranor stopped him just in time.
- \"We can\'t stay here, Seperot\" Tranor spoken \"We need to escape\"
Saying that Tranor grabbed Seperot\'s arm and started running towards exit of the fortress. They didn\'t manage to escape however, as Mocker was standing on their way.
- \"Please\" Tranor approached him \"Don\'t you see how Seperot is suffering? Please, let us go... he won\'t survive it.\"
Mocker started pondering about Tranor\'s words, thinking maybe he should let them go. Suddenly Seperot rushed at him and with one quick move stabbed him in the left leg. Nothing could stop them from this point and without any problems they escaped from the fortress. Soon they met grumbling Savion and once again they started following their guide, hoping he\'ll get them to the lord of the spam. But Savion had different plans and was thinking only about one thing: to get the spamzor back.
- \"Yes, Savion will bring them to her. She will get rid of them for Savion and then Savion will get back his spamzor\"
- \"Savion, where are you, you little idiot? come back here!\" shouted Tranor
- \"Savion\'s coming! Savion\'s coming!\" he answered \"Yes, she\'ll take care of them\"

to be continued...
« Last Edit: March 13, 2004, 10:48:08 am by Draklar »
AKA Skald


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« Reply #67 on: March 13, 2004, 10:51:12 am »
in this part there\'s more fighting than anything else and with it there\'s only one book from the trillogy to convert ;)
What should the rest of parts be tittled? Return of The Warlord? :D
AKA Skald


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« Reply #68 on: March 13, 2004, 11:05:17 am »
haha once again drak, hillarous although im still awaiting another appearence of the forum troll *taps foot impatiently* Oh well. as for a new name for the rest of the series i have no idea draklar.


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« Reply #69 on: March 13, 2004, 11:09:23 am »
err... if you look at the second part, the forum troll is already dead ;)
AKA Skald


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« Reply #70 on: March 13, 2004, 11:10:41 am »
Oy!  I didn\'t get to do much fighting....I wanna kill n00bs too.   :(

Other than that it was very good! :]

Only n00bs don't quote themselves...


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« Reply #71 on: March 13, 2004, 11:12:57 am »
Originally posted by Draklar
err... if you look at the second part, the forum troll is already dead ;)

yes but as i feel the point of the story \"spam is pretty hard to defeat\". being the face of spam itself i would expect to at least ressurect once out of spite.... but do what ever you want, its your story.


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« Reply #72 on: March 13, 2004, 11:16:33 am »
ok, tell you what:
watch all lotr movies and if you find a moment where the cave troll gets ressurected, message me ;)
AKA Skald


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« Reply #73 on: March 13, 2004, 11:18:48 am »
well in the two towers and return of the king, there seems to be multiple mountain trolls (the role I thought i portrayed) So i mean you could stick me as all of those spots or just show one and say that i went to teh nurses office and got bandages on my booboos.


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« Reply #74 on: March 13, 2004, 11:22:10 am »
I \'ll quote myself:
cave troll
by cave troll I mean cave troll, not mountain troll[/color]
« Last Edit: March 13, 2004, 11:22:30 am by Draklar »
AKA Skald