Author Topic: The Lord of The Spam  (Read 8122 times)


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« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2004, 05:10:07 pm »
*rejoices* wee cool im in duh story! hehehe! you can basically guess which character im gonna be but im still kind of curious to know which one i am! hopefully i dont die at the end....


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« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2004, 05:12:22 pm »
i wonder who golem will be?


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« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2004, 05:24:52 pm »
me of couse silly....


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« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2004, 05:42:26 pm »
oh be patient... I\'ll post another chapter soon enough :]
AKA Skald


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« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2004, 06:07:00 pm »
Edited for grammar
He started running back to the camp. Grakrim and Monketh had already fled, Tranor then decided to push Seperot down to ground so spamg?ls wouldn\'t follow them.

Sorry, but since I committed a cowardly act, it is my duty to choose a (not so) random part of the story and correct it.   :]

I wouldn\'t agree that the character definitions were perfect.   But then again, view is in the eye of the beholder.  The beholder being Draklar.  :P

\'twas pretty funny though. *Waits for next chapter*
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« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2004, 06:24:30 pm »
pff, there\'s a difference between falling down a pit and having a galkard thrusted through your heart...
Lemme guess, seperot is gonna be saved by healing.. and I\'m gonna get hit over the head with a big stick? :D


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« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2004, 07:07:38 pm »
Hmm... I guess we\'d be the evil mercenaries from the east. ;)


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« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2004, 08:53:21 pm »
Can I be Bill? You know the horse of Aragons?


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« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2004, 02:21:37 am »
lol... very nice Draklar :D  Can\'t wait to read more  :]
Blitzers Guild
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« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2004, 03:54:51 am »

Draklar whispered \"ok, he should be dead now\" and attacked Xordan by casting a fireball. Spamg?l\'s rag started burning and he started running around like a live torch. Draklar then took down all others with his claymore and laughed as their spirits were going away to their respawn point. Draklar glanced at Seperot and whispered angrily: \"damn, he\'s still alive\"
Moment later the three companions came back. \"We came as fast as we could, what happened?\" asked Tranor. He chuckled: \"Is Seperot dead?\".
Draklar sighed \"No, it\'s only magical wound, we can get him out of it. I don\'t know how however\" Draklar smiled.
- \"I know!\" Monketh shouted happily. Draklar glared at him. \"Oh fine, cure him... you\'ll be sorry tho...\" And so all of them sat around the fire, only Monketh was looking around for various herbs. They didn\'t notice a person sneaking up behind them. Suddenly Draklar got caught in tight embrace from behind. Shocked elf looked behind. It was Aelya, as always dressed in her black robe.
- \"soo... what\'s with Sep?\" she asked after a while.
- \"oh, nothing... he got wounded by spamg?l\'s blade.\" Draklar shrugged \"Monke...\"
not waiting for Draklar to finish, she grabbed unconcious Seperot and called her horse. \"I\'m sure someone in Freenode village will be able to help him, we\'ll meet there.\" Draklar raised an eyebrow when Aelya disapeared in the darkness of night. Suddenly they heard Monketh:
- \"Ok, I have all the herbs we need... err... where\'s Seperot\" He started looking around.
- \"On his way to Freenode... well that\'s where we were supposed to go as well...\" Draklar shrugged \"We\'ll go in the morning\".
When Seperot woke up, Tranor was drawing something on his face. The dwarf didn\'t even notice that Seperot got awake, he already was lying unconcious on ground with his nose bleeding. Seperot jumped out from bed and started kicking Tranor and yelling various things at him while doing so. First one that heard the yelling was Aendar, who just rushed into the room. Seperot noticed him and shouted in joy:
- \"Aender, you maroon, wher were you? I hat to come with that idiot Draklar!\"
- \"Calm down.\" Answered Aendar \"I had an important thing to do and I got stopped and...\"
- \"well what\'s so important to leave me with that maroon Draklar?\" Seperot frowned.
- \"Ok, ok... if you insist... so I was on my way to Kiern\'s tower to talk with him about all the spam in Yliakum...
He welcomed me outside and soon together we came into his tower. The discussion between us started and it didn\'t take long for me to understand that we stand on different sides.
- \"Can\'t you see? We must fight the spam. Now, while we still can!\" I shouted. Kiern only shrugged and answered:
- \"There\'s no way of fighting the spam, it is our nature. We all are supposed to spam. If I\'ll get the spamzor, I\'ll overthrow the spam lord.\"
I couldn\'t stand it.
- \"You fool, there\'s only one master of the spamzor. And that master is Auran!\"
Kiern shaked his head and answered.
- \"I\'ve seen the truth. Auran is prepering the great army of n00bs to take over the Yliakum. With the spamzor I\'ll stop all of them. I\'ll bash every n00b that follows him.\"
- \"What? How do you know all this?\" I asked in disbelief
- \"Oh, that\'s simple\" he answered \"I simply came to his place and looked around. You wouldn\'t believe how lousy is that idiot\'s anti-spy security.\"
- \"You old fool! You won\'t achieve anything by that! You are doomed!\"
- \"Very well\" Kiern sighed \"I was hoping you\'ll stand on my side, but you already decided to be my enemy, so..\"
I don\'t remember what happened then... I think he smashed my face with his staff...
When I woke up, I noticed some n00b was chewing on my leg. I just flamed him and started looking around. I was on some clearing. I guess Kiern thought that I\'m already dead. So anyway I turned to this place and well... here I am... huh? Sep, are you awake? damn you!\" Aendar kicked Seperot waking him up.
- \"huh? what hapned?\" Seperot asked in confusion.
Aendar sighed
- \"Nevermind. No time for explaining now, get ready. Vengeance called a meeting of the races of Yliakum\"
- \"Wow!\" shouted Seperot \"So ill see teh gretest personas of ylikaum theer?\"
- \"Well actually no.\" Aendar shaked his head. \"They didn\'t want to come so we just picked random people from those that were around here\"
And so, when Seperot came to the meeting place, he could see a lot of various races. In the center he could see Veneance with a \"Venge|meeting\" tag on his chest. On small chairs there were sitting Draklar, Bobodar, NewPie and Dorbian.
- \"Wow, such abig meating\" Seperot rolled his eyes.
- \"Silence\" said Aendar \"Take your place and listen to Vengeance\".
Suddenly Vengeance spoken
- \"So I called you all here, because I have had it with all your whinings about spam in Yliakum. Tell me what\'s that spam you\'re all talking about and I\'ll try to take care of it.\"
- \"well...\" started Aendar \"There\'s that guy, Auran is his name. And he spams a lot and there\'s that spamzor and if he gets it...\"
- \"Spamzor?\" Vengeance interrupted him.
Aendar turned to Seperot
- \"Sep, show it\"
- \"awright, awright\" he answered and put spamzor on table next to Vengeance.
- \"So this is spamzor\" whispered NewPie \"I said that spamzor exists... and I\'m always right... so there must have been the spamzor... and there it is!\"
- \"so anyway...\" Vengeance spoken once again \"what do you want to do with it?\"
Aendar grinned
- \"We are going to destroy it\"
Vengeance raised an eyebrow
- \"So if you say that Auran is the source of all this, why don\'t you just go to him, thrust this spamzor down his throat and quit wasting my time?\"
- \"That\'s a great idea, Venge!\" shouted Aendar. \"But who\'s going to take it?\"
- \"I will!\" yelled Seperot \"Its my spamzor, youall leve it to my, damnit!\"
- \"Very well then.\" Said Draklar \"I\'ll go with you. You have my sword, Seperot\".
Seperot whispered only one word:
- \"damn\"
- \"And you have my bow!\" continued Dorbian.
- \"YOU HAVE MY AXE!\" shouted Bobodar \"GIVE BACK MY AXE!\"
- \"I\'m coming as well\" Aendar grinned
- \"And I\" said NewPie
- \"If that idiot Seperot is coming...\" Tranor suddenly rushed into the meeting place \"...I\'m coming as well\"
- \"Hey! You can\'t leave without us\" Grakrim and Monketh rushed just after Tranor.
- \"Great!\" shouted Vengeance \"Finally I\'ll get rid of all of you\"
And so, the fellowship of the spamzor was formed, ready to face the great spam of the lord of the spam.
Before leaving everyone got ready for the journey. Seperot was supposed to meet with Link, however it so happened that Link didn\'t manage to come to Freenode, as he got banished long time ago. Draklar reforged the great sword of destruction and at the evening he had very warm goodbye from the princess Aelya. The next morning whole fellowship went to meet their long waited destiny.

First they had to choose the path to Auran\'s place. Bobodar kept saying that they should go through the dungeons.
- \"We aren\'t noobs\" Bobodar said \"we can go there, nothing bad will happen\"
- \"Well...\" Aendar was scared by the possibility of being called \'noob\' \"fine, we\'ll go through the dungeons. But be aware! I heard that those idiotic n00bs formed a great beast there\"
- \"dont be parnaoic Aender\" said Seperot \"well be ok\"
And so they got to the gate of the dungeons. There, they noticed a Bernie dwarf hanging in front of the gate.
- \"You won\'t pass unless you answer my riddle\" he shouted \"speak friend and enter!\"
Aendar started shouting some arcane words, trying to solve the riddle. Then Draklar spoken:
- \"Mellon\"
Bernie noded his head and kicked the gate. The gate was in poor state so it instantly fell to the ground.
Soon after they came inside, Aendar stopped them:
- \"damn, we\'re lost\"
Everyone were sitting around waiting for Aendar to figure out where to go, when suddenly Seperot noticed someone in distance moving.
- \"what that?\" he asked Aendar
- \"That?\" Aendar glanced at the figure \"That\'s Savion. He\'s a total spammer. He probably wants your spamzor.\"
- \"What?\" yelled Seperot \"Bah! im going to kil htat maroon!\"
- \"yes, me too\" answered Aendar \"but there\'s no need to yell on the whole dungeon\"
Suddenly they heard loud shouts... it was noob questions. \"look what you\'ve done\" Aendar yelled at Seperot. \"We must run... umm... there!\" Aendar pointed in random direction. They were running away as various questions followed them wherever they went. Finally they found a room and rushed into it. Draklar made the last glance before closing and locking the door. He turned to his companions and said:
- \"They have a Forum Troll\"
It was only a moment before Whemyfield bashed into the room.
- \"aaaaaaaaaaa ur goin to die well kill u all!!!!11\" the Troll shouted.
Everyone started fighting. Aendar was bashing every n00b on his way, Seperot started running around with his galkard, cutting throats of every n00b that wasn\'t careful enough. Suddenly a n00b with mug in his hand jumped in front of Seperot. The enkidukai stopped and thrusted the galkard, stabbing the n00b in the eyes. Dorbian was running around screaming like crazy. Draklar was slaying one n00b after another, cursing Laanx each time he killed someone. Grakrim and Monketh were staring at all the bloodshed, when suddenly Whemyfield noticed them. He kicked Monketh few meters away and smashed Grakrim with his twig. Suddenly he heard Draklar curse Laanx once again. It was too much for the Forum Troll and he charged at the elf. Aendar seeing the danger casted fireball at Whemyfield. The troll looked around in confusion, when Seperot stabbed him in the back. Whemyfield screamed in pain and slammed Seperot, throwing him against wall. Dorbian was still running around like a psycho, bashing all the n00bs on his way. NewPie was taking care of all n00bs coming in through the doors, when Draklar attacked the Troll slicing part of his arm. Then, Dorbian runned at Whemyfield pushing him onto one of spikes sticking out from walls. Bobodar stopped crushing skulls of various n00bs and frightened by all the n00b questions shouted: \"retreat! retreat!\"
Everyone turned to a corridor, soon finding themselfs in pillar room. They all gasped, as an army of n00bs started falling down from the pillars. They were surrounded. It seemed like they were doomed, when suddenly the n00bs retreated. Instead there was some figure running towards them.
- \"Oh no\" whispered Aendar \"run! run to the exit!\"
Everyone started running towards the sense of fresh air, chased by the great beast known as... the TeddyBear. The huge kran was getting closer and closer, when suddenly it jumped towards the fellowship and grabbed Aendar\'s leg, successfully tripping him over. All others didn\'t even look behind and not caring about Aendar, they left the dungeon.
- \"We mustn\'t stop\" said Dorbian \"We must get to the elven kingdom. It will be hard as it is well hidden, but I\'ll get you all there.\"
Everyone agreed and they soon found themselfs standing on edge of a forest, next to \"this way to elven kingdom\" sign. They followed next signs and after few minutes great elven city appeared to their eyes. They were brought to the throne room when they seen two elves sitting on thrones. It was Gronomist and Lynx. Bobodar stepped forward and shouted:
- \"I am Bobodar, son of Bobo StinkFoot!\"
- \"awright Bobo\" Seperot rolled eyes \"noone wantd too know htat\"
The whole fellowship had a great time there, but the time had come to return to the journey. Lady Gronomist decided to give Seperot a gift to help him in the quest.
- \"Take this\" she handed him a scratching pole.
- \"wha?\" Seperot was confused with the strange gift.
- \"It is magical undestructable scratching pole\"
- \"wha?!\"
- \"I hope it\'ll show you the way even in the darkest hours\" she noded and smiled to Seperot
- \"WHA?!\"
Seperot got dragged into one of boats and soon the fellowship of the spamzor swam down the river. They stopped after some time to rest for a while. They weren\'t aware that a group of un00b-hais led by Darkmandis was going to hunt them down.

to be continued...
AKA Skald


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« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2004, 04:33:30 am »
great second installment, Draklar :D

waiting for the next part.


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« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2004, 06:19:17 am »
This is just great and I\'m even in there.  :))

more more
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« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2004, 07:31:31 am »
Originally posted by Jaxan
Hmm... I guess we\'d be the evil mercenaries from the east. ;)

nah, I have different plan about that :]
AKA Skald


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« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2004, 12:15:21 pm »
Excellent Drak my lad:)!. Can\'t wait to see how I die:P. Though i would have preffered  to be Melkor himself, i guess Sauron is the next best thing;).


BTW Drak have you and the princess ever considered becoming good characters ingame actually? If my opinion is to be held in any value then I feel that you guys would do an excellent job if DE were good. Sincerely....

Being bad is not the exact job you or Aelya were cut out for. Aelya started it because she probably thought it was cool rather than being convinced that it was the role she was meant to play. Its not the role for someone as nice as her:).

And you were meant to play the strongheaded knight in some lady\'s service more than anything else. Its good that you play knight consort to Aelya but it would be better if its associated standpoint were light rather than darkness.

Don\'t think otherwise. This was just some RPing advice from one player to another.

Best of luck

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« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2004, 12:37:40 pm »
hehe... Aelya good? Well I never seen her as that...
believe me, she is evil...
As for me, I dropped the path of a good knight to become evil warlord and I\'m not going back :]
but enough about me and Aelya, back to the story.
AKA Skald