Author Topic: Role-playing challenges  (Read 1920 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2004, 02:17:09 am »
Having the box in his hands Lhoran tells the master of the shop that he his need for the item was urgent in the first place (or he would not have been shooping but searching for it in the wilderness) and opens the box. Given that no curse or other enchantment kills him Lhoran does his cafting right there and returns the box to the shop keeper with a smile and a few extra tria inside.

Being simple and doing only as he needs to with items that are not his, Lhoran takes time to rest by the fire and restocks it as needed from the firewood that he has in his supplies. Then, with great caution, he places wards about the area and sleeps for a couple hours, before going on his way.

Having watched friends die and being in general hope for his own survival, Lhoran begins passing word about town that he is working on a panacea for the desease. Yet his luck runns out before finding it and he succumbs to the terrible desease.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2004, 07:58:59 pm »
1} accept the box and trade it for a large bag of muffins :]

2} take a nap than take all food and weapons gold etc.

3}take 2 big daggers nibbley run up to the guards bounce off there heads and dash off toward the forest
hopfully a soon to be member of the Arcane Order :]


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2004, 03:35:39 pm »
Originally posted by Alcarillo
Sorry in advance folks but I\'ll probably end up being the \'resident\' grammar/spelling Nazi in these contest.

Well, Nazi... \"These contest?\" Isn\'t it supposed to be this contest? sorry if i\'m off topic but anyway...

1) I would subtly beat the living daylights out of him and open the box while he\'s unconscious. I would then walk home, and keep my promise; leave the box with him. :) I\'m nice aren\'t I?

2) I was too lazy to read it... Sorry

3)Hmm... I would probably sneak out at night when none of the \"sickies\" (what I call plagued people) and rush towards the gate where the guards are. I would then procede to climb up the ladder, sneak around (i\'m a dwarf and really hard to see in the night, use force if neccesary, and RUN FOR MY LIFE!!!

EDIT: Also, the Nazi used \'at least\' instead of atleast!! :o That\'s a bad Nazi!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2004, 03:38:11 pm by Bjorn »
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2004, 01:38:18 pm »
1)  Jessyn would ask if she could purchase both the box, and the item she had come for originally.  She would save the box for an emergency, then take it back to the shopkeeper.

2)  Walking into the camp, calling out to see if anyone was around, Jessyn would then build up the fire and camp for the night, but in the woods just outside the camp, well hidden, to see what if anyone would return.

3)  Jessyn would consult with the healers of the city, and find out how to cure the cholera, using potions and magic healing,  then teach the healers how to make the potions needed.  She would then make some extra potions, use some of them to bribe the guards to let her out of the city, saving at least one dose for herself, just in case.

Most things in life operate, not on reality, but the perception of reality.