Author Topic: Role-playing challenges  (Read 1908 times)


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Role-playing challenges
« on: July 24, 2004, 05:10:30 am »
In due time, I\'m going to write a series of these little \"challenges\" - I post a situation, and you have to put your character\'s reaction into a reply. Sounds easy? Try it, then...

I) On your way out of the market, with a full purse and empty hands, you find a little shop buried between two old buildings. It has no flag or other marking that would indicate its purpose, but through its open door, a counter and a full rack of odd objects behind it can be seen. Whatever you\'ve been looking for, it seems the marketplace had not been a good place to search... This shop, however, might prove more adequately stocked. Inside, after you inform the merchant of your needs, he simply nods, turns to the rack and fetches a large wooden box. In a bizzarre cage stashed in a dark corner of the shop, you notice the very object you were looking for, but rather than pick it up, the merchant simply brings the box on the counter and hands it to you. After taking a few trias - fewer than you\'d have expected, given how valuable the item was - he asks that you don\'t open the box until you truly need the item inside it, and that you return the box once you\'re done with it. He stresses the second part, insisting that he won\'t do any more business with you unless you return it intact, and carves out your name on its lid. Beside this marking, the box itself appears distinctly plain. Would you agree with the merchant\'s proposal? Would you defy it, or do something completely different?

II) Halfway done with your trek through the woods, you settle into a less thickly wooded area, hoping for a moment of rest. It seems someone else had done the same, as you find a campsite nestled in the side of a small clearing.  Whoever was there had certainly left, perhaps for a short while, perhaps forever... There are no signs of life, human or otherwise, nearby.. Still, nothing has been tampered with - not even the campfire, which still roars in its round cradle - and of the two tents propped beside you, one holds a stash of unremarkable supplies. The forest itself seems inviting in these parts, given the width between the trees and the soft undergrowth. There is silence around you, except perhaps for the fire\'s frequent and mischevous whispers... Given that no one seems to be nearby, what do you do?

III) Cholera has come against the city, rending the bodies of its men and harvesting tears from their families. Few do more than count their living relatives and pray to their gods for a remedy, before falling themselves to the disease\'s vicious touch. None may leave, so that the sickness might not sneak out with them, and none dare step into the doomed city. The walls are guarded, and the gates tended from above, by guards too wary of the illness to let anyone pass. As a long-time inhabitant or an unlucky guest, how do you deal with this?


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« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2004, 06:11:14 am »
1) Give the box back instantly, no mere object is worth the risk of uncertainty that may cost you your life. These kind of traders can not be trusted and who knows what kind of tricks may be up this mans sleeve.

2) A fire would not be burning strong without any forms of life nearby and no adventurer would leave a camp for very long unless they had been slain. I would climb a nearby tree and simply wait for the adventurers return, if a long time goes by without them returning I would send a small bolt of lightning at their camp setting it alight to make them realise their follishness.

3) Lock myself away


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« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2004, 06:49:32 am »
Well ok but before I start you need to understand that my character is now chaotic evil out of depression, bitterness and a curse. He is now destructive to the point of being suicidal and self destructive.

1. I lean down as if to get the money from my pouch, but at the last second I bring up my fist into the shop keepers jaw hopefully rendering him unconscious. If successful I would break the shop keepers neck and then explore the store taking anything that sparked my interest; including his wife or daughters if he has either. Then because I am suicidal and unable to repress urges I would open the box in the shop.

2. I check the campsite for footprints or indications as to what the campers were doing in the forest. Depending on what I find I would either rest at the camp and set off a forest fire in the morning, or simply set off a forest fire immediately and leave the forest.

3. Unafraid of death I would squander my time brawling, gambling and in the company of whores.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2004, 06:50:37 am by Zephyrus »


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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2004, 09:12:36 am »
Originally posted by Zephyrus
Well ok but before I start you need to understand that my character is now chaotic evil out of depression, bitterness and a curse. He is now destructive to the point of being suicidal and self destructive.

Haha :D  Ok...

1. I would take the box suspiciously, assuming that it is a trick, but hoping it is the real thing. I only paid a few trias for it, easily replaced. As soon as I was out of sight, I would open it and see what is inside. If it is not the item I wanted, I would go buy it at a different shop. Of course, then I wouldn\'t give the box back.

2. I would use their things for the night and continue on my way in the morning... and look around for some item worth stealing.

3. I would escape the city by any means possible, by killing the guards if need be. I would first try to get an air escort to minimize my contact with the city.

Cybio Kingfist

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« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2004, 03:41:19 am »

I) Lean reaaaally close, establish a mental connection and send him telepathic messages saying something like
\'If this is a scam sleep knowing that I will return and when I do, your essence will be rewritten and nothing will remain of you but a smear of flesh on the wall.\'
(He\'s generally sensitive towards others but has his moments.)

II) Rummage through the supplies making as much noise as possible to test the responsiveness of my environment, and, if nothing happened, assume the owner dead and build a small memorial.
(Sometimes he\'s just outright odd.)

III) Should i contract the disease I would climb inside a munitions shed, light it, get another body somewhere else.
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« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2004, 10:46:33 am »
Soooo, Im assuming you are the evil necromancer type  :))

Cybio Kingfist

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« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2004, 02:06:14 pm »
Me? Pffft. Most the people claiming to be encromancers on this board don\'t even know how necromancy really works, and wile I could smoke them at it,
The steel priest is back and ready to start converting.


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« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2004, 04:29:33 pm »
Ah, this is just like in Elder scrolls where you answered questions to decide what class you character would become. I loved those :D

1. I would agree to the proposal and save the item until I really needed it. I would then return the box intact when I was done with it, knowing that the merchant would appreciate such honesty.

2. I would be suspicious to such a place, and since I don\'t know what kind of people who are resting there, I would hide and wait for their return. If nobody return to the camp, I simply leave it as it is and continue my trek.

3. I would do my best to heal the sick, and aid those in need. If I can do something to help others, then I will.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2004, 04:31:42 pm by Jadd »
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« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2004, 05:10:22 pm »
1. I would agree and immediately take the box to the Arcane Order and ask them to check for any booby traps. If there were none, I\'d use the box as instructed out of respect for the owner. If it was booby trapped, I\'d return, retrieve my trias, and force him to open the box as punishment.

2. I\'d approach, use what was necessary, and, if no one showed up, leave monetary compensation for the use of their goods. If someone hostile showed up well, I\'m sure you can guess....

3. I\'d immediately call out my guild and we\'d go about helping the guards maintain order and most likely tend to the sick.


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« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2004, 10:57:06 pm »
Nice situations :D

1) Attempt to renegotiate a better deal, to actually purchase the item (if I\'ve been searching for this item, I want to keep it ;)) and without the cage.  If the shopkeeper is adamant on his decision, I would storm out of the place, assuming that the man was some sort of vile sorceror trying to trick people into accepting a trap.

2) Seeing that the camp is a little too inviting at first glance, I would move away from it, but keep it in view and rest there for a while.  I would keep an eye on the camp during that time, and if during that time nothing changed, would cautiously enter the camp.  If nothing terrible heppened as I do so ;), I would make use of the camp for the night, and leave it as it was the next morning.

3) Not wanting to have my end locked in a city dying of a disease, I would escape, attempting bribery, but using force if necessary.
Blitzers Guild
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I love this Idea!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2004, 11:57:37 pm »
Sorry in advance folks but I\'ll probably end up being the \'resident\' grammar/spelling Nazi in these contest. As well as point out when someone just doesn\'t get it, or due to poor wording just misunderstands; speaking of which:
Originally posted by Ghostslayer

1) Attempt to renegotiate a better deal, to actually purchase the item (if I\'ve been searching for this item, I want to keep it ;)) and without the cage.  If the shopkeeper is adamant on his decision, I would storm out of the place, assuming that the man was some sort of vile sorcerer trying to trick people into accepting a trap.

Sorry but you don\'t get the nice cage, just the box. I don\'t want to get off on the wrong foot here so no hard feelings, right? I don\'t mean to embarrass you or anything, just wanted to point out that you seem to have stopped reading after the part about the cage....*whispers* you know what? that\'s why they have an \"edit\" button. ;-D

1] Well based on the fact that he stresses the return of the box intact I would accept his terms, but not without trying to at least get a small hint as to whether or not the item I wanted was in the box or if it was something better...but I see no point in not trusting the man, after all aren\'t we all just a bit paranoid?...(Read: I\'d take it to the Arcane Order and ask that it be checked for booby traps or any kind of malevolent sorcery)

2] I like climbing trees...much more comfortable than the rotten undergrowth...Err, I mean...I\'d climb a tree and wait/search for the camp\'s owners to return, if they didn\'t well...*wounder what\'s in the Other tent....* and on the off chance that I find the owners (or even just some sorry lost noobs) in trouble I\'d at least try to lend some help, even if it\'s just some simple \"firecrackers\"... :evil:

3] Well, it really depend on how I was feeling, how long I thought the food would last, If I got a really really I mean REALLY bad sweet tooth, and how good the ale/milk/non water based drinks are. But I\'d most likely try a light hearted escape and if I didn\'t die due to \"Guard Brutality\"/not make it out I\'d become the town\'s Sherlock and pin point the infected well(s) and then make the town better by keeping people away from the wells, through force if necessary.

Please do more of these! Please, Krissanasli? I love the idea, and I need someway to keep my creative juices flowing; which school is definitely not helping with in any way shape or form....
Don\'t mind me, I\'m just an odd creature thrown in by God to keep things interesting...esp. when you consider the fact that when I get sleepy I get hyper and intoxicated all on my own...


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« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2004, 12:54:35 pm »
Bit of backstory:

Character name: Elspeth \"Firebug\" Flamebringer
Race: Female human mage, age 20
Origins:  Expelled from her village at age 9 for setting a few TEENY fires, just to keep herself from freezing to death at night.  And it wasn\'t her fault she was lodged in the hayloft.  She\'s been wandering around ever since, so she\'s picked up a few ranger skills as a matter of necessity.


1) Get the item I want.  The one I can SEE.  I\'m not going to buy a box.  No, I don\'t care how cheap the box is.  Look, for all I know you\'ve filled that with cotton, or a poisonous snake.  And now I can\'t even sell the box, because you\'ve just carved my name in it!  Fine!  Keep them both!  I\'ll probably end up summoning my own efreet one day anyway!

2) Warm myself by the fire.  If he\'s a bandit, he wouldn\'t be the first to attack me, but I\'m sure I\'ll be his last.  And if the bandit\'s dead, so what?  I\'m not afraid of wood.  Even spooky wood.

3) Help the guards reduce the bodies of plague victims to ash from a safe distance, rather than piling them all together first.  In return, the guards ignore the growing pile of dirt and melted rock near my residence.  If the food starts to run out, I along with a good fraction of the guards will disappear.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2004, 01:01:42 pm by Apollyon470 »


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« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2004, 12:05:51 pm »
1)I would take the box to a arch mage, or take it to a person of great knowledge and ask them to tell me how i may use the item to my advantage and keep in intact.

2) I would have my rest a little bit aways from the camp, then i would search the immediate area. If i found no one i would simply go back to the camp gather a few supplies i might need in the future(laying down something of equal value estimate of course), douse the fire ,and continue my trek through the woods. If i found someone i would tell them they should keep an eye on a fire that big in a woods like this and ask them if they feel like trading.

3) I would ask the ruler of the city(or whoever is in charge) if we could send out a message of some kind to someone with healing powers beyond the cities limits and i would share what food i could and take only enough to survie
« Last Edit: November 20, 2004, 12:07:50 pm by hickle00 »


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« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2004, 12:48:39 pm »
1} I would ask the man to open the box to show me the item. If he doesnt, I leave.

2} I\'d just walk away after having checked that nobody around needs help

3} Grab as much salt and water as I can and have ill people drink it as it\'s a good cure for cholera.
there\'s no place like


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« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2004, 10:32:54 pm »
1) steuben picks the box up and turns it over a couple of times. he feels the content shift slightly as he does so. they shift enough to indicate that the contents are well packed inside. steuben places the box back down on the counter.

\"and how will i know,\" steuben asks.

ooc: stands ready for the cliched responce

2) \"hallo, the camp,\" steuben calls out.

hearing no response, steuben walks over to the fire. walking over he takes a quick look around. the camp appears abandoned. steuben settles next to the fire with his back against a tree. he pulls out his sword. the sound of leather against steel sounding faintly like a relaxing sigh. steuben holds the sword up vertically in the firelight. he rotates the sword in the firelight, the light seems to catch on the edges as he does so.

he pulls out a small sharpening stone. he runs the stone along the edge of the stone. the sound of stone on metal seems to carry elements of a purring sound to it. the sound carries a little way through the wood, alerting those around to his presence.

3) steuben leans on the hammer as it rests on the anvil. the pervasive heat from the forge permiates the small smithy. a cart laden the bodies of the recently deceased rumbles past the doors. he had taken over the smithing duties after the regular smith had taken ill. it looked like he would recover, but it would still be a couple of weeks until he was able to resume his duties. there had been little call for his skills since the illness had begun to spread through the city. a few of the richer dead had been buried in coffins and those needed nails. but little beyond that.

steuben takes off the heavy leather apron and hangs it off the point of the anvil. he picks up a small iron pot, and shoveled some of the coals into the pot. using a leather mit he picks up the pot and takes it outside. he closes up the doors to smithy. picking up the pot he follows the cart to ash pits where the majority of the bodies were being disposed of.

the bodies had been stacked on what was mostly broken up furniture.  the makeshift pyre was sunken down into a pit. the top of the pyre level with the soft ash surface of the ground. the ash has been lifted in to a haze by the foot steps of the labourers that are moving the bodies from the cart to the pyre. standing off to one side, upwind of both the cart and the cloud of fine ash, are a small group. they stand with the bearing of the self-important. one of them stands with a basket of torches.

after the cart rolls away the one with the walks up to the edge of the pit and places the basket down. he reaches into the basket with searching for the tinder box and flint. steuben walks up to the man and places the pot with the coals next to the basket. the man looks up at him, and then down at the pot. he pulls out a torch from the basket and holds it in the pot until it catches. after the torch is well lit he tosses it into the broken wood. working his way around the pit he gradually ignites the pyre.

steuben picks up the pot, and steps back from the growing heat. before turning away to head back to the smithy, he says quietly, \"may your trees grow large.\"

probably more then what was expected, but it answers the questions. when is the next one?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2004, 09:24:53 pm by steuben »
may laanx frighten the shadow from my path.
hardly because the shadow built the lexx.
the shadow will frighten laanx from my path.