Author Topic: Any potential leader looking for a guild?  (Read 368 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Any potential leader looking for a guild?
« on: August 12, 2004, 08:09:29 am »
Ok, before you run off and start your own guild whose aim is to fight the opposite alignment, you might consider starting this one.

Guild name: High Fliers

Guild aim: To perfect the art of flight, be it powered by live creatures or otherwise.

Ranks: All members are equal, however: an unofficial hierarchy exists, meaning that members will respect and obey members with more experience (flight time) and skill. The only true ranks are Apprentice and Member. Apprenticeship is given to young lads or lasses who wish to learn of flight. They learn from full members or by themselves (members are usually too busy flying or tinkering to have time for Apprentices). Once an apprentice manages to spend at least five minutes flying and managed to snag a fistful of the wild plants which grow on Yliakum\'s ceiling, they are officially promoted to full members with the presentation of a small medal of a Pterosaur with outstretched wings (most members wear this proudly on their breast or shoulder).

Typical member: Members of the High Fliers usually have their head in the clouds, in both meanings of the phrase. They are obsessed with flight, and the adrenalin kick they get from it. Most members wear eye-goggles to protect their eyes from the lashing wind in the sky. Each member, when on the ground, can usually be found in the guild workshop on the first level, tinkering away at their latest invention -often as not guaranteed by its maker to \"revolutionise flight\"- be it a new flying machine or an enchanted pendant to protect the wearer from the hash magic around the Azure Sun.

Misc info: Since by Yliakum law each organisation is allowed to own one Megara and one Pterosaur, most members rarely use these winged creatures to fly. Indeed, they attempt to create their own flying machines. Strange things are known to come out of the workshops, ranging from mechanical wings to enchanted bracelets of flight. Often as not, their inventions fail them and many a member has been known to plummet to their death or into the seventh level if they\'re lucky. Some even burn alive as they approach the Azure sun. But their lust for flight keeps drawing them back, always striving to achieve new distances and speeds. Among their ranks are even one or two magic-workers, who create enchanted materials to protect themselves in the skies.

Guild income: While money is not the chief concern of the High Fliers, equipment is expensive, and the coffers are not endless. So, to provide for new equipment and a funeral or two, the Guild takes on jobs from time to time. The jobs range from simple delivery to secret surveilance. Sometimes they also have passengers- although to choose to travel with the High Fliers one must be either mad or extremely desperate.  

Guild alignment, etc: The High Fliers are a care-free group of individuals, and as such have not proclaimed their alignment. If they were asked, however, they would probably say that they were neutral. The High Fliers do not take part in wars or anything else that might take away time from their flying and tinkering.

The OOC stuff: I realise that this guild will not be able to be played in CB, seeing as how there will be no flying in CB. But good things come to those who wait, eh? :) On another note, I\'d like to say that this guild has nothing to do with AO and I am not a part of it. I was just extremely bored and needed to do something. If anyone is interested in being part of the guild, just declare yourself a member. This is all I\'ll do for the guild, so if any members want it to be successful, they\'ll need to make a website, forums, chatroom, etc. So members will have to take care of who to apprentice, etc. Good luck to anyone who decides to take over this!
~Karakth, Arcane Loremaster of the Arcane Order.


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« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 09:50:38 am »
Meh the idea of someone else creating a guild for a leader and not being apart of it is worse then a new leader starting a unoriginal guild!


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2004, 11:13:46 am »
I think it is a good idea. If Karakth doesn\'t want to lead it and somebody else wants to, I can\'t see whats wrong with it :)


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« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2004, 01:35:21 pm »
good idea Karakth! :D

i had the same thought slippin through my mind a few days ago but couldn\'t come up with a good idea so far. i think it would be cool if this thread would work more or less as a guild bazar where ppl post ideas and others can use them!

Once again, i like the idea!!!!
Don\'t Panic!
(and never forget your towel!!!)

jaggit2009:we are a guild that is helping pple who need help and we fight bad people. we are happy and brave and we like to be good. i have thouht it all