
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Rules → Crafting Transformations
  • Assigned To No-one
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  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes 1
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Adam - 26.11.2013
Last edited by Davide Vescovini - 08.08.2014

FS#6263 - REQUEST: Teleportation Potion

It would be nice to earn a teleportation potion that would allow a player to teleport to any major city instantaneously.

Obviously, this great power would come at a great cost:

- potions would be very rare to find (on creatures, in hidden secret locations,through a difficult quest)
- very difficult to make/crafted (alchemy 400 points)+ correct ingredients + Drain 500 mana points/500 hitpoints to consume it (so player can't teleport one after the other)
- bought at a shop in Enkidukai City Shop for 5,000 Tria each. Limit: 5 each per game world month to reduce hording /spamming.

Closed by  Davide Vescovini
08.08.2014 03:01
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

A teleportation potion is too easily exploitable, instead the pterosaur travel is being expanded to include BD map too.

Roman Yagodin commented on 27.11.2013 19:39

As of now, it /die ⇒ DR ⇒ Hydlaa ⇒ Pterosaur ride to any other major city (except Eagle BD).

Personally I don't like idea of teleport potion - it's too straightforward, even it cost one thousand circles.

Some ideas:

1) A network of one-way magic portals, hidden in much unevident places, with a slight chance to getting somewhere you'd not expect.
2) A costly and rare spell, with a very rare glyph, working [only] to teleport [entire party] to a nearest city (with a curse on a mage to prevent subsequent "jumps").
3) Pterosaur ride to/from Eagle BD surroundings (not Fortress!) - almost essential.
4) Make DR portal destination city random (from list of visited cities) or just teleport to last visited city - just to make it less boring.
5) "Soul" ride - may be caused by some type of potion, e.g. poison - makes your soul leave a body and in that form you can fly fast to any place - but cannot comminicate. Then in place, [cast a spell to] recall your body - and apply intensive healing. If healing was not succeeded, or you forgot to recall your body in time - die and go to DR.


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