
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Caarrie - 22.10.2007
Last edited by Steven Schwartfeger - 18.08.2008

FS#504 - Spell invigoration bugged

i got this petition
“Invogoration spell : After the recent server downtime it apears that the invigoration spell has reverted to its previous buggy state where the spell stacks. Basically allowing players to have unlimited HP. Sorry this isn’t posted on BT, i just don’t have the time today.”

confirmed that if you cast this spell many times over you can increase your hp and it does not decrease till you log out.

The task depends upon
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
1100 PlaneShift  FS#1100 - Invigoration not working right  Low
Closed by  Steven Schwartfeger
18.08.2008 03:03
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

I agree. I tested this on the test server, by casting it on myself; the first time I lost a small amount of health, subsequent casts did nothing; the spell eventually timed out and the buf disappeared, no side effects were apparent.

Arianna commented on 23.10.2007 09:04

Adding that acraig has assigned this to himself.

Arianna commented on 23.10.2007 09:04

Adding a bit of developers among the assignees and changing status.

Arianna commented on 23.10.2007 09:05

Changing also severity to Critical since this is quite an exploit.

Mike Gist commented on 23.10.2007 20:21

Partially fixed, need a person with db access to finish off the fix.

Mike Gist commented on 23.10.2007 21:19

Should be fixed on laanx now.

Caarrie commented on 23.10.2007 23:15

It seems that now this spell only works when cast one time and there is no system message tell you why it does not work after that. my hp also did not go back to where it should have when the spell wore off it was 800 went up to 840 then went down to 640 after relog it was at 640/800 [before relog it was at 640/640]

Andrew Craig commented on 03.11.2007 21:43

I changed the script slightly for this spell so it should behave correctly now but needs to be tested in game.

Caarrie commented on 03.11.2007 23:14

the problem on relog has been fixed but you get no system message to confirm that the spell works after the first cast. so not fully fixed still.

Mike Gist commented on 04.11.2007 09:24

Can you test that everything ends correctly on death as well?

Caarrie commented on 04.11.2007 20:05

your hp does get reset to normal after a death. still no system message after the first cast, and you can cast it with mana decrease more then one time. if you die after you have cast it many times you get a system message to tell you that it has worn off but yet you were not able to see that you successfully cast it before. after spell wears off after cast one time, DOUBLE the hp you gained got removed i had 2400hp got up to 2440 and after the spell wore off i had 2360, a relog fixed this but i still had to gain the extra 40 hp back.

Caarrie commented on 06.02.2008 15:55

moving to spell forumlas

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 07.03.2008 21:23

If any of the devs plans to work in this bug, please set status to 'in progress'. If not, please advice who to assign this to.
Oops too fast, this one is set to 'in progress' already. In that case, any progress?

Caarrie commented on 25.03.2008 10:52

adding testers so that this bug does not get missed, could be related in someway to the new  bug 1342 

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 28.04.2008 00:37


If you cast the spell "Invogoration" many times over you can increase your hp, and it does not decrease till you log out.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 28.04.2008 05:28

From  FS#1342 :

If Invigoration is casted on any person several times, that person might die after a couple minutes when spell effects wear off.
Tested by casting on myself and on another character.

Closing it duplicate.

Caarrie commented on 18.05.2008 20:07

setting back to assigned, if anyone assigned is working on this please add a comment

Caarrie commented on 04.08.2008 23:49

removing xordan from assignee per request from him

Jörg Müller commented on 17.08.2008 12:08

This bug is not present anymore at least for me!
I casted the spell multiple times on me and nothing unexpected happened. After the spell wearing off, I had my normal HP back.
Same with dying, I casted the spell multiple times and jumped down somewhere dying. As soon as I hit the ground the buff disappeared (inclusive status massage as normal) and I died.
If nobody else has problems with it, I request closure.


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