
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Rules → Spell Formulas
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Caarrie - 25.10.2007
Last edited by Lanarel - 24.03.2009

FS#531 - Recovery can kill you

if you cast recovery many times to the point that it reduces your hp to 0 you will die even if you had 100% physical stamina when you were casting it.

it should stop you from casting at 100% physical stamina and not let you kill yourself if you hit 0 hp [or stop you before you get to that point ]

The task depends upon
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
1949 PlaneShift  FS#1949 - Recovery Spell doesn't recover stamina  Low
1967 PlaneShift  FS#1967 - Recovery spell Bugged/Not working  Low
The task blocks this from closing
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
2923 PlaneShift  FS#2923 - Recovery seems disabled  Medium
Closed by  Lanarel
24.03.2009 23:23
Reason for closing:  
Additional comments about closing:  

Spell works and does not even allow you to kill yourself

John commented on 25.10.2007 23:33

I can confirm this as a bug it allows you to reduce your hp to zero should poss stop at 10%

Caarrie commented on 25.10.2007 23:34

marking new

Arianna commented on 26.10.2007 05:09

Xordan, could you please investigate or reassign if necessary?

Caarrie commented on 06.02.2008 16:00

moving to spell formulas

Caarrie commented on 25.05.2008 15:55

confirmed still bugged on test server

Ithwaynn commented on 20.07.2008 19:21

I have used this spell in the 040 and 0401 versions and it did not seem to be buggy to me - it did not lower the stamina to 0% but raised it as it should be. Kindly test again and if possible enable the spell asap?

Quentin Bari commented on 31.07.2008 21:46

This spell is now broken. If you cast it you’ll get a reduction in mana but no effects in your stamina.

Caarrie commented on 31.07.2008 21:48

this spell is disabled on laanx not broken.

Caarrie commented on 04.08.2008 23:52

removing xordan from assignee per request from him

Jörg Müller commented on 17.08.2008 10:05

Just to mention the current state for those players researching on this: The spell is currently disabled on laanx.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 24.03.2009 23:22

First of all, I think you are pretty stupid keeping hurting yourself with this spell for a long time after the positive effect stopped :)
I cast the spell a few times until my low physical stamina was 100% again. This only cost me a few %hp. I hit it another 50 times or so until my hp reached 0.1%. Then nothing happened. WHen it was 0.4% it did someting again, going to 0.1% etc.
So not only does this spell work, it also stops stupid people from killing themselves. Fixed!


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