
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Engine → Magic System
  • Assigned To
    Kenneth Graunke
  • Operating System
  • Severity Critical
  • Priority
  • Reported Version
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Caarrie - 28.10.2007
Last edited by Lanarel - 25.04.2009

FS#542 - cant kill rat with freeze at low levels of blue way

Petition: if you freeze a rat freeze a rat it’s life grows real fast if you dont hit hit hard eough to kill in one hit you can keep hitting it with out killing

If you have low levels of blue way you cant use it to kill a simple rat with the freeze spell he will regain hp much faster then you can kill him

The task depends upon
ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
494 PlaneShift  FS#494 - Weakness spell seems bugged  Critical Kenneth Graunke, Mike Gist, Michael Cummings, Victor Fischer
1084 PlaneShift  FS#1084 - Freeze spell is exploitable  Medium
Closed by  Lanarel
25.04.2009 21:27
Reason for closing:  
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Arianna commented on 28.10.2007 07:07

It is unclear who confirmed this bug report, so changing it back to unconfirmed.

Additionally, the bug report in itself is a bit complicated to follow. I apologize but I have hard time understanding it. Could it be made it clear so it is feasible to understand what is this about, how to reproduce it and such?

Caarrie commented on 28.10.2007 11:25

if you have lets say lvl 1 in blue way it is almost impossible to kill a rat unless you have a high level in some other skill to use that to kill the rat as his health will regenerate very fast. I confirmed this on laanx.

Caarrie commented on 28.10.2007 11:57

see  bug 494  comment
Comment by Mordaan (Mordaan) - Tuesday, 23 October 2007, 23:03 GMT-4
For the aspect of a monster’s HP regenerating really fast, I’ve also noticed that with the freeze spell. I’m not sure if that was reported in the old bug tracker (I lost the link to do an advanced query - I seem to remember something about the freeze spell there but I’m not sure if this was it). But if you cast freeze repeatedly in quick fashion, and wait for the mob to start regenerating, it goes faster than normal. If you then start casting another spell like arrow or flame burst, it regenerates really fast. It stays that way whenever anyone else attacks it. I’m not sure if that’s related to this bug but I decided to add the comment here since the health regeneration part described sounds very similar. Maybe it’s caused in the same way. At least in this case your own health is uneffected.

Arianna commented on 29.10.2007 06:43

Assigned to Xordan/Kayden.

Mike Gist commented on 29.10.2007 06:53

Freeze isn’t designed to be a very offensive spell on its own, but to be an aid. However it doesn’t appear to be much of an aid if it’s bugged like this..
I can only assume that the undo script (for the add operation) is bugged.. which makes it one of many. If Kenny isn’t able to take a look at this soon then I’ll drag myself into that code and try and see what’s up.

Piotr commented on 01.11.2007 13:30

I have seen this many time this month (in .020):
1. choose a monster
2. use freeze (successfully)
3. you will see the monster’s health dropping and after a few seconds
4. its health doesn’t stop, but start to increase
My blue skill is 7.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 02.11.2007 11:46

I just tried to kill a rat with freeze (I think I am near level 10 in blue), and I observed the same problem as with the weakness spell: after a while when casting repeatedly, instead of decreasing, the hp of the rat goes up really fast instead of down. THis seems the exact same bug. I did not wait to see if my own hp would go down as in the other bug though, and killed the rat by other means.

edit: added weakness  bug 494  as dependency

Kenneth Graunke commented on 13.12.2007 11:23

Confirming this on trunk…still broken.

Dajoji commented on 08.02.2008 17:02

Comparing other magic way spells at low level to a low level Blue Way’s effectiveness with Freeze, it seems very unbalanced (as if the spell were cast with a high spell power and not at the default 0%). I’m not sure if it is meant to fail this often. And then you have the restoring HP problem which has been detailed above but, just in case, I’d like to emphasize that there seem to be two problems, and not just one.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 08.02.2008 20:03

Since this is the only of several similar magic bugs that is actually confirmed on trunk, it should have the highest priority. No idea why it was not yet.

volker commented on 10.02.2008 06:41

last time I checked you can cast the spell once and it works. if you cast another before the spell effect stops, it will cause a permanent quick regeneration on the monster. I also mentioned this in  bug 494 . I assume the spell is intended to be cast that way (as it doesn’t hurt twice as much if you freeze someone to the same temperature twice at the same time), but triggering the regeneration is not a good way to enforce this.
as to the balance, all the two blue glyphs allow you to cast first realm spells, one of them bugged for months, the other at this time pretty useless. in other words blue way is simply not supported at the moment. the main usage for blue - cure poison - is of course not needed as long as poison is not being used in the game.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 10.02.2008 18:52

I could not even hurt a rogue once with freeze. It keeps avoiding the spell. So I agree that it is unbalanced at least. Several of the DOT spells seem to be messed up, which may be fixed in trunk, but we have no way to test with 100% certainty that it will be fixed on Laanx too (at least not enough to convince me :) ).

Kenneth Graunke commented on 12.02.2008 23:56

I very much doubt any of the magic stacking issues are fixed on trunk.

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 17.02.2008 23:34

From  bug 1084 , “Please disable this spell temporarily to prevent further exploiting”, as players cast it on each other.

Mike Gist commented on 17.02.2008 23:45


Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 07.03.2008 21:19

If any of the devs plans to work in this bug, please set status to ‘in progress’. If not, please advice who to assign this to.

Tobias commented on 22.04.2008 04:02

I tried using the freeze spell to kill a rat. It had absolutely no effect whatsoever. No damage at all. What is this?

volker commented on 22.04.2008 06:40

as you can read above, the spell effect of freeze has been disabled pending a fix.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 25.05.2008 15:37

Still not working with gms on test server with latest improvements to magic

Caarrie commented on 04.08.2008 23:49

removing xordan from assignee per request from him

Jörg Müller commented on 17.08.2008 12:39

Any news on this one? It’s still disabled…

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 24.03.2009 20:23

Seems this is disabled on weltalls server too.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 22.04.2009 22:40

This seems to be the only spell from all the bug reports that is actually not working (besides a few not correctly implemented ones). Target keeps ‘avoiding the freezing mist’, even if target has all skills at 10 and caster at 200.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 25.04.2009 21:27

Spell works and is quite strong. Killing another strong char in seconds. There are some skills/stats that might cause this spell not to have any effect though. Anyway, this works as intended.

Mordaan commented on 26.04.2009 20:53

\o/ Great to see these magic bugs finally being addressed. Good work, Lanarel. And Kayden, and anyone else working on these.

Project Manager
Lanarel commented on 26.04.2009 21:10

I just test them :) Kayden did all the work.


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