
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
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  • Assigned To
    Mike Gist
  • Operating System
  • Severity Medium
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  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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Attached to Project: PlaneShift
Opened by Erodare Lenizus - 05.07.2008
Last edited by Mike Gist - 12.07.2008

FS#1872 - Issues with Torches

Weight is 16 - same as my chainmail torso armor
Size is 80 - my chainmail pants are 8
Icon art in inventory needs to be rotated 90 degrees so the quantity number is legible
When picking up several torches, they don't auto-stack

Also, I've been seeing what I think are "ghosts" of torches with no one near them…campfires?


Closed by  Mike Gist
12.07.2008 13:09
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- Fix committed.

Mike commented on 05.07.2008 18:23

I would like to confirm the Flame/smoke effect issue and suggest a reason for them. If a player disappears for some reason (Teleport, enabling invisibility, crashing/DCing and the dwarf /pos issue) the flame effect stays visible for any client that was on that map at the time. It is possible to clear them by restarting the client, and maybe just by crossing a loading zone.

peeg commented on 05.07.2008 18:25


I just ran into one of the ghost-dwarfs - he had a torch equipped and produced a trail of effects while glitching around.

Might be related to  FS#1834 

Zetsumei commented on 06.07.2008 10:04

I'm not sure whether this is a bug or not, but you can see torches from quite a distance away; I was easily 300 meters or more from the source, but could still see it.

Torches also give me terrible lag.

Tomislav Lukman commented on 10.07.2008 15:08

I get "ghost torches" when someone disconnects. Player model and the torch model disappear but the particles remain (flame and smoke). Looks like someone forgot to check for torch flame when deleting the character from memory - which might lead to memory leaks.

peeg commented on 11.07.2008 16:07

This is my first stab at the ghost torches.
Attached patch makes psCelClient::RemoveObject() also remove all effects and lights that are connected to the object's appearance.

Another more simple way to achieve roughly the same is to call psCharAppearance::ClearEquipment() when the object is removed, but that looks more expensive and a bit hacky to me ;)

Steven Schwartfeger commented on 12.07.2008 11:21

Tested Peeg's patch on svn trunk, it removed the torch after a client quit and a crash.

Mike Gist commented on 12.07.2008 11:44

Actually, ClearEquipment probably should be called in the dtor of psCharAppearance.
Can you try that and see if it works? If so then that is the preferred solution. It's what I wrote that function for :)

peeg commented on 12.07.2008 12:22

Xordan: Yep, that actually works. :) The calls to psCharAppearance::Detach() in ::ClearEquipment() still confuse me a bit. Why do we detach everything if the object's going to be removed anyway?

Mike Gist commented on 12.07.2008 13:01

You don't know it's going to be removed, that's just one possibility.

Mike Gist commented on 12.07.2008 13:11

Please open another bug ticket for the other issues, they're data problems.


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